My Death God Roommate

Chapter 12: Toyo Corporation


When Mu Rong came home, Sang Yu was lying on the sofa and fell asleep.

Because A Ming was busy with his affairs until midnight, he came back and discussed with A Miao how to confess to Mu Rong and Mu Rong's reaction for a long time. He was so sleepy that he fell asleep while talking.

Murong looked at Sang Yu who was curled up on the sofa, and floated into his room.

The door opened, and Murong came out in pajamas, with a beige blanket on his arm.

"Wow, Master Murong is so gentle, I really want to be cared for like this!"

Sang Yu had something on her mind, and she didn't sleep soundly at all, but when Ah Miao called her out, she pouted and opened her eyes.

Murong pulled one end of the blanket, her long black hair brushed across her shoulders and fell in front of her eyes.

Sang Yu stared blankly at Mu Rong, not knowing whether the other party was a body or a soul, so she blinked and said nothing.

"Why are you sleeping here?"

"Well, sitting on the sofa thinking about something, I accidentally fell asleep."

"... Did you sleep well?"

Mu Rong seldom smiled, and when he spoke, he mostly spoke in a business-like tone, but Sang Yu felt that he was poked at the cute spot by this veteran cadre's air.

She pulled the blanket to cover half of her face: "It's good~"

Murong hooked the corners of his mouth, put his palms on his forehead, inserted his fingers into his hair, and brushed his hair back chicly, "That's good."

"Ah! Sang Yu, look quickly, Master Murong is not wearing a bra!"

Sang Yu subconsciously glanced at Mu Rong's chest, then quickly looked away.

She glared at Ah Miao, condemning this slut's behavior, and sat up holding the blanket, her cheeks blushing.

"What's wrong?"

Sang Yu looked at Ah Miao, who had a complex expression on her face, and held the blanket with both hands, made a "hug" gesture, stood up and wrapped herself around Mu Rong.

Sang Yu was half a head shorter than Murong, in order to protect the blanket from falling off, she had to cling to Murong's body tightly.

The distance between the two was so close that Sang Yu could even feel the hot breath from the other party, hitting her on the forehead.

Mu Rong's eyelashes were long and thick, casting a faint shadow on his eyes, and there was a little surprise in his originally calm gaze.

"Sang Yu! You actually took advantage of Master Murong!"

Murong frowned, and asked coldly, "What are you doing?"

Sang Yu's palm-sized face looked like a ripe apple. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Ah Miao with a smirk on his face, and replied in a panic, "You're not wearing underwear."

Murong was startled, and his eyes became even more strange.

Sang Yu wished she could bite off her tongue, and explained, "It's not me, it's Ah Miao who said it!"

"Ah! Sang Yu, how can you sell your teammates!"

He never expected that the "truth" that he had struggled with for nearly a night would be revealed in such an embarrassing situation.

Murong stared at Sang Yu for a long time, moved his shoulders, broke away from the other's hand, wrapped himself in a blanket and went back to the room without saying a word.

Murong in the black robe floated out, and Ah Miao, like a mouse seeing a cat, swished to the corner with a "whoosh".

"Can you see me?"

Sang Yu nodded.



Murong sat on the sofa: "So, you knew her before?"

Sang Yu nodded, and explained what happened: "I'm sorry, Mu Rong, I suddenly discovered your identity, and Ah Miao and I didn't know what to do for a while, and I was afraid that you would think that we would be separated if we told the truth. There is a picture, at that time, Ah Meow’s spiritual body was very weak, we needed your help very much, I am sorry for not confessing my yin and yang eyes to you.”

Murong lowered his eyes: "It's okay, but I have one condition."

"you say!"

"My identity, please don't reveal it to anyone."

"Of course, don't worry."

"Did you see that one too?"

"Um… "

After listening to the details of the matter, Mu Rong replied: "This matter ends here, and Hao Jiefang and I will deal with it later, so don't meddle in it."

"But… "

"No, but, you have to understand that although yin and yang eyes allow you to see more than ordinary people, in the end it is not a good thing. You should be glad that what you met this time is only a scorpion. If it is really a ghost cultivator from the Tang Dynasty, Even if you are separated by yin and yang, she still has ways to hurt you, when people's fortunes are always low, when the yang and fire are weak, they are easily violated by spirit bodies."

Sang Yu subconsciously raised her hand, pressed the necklace hanging around her neck, and remained silent.

Murong sighed softly, and slowed down his tone: "Before this matter is finished, you can go to the shop with me."

"good… "

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Murong and Sang Yu knocked on the door of 402.

A Ming's complexion was even worse than yesterday, and he was holding the music box in his hand, as if he had never let go of it.

The pestle reacted at the door for a long time before staggering out of the way.

After entering the room, Murong said straight to the point: "Give me the music box."

A Ming suddenly regained his energy, hugged the box in his arms, and took two steps back: "No!"

Murong followed A Ming and stared into his eyes: "If you keep this thing with you, it will probably kill you. Haven't you noticed that your health is getting worse?"

A Ming was startled, and then anger replaced doubt, he pushed Mu Rong hard, and roared: "Impossible, Ah Yun won't hurt me, you dead liar!"


"Lord Murong."

Sang Yu supported Mu Rong's body: "Are you okay?"

Murong shook his head: "Stay away from here."

Ah Miao shouted indignantly: "This person is too ignorant of good and evil, what kind of low luck is this? Three fires are extinguished, and the cluster on his forehead is only a small flame. If it weren't for him I was lucky enough to live opposite Mr. Murong's house, and I have been possessed by dirty things for a long time!"

"Murong, shall I talk to Mr. A Ming?"

"Okay, go to my house."

"Mr. Amin, can you take this music box to the opposite side? Let's talk."

A Ming had a good impression of Sang Yu, so he nodded in agreement; when the four came to the opposite side, Murong asked A Ming to sit on the sofa, put his body back into the room, and his soul floated out.

Sang Yu discovered that, except for the two previous emergencies, Murong would always put his body in the room, and there was some kind of magic circle in the room to defend against spirits...

Mu Rong called Hao Jiefang and asked him to come, then hung up the phone and said to Sang Yu, "Ask him to borrow the music box and see if there is a manufacturer on it."

"Mr. A Ming, can you lend me this music box again?"

A Ming hesitated, and handed over the music box. Sang Yu found the four characters "Made by Fusang" at the seam.

"Mr. A Ming, may I ask if you bought this music box in Fusang?"

A Ming held the music box in his arms again, just at that time Hao Jiefang also arrived, and he sat beside Mu Rong.

I heard Amin say with his already stiff tongue: "You should see it? I am an otaku. A year ago, I met Ayun who was studying in Fusang through the Internet. We got along for four months, and it was confirmed. You may not understand the relationship between lovers, but this music box is actually very precious. Fuso Toyo Club, which produced it, was transformed and reorganized after World War II. The production of this music box was also discontinued. The existing ones on the market are all antiques... "

Hao Jiefang clenched his fists and rattled. Sang Yu glanced at Mu Rong and asked for Mu Rong, "Then how did you get it?"

"Ayun got it. A closed private museum in Fusang held a public auction for some of the goods. This music box is one of the goods. There is also an interesting rule that girls born on July 7 can buy it at a very low price. I bought it, Ayun happened to be born that day, she knew that I liked it, so she secretly bought it, and on the 100th day of our relationship, she mailed this music box to me, and she also said: This music box is based on I bought it for her birthday, and I have a special fate with her, just like her, by my side... "

Amin stopped talking and looked suspiciously: Sang Yu stared at the empty place with a worried face.

In a place where A Ming could not see, Hao Jiefang got up angrily, holding a feather duster in his hand, and shouted excitedly: "What a misfortune for the country! Why did the flower grower produce a young man like you? The blood debt more than 80 years ago , have you forgotten? It’s okay to be infatuated with the things of the Fusang Kingdom, and to introduce disasters into the door, since you want to die so much, I’ll just let your soul fly away!”

If Murong hadn't pulled him desperately, the feather duster in Hao Jiefang's hand would have fallen on A Ming.

Ah Miao had already hid to the side, and Sang Yu's expression was also frightened. He didn't understand why Hao Jiefang suddenly lost his temper.

"Hao Jiefang! Sit down."

"Murong, let me go, do you know? It's this thing. How many Hua family students were killed eighty years ago. Liu Ergou, who grew up with me, was killed by this thing. That's an eternity." You must not be born again, you know that!"

"Hao Jiefang, calm down, put away the soul-beating stick first, his luck is so low now, if he accidentally rubs it, it may knock him out of his wits, are you crazy?"

Hao Jiefang was panting heavily and was pushed down on the sofa by Mu Rong, his eyes were red, as if he was going to eat people.

"Miss Sang, what's the matter? You..."

With a cold face, Murong took out a black porcelain bottle from his bosom, poured some into his palm, and flicked it at A Ming's face.

The latter only felt a blur in front of his eyes, two figures, one black and one white, suddenly appeared on the sofa, and another figure floated behind the sofa.

Amin was so frightened that he rolled his eyes and sat down on the ground.

"You... you!"

The author has something to say: Sorry, the flu body temperature has been hovering at 40°, and I promised everyone to update it in the afternoon, but it was delayed until night.

I started writing at 5 o'clock and have been writing until now.

I will stick to the daily update. It will not be updated at 8:00 tomorrow morning, maybe in the afternoon or evening, and the update time will be fixed when I resume recovery.

I have wronged everyone during this time, as I am an irregular author, I will refresh more~.

In addition, for the little angels who have only watched but not collected, can you please move your nimble little fingers and poke to collect them.

It would be even better if you can poke the column collection~