My Death God Roommate

Chapter 3: Roommate Sang Yu


A trace of bewilderment flashed across Wang Qinghai's dull eyes, he nodded mechanically, looked back at his dead body, and was dragged by Murong's iron chains, through the wall and out of the hospital.

The nurse removed the life-sustaining equipment, and the nurse called Wang Qinghai's family, and the doctor covered him with a white cloth.

The two drifted away for a long time, and Wang Qinghai asked belatedly, "Am I dead?"


He moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, and finally turned into a heavy sigh.

Murong's expression did not change at all, she has served the underworld for fifteen years, she has seen such things too much, she has long since become numb.

For ordinary people, death is the end of life, but in Murong's view, it is the beginning of another journey, and there is nothing to be sad about.

The two came to a high-end residential area in the south of the city, and walked into a brightly lit villa. There was a mourning hall on the first floor.

Florists are currently in the implementation stage of funeral reform, and many people cannot accept cremation for the time being.

In the middle of the mourning hall, there is a coffin, and on the white wall, there is a big "Dian" character spelled out with black paper flowers.

On the altar, stood a black and white photo of the deceased, and on both sides of the coffin stood a pair of little paper flower girls who hadn't finished finishing their eyes.

The walls on both sides are covered with wreaths, and they line up into the yard.

On the left side of the door is a tall horse made of paper, and on the right side are a lot of paper products, including villas, cars, household appliances, etc.

In the mourning hall, there were two rows of family members wearing linen and filial piety, weeping softly with mourning and joy, adding some paper money to the brazier from time to time, and chanting words asking the deceased to rest in peace.

Seeing this scene, Wang Haiqing showed deep envy. After he died, he opened his ghost eyes, and he could see a man of his age in bright clothes floating above the coffin, looking at his relatives with a smile.

Wang Haiqing looked down at himself, he was still wearing the hospital gown.

"I am the ecstasy messenger of Death God Academy, Tian Yingfa, your time has come, come with me."

Tian Yingfa looked at Mu Rong unexpectedly, the errand in front of him seemed to be different from the one in the legend.

However, Tian Yingfa clasped his fists and bowed to his grandchildren's age, and said respectfully: "Master Yin, can you wait for a while? My little grandson is on his way home and will be here soon. Let me see you." His last."

"The physical body is dead, the front edge is gone, it's time to go on the road."

Mu Rong's voice was very soft, but there was an indisputable determination in his tone.

"My lord, please accommodate me."

The thin lips were pressed together, and the next second, the iron chain wrapped around Tian Yingfa's body, and the latter found that he had no power to resist, so he could only be dragged away from the mourning hall.

Tian Ying trembled with anger, and was quite jealous of Mu Rong's identity, she dared not say harsh words, and could only stare at Mu Rong's back angrily.

With the movement of footsteps, the iron chain in Murong's hand has pulled more than a dozen souls.

After walking through the last house, Murong opened the booklet in his hand, looked at it carefully, and let out a soft breath.

At this time, the east has turned slightly white.

Murong brought these souls to a bank. There were two majestic stone lions squatting at the door. When they saw someone coming, they both moved, turned their heads to look at the crowd, and let out a deep roar.

The fifteen people behind Mu Rong shuddered in unison, took a step back in unison, and were restrained by chains again, unable to retreat any longer.

Someone looked up at the signboard at the door, only to see four large characters written on it: "Yin Yang Station".

"This...isn't this a bank? I used to come here to do business, why..."

Murong didn't answer. She opened her palm, and a small black token appeared in her palm. She held the token in front of her body, and a gloomy blue light flashed in the eyes of the two lions, and they returned to their original postures. stone statue.

Several souls rubbed their eyes, suspecting that they were dazzled.

Everyone entered through the door, and there was a door in the center of the hall, and there was a green vortex in the door.

"Go down, someone below will pick you up."

Whether unwilling or remorseful; at this point, it is impossible to turn back. The person in the lead hesitated for a few seconds before stepping in, and the people behind followed in an orderly manner.

Soon, only Wang Qinghai and Tian Yingfa at the end of the team were left.

Murong glanced at the two of them and said, "There is a Wangxiang Terrace below, where you can take a last look at the family members in Yangjian."

The two were stunned, touched, and said gratefully: "Thank you."

"Heigou Ridge is not easy. If you two work together, you may suffer less."

Standing in front of the door, Wang Qinghai glanced back, lowered his head, and the hospital gown on his body suddenly changed into a navy blue gown and mandarin jacket, a long wooden stick appeared in his left hand, and a piece of dry food in his right hand; after reacting, he He laughed, the wrinkles on his face were deep, and he walked into the door without saying anything in the end.

The vortex gradually faded, and Murong waited for a while, and after confirming that the situation last time would not happen, he turned and left the "Yin Yang Station".

Standing at the door, looking up at the sky, there is still some time before dawn.

She raised the index finger and middle finger of her right hand, and with a thought, a piece of emerald green talisman appeared between the two fingers.

The talisman paper burned completely and turned into several tiny light spots, floating in front of Murong.

"Where is Huang Yanan?"

The light spots moved in response to the sound, but bumped around like headless chickens.

Seeing this, Murong sighed, waved his sleeve, and the green light spot in front of him disappeared.

There is no soul in this world that cannot be found with a soul chasing talisman, unless that soul is attached to the body of a living person.

Under the law of the underworld, it is a felony for a dead soul to possess a living body. Murong couldn't understand why Huang Yanan refused to reincarnate no matter what he said. If he continued to make mistakes, he would have no chance to be a human in his next life...

Before dawn, Murong returned home.

But he didn't return to the physical body, but came to the window, overlooking the quiet and deserted neighborhood. After a long time, he pinched a piece of red talisman paper in the same way.

"Tang Jie."

The talisman paper burned halfway silently, and in the empty space in front of Murong, appeared the five big characters: "Five Hundred Years of Underworld".

When the talisman paper was burnt, the characters disappeared along with it.

But Mu Rong stared at the place where the handwriting disappeared, silent for a long time, his eyes seemed to see far, far away places through thousands of mountains and rivers.

The ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted Mu Rong's thoughts, she frowned, took off the yellow paper, reset her soul, and took out the mobile phone under the pillow, it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hi, hello."

"Excuse me, are you Miss Mu?"

"I am, may I ask you?"

"I saw your post on 88 Tongcheng. Are you hiring free tenants?"

"Don't you think five o'clock in the morning is a bit early?"

Murong hung up the phone resolutely, and added the other party's number to the blacklist. When he checked his phone, there were more than 30 missed calls and more than ten unread text messages.

The contents of the text messages are the same, they are all inquiries about the house, Murong looked at the time when the text messages were sent, and added these people to the blacklist one by one.

Early the next morning, the first thing Mu Rong did when he came to the paper-making shop was to turn on the computer, ready to modify the post, and mark clearly the time when he could answer the phone.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the post was opened, there was already a message at the bottom.

Dadao is hungry and thirsty: Don't believe it, the landlord is a liar, and his attitude is very bad. I really want to see the house, but the landlord answered once, and I can't make calls anymore.

Anonymous user: I never believed that there is such a good thing as pie in the sky, recruiting free roommates, and calling out only girls, I wonder if the landlord has some bad intentions.

Aunt Sanyo: I don’t know how many photos the owner has? Is it fifty? In bed at 8:10pm

Anonymous user: No one is allowed to go out at night, I don't want to live for free!

Mu Rong moved the mouse, browsed through the comments below, and pointed the cursor on the delete button.

Just clicked down, the phone rang.

It was an unfamiliar foreign number, and Murong glanced at the time, it was nine in the morning, neither too early nor too late.

"Hi, hello."

"Hello, are you Ms. Mu?"

A young female voice came from the other end of the phone, her voice was sweet and full of vigor.

"I am."

"Hi, my name is Sang Yu. I saw your advertisement for roommates on 88 Tongcheng. I wonder if you found them?"

Murong was silent for a moment, then replied: "I would like to reiterate the request for recruiting roommates. You must stay at home after dark. There is no wifi, no TV and no gas at home. Can you accept such a condition?"

The other end of the phone thought for a moment, and politely replied: "Then how about the housing conditions?"

Murong raised his eyebrows, and replied truthfully: "In a house with double yang structure, you live in one of them. I can buy necessities such as beds, wardrobes, dressing tables, etc. You have to buy other things yourself, but before you move out, You can sell it to me at a discount, the public security in the community is very good, the house has hot water all day long, although there is no gas but there is an induction cooker, I can provide the ingredients.”

Sang Yu couldn't help laughing when she heard the calm voice with a little northeast accent on the phone.

I am full of curiosity about this "Miss Mu", not only the act of recruiting free roommates, but also her communication method of "putting ugly words first".

Nowadays, many people will say all the good things, even lie and deceive them, and selectively ignore the things that are not good for them. This person is good, he will say the bad things first, and he is not afraid of scaring people away.

"Miss Sang, can you accept it?"

"No problem, when can I move in?"


"Then let's do it today!"

This time it was Murong's turn to be surprised: "Miss Sang, won't you take a look at the house first?"

"No, I just got off the train and I just need a place to live. Is it convenient for Miss Mu now?"

"It's convenient, you take a taxi to Xinxin's home, and I'll wait for you at the gate of the community."

"Okay, see you later."

The author has something to say: Today's update has arrived~

Thank you for your support~ Update every day at 8:00~