My Doomsday Territory

Chapter 55: It’s already very economical


Housing Management Center.

People come and go here, and there are a lot of houses for rent every day.

The relief house is not the simple tent that Tang Yu imagined. In fact, there is not so much open space in the shelter to place tents. Generally, the relief houses where survivors live are tube buildings built by the shelter in a hurry. The rooms are simple and there are no There are more than a dozen people huddled together on bunks on the floor.

Survivors with a little extra money all hope they can live in a better place.

“Houses in the shelter are divided into five levels, from one star to five stars.”

As Li Xiuming walked, he introduced to Tang Yu, "One-star housing is a relief housing. Needless to say, two-star housing is similar to the dormitory rooms in our university. There are four people per room and ten people per room. , are all renovated rooms. The place I live in is pretty good. It is a dormitory for four people. However, the two-star housing does not have a toilet. To use the toilet, you need to go to the public toilet on each floor, and you need to queue up to take a bath. "

"Three-star housing is starting to be different. The biggest sign is that Samsung housing has independent toilets and bathrooms. It can be said that it is the residence that most people yearn for. Even many awakened people may not be able to afford Samsung housing. .”

"Four-star is a suite with electricity supply at fixed times every night, while five-star is a 24-hour power supply and there is Internet access in the room."

Tang Yu lamented that the Lindong officials knew how to play, and they actually divided the housing into so many levels.

And it is only for rent, which ensures that the water will flow continuously, the leeks will not be cut, and the spring breeze will grow again.

This was a place that could be used as a reference. He couldn't wait to take out his small notebook and record it immediately - real estate is hugely profitable, not to mention the Lindong official, who relies on leasing to make a steady stream of money, which is comparable to killing monsters and picking up source crystals. Much faster.

If his territory grows in size one day, will he be able to earn source crystals through real estate and other industries... At that time, he will divide the housing into ten levels, such as six-star housing with air conditioning and heating, and seven-star housing with refrigerators and ovens. All household appliances are available, eight-star housing...

At this moment, Tang Yu felt that his vision had become more long-term. As long as the territory was developed into a large-scale sanctuary, there would be no need to worry about not having enough source crystals. Even if he could draw ten or a hundred consecutive shots, it would no longer be just a dream!

There were a lot of people applying to rent a house, and there was actually a long queue.

Most of them were awakened people. From the looks of Tang Yu, many of them knew each other.

The two of them stood at the end of the line and waited patiently.

Ahead, there was sudden noise.

"You actually chose a four-star house. Lao Zhou, you've made a fortune."

"Brother Zhou, I heard last time that you were planning something. It seems to have been successful. Congratulations."

"Team Zhou, have you hunted a powerful demonized beast? Are there any materials on the demonized beast that you want to sell?"

At the front of the team, there was a strong man wearing clothes made of demonized animal fur, with an ax on his back. Tang Yu actually felt a little threatened by the man.

The muscular man smiled modestly, "Luck, it's all luck."

Although Zhou Jianhong kept saying this, other awakened people still looked at him with much respect.

Being able to live in a four-star room means that Zhou Jianhong's team has been ranked high in the shelter, especially when a well-informed person soon revealed the previous mission of Zhou Jianhong and his team, which was to hunt a terrifying awakened fourth-level demonized beast. .

Awakening to the fourth level!

Although most of the people here are awakened, most of them are actually at the first level of awakening. Even if many of them hunted some demonized beasts and have the strength of the mid-level and late stages, they are still the first level of awakening.

The number of awakened second-level people is less, and they are already elites.

Awakening to the third level, Zhou Jianhong was probably the only one present. No wonder their team was able to hunt such a terrifying demonized beast. Even with the combined efforts of everyone and the use of various weapons and equipment, their success still represented absolute strength. !

Even if the awakened people are like this, the staff at the housing management center, especially the young female employees, are already eager to recommend themselves to the pillow.

The staff at the counter worked very efficiently, but many people who had renewed their lease did not leave. Instead, they gathered around Zhou Jianhong. Some wanted to purchase the materials for the demonized beast, while others asked about the hunting process. If you want to imitate one or two, more often than not, you just want to get close.

Soon it was Tang Yu's turn. The staff at the counter was a young woman. She looked at Tang Yu and asked, "Is this your first time here to renew your lease?"


The young woman handed Tang Yu a brochure, which introduced some housing star ratings and related prices, and then looked at Zhou Jianhong who was not far away.

He looked like a nymphomaniac.

Tang Yu opened the booklet and read it for a while, then pointed to one of the pages, that's it.

"Oh, okay." The young woman responded absently. She took the brochure and looked at it, her face became strange, "You...did you turn to the wrong page?"

"That's right, that's it."

The young woman looked embarrassed and said, "This is a five-star house."

She didn’t think that the young man in front of her could afford to live in a five-star house. The first time she came to the housing management center was either because she left the relief housing group or it was the first time she came to the shelter. However, in either case, it was impossible to live in a five-star house. Afford five-star housing.

"Of course I know, thirty source crystals a month, and the minimum lease is one month."

The young woman still didn't believe it. Although she didn't lose her temper, she felt disgusted with the young man in front of her. Suddenly, she saw the man put his hand into his pocket.

What is this for

She didn't understand.

However, the next moment, the young woman's eyes widened. She saw the other party take out a small bag of Source Crystal from his pocket.

"This... do you really want to rent a five-star room?!!"

Xu was so surprised that the young woman couldn't help but lose her voice.

"Five-star housing, did I hear it right?"

"Let me see which team stayed in the five-star room."

Many people looked over and saw Tang Yu and Li Xiuming at the counter. The first thought in their hearts was disbelief.

Everyone is an awakened person. They can feel that there is no aura of awakened people in the two of them. Is it possible for two ordinary people to rent a five-star room? I'm afraid it's not just sensationalism!

However, when they saw that the source crystals Tang Yu held in his hands were packed in the most ordinary plastic bags, these awakened people began to doubt life!

When did Source Crystal become so worthless? How dare an ordinary person carry so many Source Crystal with him! Moreover, the mouth of the plastic bag is not knotted, so isn't he afraid that the source crystal will fall out if his hand shakes accidentally

This is simply... While they were still working hard to live in a four-star house, they had already left Yuan Jing behind to live in a five-star house.

In fact, many teams of awakeners can afford thirty units of source crystals.

However, this housing is equivalent to luxury goods. If it has three or four stars, it is enough, and it is not an anal necessity.

Many awakened people looked at Tang Yu with complicated expressions.

To be so generous, one must either be a rich man or a fool... The problem is that even a fool who can give out thirty source crystals is still a rich fool.

They are envious.

Following Tang Yu, Li Xiuming was also dumbfounded.

When Tang Yu took out a Source Crystal in the hotel, he was already surprised. He had thought that Tang Yu was the kind of awakened person who was better at getting along in the wild, and might have a few Source Crystals in his hand, but now he looked at it. The bright source crystal in the plastic bag made the world feel a little unreal.

"Old Tang, you don't really want to rent a five-star house for a month, do you? It's not necessary. You can't spend it like this if you have money. If you go to the source crystal to buy equipment, you can buy some good equipment. Going to the wild like this, Safety is guaranteed. When you have more money in the future, you can rent a five-star apartment. You’d better rent a three-star apartment now, or a four-star apartment."

Although the source crystal is not his, Li Xiuming still feels heartbroken. The most important thing is that there is no need to spend money here!

However, Tang Yu was also very innocent.

He also thinks the price is expensive, but isn't it a great savings? The rents are only five-star suites, not five-star villas, mainly because the time spent in Lindong is destined to be short, and Tang Yu does not want so many source crystals to be earned by Lindong Shelter in vain.

This is already very economical.

"It is indeed necessary to rent a five-star apartment. I am not the only one living there. Moreover, the five-star apartment has Internet access and 24-hour water and electricity..."

"You can go to an Internet cafe to surf the Internet. The area of a four-star apartment is not much smaller than that of a five-star apartment..."

Li Xiuming sighed.

He really couldn't understand the world of rich people.