My Daughter Was My Sworn Enemy In Past Life

Chapter 81


"Who is Xuan Qing?" Tang Huai Zhou asked inexplicably.

"It's a well-known Taoist priest in Chaoyun Temple in Anping County. When we were in Anping County, my grandmother and mother went to him for a peace amulet every time they had anything." Tang Junyao explained. .

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Tang Huaizhou looking at her strangely, and was puzzled for a while: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"When we were still in Anping County... Baoya, how old were you then? How could you still remember so clearly?" Tang Huaizhou said angrily.

Tang Junyao was stunned for a rare moment, and finally realized that he was stupid again, scratched his face, but still insisted: "That's natural, I'm not as forgetful as you when you were young, no matter how young. I can remember things clearly.”

Tang Huaizhou muttered, "No wonder you hold such a vengeance for urinating!"

He Shaoting reluctantly looked at the pair of brothers and sisters, and then whispered to Cao Sheng to lead someone to check the scene so that there could be a living hole, and he walked to the Tuyi lying on the ground not far away, and after a closer inspection, he knew that the other party was indeed Breathe out.

With a sword in his heart, he killed him with one sword, but what happened to the sword he made up later? Inexplicably, he tapped another wound on Tuyi's heart, full of suspicion.

Tang Junyao noticed his movements, and quickly glanced at his expression, suddenly feeling a little guilty. Afraid that he would ask who made up the second sword, she quickly diverted his attention: "Brother Ting, since you know that Xuanqing rescued Yu Niefangyi from the previous dynasty, shouldn't you immediately hunt them down? Yunguan, Xuanqing has been in Guanli for many years, maybe a lot of slanderous things are also committed in Guanli, and the court should also investigate it thoroughly."

He Shaoting really ignored Tuyi's corpse, nodded and said, "You are right. I will report to Your Majesty what happened today, and I will also request a thorough search of Chaoyun Temple."

"I'll go with you too!" Tang Junyao said impatiently.

She also wanted to see for the first time, what exactly did Xuan Qingfang and the others hide in Chaoyun Temple? By the way, she remembered that when she saw Xuanqing for the first time, the old Taoist gave her an old jade pendant, but she threw it away, as if her grandmother picked it up later, and she will go to her grandmother to get it someday. If you want to come over, show it to Sai Shenxian to see what the name of that thing is.

"No!!" Two male voices rejected her words at the same time.

Tang Huaizhou was the first to say: "Bao Ya, let me tell you, you should keep me calm and honest, and you are not allowed to run around in the end! You are a daughter of a thousand gold and a lady, even if you pretend to be a lady, you have to pretend to be a lady. come in like this!"

"Chaoyunguan is too far from the capital. It's inconvenient for you as a girl, and Master Tang and Madam Tang will not be at ease. I promise you, if you find something, you will not hide it from you. What do you think?" He Shaoting said patiently. .

Tang Junyao was not convinced, but he knew that they would not agree easily, so he just stared at them angrily without refuting anything.

Regardless of whether you agree or not, I will definitely find a way to follow me anyway! she secretly said.

Xuanqing was one of the main culprits that caused her to be separated from flesh and blood in her previous life, and she must go to find out for herself. Of course, she insisted on doing this not only for herself, but also for Yan Wu, hoping to have the opportunity to find out the origin of Yan Wu's life, and at least let her be a clear ghost.

And these, she couldn't make it clear to the two people in front of her.

"I tell you, don't think about sneaking away in the future, the most urgent thing is to think about how to explain to your mother when you go back. Look at your gray-headed and gray-faced embarrassed appearance, oh, even your clothes are torn. I see, I see what you can do!" Tang Huaizhou didn't understand her thoughts, so he taught him a lesson.

Tang Junyao looked down at the clothes on her body, they were dirty, and there were indeed a few scratches on the sleeves. She took out the handkerchief and wiped her face again. When she looked again, the clean handkerchief had also become dirty, showing how dirty her face was.

She wailed suddenly, especially when she saw the vague smile on He Shaoting's lips, she was even more annoyed.

So she just swayed in front of Brother Ting with a cat face like this

"Have you ever been injured?" He Shaoting asked worriedly.

"Never hurt." She shook her head and waved again.

He Shaoting took a closer look worriedly, and saw that she didn't seem to be injured, so he felt relieved.

"Next time, don't be reckless. Brother Zhou is right. You are a girl's family and a lady. These dangerous things should be handled by someone who should do them. You shouldn't worry about it." Thinking of this girl's boldness The bureau led the snake out of the hole, and He Shaoting couldn't help but have a headache.

Tang Junyao was dissatisfied. If it wasn't about herself, she wouldn't worry about it, and she wasn't too busy to do anything.

But she knew that she couldn't reverse the thoughts of these two people, so she didn't explain much. Anyway, she must make a break with Fangyi and the others.

Tuyi was killed today, and Fang Yi was whipped again, but it was just to repay the interest they owed them in the previous life, and it was not enough to compensate for the harm they had done to themselves.

"Alright, alright, it's getting late, and if you don't go back, you really don't know how to tell your parents." Tang Huai Zhou looked at the sky and hurriedly urged.

He Shaoting nodded. He would also report this matter to His Majesty as soon as possible, and then go to Anping County to thoroughly search Chaoyunguan to see if there are any new discoveries.

Afraid that they would not be able to communicate with each other if they were to go back late, the Tang brothers and sisters simply packed up and hurriedly got on the carriage back to the house.

When the carriage was moving, Tang Junyao did not forget to stick his head out of the window, and urged He Shaoting: "Brother Ting, when you go to Anping County, you must tell me in advance. Otherwise, I will secretly tell you when the time comes. Slip away, don't you have to worry more?"

The clear voice of the girl's family gradually faded away, He Shaoting helplessly stroked his forehead, Fan Guang looked surprised: "General, is she considered a threat?"

Isn't that a threat? Knowing that he would be worried... He sighed, but there was nothing he could do with the stubborn girl. With her temperament, if she really insisted on going, no one would be able to stop her.

It is better to think of a suitable reason for Dayu to control the water. It is better to bring her upright with the consent of Master Tang and Madam Tang. Wouldn't it be even more worrying if she really sneaked away when she got it

"Tang Baoya, let me tell you, you will give me rules in the future, and you are not allowed to slip out. If you don't listen, and run around under the banner of going to see the fifth princess, I will tell my mother and see what happens to you!" On the way back to the house, Tang Huaizhou kept warning.

Today, he was really frightened, and he almost lost his life several times. Although there was no danger in the end, when he thought that his sister had provoked that kind of person at some point, he was terrified.

Tang Junyao hummed and insisted for a while, "Anyway, I must go to Anping County!"

After he finished speaking, he leaned on the car window again, and said with a smile to Tang Huaizhou, who was on horseback guarding the outside: "Brother, instead of warning me here, it is better to help me think of a way to see how I can get my parents to agree to my trip. You I know my temperament, since I made up my mind to go, it is useless for anyone to say anything."

"You!" Tang Huaizhou stared at her hateful smiling face angrily, and turned his face away without looking out of sight.

Tang Junyao covered his mouth with joy, knowing that he had listened to his own words.

The sunset on the horizon was as red as fire, the carriage stopped at the back door of Tang Mansion, Tang Huaizhou also turned over and dismounted, Tang Junyao also jumped off the carriage neatly, and the two sneaked into the mansion with the cooperation of Lan Chun.

"Brother, I said it's still early, Daddy hasn't come back yet? But you don't worry. I see that even if you go to my house and drink a few cups, Daddy may not come back!" Like when she left earlier, Tang Junyao breathed a sigh of relief, unable to hide his smugness.

Tang Huaizhou snorted: "If it wasn't for you, I would be like a thief when I go back to my house."

Immediately afterwards, he waved at her in disgust: "Go quickly, go back and change your clothes, so as not to be seen by your parents."

"What's the hurry, why don't you come in and drink two cups." Suddenly, a mellow voice came from the room, and then the door was opened from the inside. The two brothers and sisters looked over subconsciously and saw that Tang Songnian and Ruan Shi were doing well Sitting inside looking at them.

"Father, mother!" The two brothers and sisters called in unison, looking at each other quickly, and then looking at Tang Songnian's half-smile, Ruan's face disapproved. The legs stepped into the house.

"It just so happened that new tea came into the house today. Why don't I order someone to make it again. You two brothers and sisters drink a few more cups, and then you can make up your own words. How can you fool me?" Tang Songnian's tone was quite gentle, and he said: Very kindly suggested.

Tang Huaizhou's scalp was numb, and he didn't dare to say more, but Tang Junyao quickly calmed down and leaned in front of him with a smile: "Daddy is the smartest person in the world, what can we do? How dare you fool you!"

"Where's the dirty boy, go away!" Tang Songnian used his palm as a fan with a look of disgust, and fanned at the end of his nose.

The smile on Tang Junyao's face suddenly froze, looking at him aggrievedly.

It was despised!

"Father, mother, I was wrong, I shouldn't be messing around with my sister." Tang Huaizhou simply admitted his mistake, as sincere as he was.

But Tang Songnian didn't like his tricks, he flicked his robe lightly, and said lightly: "Since you have made a mistake, you should be punished, the two of you go down to the porch and stand, when I think it's okay, when will you be fine? just come in."

scare? Punished again? ! Tang Junyao's eyes widened.

"Father, I'm all grown up, so it's not good to stand in a penalty stand." Tang Huaizhou's face stiffened, and he suggested in a low voice a little aggrieved.

Although Tang Junyao didn't speak, he nodded again and again, agreeing with his brother's words.

It's not a child, so it's not good to stand in a penalty station!

"If you grow up, naturally you won't make such mistakes again. Well, no need to say more, go out and stand!" Tang Songnian's face was stern, and there was no room for change.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, guilty in the end, knowing that this time it would be difficult to be kind, it is better to be obedient than to haggle and annoy him again.

Wanting to understand this, the two of them sighed at the same time, and walked out with their heads drooping.

"These two children, why are people so worried." Ruan shi shook his head helplessly.

Tang Songnian straightened his clothes, but his ears perked up, listening to the voice of the brother and sister outside.

"What are you doing with your head raised? Isn't your neck sore?" It was Tang Huaizhou's puzzled voice.

"I'm looking at God! Look at how beautiful the red one is. I want to see when it will turn purple. When it becomes purple, maybe my parents won't be annoyed!" Tang Jun Yao answered seriously.

"I believe you a ghost, you are a very bad girl, and you are talking nonsense again!" Tang Huaizhou snorted softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Wanqin walking in from outside the yard, quickly imitating his younger sister's appearance, raising his head with his hands behind his back and pretending to look up at the sky: "Aiya, Baoya, look, this day is so red and beautiful, Maybe it will become purple in the future!"

Tang Songnian in the room choked on his saliva for a while.