My Daughter Was My Sworn Enemy In Past Life

Chapter 79


He Shaoting turned pale after hearing this: "She actually followed first?!"

Without waiting for Changfeng to answer, he hurriedly called Fan Guang and Cao Sheng to take his men and go straight to the east gate.

However, he said that Changshun was ordered by Tang Junyao that day, and arranged for someone to throw bait on Zhe Liu, and he dressed up as various inconspicuous characters to guard outside Yu Wang's mansion every day, for fear of missing the trend of Zhe Liu.

Less than half a month later, he finally waited for Zhe Liu to go out again.

He followed him without saying a word, followed him through the streets and alleys not far or near, turning east and west for nearly half an hour, the places he passed became more and more remote, and he followed him after about half an hour. to a barren mountain.

Immediately, he watched Zhe Liu walk to a grave, squatted down, took the incense, candles, paper, money and other items in the basket and lit it.

He secretly said: It turned out that he was going to the grave, but he did not know who he was worshipping, and what did it have to do with her

For fear of disturbing the other party, he deliberately found a hidden place to hide himself. In less than a quarter of an hour, he saw Zhe Liu get up and head home with the empty basket.

After hesitating for a moment, he hurried to the tomb and observed it carefully. Just as he was about to look at the words engraved on the tombstone, he suddenly saw that the soil under the tombstone seemed to have been moved. When his mind moved, he squatted down and dug out the mud. As he dug, his fingers touched a hard object like a bamboo tube. He quickly dug it out. He saw that it was a bamboo tube as thick as a thumb. His middle finger was about the same.

He opened the bamboo tube, saw a small note inside, took it out and spread it out, saw the words 'Xu Feixu' written on it, he was puzzled for a while, so he quickly put it back where it was and buried it again it is good.

Although Tang Junyao made up a true and false story to lure Zhe Liu, he knew that although the bait was thrown, he was not sure when the other party would take the bait. Until that day, when she saw Changshun returning to life with a face full of shame, she only said that she had a chance to find out where the remnants were staying, but she was careless and let the other party run away from her eyes.

Tang Junyao asked carefully. By the way, Chang saw that Zhe Liu buried a note of 'Xu Feixu' next to the tombstone. About an hour later, a middle-aged man pretended to go to the grave and took the note.

He followed the man into the city, and watched the other party scramble to the crowded places, and without paying attention, the other party's figure disappeared into the crowd, and he could never be found again.

Tang Junyao was naturally disappointed that he couldn't track down Fang Yi's whereabouts, but he didn't say much, and he didn't blame him for being negligent.

But although she didn't blame her, Chang Shun blamed herself, secretly vowing to find out the whereabouts of the other party no matter what.

Tang Junyao didn't know what he was thinking, and only thought of the words 'Xu Feixu'.

Xu Fei Xu, the first Xu should refer to Xu Tingruo in Yu Wangfu. As for the second Xu, is it referring to Xu Tingwan or the daughter of the Xu family? No matter what, Zhe Liu can realize the importance of the word 'Xu', which shows that she must be someone Fang Yi can trust.

What she didn't expect was that Zhe Liu would actually tip off the news in this way, but unfortunately she didn't catch anyone this time, so she had to think differently. Fortunately, the enemy is in the dark and I am in the dark, and there is no way to lead them out.

It's just that before she could come up with a new method, after half a month, Chang Chuan hurriedly sent a bodyguard to come back, saying that Zhe Liu suddenly took a leave of absence, left Yu Wang's mansion, went into a grocery store, and then escaped. People's eyes and eyes saw the city and joined the man who took the note that day.

Tang Junyao was startled, then overjoyed, and immediately sent Changfeng over and ordered him to go to General Zhongyong's mansion to inform He Shaoting of the incident. She changed into men's clothes, and after thinking about it, she brought the whip given to her by Emperor Tianxi. , and then she was about to go out with the escort Tang Songnian sent to her.

Unexpectedly, before she slipped out, she met Tang Huaizhou, who was returning as a visitor.

Tang Huai raised his eyebrows when he saw her dressed like this on Monday and said, "You are getting more and more indulgent! You come here every once in a while, how can a girl's family rush to meet people like this? No, I have to meet you. go together!"

If it was just to meet with He Shaoting, it would be fine, but this time there was something important, so Tang Junyao naturally couldn't bring him along. But Tang Huaizhou was a rare persistence. She was helpless and anxious to go out, so she had to agree.

Seeing the carriage drive out of the city, Tang Huaizhou only woke up. Dare his sister didn't go to see He Shaoting, but really had something else to do? But why didn't she say anything

But at this moment, it is not convenient for him to go into details, and he can only follow her on horseback.

And after He Shaoting got the news from Changfeng, he led someone to chase him without saying a word. He went out of the east gate and chased along the moat. He chased for a long distance without seeing the familiar figure. Some hurry.

That daring girl wouldn't chase after her alone, would she? What if it was discovered!

Thinking of this possibility, his hand holding the reins couldn't help but tremble a bit, urging the horse to gallop even more. When he was getting closer and closer to the agreed forest ten miles away, he slowly tightened the reins and lowered his speed.

He sat high on the steed and looked around with sharp eyes, but he never saw Tang Junyao. There was silence in the woods, only the clattering sound of the branches and leaves swaying in the wind, mixed with the chirping of birds and insects. Looking around, they were tall and sturdy trees with lush branches and leaves, and there was no half a figure!

He was uneasy, because he didn't know whether the enemy was also in the woods, so he didn't dare to call out loudly.

"Do you think that girl has fallen into the enemy's hands?" Fan Guang asked Cao Sheng a little uneasily after searching for nearly half an hour but no one was found.

How could Cao Sheng dare to talk nonsense, but he couldn't find anyone for a while, and the general was so anxious. If the girl really had an accident, what would happen to the general!

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and find someone." He scolded and paused, thinking that Tang Yunyao slipped faster than anyone else when he met those remnants of the previous dynasty outside the city, and his lips unknowingly took it. With a bit of a smile, "Miss Tang is very clever, and she is very careful not to put herself in danger."

Although Fan Guang didn't know why he was so determined, he was a little relieved. Although I don't like seeing that little demon girl very much, I hope she can be safe, and don't ask anything. After all, only in front of that little demon girl will his general have a rare smile on his face.

But Tang Huaizhou, who just followed his sister out on a whim, became more and more suspicious after walking all the way. Not only is my sister not going to meet people, but she seems to be stalking people.

Finally, taking advantage of the opportunity to abandon the horse, he grabbed Tang Junyao and asked in a low voice, "Tell me honestly, who are you following? Why are you following them? But have a grudge against them?"

Tang Junyao said vaguely: "I can't tell you in detail right now, I'll tell you when I go back."

After thinking about it, he reminded: "Anyway, you have to remember not to let them find out, otherwise your life will not be guaranteed!"

Tang Huaizhou was taken aback: "There is still a life-threatening concern? What did you have a grudge against?"

But Tang Junyao had no time to pay attention to him anymore, her eyes stared straight at Fang Yi who finally appeared in the distance, her whole body suddenly tensed, her fists clenched tightly, her eyes gradually condensed with deep hatred.

It was this person, who ruined her life in her last life, fooled her all her life, and taught her to kill each other.

"Isn't she the thief that the government issued the sea arrest document some time ago? Could it be you..." Tang Huaizhou also recognized the other party at this time, and was momentarily surprised, only when he saw the undisguised hatred and killing intent in his sister's eyes Suddenly, he was stunned.

When did Baoya have a grudge against this person

He was silent for a moment, then slowly stretched out his hand, gently wrapped the clenched fist, and said softly: "Bao Ya, you must remember that you are the treasure in the palm of your parents, don't let hatred encroach on yours. In your heart, your father and brother will take care of everything for you."

Tang Junyao's body froze, he turned his face subconsciously, and instantly met the gentle smiling face.

The person in front of him, with picturesque brows, as gentle as jade, has grown into the same elegant young man as in his previous life before he knew it. But compared to the gentleness and politeness on the surface in the previous life, and the indifference and alienation in reality, he in this life seems to have added a bit of warmth, and even his eyebrows have been relieved a lot.

In his last life, he also had a lot of calculations on her, and of course, she responded rudely. In this life, they have framed and slandered each other a lot, noisily but laughing and growing up together. He is also the closest person to her.

Unconsciously, she felt that her nose was a little sour and her vision was a little hazy, so she hurriedly lowered her head to cover it up.

After Fang Yi received the note from Zhe Liu, she was puzzled at first, but after thinking about it, she was shocked.

Isn't the current Xu Tingruo a girl from the Xu family? !

If she is not really a girl from the Xu family, and her birthplace and birth date are also fake, wouldn't she have wasted more than ten years of her thoughts on her? She even lost a lot of people because of her.

She was anxious and annoyed, and suddenly there was a bitter taste in her throat, and she vomited blood with a slap.

"Master!" Tu Yi and the others were shocked when they saw this, and hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

"I want to see Zhe Liu, I will see her immediately, immediately, at all costs!!" After the anger in her heart subsided a little, she made the only impulsive decision in her life.

Tuyi and others tried to persuade her not to, so they had to make arrangements.

At this moment, Fang Yi listened to Zhe Liu Jiang's old woman's search for her grand-niece that day, and told her in detail and word for word, her already pale face turned pale.

Although she knew that the old woman's words might not be completely believed, but the fact that the other party could say Xu Tingwan's name was enough to teach her to tremble with fear.

At that time, except for the twin sisters Xu Tingwan and Xu Tingruo, everyone else in the Xu family had died cleanly. Naturally, there would be no omissions in the corpses that she personally brought people to examine.

Her mind was in chaos, and she still unknowingly had doubts about Xu Tingruo's life experience.

"Master, let's go, Zhao's lackeys are chasing after me!" Suddenly, a subordinate rushed towards her, shouting loudly as they ran.

Her face changed drastically, and Tuyi and the others immediately ran to the depths of the woods to protect her: "Come on!"

Tang Junyao was just looking at the enemy from a distance, but suddenly she heard someone shouting 'Master, run quickly', and then she saw Fangyi and the others running towards her, and without thinking about it, she immediately ordered her to take the lead. The two guards who came: "Hurry up and stop them, our people must be here!"