My Demon Tyrant And Sweet Baby

Chapter 128: A once-in-a-century panic


It is said that children have a strong ability to imitate, and the adults around the child are the objects she imitates, especially the parents. In Mu Ya's heart, Zhang Xiao is her mother, her parents. Parents are the first teachers of their children. Teaching by example is more important than teaching by words. Parents' morality and self-cultivation have a subtle influence on children.

If parents can infect and nurture their children with a healthy personality, noble morals and good habits, and educate and guide them with correct ideas and ingenious methods, they will allow their children to grow up healthily.

Zhang Xiao slowly educated and guided Mu Ya to grow up healthily by taking care of Mu Ya.

In the past, when Mu Ya was hungry, she would cry as soon as she opened her mouth, which often made adults wonder why she was crying.

Now, she will pat her little belly and say that her little belly is hungry.

Because Zhang Xiao told her that if you want something, you must express your needs. If you can't express it, you can tell the adults with your actions.

She is young, but Zhang Xiao often teaches her in this way in her ear, and slowly, she can remember and follow what Zhang Xiao said.

"Chen, quickly take Mu Ya to have breakfast, don't starve her. That's why she got up and walked like this today, she usually sleeps until eight or nine o'clock." Mu Yi smiled and urged his younger brother to take his niece back to eat breakfast.

Mu Chen said yes, swept away the entanglement just now, and replied: "Brother, I'll take Mu Ya to have breakfast first, and then I'll come back to accompany you later, we two brothers haven't had a good chat for a long time."


Mu Yi smiled slightly, watching the back of his younger brother leaving with his daughter, his smile slowly subsided, and his eyes became a little ethereal.

I have a terrible headache.

After regaining consciousness, Ning Zhiyuan first felt a headache.

He raised his hand to rub his sore temple first, and accidentally bumped into something, which seemed to be a person.


Ning Zhiyuan opened his eyes suddenly, turned his head, and really saw a person, that person's long hair was scattered on the pillow, disheveled, but exuding wild beauty. She was also beautiful and slept peacefully.

Lu Yongchun!


Ning Zhiyuan came back to his senses, let out a low cry of astonishment, then sat up, and quickly jumped out of the bed. When he jumped out of the bed, he instinctively pulled the thin quilt covering his strong body, very worried I am naked.

After Bo was torn away by him, Lu Yongchun had nothing to cover his body. Seeing that her clothes were intact and her hair was disheveled, there was nothing wrong with her, Ning Zhiyuan felt a little calmed down.

And his action also woke up Lu Yongchun.

Last night Ning Zhiyuan pressed her under him, she couldn't push him away, and then she also fell asleep.

She didn't know when Ning Zhiyuan turned over and gave her freedom.

After blinking, Lu Yongchun remembered what happened last night, and sat up, seeing Ning Zhiyuan rolled up the quilt with a look of astonishment, she wanted to scold him, but immediately changed to joking, and said Ning Zhiyuan: "Ning Zhiyuan, what is your expression and reaction?"

Ning Zhiyuan completely forgot what happened last night, his face was a bit embarrassed, and he forced himself to show a very angry look, angrily said: "Lu Yongchun, when did you come? You, you crawled on my bed!"

Lu Yongchun got out of bed, straightened his clothes in a leisurely manner, then walked up to Ning Zhiyuan, patted his firm chest in a funny way, Ning Zhiyuan immediately acted like a chaste man, and quickly patted her hand away , hugging the quilt tightly to protect his chest.

Dude, your upper body is just a few chest muscles, do you need to protect it like this

Ning Zhiyuan looked at Lu Yongchun defensively, this woman is the confidante of many men, don't look at her delicate and beautiful appearance, her personality is bold like a man. When she meets a handsome man, she will take advantage of it; when she meets a beautiful woman, she will eat tofu.

"Master Ning, take a closer look. Is this your home or mine? Are you climbing into my bed or am I climbing into your bed?"

It was only then that Ning Zhiyuan noticed that he was in a strange room, not his own home.

Immediately, his arrogance went out a bit. The next moment, he asked nervously: "Wing Chun, what's the matter with us? How... did we... sleep together? Have we... done anything?"

Lu Yongchun asked him back: "Ask yourself, what have you done?"

Ning Zhiyuan had a green face, he didn't remember what he had done, if he remembered, he didn't need to ask her.

He only remembered that he received a call from Mu Chen, and then rushed to the Qingqing Bar, only to find out that Zhang Xiao was his little sister back then, and then he and Mu Chen drank heavily together, and in the end he seemed to be drunk, and after that, he didn't know What else happened.

Now that he woke up at Lu's house, he was still sleeping with Lu Yongchun, my God, did they mess up after drinking

Alcohol is indeed a harmful thing, if you drink too much, you will mess around.

"Wing Chun...that, I didn't mean it." Ning Zhiyuan was stuttering. Knowing him for so many years, it was the first time Lu Yongchun saw him being forced out of proportion. , and I’m sorry, it’s really a once-in-a-century panic.

Dare to love, he thought they had sex.

Lu Yongchun amusedly stretched out his hand to pull the thin quilt he was hugging, but Ning Zhiyuan was unprepared, and the quilt was torn away by her. "Ning Zhiyuan, first check if there is anything missing from you."

Ning Zhiyuan lowered his eyes, and yelled with a pale face, "I'm missing clothes, my coat has been taken off."

It's over, he really slept with Lu Yongchun after drinking, although he didn't hate Lu Yongchun, but when he thought of the two of them doing the most intimate thing between husband and wife, he felt a headache even more.

He has never been close to women, people outside think he is gay, or he is sick and cannot be humane, how could he mess up when he meets Lu Yongchun

"Are your pants off?"

Lu Yongchun was so amused by this buddy's reaction that he wanted to laugh out loud.

"It's just to help you take off your coat so that you can sleep more comfortably. In the end, your kindness was not rewarded. You dragged me to the bed, and then performed Taishan. I am so glad that I can still get up today and watch the rise and fall The rising sun. Really, you are thirty-three years old, not three years old. Can you have sex with me when you are neatly dressed? But, Ning Zhiyuan, seeing your helpless reaction, I think it is worth being overwhelmed by you , I laughed so hard, hahaha!"

Ning Zhiyuan: ...

God, why don't you knock this presumptuous woman unconscious with a thunderbolt, it's too much!

If it was the second woman, she would have blushed when she woke up the next day, but she was fine and laughed at him.

It's her temperament that taught him not to...

dare not what

She doesn't seem to understand, all men are buddies and friends in her eyes. She once said something, she grew up among boys when she was young, and developed a preference for admiring handsome men and beautiful women, but she knew too much about men, so it was difficult to fall in love with.

Fortunately, although she hasn't fallen in love with anyone yet, she is quite normal and cannot be gay.