My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 11: Proficient in Chinese medicine


"Do you want to take her?" Qin Ze asked his teammates for their opinions.

"No." Li Liang refused.

Liu Ziqiang and Zhao Baliang said they didn't care.

Qin Ze invited him to join the game, jokingly said, "Maybe she's really a girl?"

The second round was much easier than the first round. After more than half an hour of running-in, the mid laner is no longer cute. At least she obeys the command. She seems to know that Qin Ze is the core of the team. As long as he hits the mark, he will be obedient , Qin Ze asked her to get off the road, and she just went off the road. Let her beat Xiaolong, just beat Xiaolong.

Three in a row.

Qin Ze looked at the time. There was a professional class at 1:30 pm and 2:00 pm.

"It's offline, you can play by yourself."

"No, no, no, I'll be promoted to silver if I win another round. Please help me, please." The opposite party acted coquettishly.

"No, I have to go to class."

"Ho Ho Ho, are you really a primary school student?"

"Change small characters to big characters!"

"Where do the great gods go to college?"

"Shanghai Stock Market Finance University."

"I'm also from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Sahua."


"Play again next time?" asked the interviewer.

Qin Ze replied with a "hmm.", quit the game, settled, and turned off the phone.

In the two professional classes in the afternoon, Qin Ze didn't dare to be out of his mind like in the public class, and his thoughts were soaring. Even after entering university, the old man still pays close attention to his grades. He often says a chicken soup: if a young man doesn't work hard, the old man will be sad.

The old man is full of despair about Qin Ze's future...

But Qin Ze's level is limited, every time he listens to a class, he can only understand half of it at most. , he immediately said goodbye to the library.

At 6:00 p.m., after today's class ended, Qin Ze followed his roommates back to the dormitory. He couldn't escape the dirty and messy pattern of the boys' dormitory. The trash can that hadn't been emptied for a week contained honeydew paper balls. There are yesterday's takeaway lunch boxes and some changes of clothes on the table. Fortunately, the air is not smelly.

Qin Ze took off all the sheets and covers that he hadn't slept in for several months, put them in a plastic bag, and prepared to take them home and throw them into the washing machine.

The four were chatting in the dormitory, and Li Liang proposed to continue to fight in the Internet cafe at night, which was unanimously agreed by everyone. Qin Ze readily agreed. He is quite addicted to gaming and hasn't played games for a while.

"Look at the campus forum, quickly look at the campus forum!" Zhao Baliang groaned.

Qin Ze and others opened the campus forum suspiciously, and a post was pinned to the top and refined. The title was very gimmicky: "Surprised to slap the face emperor, angrily beat the school grass Zhang Mingyu."

The post explained in detail the wonderful process of Zhang Mingyu being slapped in the face by an unknown pawn in the public class of the Finance Department in the morning. Followed by a few photos.

The first is a projection of selected passages in Russian, the second is Zhang Mingyu's impassioned recitation, and the third is Qin Ze's back, writing swiftly on the blackboard. The fourth picture is Zhang Mingyu's gloomy face.

From morning to now, seven or eight hours, the post has more than 3,000 views and 999+ comments

"There are pictures and truth, I believe it."

"Nice job."

"Uncle admires you."

"What the hell, looking for trouble with my male god?"

"Why is there no frontal photo, everyone hates him."

"It doesn't matter if you look at the back. Is this kind of thing compared to my male god?"

"Slap your sister in the face, Lanzhou biscuits."

"Zhang Mingyu has so many brain-dead fans. I heard about this from the students present. It is said that the professor who gave the lecture assigned extracurricular tasks to the students, translating that paragraph of Russian and writing about his feelings. Then Zhang Mingyu stood up coaxingly and said that the professor No, it’s too pediatric. I recited it in Russian on the spot, and pretended to be aggressive if I didn’t agree with each other. The students applauded. At this time, the face-slapping emperor suddenly stood up and shouted: "I have a different opinion. "I saw him striding up to the podium, translated it into Chinese characters, and refuted Zhang Mingyu's opinion... My classmates said that he and his friends were shocked."

"Upstairs, I'm dying of laughter, this is the legendary saying that if you can't pretend to be aggressive, you will get fucked!"

"I feel pain from this slap in the face."

"Zhang Mingyu leaned on the right cheek excitedly: Please continue!"

"We have a lot of rich people, let the rich second generation know what a mountain is higher than a mountain."

"The landlord ****, long live Zhang Mingyu, Zhang Mingyu is invincible, Zhang Mingyu will last forever... Zhang Mingyu smiled and put down the gun pointed at my head!"

In the comments, most of them are happy to hear and see, and there are also many supporters of Zhang Mingyu, who come and go with fierce words.

"Qin Ze, you're so hot." Li Liang burst into laughter as he read the comments.

Qin Ze worriedly said, "Can I live until tomorrow? Will Zhang Mingyu buy a killer to kill me?"

Zhao Baliang patted him on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "Brother, have a good journey, and entrust the Xunlei account to me with peace of mind."

Liu Ziqiang smiled and said, "Show me your sister's photo before you leave."

"Go away!" Qin Ze cursed with a smile, threw the phone on the bed, and began to take off the pillowcase. Almost forgot the pillow case.

At this moment, Qin Ze's phone rang, and when he looked down, the caller: Sister!

Qin Ze answered the phone, turned on the speakerphone, and while removing the pillowcase, said, "What are you doing?"

"Where are you?" Qin Baobao's sexy voice came from the speaker, a little hoarse and a little whiny.

Li Liang, Zhao Baliang, and Liu Ziqiang stared at the mobile phone, their eyes shining.

"What's the matter with you at school?" Qin Ze knew that something was wrong with her as soon as he heard it, and her usual voice was not at all whimsical.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

"I'll come back later, and I may not come back in the dormitory." Qin Ze said, it's common for them to stay up all night when they play games.

"If you don't come back, I'll jump off the building to show you." Qin Baobao said in a crying voice.

"What happened!"

"Auntie is here..." Qin Baobao said aggrievedly.

"I'll be right back." Qin Ze hung up the phone resolutely, carried the plastic bag, put the bag on his back, and strode out the door.

Auntie is here...

be right back... ...

Nima, there is a lot of information.

This kid was indeed a spoiled brat, and even pretended to be a single dog to hang out with them.

The three roommates rushed forward, one hugged the waist, the other hugged the legs, and the other closed the door backwards.

"Crazy, what are you doing?" Qin Ze was confused.

"You're not authentic, I said you didn't live in school for three years, how could you not be tricky?"

"Who is the other party, hold the grass, the voice is so sweet and sexy, it's shamefully hard."

"Be frank and lenient and resist strict."

"Go, go, I don't have time to make trouble with you." Qin Ze shook his body, shook off the three pestering guys, opened the bedroom door, and slipped out.

Trot all the way downstairs and run wildly.

Qin Baobao has dysmenorrhea, he knows this, when she was living with her parents before, every time she had menstruation, she would die of pain, as if she couldn't survive. At that time, his mother was taking care of her, and Qin Ze was watching the excitement from the sidelines. At that time, he secretly rejoiced that he was not a woman. As she got older, the dysmenorrhea became less, and occasionally she would still feel pain a few times. Qin Ze would go to the supermarket to buy brown sugar for her, make a cup of brown sugar ginger tea, and add a few grains of dried dates. These are all taught to Qin Ze by his mother. Qin Baobao is an imbecile in life, so he can't rely on her for these things.

"System, I saw in the point mall that it can be exchanged for medical skills. Can it treat dysmenorrhea?"

"Host, please check it yourself."

"Damn!" Qin Ze swears, instead of running, he opens the points mall, life: medical treatment: traditional Chinese medicine...

After looking anxiously for a long time, I finally found a prescription for treating women's dysmenorrhea, as well as a massage technique. A total of 80 points.

"Host, I suggest that you directly exchange for "Elementary Chinese Medicine Proficiency". You only need 150 points. After exchange, you will automatically learn massage techniques and get ten elementary prescriptions."

With a difference of nearly double the points, Qin Ze hesitated for a while, and decisively chose to exchange for "Elementary Chinese Medicine Proficiency". Qin Ze didn't need to be taught how to choose between one-time and permanent.

There are pharmacies everywhere in the university town, and there are two hospitals, one of which is a tertiary hospital, but there are not many stores selling traditional Chinese medicine. This is because there is a Chinese medicine college nearby. He took two subway stops and rushed to the Chinese medicine store to grab all the prescriptions. medicinal materials, I took a taxi directly on the side of the road and arrived at the entrance of the community in fifteen minutes.

When Qin Ze opened the door and entered the room, Baby Qin was curled up on the sofa, with his high heels still on, clutching his stomach, frowning, pale, with cold sweat oozing from his forehead and nose.

"Why does it hurt again?" Qin Ze closed the door, threw his things on the sofa, frowned and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

Qin Baobao looked at him with kitten-like eyes, lost the strength to speak, gasped and uttered a word: "Pain~"

"Let's talk on the bed first." He grabbed Qin Baobao's long legs in silk stockings, took off his high heels, put his hands into the crooks of his legs, picked her up in his arms, and walked back to the room.

"Oh, take it easy, I want to hurt my sister to death."

When Qin Ze put her on the bed, his strength was a bit heavier. Qin Baobao was shocked, and tears almost flowed out.

Women are trouble!

Qin Ze murmured in his heart, and stretched out his hand to unbutton Qin Baobao's chest. 36D was about to tear apart.

"What are you doing?" Qin Baobao was taken aback, and subconsciously covered his chest despite the pain, "You want to take this opportunity to molest your sister? I didn't expect you to be such Qin Ze, blah blah..."

"Your sister, take your hands away, isn't there a shirt inside?" Qin Ze patted her hands away, and untied them one by one. The little white shirt was very close-fitting, and when she lay down, her flat belly and navel were exposed. .

"Do you know how to untie your clothes because your stomach hurts? It's so tight." Qin Ze complained, moved to the end of the bed, lifted her sister's long legs in stockings, and slowly pressed the Sanyinjiao point, then the Taichong point on the instep, and three A few minutes later, it was changed to Xuehai and Diji two acupoints, and so on.

Qin Baobao narrowed his eyes and followed Qin Ze's pressing movements, "Mmmm."

Half an hour later, Qin Ze's fingers were sore and his head was sweating, but he couldn't turn on the air conditioner, "How do you feel?"

Qin Baobao rubbed his stomach and blinked: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"It's only temporarily relieved. I'll give you a bowl of medicine now. You lie down and rest. Don't blow the air conditioner. Cover yourself with a blanket and keep warm."

"Decoction?" Qin Baobao was stunned: "That's right, what happened to your massage just now, when did you know how to do it, mother, if you use it earlier, my sister won't have to suffer for so many years."

"I learned the massage technique from watching a video online, and I went to the Chinese medicine store to ask the old Chinese doctor for the medicine. He said it was very effective in treating dysmenorrhea." Qin Ze said angrily, "Isn't it because of your old problem? I've learned it for a long time. more than a month."

Qin Baobao sat up, his eyes rolled, his smile was like a flower, and he suddenly pouted: "Good brother, give me a kiss."

"Kiss you big-headed ghost." Qin Ze turned and walked out of the room, took the medicinal materials into the kitchen, cleaned them, soaked them for ten minutes, put them in a soup pot and boiled them on high heat for fifteen minutes, then fed them on low heat for ten minutes. The concoction is ready.

"Woo... It's so hard to drink." Qin Baobao took a sip and immediately grimaced.

"Good medicine tastes bitter." Qin Ze said a golden sentence passed down from generation to generation.

Under his younger brother's threatening eyes, Qin Baobao squeezed his nose and poured down the medicinal soup, hiccupping in an unladylike manner.