My Disciple Consumes Too Much

Chapter 37: 1.1(3)


Shu Tang was stunned for a moment, not understanding the real meaning of her words. After thinking about it, she nodded seriously and said, "I really want to. When I was in the immortal world, it was fine if I didn't see each other for more than ten days, but on the first day I came to the world, I started to miss Master."

She felt that she didn't need to deceive the cat about this matter.

She really misses her master now. She has special misses, as well as ordinary master and apprentice misses. For the special one, she should keep it in her heart. As for the ordinary one, it doesn't matter if she talks to the kitten.

The kitten on the ground poked at the fish with its paws, and after poking for a while, responded, "Oh."

Shu Tang looked at it puzzled, if she didn't feel wrong... Is Miao Jinghan suddenly unhappy

Vaguely, she had an idea in her mind, thinking about what the kitten had done to her during the day, and suddenly her breathing stopped. However, looking at the kitten eating grilled fish, she thought - maybe she thought too much.

Thinking about it carefully, she is just a little girl around ten years old now, Miao Jinghan... Wouldn't she be so hungry

After comforting himself, Shu Tang felt relieved, put another fish into the branch, and began to concentrate on grilling the fish.

With the previous experience, she also has more precise control over the flame. Usually, when making a fire, most of the flames have a highest point. If the food is placed at the highest point, it will not be heated evenly, and it will also burn. At this time, Shu Tang controlled the shape of the flame to form a relatively flat plane, and roasted the fresh and tender fish without haste. The effect was naturally different.

There is no seasoning here, not even a grain of salt. Although Shu Tang can't cook, he understands that if there is no seasoning to enhance the taste, then the delicious taste in the food must be fully displayed.

However, fish and sheep are fresh, and the freshness of this fish is not easily expelled. Shu Tang didn't plan to eat a fat man in one go, and slowly felt every change in the fish.

Miao Jinghan ate the tattered fish to save face, and then lay down beside the fire to keep warm.

The night is still slightly cool. In this weather, there are warm fires, fragrant fish, and... Seriously. The kitten curled up into a ball, the black and white fur was also plated with a layer of orange under the firelight, and the little head hidden in the stomach, from time to time, came out to take a look at the girl who was grilling fish.

In the daytime, she actually saw the grown-up Shu Tang, although she knew it was just an illusion, but now that she thinks back, she still feels very real.

Miao Jinghan was a little irritable for no reason. If she knew earlier, she should wait for Shu Tang to enter the third realm before helping him transform. But then again, if the transformed pig turned into a girl, he would be reluctant to give her back to Fuyu, right

The kitten sniffed the scent of the fish, squinted, and Shu Tang, who kept flashing a girly appearance in his mind, unconsciously made a soft "meow" sound. After Shu Tang heard it, he turned the fish's body and said, "It will be all right soon, don't worry."

Sure enough, after flipping the grilled fish twice, she cheered, "This one is a success!"

Hearing this, the kitten suddenly opened her eyes and ran to Shu Tang's side.

Although this fish is still without any seasoning, it is fortunate that it sells well. The skin of the fish is golden and slightly burnt, and there is no burnt spot.

The smell of fish lingered on the river bank, and Shu Tang couldn't hold it back. He bullied the kitten into being a beast now, tearing off a piece of fish with lightning speed and stuffing it into his mouth.

fresh! fragrant! crispy! tender!

Shu Tang grinned happily, and pretended to tear off another piece of fish. Suddenly, he felt that another living thing seemed to have broken into within ten meters. He immediately became alert and shouted, "Who?"

In the middle of the moon, who will approach him quietly at this time? Could it be that her first head-to-head fight with someone else after she came to the world... is finally coming? !

Shu Tang was suddenly a little excited, holding the fish in one hand and waiting for the man to come out. However, what she didn't expect was that what she waited for was a snow-white kitten.

She was stunned at first, then looked at the fish in her hand, leaned over with a smile and asked, "Did you come here by smell?"

The little white cat's eyes are dark and translucent, like the dark stars in the dark night. It flicked its snow-white tail unnaturally, tilted its head, and made a soft "meow" sound.

Shu Tang was instantly fascinated by it, turned his head and asked Miao Jinghan, "Can you give her some fish?"

Miao Jinghan's amber-like eyes stared straight at the white kitten, and after sizing up the other party several times, it smiled and said, "Okay."

As soon as Shu Tang heard it agreed, he immediately tore off a large piece of fish and handed it to the white kitten. The little guy called out softly twice, as if thanking him, then he took a bite of the fish, turned his head and ran away.

Shu Tang: "..." It went too neatly, didn't it? !

It wasn't until its snow-white figure disappeared into the night that she regained her senses and handed the remaining fish to Miao Jinghan, "It's your turn."

Eating what was left over made Miao Jinghan a little angry. However, as proud as it is, it still took over the fish that only had more than half of it left.

When it finished eating, the kitten asked her while licking its paws, "That cat just now... don't you think it's strange?"

"Of course it's weird, but it's attractive, so I can't think about it too much." Shu Tang answered honestly, and by the way, picked up the fishbone and fish head on the ground, dug a hole, and buried it in the ground.

The little white cat that came here just now, but looking at its fur, it can be seen that it is not a wild cat. Cats love to be clean, but wild cats can't be so clean anyway. Looking at its every move, cute and cute, there is always a sense of incongruity.

Hearing this, Miao Jinghan asked contemptuously, "Is it because of this that you brought me out of the Stone Forest?"

"Otherwise?" Shu Tang asked it back, "Speaking of which, why do you need my master to help you when you create a stone forest barrier?"

The kitten snorted, obviously not being reasonable, but still disdain: "There is a magic in the secret book that only ghosts can learn, and only people who know it can count. If the ghosts in the world know about this, say Maybe they will go to the Qingrong faction together. The ancestor of the Qingrong faction understands this truth, and the people who become immortals in the faction also understand. Therefore, the enchantment outside the stone forest has been repeatedly strengthened by several immortals, and each layer is to guard against ghosts and immortals. , even if I can get in, where can I get out?"

Shu Tang pouted and asked, "In other words, did you lead me to the Stone Forest after you expected that Master would come to save me?"

The kitten rounded herself into a hair ball and said, "No, I didn't have you in my plan. I didn't expect you to take the initiative to deliver it to the door, so I'm welcome."

Shu Tang: "… "

It turned out that she did everything by herself! why! Why let her know the truth!

Having said that, after spending two days with this cat, she has been heartbroken too many times!

This day is over!

Shu Tang secretly said that he must not be sloppy next time and be deceived by this lazy cat. After repeatedly admonishing herself, she sat up cross-legged and meditated.

After bullying her, Miao Jinghan felt a little better. She stayed by Shu Tang's side and closed her eyes after putting on her clothes.

The person who was invisible in the dark was also relieved at this time, turned into his body, and rested invisible in the grass.

After this day, although the apprentice almost got eaten tofu, but in general, she still learned a lot of practical knowledge. If things go on like this, after three months, she will not only improve her spells, but her survivability will also be greatly improved. The only thing that's wrong is that Tu'er still has no resistance to small furry animals.

But now it seems that this is not a good thing.

Before Fuyu fell into a deep sleep, she was still thinking in a daze—

The apprentice grilled fish for the first time. The speed was slow and the taste was good.


In the next few days, Shu Tang's life was not very interesting. Every day was fishing, chopping wood, and grilling fish. She always felt that if it went on like this, the gods in the river might come to her to talk about life.

Fortunately, after catching fish in this river for five days, Uncle Cat finally decided to fish in another place.

Shu Tang has been losing appetite and feeling hungry recently, but she has the experience of eating white radish every day. When she thinks that Miao Jinghan eats fish every day, she can't help asking: "You eat fish every day, don't you? Tired of you?"

Miao Jinghan turned back into a human form and flung her black sleeves lightly, "How about we go to the forest to taste bear paws?"

Shu Tang: "...Let's fish somewhere else!"

So, no matter how reluctant, Shu Tang could only take Uncle Cat in his arms to a new fishing spot.

A few days ago, Miao Jinghan would ask her to change a spell every time she fished. This time I used a soil cage, next time I used a soil thorn, and next time I used a wooden harpoon to control it with magic to fork the fish.

In this way, she has a little understanding of the flexible use of spells, and coupled with the daily control of fire power, Shu Tang's spiritual root spell has also been greatly improved.

The new fishing spot was a little far away, and Shu Tang suddenly realized something when he was riding the wind. She was originally going to practice in the human world and exercise her ability to fight against people, but now... She seems to be exercising her ability to raise cats

Before going to the river, was it because the cat wanted to eat fish, and now she went to a new place, or because the cat wanted to eat fish... Shu Tang didn't understand, how could she be led by the kitten's nose without knowing it

However, when she landed on the ground, these miscellaneous thoughts disappeared in an instant, and she couldn't help but be immersed in the magnificent scenery in front of her.

She has lived for so many years, and this is the first time she has come to the seaside.

The sea was a little different from what she had imagined. All she had seen were photos and videos of the sea, but now she was watching the real scene. Moreover, when she saw the sea for the first time, she understood that the sea needs to be experienced in person. No matter how many videos you watch, it is better to see the real scene once.

The blue sea and sky are nearby, the smoke and waves are vast in the distance, and the coast is covered with fine-grained sand and gravel. Child Shu Tang's heart came up, put the kitten in his arms on the sand, and said cheerfully, "You have transformed into a human shape, how about we go to the sea to play?"

"No," Miao Jinghan rejected her outright and jumped onto a rock, "I watched you play."

In this case, Shu Tang didn't care about it anymore, and ran to the place where the waves passed by with her skirt in hand, and had a great time.

After she had had enough, Miao Jinghan raised her paws and slowly directed her to catch fish in the shallow sea.

Catching fish in the sea is not as comfortable as in the river, and the biggest challenge is the waves. Shu Tang had to resist the powerful power of the waves with his infuriating energy, and he had to use magic to find fish in the sea, which was really exhausting.

When she was exhausted from tossing, she walked back to the shore with a strange-looking fish, and the sea water kept dripping on her head.

She is not good at water, this trip really stumped her.

Throwing the fish on the stone, Shu Tang collapsed directly on the soft sand. The kitten raised her paw, gave her a clear trick, and dried her hair and clothes in an instant.

Shu Tang rarely enjoyed Uncle Cat's care, and after a long while, he breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and picked up the fish again.

Looking around, except for sand and stone, Shu Tang, who was carrying the fish, was a little embarrassed. After thinking about it for a while, he hesitated and asked, "By the way, how should this fish be cooked?"


Miao Jinghan glanced at her and said nothing.

After Shu Tang asked, he suddenly realized that he went to the world to cultivate, wasn't it just to be able to solve problems by himself? Previously, she relied on Master, and she wanted to ask Master for help with anything, but now she is relying on this kitten unknowingly, which is really inappropriate.

As soon as she figured it out, she immediately explained to the kitten: "I'm talking to myself, you don't need to pay attention."

After she finished speaking, she carried the fish to the place where the sand was the most delicate, squatted down, and looked at the fish for a while, and the sand for a while. Suddenly, an idea flashed in her mind, Shu Tang acted immediately, neatly packed up the fish, then controlled the sand so that it condensed into a casserole-like shape, put the fish in it, and drew the clear seawater into the pot at the same time. After everything was done, flames burst out from her hands and started cooking the fish with the power of fire in her body.

The kitten flicked her tail beside her, squinting at her, and the people in the dark also smiled with relief.

Shu Tang originally learned all the spells by himself. He only knew how to use them, but he didn't know how to use them. Now he finally has his own ideas, which is rare.

Not long after, a boiled sea fish was fragrant, and it was out of the pot. The kitten was finally willing to move, and out of nowhere, she made a large white porcelain bowl and gave it to Shu Tang.

After eating river fish for a long time, although its taste is delicious, it has no salty taste after eating it for a long time. At first taste of this sea salty sea fish, Shu Tang was really amazed.

However, ten days later, she no longer thought so.

One person and one cat stayed at the beach for ten days, and Shu Tang also caught fish for ten days. Although she knew that this was training herself, she couldn't help but feel anxious and wanted to leave here.

The master gave her only three months, and now it has taken half a month to catch fish. The Human World is so big, she wants to go to a fun place and a mysterious place, but now it seems, let alone go to other places... Shu Tang suspects that she may be caught for three months. fish.

She suddenly missed the days when she was a piglet, but it only took a moment for her to react - if she was a piglet all her life, how would she protect the master

Another day with nothing new, Shu Tang meditated on the beach for a while, still thinking about what kind of fish to catch today, and was disturbed by the meowing of the kitten and opened his eyes.

"Your perception of the outside world is too poor when you meditate. Next time you meditate, you should pay attention to your surroundings. Otherwise, you wouldn't even know if I swallowed you alive just now." in front of her.

Shu Tang was entangled in its words, pursed his lips, and asked, "So, what are you calling me for?"

"I'm going to be hungry in an hour. According to the experience of the past few days, you should go fishing now."

Shu Tang: "...Oh."

She might as well kiss Miao Jinghan! Long pain is worse than short pain. Extending the neck is a knife, and shrinking the neck is also a knife. If I promised her at that time, I would not be so miserable now, right? !

She stood up and was about to set off, but she heard the kitten say: "Tomorrow we will go to another place, you haven't been to the middle of the sea, why don't you go and have a look."

Shu Tang's understanding of the sea was based on the fact that the deep sea was full of mystery and danger to her. But the kitten was right. I don't know when the next time I come to the beach, so I might as well go take a look. After all, this world is different from the world she once knew. It stands to reason that there should be a lot of demons practicing in the sea. I haven't been able to see them in shallow water these days. Maybe they are all hidden in the deep sea.

With this thought in mind, she rode the wind directly to the deep sea, looked around, and explained what she saw to the boundless sea. Looking at the deep blue sea water under his feet, Shu Tang was still a little nervous, and his breathing was a little difficult, even though there was magic beside him.

Just looking at this sea, she almost thought she would be sucked into it in the next second, not to mention catching fish. Shu Tangmo acquiesced and was about to rush back to a safe place. Suddenly, she saw the sea churning for no reason. Before she could react, the waves suddenly rose into the air, like a big net, completely blocking her.

Shu Tang's breath stagnated, only to feel that he was in danger of this deep blue, and immediately rose up against the wind, his hands were sealed, trying to break through the shrouded water net. However, the person who controls the sea water is obviously several times higher than her mana, and all her resistance and escape are like children's struggles and playfulness, without the slightest effect.

She admitted that she had never had any grudge against anyone, and she couldn't think of anyone who would trap her here, so she immediately shouted: "Which friend is it, why don't you show up and meet me."

An enchantment had formed in the sea net, and Shu Tang only had time to hear a chuckle. Suddenly, Yufeng lost its effectiveness, and she fell straight into the deep sea!

The sea water around her seemed to have hypnotic magic, and as soon as she touched it, she felt like she was about to fall asleep. Shu Tang braced himself, his body was completely immersed in the sea water, and he sank to the bottom of the sea.

She secretly said that it was not good, but at this time there was nothing she could do, she could only try her best to resist the power of hypnosis. However, until she exhausted her whole body of infuriating energy, there was no obvious effect, and when she was sinking, she still fell asleep.

When he woke up again, Shu Tang was lying in a place as soft as cotton. She stood up suddenly, and what she saw was a gorgeous palace under the sea.

There is an enchantment covering the periphery of the palace, the interior is exquisitely furnished, and the gauze curtain is light, like a dream. Shu Tang walked down to the place where he was lying and looked back, but what he saw was a huge shell with a soft white couch inside, and pearls scattered all around. It was luxurious without feeling vulgar.

Shu Tang walked forward in a daze, looking at the oily jasper wine bottle and glazed wine jug on the long table, as well as the empty jade plate.

This should be the deep sea bottom, outside the enchantment is a piece of dark sea water, but inside the enchantment is bright pearls, like entering the palace of Genting.

She held the long table with one hand, wondering for a moment where it was. It is said that it is a dragon palace, but there are no shrimp soldiers and crab generals in imagination, and it is an ordinary palace... Who would build a house on the bottom of the sea when they have nothing to do

Shu Tang frowned and thought about this, when he heard footsteps behind him. She looked back suddenly and saw a woman with a veil on one side.

The woman moved her lotus steps lightly, walked slowly to her, and said with a smile, "Sanxian Qixuan, it's the first time we meet, so I'm offended."

Hearing her name, Shu Tang suddenly had a thought and asked, "What's your relationship with Qiyan?"

Qixuan only showed her forehead and eyes, but just by looking at these two places, she could imagine how beautiful she should be under the veil. With a smile in her eyes, she replied softly, "I didn't expect you to know her. She is my sister." After that, she made two glass chairs out of thin air and said to Shu Tang, "Please sit down."

After they both sat down, she said, "It's been a long time since I've been alone at sea, and it's rare to meet someone with a fairy spirit, so I invited you to be a guest on my own initiative, and please don't take offense."

Shu Tang complained in his heart that this was "inviting" her to be a guest, it was clearly kidnapping. But the other party claimed to be Sister Qiyan, and she was so polite, she didn't say anything, she just said: "It's okay, it's my blessing to see you Sanxian."

"What's the luck? When you meet me, don't say bad luck in the future." Qixuan held the jug and poured a glass of wine for her, "You have a very weak fairy spirit, but I can feel familiar, if not Mind, can you tell me where you are from?"

When Shu Tang met people for the first time, he would not tell the whole story, "I have occasionally intersected with people from the immortal world. Now that I am practicing by myself, I have nowhere to go."

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, Qi Xuan chuckled, "Are you so vigilant towards everyone?" Before Shu Tang could answer, she added, "I haven't spoken to anyone for a long time, can you chat with me? Let’s talk? When the time comes, I will naturally send you out.”

Shu Tang didn't know when that time was, but he had no other way to chat with this strange loose fairy.

It turned out that Qiyan's younger sister was a loose immortal who came from the practice of a rabbit demon. After becoming a loose immortal a thousand years ago, when she and her sister first came to the world, they saw a place that attracted her more than the grass—the sea. According to what she said, since she saw the sea, she could no longer see another residence in her eyes, so she immediately separated from her sister and came here to live. In a thousand years, their sisters have not seen each other for a thousand years.

Listening to her narration, Shu Tang vaguely felt that something was not right, but looking at her smiling eyes, she felt that she was thinking too much.

Qiyan's eyes were as pitch-black as ink, and at first glance, they looked like pond water stained with ink, and the darkness was bottomless. And Qixuan's eyes were bluish, like a deep and boundless ocean, with confusion in her soul.

The two chatted for about an hour, during which Qixuan invited her to drink many times, but Shu Tang declined because of something wrong in her heart.

Shu Tang told her some things outside, some of her experiences, and some from Miao Jinghan. When the topic changed, the two didn't speak for a while. When Shu Tang thought about what to say, Qi Xuan suddenly said, "It's getting late, I'll take you out."

Before she finished speaking, she pulled Shu Tang's wrist and flew up suddenly, passed through the barrier, and came directly to the sea.

As soon as he stepped out of the sea, in addition to the boundless sea, there was a woman in white. The woman has a suffocating appearance, but her body is full of badness.

"Master?!" Shu Tang stared blankly at the person in front of him, in disbelief.

How did the master come here? How did she know she was here? Could it be... Has the master been following her all the time? !

Shu Tang was overjoyed, and was about to say something when she suddenly felt her wrist empty, and Qi Xuan, who was pulling her, disappeared in the blink of an eye. Her eyes were full of Master, and she almost fell back into the sea without noticing for a while, but fortunately, Master reached out and grabbed her.

"Your ability has indeed improved, but you also need to know where you should go and where you shouldn't go." Fuyu looked unhappy, but after saying this, she didn't care about the strangely-behaved Loose Immortal. He followed his apprentice all the way back to the shore without saying a word.

Shu Tang, who was being pulled by her, naturally did not dare to defend herself. She was indeed out of her control. She knew that she was not a capable person, but she wanted to go to that dangerous place out of curiosity. No wonder the master said her.

But, having said that, it was really nice to see Master at this time. Moreover, the master has been holding him, and the joy in Shu Tang's heart is far greater than the shame of being reprimanded by the master.

However, it was not until she landed on the shore that she vaguely reacted - if Master had been paying attention to her, then she knew that Miao Jinghan was getting along with her every day.

Shu Tang's heart tightened, and he looked at Master hurriedly, and asked cautiously, "Master, do you know everything about me in the world?"

Fuyu let go of her, and replied lightly: "I know." After that, she added: "The grilled fish is delicious."

Like Shu Tang who was struck by lightning: "..."

and many more! Forgive her for not having enough brains now... What did Master mean just now? !


Shu Tang broke out in a cold sweat and asked Master in disbelief, "The grilled fish is delicious... What does that mean?"

Fuyu glanced at her and replied calmly, "Literally."

Shu Tang took two steps back in horror, "Is that little white cat you?"

The waves beat against the shore, and the wind mixed with the faint smell of the sea blew up the jackets of the two of them. Fuyu was silent for a long time, and suddenly realized that she seemed to have said something she shouldn't have said.

The entangled Master Shangxian looked at her frightened little apprentice, and for a while did not know how to make this statement. After a long while, she said calmly: "I just want to taste how you cooked for the first time. The reason for turning into a kitten is not to arouse Miao Jinghan's suspicion." She breathed a sigh of relief and added: "Also, After all, you are practicing alone this time, and it is not good to show yourself for the teacher."

However, Shu Tang didn't hear those superfluous explanations, only heard the master say - how about his own craftsmanship.

She lowered her head and her cheeks were dyed crimson. I don't know if it was from the sea breeze, or if she heard some shameful words. Holding the corner of her clothes tightly, Shu Tang said in a low voice, "The first time I grilled fish, it was very unpalatable, and I thought I would go back to the fairy world to cook it for Master after I practiced the craft... Cough, Master, you have been following me all the time. ?"

Fuyu nodded without changing her expression: "That's it."

Shu Tang was overjoyed, and for a while he forgot his determination in the fairy world. He threw himself in Master's arms, and missed it for half a month, saying, "Master, my disciple thought you didn't want me anymore..."

The little girl in her arms has a face like a peach blossom, a bit of grievance in the corners of her eyes, and her words are like anger. Fuyu's heart suddenly softened, and she hugged her gently and said, "There is only one apprentice like you as a teacher, how can I not want you?"

Earlier, Shu Tang thought about how awkward it would be to act coquettishly with her master, but when she really acted coquettishly, she found that she could do it very smoothly.

However, when she came out of her master's arms, she suddenly remembered the kitten basking in the sun by the sea, and immediately panicked: "Master, I've been with Miao Jinghan all the way."

Shu Tang recited "Frankly and leniently" in her heart, and before the master scolded her, she took the initiative to admit her mistake. Unexpectedly, the master's reaction was not very big, "For the master to know, you don't have to panic. You made an agreement with her first, and it is natural to fulfill your promise."

After quietly breathing a sigh of relief, she asked carefully again, "Have you met her, master?"

Fuyu shook her head, "I saw that you were in trouble, so I rushed to save you and didn't meet her." After that, she looked into the distance and added, "She should be resting over there, you go and find her. her."

"What about Master? Where are you going?" Shu Tang asked anxiously.

Fuyu is not a liar. She looked at her apprentice's clear eyes and reacted for a long time before she looked away and said, "Since you have nothing to do, it is natural for you to return to the Immortal Realm."

When the miss, panic, and joy gradually dissipated, Shu Tang saw the exhaustion between Master's eyebrows, and immediately said sensible: "You may be tired these days, so you need to rest more. The disciple will never feel sorry for himself again next time. I won't cause you trouble, Master can rest at ease." Before she finished speaking, she added: "Miao Jinghan's side, Master doesn't have to worry about me."

Fuyu has not had a good rest for half a month, however, compared to this, the apprentice is obviously more important. After pretending to agree, she patted her apprentice's head and said to her, "Don't go to the deep sea." Then she disappeared in place.

Half a month of missing was released at this moment, and Shu Tang couldn't help showing a big smile. She looked at the footprints that Master had stepped on the beach, and stared at it for a long time, before running to find Miao Jinghan in a twilight.

The kitten didn't seem to know anything. At this moment, it was lying on the stone, fiddling with the sand with its front paws, like a lazy man doing nothing. The smile on Shu Tang's face couldn't be hidden. When she saw her coming, Miao Jinghan asked, "The fish didn't catch, why are you so happy?"

Shu Tang didn't tell her about her master, only told it about the deep sea, and then asked: "I felt wrong for a long time. The book says that demons can be born in water, but how can a demon in this sea be? None, only some fish without intelligence?"

"Of course there are monsters in the sea, but there are no monsters in this sea." Kitten said in a subtle tone, "Also, what you just saw was not a loose fairy, but a ghost fairy like me."

When it said the word "Ghost Immortal", its voice was long and faint, and the end of the sentence rose slightly, as if mocking Shu Tang for blindly trusting that person.

Hearing this, Shu Tang was stunned. In other words, in the underwater palace, most of the words Qixuan said were false

Xu Shi saw her doubts, and the kitten continued: "She is a fairy, but she is also a lunatic. Your master told you not to provoke me, but I think you should not provoke her."

"She's crazy?" Shu Tang asked in surprise.

The kitten fiddled with the sand and asked casually: "There are monsters in the sea, and the aura of the monsters in the sea is even stronger than that of the land monsters. However, in this sea, there are no half monsters, only a crazy ghost-you can understand me mean?"

Shu Tang asked hesitantly, "She doesn't let other demons live here?"

The kitten paused, jumped on a higher rock, looked at Shu Tang and said, "Naive."

A bold idea emerged, and Shu Tang took a deep breath, "She killed all those demons...?"

"Not only did she kill them, but she also condensed their bones into pearls and placed them in her bedroom." Miao Jinghan smiled suddenly, "Where were you just now, did you see those pearls?"

See, naturally see. When Shu Tang thought that when he woke up, he was sleeping in a shell sprinkled with pearls, and he got goosebumps all over his body.

Seeing her appearance, Miao Jinghan had already guessed the answer, "I know a lot about her, if you want to ask, you can ask me." Before Shu Tang could speak, she said again, "But, I'm hungry now. I don't want to answer."

Shu Tang: "… "

The kitten said proudly: "I want to eat fish."

Shu Tang: "...Oh."

By the time they finished eating the fish, it was already evening.

There is a line between the sea and the sky, and the setting sun slowly falls into the sea. The light is no longer dazzling and dazzling, but is smudged in the clouds layer by layer, from deep to shallow, like a prairie of fire. Shu Tang sat on the beach hugging her knees, with the licking cat lying on her side, watching the beautiful sunset and thinking of Master.

Having said that, she felt that today's master seemed to be extraordinarily gentle. Xu is because he hasn't seen each other for a long time, even if he made a mistake, the master didn't blame him too much, but just warned himself to be measured when he first met.

If Master knows Qixuan's true identity, it's normal to be worried about herself. In this way, the master only warned her a word or two, which was not too much. On the contrary, it made Shu Tang feel a little sweet in her heart.

It seems that Master still pays attention to herself at all times. In this case, she has to work hard to show Master!

Shu Tang was in a good mood, stretched out his hand, imitating the color of the setting sun, and slowly forced out the energy of true qi and fire recovered from his body, making it condensed into the appearance of a fire cloud. Miao Jinghan didn't know what she was doing, but just because she thought it was interesting, she stretched out her paw and waved lightly, causing the fire cloud to rise to the sky.

After losing Huoyun, Shu Tang angrily rubbed the kitten's head, and how could the kitten be rubbed in vain by her. One person and one cat started fighting immediately, and when they got tired of fighting, they collapsed on the beach together.

The sun has set, and the sunset glows through the colorful clouds. The kitten's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the sky, and suddenly said, "It would be best if it could be like this all the time."

Shu Tang didn't know what it meant, pinched the hair on its belly and asked, "How has it been?"

"We have been practicing together, you catch fish, I eat fish..." At the end of his words, his voice became smaller and smaller, until Shu Tang could no longer hear him. She was a little nervous for no reason, and coughed dryly: "It's shameful enough for pigs to catch fish, how can they keep catching them?"

"Yes." Miao Jinghan sighed softly and stopped talking.

Although Shu Tang didn't know what it meant, he always felt that there was something between them that gradually became different.

The sunset gradually dissipated, the sea breeze gradually strengthened, and the kitten finally jumped up from the ground, "meow", and said, "We should go."


It looked into the distance and said softly, "Go to an old place and meet old friends."

Shu Tang has not traveled many places in the world, and those who can talk about the old places, except for the Qingrong faction, are wild. She was stunned, and before she could ask the question, she heard the kitten answer happily: "The place we are going is the wilderness."


Go to the Wild... See old friends

Shu Tang was immediately alert to the kitten, and asked with a tight face, "Who is your so-called old friend?"

Her nervous expression fell into Miao Jinghan's eyes, and the kitten let out a faint sigh, then transformed into a human figure and said, "Let's set off from here."

The more she didn't answer herself, the more vigilant Shu Tang became. The relaxed atmosphere between the two dissipated in an instant, leaving only a little embarrassment and confusion. What is embarrassing is Miao Jinghan. She thought that getting along with each other in these days would change something, but she didn't want to, she was being affectionate from beginning to end. The one who was at a loss was Shu Tang. She suddenly couldn't figure out her attitude towards kittens and didn't know how to treat her.

To be honest, since Miao Jinghan appeared, although she has always been using her, in the final analysis, she is leading her in a good direction. For Shu Tang herself, the kitten is both a teacher and a friend, but she can't forget her master's admonition to her.

Getting along with Miao Jinghan is a tangled matter. On the one hand, she is kind to her, and on the other hand, she is wary of her because of what Master said... Shu Tang bit her lower lip, and after the other party took two or three steps, she suddenly said, "Miao Jinghan, otherwise... let's do things separately."

The person in front paused, and the sound of the waves began to expand infinitely. She turned her head, and the black robe melted into the night, leaving only a slightly pale face.

"Are you driving me away?" Miao Jinghan looked at Shu Tang for a long time before chuckling, "Don't forget, you are fulfilling your promise and you have no right to order me."

Shu Tang grabbed the corner of his clothes, "Am I really trading with you? You gave me a soul-returning pill and accompany me to practice, all the time along the way.