My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 106: photo


This morning, Qin Ze finished his morning exercise and started from the bathroom after taking a shower. It was the end of August and the weather was sweltering. These need to be deliberately avoided.

At the dining table, Qin Baobao was biting into a steamed bun, and at the speed of being single for twenty-five years, took out his phone and clicked to take a picture.

"What are you doing?" Qin Ze was taken aback.

"It's okay, brother, you have such a good figure, and my sister can't be tempted. Take a picture to remember, and you will become a big belly in the future, so you can remember the past." Qin Baobao looked away, as if he had a guilty conscience.

It doesn't matter if you take pictures or something, but the stubborn sister actually admits that she has a good figure. Qin Ze happily poses as a few bodybuilders: "How about this strange man with eight-pack abs, are you excited?"

Click! Click!

"Heartbeat, a few more." Qin Baobao took pictures in a row.

So Qin Ze placed a few more, including the flamboyant "Thinker", Qin Baobao's eyes sparkled, and he was satisfied.

Wang Zijin smiled and watched from the sidelines, admiringly staring at Qin Ze's figure, and from time to time gave Qin Baobao some bad ideas, asking Qin Ze to pose in various shameful poses.

After a few days like this, I thought my sister was acting on a whim, but every morning she stayed in the living room early, waiting for Qin Ze to come out of the bath shirtless so that she could take pictures. Qin Ze couldn't bear it anymore, and wondered: "Baby Qin, you have something wrong. Taking pictures every day, do you think you are a photographer, or am I a model?"

Qin Baobao's eyes wandered, and he looked around and said to him: "Today's breakfast is not bad..."

Qin Ze interrupted: "Every day is the same, I bought it from the same shop."

"Oh, don't be so stingy, it doesn't cost money to take pictures." Qin Baobao tried to tear off his younger brother's short sleeves that blocked his body.

"You are still playing a hooligan."

"If you don't shoot, don't shoot." Qin Baobao thought for a while, his eyes lit up: "Let's make a short video."

"What short video?" Qin Ze was at a loss.

But the elder sister didn't answer him, handed the phone to Wang Zijin, and ran back to the room. After a while, she ran out wearing a sheet and handed Qin Ze a sheet. Qin Ze held the bed sheet with a confused look on his face, not knowing what his sister was doing.

"Ah Ze, I want to re-sing the song you wrote." Qin Baobao handed the sheet to his younger brother, then ran to find the broom behind the door, "Wait once in a thousand years."

"Waiting for a Thousand Years" is a song Qin Ze found for his sister from the song library. To be precise, it is a good song he found in the song library some time ago. He thought it was very charming, so he exchanged it for Baby Qin's Create a song every week.

The response to this song was mediocre at the beginning, and Qin Baobao's popularity has skyrocketed now. As long as she doesn't sing badly, it will be difficult to weed out. So Qin Ze posted a long Weibo the next day, explaining that the inspiration for this song came from the folklore "Legend of the White Snake". The sisters, Jing and Hua, lent the umbrella to the white lady and invited them to take the boat together.

Then the song became popular.

It's funny, since the video of his piano solo was circulated on the Internet, the number of people following Qin Ze has increased day by day, and Xu Yunhan's new song and "Waiting for a Thousand Years" have added points. Sometimes Weibo comments are more popular than Qin Baobao. My sister often scrolls through Weibo and complains sourly.

"You want me to pretend to be Xu Xian and you to pretend to be White Lady?" Qin Ze understood.

Unexpectedly, the elder sister shook her head, "I will pretend to be the white lady, and you will pretend to be the boatman!"

Qin Ze suddenly had a bad feeling.

Qin Baobao expressed his thoughts and creativity with great interest, and Wang Zijin's eyes sparkled immediately after hearing this. Qin Ze refused on the spot with the expression of eating a dead mouse: "Don't even think about it."

Qin Baobao was wearing a long quilt, holding his brother's arm and twisting his buttocks, acting like a spoiled child.

Wang Zijin suppressed a smile, "You can have this."

After a fierce struggle to no avail, Qin Ze reluctantly agreed with his sister's idea. If she wants to make a scene, just accompany her. Anyway, playing in private, it won't spread.

So the two siblings, one with a sheet and the other with a quilt, pretended to be on a boat.

Qin Baobao also put a white scarf on his head, pinched his orchid fingers, looked out, and sang: "Who is it that said, love me will never change."

Not to mention, it really has the charm of a white lady. If this face is more dignified, the acting skills are not so exaggerated.

"It's heartbreaking just because of this sentence"

"The rain breaks the heart, the wind sheds the tears."

"Dreams are lingering, love is far away."

"La... la... la... la..."

According to his request, Qin Ze held the broom as an oar and rowed like a boat. With a stiff face, Qin Ze reluctantly sang:

"Water of the West Lake, my tears."

"I would rather be a flame with you."

"Ah... ah... ah..."

How shameful, how stupid I am, to hang out with this crazy bitch.

Qin Baobao then sang: "Wait once in a thousand years, wait once."

"Wait once in a thousand years, I have no regrets"

"The rain breaks the heart, the wind sheds the tears."

"Dreams are lingering, love is far away."

"La... la... la... la..."

Qin Ze glanced at his sister beside him, Lan Hua's fingers were playing really well, coupled with body movements, it was like singing an opera. He rolled his eyes and sang:

"Water of the West Lake, my tears."

"I would rather be a flame with you."

"Ah... ah... ah..."

The elder sister has a rich expression, and the younger brother is bitter and bitter. The contrast is sharp. Wang Zijin, who is holding the mobile phone, is struggling to hold back his smile, and the camera is shaking all the time.

In about five minutes, the video recording was completed.

Wang Zijin dropped the phone, leaned on the table laughing and almost died, his shoulders trembling.

Qin Baobao ignored her, picked up the phone, flipped through the videos, and finally showed a satisfied smile.

Qin Ze put the broom back behind the door, turned back, and went to grab the phone: "Delete it."

Unexpectedly, my sister was like a little hen protecting her cubs, she put her phone in her pocket, held it down with one hand, and pushed Qin Ze with the other. He muttered, "Keep it, keep it as a souvenir."

"Remembrance?" Qin Ze gave Lei a moment, and said angrily: "Remembrance of you big-headed ghost, what is there to commemorate this thing, Qin Baobao, are you okay?"

My sister's face panicked, she hid it well, and said confidently: "Just as a souvenir, no way. You have the ability to grab it."

As he said that, he made a gesture to stuff the phone into the ditch of his chest. When Qin Ze saw this, he was afraid that she would say: If you dare to snatch me, tell Dad that you touch my chest.

She has a criminal record, her sister's routine.

So he quickly waved his hands: "As you please."

Qin Baobao happily returned to the room with his mobile phone in his hand. Wang Zijin came to see his aunt today, but he was not feeling well, so he asked for a day off. This elder sister is also a person who doesn't care about work. She works step by step from 9 to 5, and the leader assigns too many tasks, so she goes home and complains to her best friend and Qin Ze. I can't wait to stay at home and watch dramas every day.

The same is true for Qin Baobao.

Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, like dogs of a feather.

For a long time, there was no movement in Qin Baobao's room, and Qin Ze guessed that she had returned to sleep. Then he turned on the computer and researched the stocks.

At this time, the phone "ding" and Zhang Ya sent a text message.

The content of the text message is like this: "Hey, your sister didn't send your fruit photos today? Hurry up, send me some pictures, otherwise my sister will not taste like breakfast."

Qin Ze's heart skipped a beat when he saw this text message.

Suppressing the ominous premonition that appeared, he texted back: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Ya added a "sexy" expression, "Your semi-nude photo, baby posted it on Weibo, many girls looked at your photo and commented, shouting excitedly that they want to give birth to monkeys for you. Baby Weibo is now It's very popular. The photos are really good, I never thought you would take photos."

Qin Ze didn't reply to the message for a long time, so she sent another message: "Don't you know?" with a monkey emoji of "thumping the ground and laughing".