My Death God Roommate

Chapter 108: Save the second sister


In the early morning, a ray of sunlight shines into the bedroom of 403, warming the room.

The heat of midsummer has passed, and the autumn tiger has not dissipated. The temperature in the morning and evening is still very pleasant.

Birds and cicadas could be heard outside the window, and Murong opened his eyes.

She used to stay up at night, and during the three-month suspension, it was rare for her to live an ordinary life, but she was also used to getting up early.

Hao Jiefang complained to her many times, but fortunately, in another ten days, she will be able to return to her post. Hao Jiefang has really worked hard during this period, and I should thank him well.

Murong didn't move, Sang Yu was hugging her, and from the slow and long breathing, it could be judged that the people around her were not awake.

Today is the sixth day since Sang Yu moved back to 403, the guest room has already been cleaned up, but Sang Yu stubbornly "lais" in Murong's room and refuses to leave.

In the first day or two, Sang Yu said that the guest room was getting crowded, and Murong didn't suspect him, so he took the initiative to keep her in his room, and even bought a dehumidifier.

On the third or fourth day, Sang Yu said: She slept very peacefully at Murong's place, and she will go back to the guest room to sleep tomorrow.

Until yesterday, Murong wanted to see what "reason" Sang Yu had, but when she came back from washing, Sang Yu had already fallen asleep. He came to his side and hugged himself.

Mu Rong's personal belongings are few, and even less furniture. In order to make the room look less empty, he specially bought a bed of 1.8 by 2 meters. Two slender girls can sleep on it, but it can be very loose, but every day When he woke up in the morning, Murong was still sleeping in his own position and barely moved.

Sang Yu squeezed beside her, and the bed on the other side was almost empty.

Murong rested his arms on his pillow and looked at the blue sky outside the window. After another ten minutes, the people around him let out a lazy snort and slowly woke up.

"Well... good morning." The voice carried the haze and softness of a newly awakened person.

Murong turned his head to look at the people around him, and hooked the corners of his mouth: "Morning."

In the past few days in the same room, she has figured out Sang Yu's habits. After waking up, she would lie on the bed for a while before getting up. Seeing that she was falling asleep again, Murong said softly: "Get up, your sister, hurry up!" coming."

Sang Yu took out the mobile phone under the pillow with her eyes closed, forced her eyes to take a look, and replied lazily: "It's only seven fifty, my sister usually doesn't cook until after eight, let me close my eyes again." After a while~" After saying that, he closed his eyes again.

Ah Meow suddenly stuck her head out through the wall: "Why do I feel like the conversation between the two of you is cheating?"

Sang Yu suddenly opened his eyes, saw that Murong was looking at him, blushed, and turned his face away: "Murong~ Ah Meow bullied me."

"Ah! You villain should sue first!" Ah Miao swished her head back.

Murong glanced at the empty wall, and patted Sang Yu's arm on her abdomen: "Get up, my suspension period will end in ten days, let's discuss it, and hurry up to deal with Second Sister Liu's affairs."

"Take me with you~"

"I'm afraid it won't work. I'll be there soon in my soul body state. Besides, how can you tell your sister about this?"

"However, Liu Hongde's house is very remote. After getting off the plane, we have to take a bus for several hours, then take a minivan, and then walk for several hours on a dirt road. We have to climb two mountains to reach their village. If there is no Yanyan to guide us, we will It is impossible to find it. Their village is so closed that there is no mobile phone signal. When the soul of Second Sister Liu was crushed under the stone statue, eight strong men were found to lift the stone statue, and they dug the ground three feet to bury the clay pot that sealed Second Sister Liu. Underground, and the stone statue was pushed up, there is a strange seal on that pottery pot, I have never seen it before, others cannot see you in the state of soul body, if I am not by your side, who will help you?"

"Then think about how to tell your sister. It will take about a few days?"

"If all goes well, it will take four days to go back and forth. On the way, you need to stay in a dilapidated house in the mountains for one night before you can climb two mountains."

"Why is it so remote, what's the name of that place?"

"From Huailing, to Yuexiang Village."

Two days later, Mu Rong and Sang Yu embarked on a journey to save Second Sister Liu.

Sang Yu and Sang Tong said: The last trip did not take Ah Miao, she has been bitter about it for a long time, this time she wants to take Ah Miao out for a few days to make up for it.

As expected, Sang Tong was worried.

So Sang Yu asked Murong to accompany her. The protagonist of this trip was Ah Miao, and Sang Tong would definitely not be happy if she followed along. Moreover, Murong was due to work in ten days, so it was a rare opportunity.

The most important thing is: Su Sifang is ill, and Sang Tong cannot leave.

Su Sifang has never been sick since he joined Dazong's sect.

At first I thought it was just a small cold, but unexpectedly, the disease became more and more serious. At night, I often had a fever and talked nonsense. I was so weak that I had to suspend classes in the morning and evening.

Sang Tong has been taking care of her for the past few days, and she doesn't go to the shop. Think carefully about letting Sang Yu go out to have fun. First, she can concentrate all her energy on taking care of Su Sifang. Second, Su Sifang's illness is weird. It is very inconvenient for Sang Yu to rescue from the bureau.

Sang Yu and Mu Rong got off the plane and went straight to the passenger terminal. While waiting for the bus, they had a simple meal. At first, Ah Miao complained: the first trip specially prepared for her came to such a poor place.

Knowing that this trip was to save Second Sister Liu, who was framed to death by an unscrupulous family member and was suppressed to survive, Ah Miao was more active than everyone else.

They need to take a bus for four hours and a passenger car for five hours.

Halfway through the journey, there were only a few passengers left in the car, and the scenery outside the window became more and more desolate.

Sang Yu turned on her mobile phone, but the signal was very unstable. She opened the web page and entered the three words "Li Huailing", but Qiandu, who has always been omnipotent, did not provide an answer.

Then input the six characters "Li Huailing Yuexiang Village", the result is still the same.

This had to make Sang Yu think again: when Luo Ruyan showed her the picture before, what happened to the two sisters of the Liu family made her sad and angry, and she ignored other things.

Looking back now, everything in Yuexiang Village seemed to be against harmony.

For example: Even Mount Everest is covered by the signal, but Yuexiang Village has no mobile signal.

Another example: everything in the village has a strong sense of the times, it looks like an old movie in the 1960s and 1970s, no matter in terms of architectural style or people's clothing, it is not like the twenty-one century.

Sang Yu was a little uneasy, and subconsciously leaned towards Murong, only to regain some sense of security.

Luo Ruyan felt Sang Yu's emotions, and comforted her, "Don't worry about Xiao Yu, she will be fine with Mu Rong here."

Since it was the first time they came, Sangyu's itinerary was not well arranged. It was almost dark when they got off the car, and after searching for two hours, they found a dilapidated hotel with an old-fashioned yellow light bulb hanging in front of the door.

To be on the safe side, the two took a room with the owner, a lame one-eyed man in his fifties who was bald and emaciated.

When looking at people, the eyes are straight, especially the bad eye, which is not looking in the same direction as the other eye, which makes people feel creepy.

Stepping on the old wooden floor, it made an overwhelmed sound. Their room was at the end of the hotel corridor, and there was a musty smell in the air as soon as they entered the room.

Sang Yu frowned: "Boss, are there any other rooms?"

The boss once again stared at Sang Yu with those strange eyes, and said in a low voice: "Yes, there are, but it's not very clean."

This sentence sounded more like a pun. Sang Yu looked around nervously and shivered. Murong took a step sideways and stood between the boss and Sang Yu: "This is the room, thank you."

The boss grinned, showing a row of yellow and blackened teeth, and limped out.

Murong opened the backpack, found a few changes of clothes and spread them on the pillow and sheets: "Go to rest early, you will have a lot of exercise tomorrow, don't be afraid, I will watch over you."

Murong let Sang Yu lie down inside, moved a chair and put it beside the bed, and put his body on the bed, and Murong in black robe floated out.

Murong in the black robe sat down on the chair: "Go to sleep."

Sang Yu obediently said "Yes", covered her and Mu Rong with the clothes she brought, and closed her eyes.

Murong gave Ah Miao a wink, and the latter came out through the wall knowingly. After more than ten minutes, Ah Miao came back, walked up to Murong on tiptoe, and whispered in her ear: "This hotel has died. People, there is an old lady parked in the diagonally opposite room, is Lord Murong going to take a look?"

Murong raised an index finger to his lips: "I'll talk about it when I get back."

Sang Yu woke up at five o'clock, and when she opened her eyes, she saw that Murong was still guarding the bedside in the same posture as last night, with a warm current flowing through the center, full of stability.

The two had breakfast, bought some food and water and continued on the road.

This time they were not very lucky. They didn't encounter any passing trucks or even bullock carts. They walked for nearly five hours on the dirt road before reaching the foot of the mountain.

After turning over the two big mountains in front of you, you will reach Lihuailing, and after walking for two or three hours on the dirt road, you will reach Yuexiang Village.

Mu Rong took out toilet water and sprayed it on Sang Yu and herself, and then found two long-sleeved clothes and put them on.

Wearing Mu Rong's clothes, Sang Yu said gratefully, "You're still careful, I didn't even bring autumn clothes."

Mu Rong didn't speak. In the world of the painting, Sang Yu accompanied her to visit Mu Haijun's grave. The mountain was also like this. The weeds were half the height of a person, and some had barbs on them.

There are also some plant seeds that get caught on the clothes, and it hurts the skin when it is scraped. That time, the arm of Sangyu in the painting was cut.

Ah Meow looked up, and the mountain in front of him was lush and green, but there was no road: "There will be no snakes, right? Are there any tigers and bears?"

Mu Rong obviously had the same concerns as Ah Miao, and she said to the emptiness, "A Miao, go ahead and explore the way, if you find something abnormal, tell Sang Yu immediately."

The author has something to say: I have accepted JJ. I started publishing at 50, but I just can’t make it up. It will be ready as soon as 12 o’clock, hahaha.

There is another chapter today, this chapter is on the 22nd.
