My Doomsday Territory

Chapter 882: Final words


(A belated reflection on the completion of this book)

(I should have written it earlier, but because of writing a new book and a lot of procrastination, it has been postponed until now.)

(I was procrastinating and thinking about not writing it, but if I didn’t write a complete reflection, I always felt like I was missing something.


(So I spent N days typing out the final remarks.)

... ...

The book Doomsday Territory was launched on January 22, 2018, and till now...


It’s actually been two years!

I remember that what I prepared at the beginning didn’t seem to be about the apocalypse. Then when I was playing the game, I suddenly had an idea, and I just hit the keyboard and opened the book.

I didn’t expect that it would take two years to write like this.

I suddenly felt like a cow (serious face).

Of course, there are many problems.

For example, the updates are slow, only once a day, and sometimes there are no updates. Well...

The waste material is recognized as soon as the beast is recognized.

After all, I am a novice who has been writing for two years and can only write at a speed of 1,000 per hour.

Leaving behind the tears of the weak.


Here’s a summary of the plot.

When I started writing, I basically didn’t understand anything.

There is no outline.

There is no main line.

Don't know how to plan.

Don't understand the selling point.

The plot is written wherever I think of it... so the plot must be reasonable and reasonable.

When I had written about 700,000 to 800,000 words, I realized... "Oh", "It turned out that I had written wrongly".

But still don’t know how to write it.

The plot basically keeps wandering between going off and coming back.

It was only when I had written almost two million words that I had a little insight.

From time to time I recall the previous plot—although I have forgotten all the details.

But errors in direction can also be imagined.

If I could do it over again, I would choose...


If I could do it all over again, the plot should be planned like this.

At the beginning, when Green Shade is still a small shelter, farm some mobs (survivor team, other gathering places), etc.

Fight from small shelters to medium-sized shelters, and finally contact Lindong.

By writing this way, I can get at least 20,000 to 300,000 more words, and it will be more interesting.

The same happened after the city was built in Green Shade. The cross-provincial wave was too early, which is equivalent to the level being raised again.

If you don't grasp the rhythm well... then you don't understand what rhythm is.

I should start by writing about several large shelters around me.

Penetrate, trade, influence.

Form an army.

Resist the demonic tide.

By the time the protagonist dominates the entire province, it will probably be **100,000 words long.

Then look across the country.

Then bring out the alien race.

Fight with other survivors and alien races in secret places.

The influence gradually expanded.

Then came the appearance of the Holy City and the siege of the alien race.

The Earth chapter will take almost this long to write.

I didn’t write a lot of good stuff, maybe I shouldn’t have written it, but Balabala wrote a lot.


Then there is the first alien world, Aino Continent—this is the first alien world, but its level is a bit high.


Cross off.

The double-clicking caused the subsequent rhythm and level to be unable to be maintained.

The order of world arrangement is wrong!

So does Goldfinger.

There was no need to plan at the beginning, but later on... there was no time to plan.

The plot summary is written here.

It feels like the outline of a book with over a million words.

After writing this book, my pen and ink probably evolved from being new to being a novelist.

Not bad either.

Although the book was unsatisfactory—it collapsed after all.

But it's satisfying.

I still like territorial writing, but I haven’t finished this one yet. Maybe the next one will also include territorial writing...

The person I want to write now may not necessarily be the person I want to write next year.

At this point, my final remarks are over.

Finally, I would like to thank those book friends who have supported me all the way.

Thank you for seeing this.

It is you who have accompanied the book and the protagonist until today.

Now officially, that brings it to a happy ending.

Finished, scatter flowers.

After I finished writing my speech, I finally felt... complete.

The spirit is lifted.

The soul is elevated.

Oh yeah~!


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