My Death God Roommate

Chapter 72: surfaced


"Seventh brother, something happened to Murong."

"Oh, she really violated the instructions of the dead book and let her go without permission?"

"No, she didn't disclose the contents of the dead book to outsiders. It should be said that she didn't have time to disclose it. Instead, she rushed to the scene and pushed people away. She was hit by a car. This way of avoiding robbery is in line with the rules."

"Huh? Did you make any mistakes during the whole process?"

"This... If it is hard to calculate, she forcibly occupied the bodies of two strangers, but according to the college's regulations, under special circumstances, it is allowed to temporarily borrow the bodies of living people."

Xie Bi'an sneered: "This regulation is because the students in the academy are all spirit bodies, and some special events in the world are difficult to deal with, so it doesn't apply to Mu Rong, a living soul. Tell Mu Rong to come see me immediately."

"I'm afraid this won't work. Murong is seriously injured. Her physical body can last at most another 40 minutes in the world."


"Seventh brother, I think it's better to be like this for this round. Murong has already overwhelmed two souls. If he dies, he can only be a errand. We might as well just make a difference."

"It's absolutely impossible. There are too many variables in her body. If you don't fully grasp her three souls and seven souls this time, you must not let her die."

"Then I'll go to Yangjian for a walk."


Outside the emergency room of the hospital, Sang Yu's body was covered with blood.

The driver who caused the accident was paralyzed and sat on the bench opposite, the passengers were also left behind, and the demon spirit was already on his way.

The door of the emergency room opened, and Sang Yu went up to meet him: "Doctor, how is my friend?"

"The patient lost a lot of blood, and the hospital's blood bank is in a hurry. I'm going to contact the general bank to adjust the blood. The patient's right arm is broken in three places. It is suspected that he needs surgery for intracranial hemorrhage. Please contact the patient's family members and come to the hospital to sign immediately."

"What's the blood type of Doctor Mu Rong?"

"The patient has blood type O."

"I'm also type O, so I can donate blood to her."

"Okay, come here and do a match with me first, are the patient's family members on the way?"

"She's an orphan with no family."

"No family members? The patient's condition is dangerous. I can't be the master. I need to ask the leader of the hospital for instructions and see if a friend can sign it on his behalf."

When Sang Tong and Su Sifang arrived, the policeman from Yaoyaoling was discussing the situation with the passengers.

"At the time of the incident, the driver had been playing with his mobile phone, grabbing red envelopes in Weichao. He had been grabbing since I got in the car. I persuaded him. He said that he would have 20 years of driving experience, and then he looked back. Me, later... I saw the two little girls crossing the road, I yelled, closed my eyes, got out of the car and saw a person lying in a pool of blood."

Sang Tong glanced at the driver who caused the accident, and asked Ah Miao, "Where's Yuwa?"

Ah Miao suppressed her fear of Sang Tong, and shouted: "Sang Yu is fine, Mr. Murong is inside to rescue him!"

Sang Tong was startled, Sang Yu called and asked her to come to the hospital immediately, Sang Yu only said on the phone that Mu Rong had a car accident, she didn't think much about it, thinking that Ah Miao was not used to the physical state and forgot to hide from the car Besides, Mu Rong is a errand who can control his own life and death, so he didn't take this matter to heart.

Hearing what Ah Miao said, Sang Tong became vigilant: "Tell me what's going on in detail?"

Su Sifang stood opposite Sang Tong at the right time, and from the perspective of Yao Yaoling, Sang Tong seemed to be talking to her.

Ah Miao told the whole story, and finally said: "I don't know if Lord Murong is back, but before I could react when I heard the whistle, I was squeezed out of my body, and then I saw Sang Yu sitting On the road, the car drove a long way before stopping, and Master Murong fell into a pool of blood."

"How is she doing now?"

"In the emergency room, there was too much blood loss, and there was not enough blood in the hospital's blood bank. Sang Yu went for a type match. The doctor also said that he suspected that Mr. Murong had intracranial hemorrhage. The situation is very dangerous and the operation needs to be signed by the family members."

"The family member's signature is just a kind of evidence for the hospital to avoid disputes between doctors and patients. In cases like Mu Rong's, a friend can sign on his behalf. Go in and see if Mu Rong's soul is there?"

"I read it just now. I can't get into Lord Murong's body. Lord Murong's bleeding has not stopped yet. His clothes have been cut off. The family members will have to shave their hair and have surgery."

With a sound of "shua", Fan Wujiu appeared in front of Mu Rong's bed, put his palm on Mu Rong's forehead, lasted for more than ten seconds, and disappeared.

Sang Yu pressed her arm and walked back with a pale face. Murong lost a lot of blood. If the blood bank failed to transfer plasma in time, Sang Yu would need to donate blood again.

"Yuwa, why is there blood all over your body, where did you hurt?"

Sang Yu burst into tears: "The blood belongs to Mu Rong, she pushed me away at the last moment."

"I have already asked the leader of the hospital for instructions, and my friend is allowed to sign. Who of you will come and sign?"

Sang Tong took the pen: "Let me sign it."

The nurse ran to the emergency room with the confirmation slip, and bumped into the doctor who happened to come out of it: "Dr. Liu, the operation can begin."

Dr. Liu took off his mask, and the suspicion in his eyes has not faded: "The patient is awake, unconscious, and speaks clearly. The director means to arrange another head CT to prevent misdiagnosis."

Dr. Liu couldn't believe it. According to the amount of bleeding and the degree of injury, it was absolutely impossible for the patient to wake up suddenly with only extracranial hemorrhage. He answered the questions fluently and had no disturbance of consciousness. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Mu Rong was pushed out covered with a sheet.

"Murong, how are you?!" Sang Yu grabbed the railing beside the bed and trot along with the bed.

The cotton ball pressed on the arm fell off, and the blood vessel immediately swelled up and turned blue.

Mu Rong turned his head and looked at Sang Yu for a long time: "Are you injured?"

Sang Yu's nose was sore, her vision was a little blurred, and her hand holding the railing was slightly white: "This blood is all yours!"

Murong sighed, as if he was a little tired, he retracted his gaze, and slowly closed his eyes.

Yaoyaoling finished the record, left the passenger's phone number and let her leave, while the driver who caused the accident was taken to the police station. The police initially checked the driving recorder and found Sang Tong.

"This traffic accident happened on the zebra crossing. The driver has improper driving behavior, and he is fully responsible."

Sang Tong nodded, and the policeman asked again: "Who is it about you?"

"my friend."

"Has her family been in touch?"

"She has no family."

The policeman let out a groan, showing regret on his face.

"Is the situation serious?"

"I just checked the driving recorder. The driver didn't have time to turn the steering wheel and was accompanied by instantaneous acceleration. The girl was knocked into the air, and there was a pool of blood at the scene... You better be mentally prepared."


"Leave me the contact number."


In view of the special situation of Mu Rong, while waiting for the CT results, the attending physician specially arranged for a doctor to observe whether Mu Rong had any bleeding from his mouth, nose and ears.

The little doctor seemed to be facing an enemy, talking to Murong from time to time, checking her pupils, and shining her ear canal with a flashlight.

The CT results shocked everyone. Mu Rong's skull was clean without any bleeding point.

Such a serious car accident, with such an astonishing amount of bleeding, how could it be just an extracranial hemorrhage

The hospital is a place to witness and create miracles, but the situation of Mu Rong is too bizarre, right

The attending physician wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Sang Yu: "Well, just to be on the safe side, we suggest another MRI. The image will be clearer and it will not harm the body."

"Doctor, is she in serious condition?"

The attending physician showed embarrassment: "To be on the safe side, I will discuss the MRI fee with the hospital leader to see if it can be reduced or exempted..."

Sang Tong took over the conversation: "No, you don't have to worry about the cost. In addition, please check her for any other injuries besides the arm, especially to see if there is any bleeding point in the internal organs."


After a systematic examination, Murong only had three fractures in his right arm, a slight concussion, three stitches on his forehead, and all organs and tissues were safe and sound.

The attending physician kept Mu Rong's case separately. This was the luckiest patient he had seen in his 25 years of practice.

The doctor suggested that Mu Rong stay in the hospital for observation for two days, and Sang Tong arranged a single ward for her, and stayed in the hospital with Sang Yu to take care of her.

Mu Rong fell asleep quickly, and Sang Yu sat on the bed and looked at Mu Rong's face in a daze. Tiredness and fear swept her body and mind.

Fifteen years ago, it was the same.

The piercing sound of the whistle, the sharp sound of the brakes, when she woke up, she lost her parents forever, and opened a pair of special eyes.

Just before the accident just happened, memories and fear flooded out. Her feet seemed to be rooted, and she couldn't move at all. If Murong hadn't pushed her away...

Luo Ruyan's voice drifted out: "If you want to know what happened, just lend me your body temporarily, and I'll help you take a look."

"My sister Tongtong is just opposite, so be careful."

"You push her away."

"Sister Tongtong~ I'm hungry."

"What do you want to eat? I'll go buy it right away."

"Porridge is fine."

"Okay, wait a minute. I'll go home and find you a change of clothes. Don't sit all the time. When you're tired, go to the bed next to you and lie down for a while."


After Sang Tong left, Luo Ruyan occupied Sang Yu's body and held Mu Rong's hand.

"Tonight, after Murong separated from you, she was working normally, but she saw your name in the death book. She released all the souls she had hooked up, and ran to the night market to find you. She went back and forth between two crossroads a lot. She even attached a living person's body and called you with a loudspeaker, and didn't see you until a few seconds before the car accident, when she squeezed Ah Miao out of her body and pushed you away."

Luo Ruyan, who hadn't fully learned human emotions, was once again shocked by Mu Rong's behavior. She knew Mu Rong's past like the back of her hand, and she knew: Mu Rong took a great risk in doing so.

Luo Ruyan was puzzled, so he checked Mu Rong's thoughts at the time, but found that Mu Rong's thoughts were surprisingly simple: I don't want Sang Yu to die like this.

Other than that, there are no distractions.

The balance of interests, concerns about rules, etc.; some thoughts in Luo Ruyan's imagination did not appear at all. During those 20 minutes, there was only one thought in Mu Rong's mind: to find Sang Yu.

The author has something to say: The main line of the story has been unfolded much better, and the technique is a little more subtle. I wonder if you have noticed it