My Doomsday Territory

Chapter 1: Start with a broken system


In the darkness, Tang Yu slowly opened his eyes, feeling soreness coming from his body.

He managed to hold himself up, dust mixed with some fine stones falling from his body.

"Am I... still alive?"

In the memory, demonized beasts like a tide broke through the defense line of the shelter. Countless survivors died in the screams, and the world turned into blood red.

This is the end of the world! It came a month ago.

At that time, he was about to graduate, he had already found a job, and was waiting to officially start the job. Unexpectedly, disaster suddenly happened.

Red mist filled the sky, and huge cracks appeared in the earth. Creatures named demon beasts crawled out of the cracks in the abyss and slaughtered humans.

This is the crack in the abyss, marking the end of the world!

Tang Yu happened to be in the school that day, and saw with his own eyes a gap in the ground, swallowing up an entire building. The teachers and students around him were completely frightened, and each one was torn into pieces by the demonized beast amidst the screams. At that time, he was still far away from the abyss crevice, and he avoided the first wave of massacres by the demonized beasts. He was also very lucky, and met a large team of fleeing survivors. After many twists and turns, he finally came to where he is now, a small shelter. Place.

The number of demonized beasts is endless, even with the strength of the army, they are no match. Humanity is retreating steadily, and can only barely take care of some important places.

And shelters are humanity’s last line of defense.

This small shelter was built on the basis of a resort village. There were thousands of survivors and it was the safest place within a radius of more than ten or twenty miles. Although it is not as safe as a large shelter guarded by the military, such a shelter has guns, ammunition, and strong human beings. It is also established in an area far away from the cracks of the abyss. Occasionally, demonized beasts will attack the shelter. was quickly resolved.

That was what he originally thought. When the demonic tide surged and submerged the shelter, he suddenly realized that the shelter was also so... fragile in such an apocalyptic world.

Tang Yu looked around.

On both sides, the collapsed houses formed chamfers. He was not buried, but escaped death. He stretched out his hand and touched it, only to see blood on his palm. This was not his own blood, but the blood of an unlucky guy on the side who had his chest and lungs pierced by an iron pipe. The blood that flowed down dyed the ground red.

This isn't the only one.

Through the cracks, Tang Yu could see the corpses on the ground outside. Compared to the unlucky guy who was pierced by the iron pipe, the death of those people outside was even more miserable.

Tang Yu felt sad.

He was lucky to survive, but it was of no use. As an ordinary person, he had no weapons and was not an awakened person. Even the weakest demonized beast would be enough to kill him.

"It would be great if it was an awakened person..."

People with good qualifications will naturally wake up as soon as they wake up. Those with less qualifications may be able to wake up under the pressure of adversity and become an awakened person with the ability to protect themselves in the end of the world.

There are also some people with average qualifications who cannot awaken on their own, but that doesn't matter. The shelter has a special auxiliary awakening device that can help survivors awaken. But Tang Yu was very embarrassed. His qualifications were the worst and he was not qualified to awaken at all.

There are many people like him. Once they encounter danger, it is almost equivalent to being sentenced to death.

"So, can we just wait for death slowly?" Tang Yu murmured to himself, feeling unwilling but seemingly resigned to his fate.

Suddenly he was startled.

"Ding dong! The end lord system has been activated. Please build the lord castle as soon as possible and establish the scope of the territory."

what sound!

He must have heard something just now. Could it be that he was discovered by the demonized beast, or was there an auditory hallucination

"Ding dong! Please lord build the lord castle as soon as possible..."

The voice came from his mind. This time, Tang Yu was convinced that this mysterious voice did exist.

This voice was very mechanical, just looping in his mind over and over again. He soon discovered that he could block this voice, or he could ask questions like this voice in his mind. Although the information he got was limited, at least he knew what it was. stuff.


Tang Yu remembered the name Lord of the End, which was a game he played to kill time before the end of the world. He was excited. He was no stranger to systems. He could even be said to be very familiar with them. He could easily pull out hundreds of novels with systems in his mind.

In an instant, he thought of the plots of these novels, then philosophy, life, and finally this game.

Lord of the End is originally a third-rate strategy game. It is roughly the setting of the end of Western fantasy. It tells the story of the destruction of the world and the imminent demise of mankind. The castle built by the player retains the last firewood for mankind. The player needs to...

Tang Yu shook his head fiercely. At a critical moment of life and death, he actually still had time to think about the background of the game!

"The system, since it is a system, can it at least help me awaken?"


"Give me some bodyguards, or summon a group of subordinates?"


Tang Yu: "..."

Then at least give me a solution to the current crisis!

"Ding... Ding dong, when you build the lord's castle, you will be given two puppet guards, which can solve the lord's current crisis."

"That's it, let's build it immediately!"

"Ding dong! To build the lord's castle, the lord needs to choose a site and pay one hundred units of source crystal. It is detected that the lord does not have the source crystal, so the lord's castle cannot be built."


He has something he doesn't know whether to say or not!

Other systems give novice gift packs first, but this broken system is better. It doesn’t give anything away. You even have to build the main base yourself, and it doesn’t come with resources. I’ve never seen anything like this after playing strategy games for so many years!

Now that's good, where can I find 100 units of Source Crystal

Source Crystal is an extremely precious strategic material. There is a small probability of condensation in the body of demonized beasts. It is said that there are also naturally occurring Source Crystal veins in the wild. These are not easy to obtain. Only elite combatants and even awakened people can possess them. Tang Yu is just a As a low-level survivor, let alone having a source crystal, I have never even seen one.

Normally he would never get it.

but now…

Tang Yu thought for a while, and there was indeed a glimmer of hope... The shelter had been breached, so there should be source crystals left behind in the place where the awakened people originally lived.

He didn't know whether this guess was correct, or whether there were 100 units of source crystal left behind, but for this glimmer of hope, he had to fight!

Taking a deep breath, he sorted out his complicated thoughts, "The Awakened Ones and the top management of the Sanctuary all live in the villa area halfway up the mountain, which belongs to the central area of the Sanctuary. I ran away before, and I wanted to escape from the inside. Now I am close to the Sanctuary. The central area is not far from the villa area, which is an advantage, but a disadvantage... "

Tang Yu smiled bitterly. His body was already very weak and he didn't have any weapons. It was an extremely bad start. The only thing he could rely on was the system that was now ineffective.

Then he patted his cheek and his eyes became firm.

Fortunately, the buried place was not tightly packed with rocks. Tang Yu searched around and observed the outside environment, and finally found a relatively large gap and got out of it.

There was an open space in front of them. There were originally a large number of simple houses and tents. It was of course a mess at this time. Many corpses were in pieces, with only a few parts left. The strong smell of blood filled the tip of the nose.

The corpses of demonized beasts were rarely seen. Tang Yu knew that the entire sanctuary was breached with little resistance in the face of the demonic tide.

Holding his breath and groping forward, he had to explore several times almost every step of the way.

The scorching sun was high, and sweat slipped from the tip of my nose, dripping on the ground, and was quickly evaporated. Tang Yu gasped carefully. Fortunately, the number of demonized beasts was less than expected. Along the way, he only saw one or two demonized beasts from a distance, lowering their heads to eat something unknown.

Bypassing the ruins and hiding in the grass, Tang Yu tried his best to avoid the demonized beast. Fortunately, the ruins of the entire sanctuary had just experienced a massacre, and the bloody smell on the ground covered up the smell on his body well, making the demonized beast lose it. The most advantageous tracking weapon.

Step by step forward, gradually, the villa area is close at hand.

… …

Near the villa area, the surrounding environment is even more messy, with destroyed houses everywhere.

The dark traces after the explosion, the craters left by the bullets, and the ruins of the walls all show that this place has experienced fierce battles.

Tang Yu saw many corpses, including those of awakened humans and those of demonized beasts, mixed together like a Shura field.

He stepped forward cautiously, squatted in front of the body and groped around.

The pungent smell lingered on the tip of his nose, and his hands were already covered with blood, but Tang Yu didn't care. He rummaged half frantically and half calmly.

A May 4th pistol.

There are also two magazines.

Together with the short knife he found on the way, it was the relatively intact weapon he could find. He also knew that these weapons would not be of much use against demonized beasts, but the cold touch of the gun body still made Tang Yu feel a lot more secure.

He also saw some guns and weapons from a distance. They were in good condition, but they were all in relatively open areas. It was more dangerous to get them. Adhering to caution and taking the source crystal as the first target, Tang Yu did not want to take too many risks.

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