My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 126: piano


At eleven o'clock at noon, Wang Zijin turned into the gate according to the navigation, and the car drove out of the expressway. After going round and round for another half an hour, I finally came to the ancient town.

Qin Ze shook his sister to wake him up, Qin Baobao looked around dully, Qin Ze gently wiped away the suspicious sparkle from the corner of her mouth, maybe this action shouldn't be done by him as a younger brother, Qin Baobao felt shy.

The ancient town is located in the transportation hub of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, with the international airport on the east and Pingwang on the west. Caoqing River, a golden waterway, passes through the town. The houses with white walls and black tiles are built near the river, and they are genuine people who sleep on the water.

Qin Ze knew that Wang Zijin had never been here, half based on his memory, and half based on the information he checked online, and acted as a guide to explain.

"Although it can't be compared with Wuzhen, this is the number one ancient town in Shanghai. It has the characteristics of a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. It has water, bridges and bluestone paths. I heard that it is raining today. I wonder if I can enjoy walking through the long alley with an oil-paper umbrella. Made a beauty."

Wang Zijin smiled.

Qin Baobao waved his bully wrist to win against Shuang Shengxue, and said, "I'll do it, I'll do it, A Ze has such a perverted idea, my sister can only reluctantly agree to you."

"Go, go!" Qin Ze scolded.

"When we were in elementary school, our parents brought us here several times, and the changes were quite big. At that time, the water was clearer, the houses were older, and the arch bridges on the river were covered with mottled years." They walked on the flat streets of the ancient town, "I remember here There are many cobblestone-paved roads, but they are gone now, and they are all replaced by stone slabs or cement. It is a pity. Qin Baobao used to fall on the cobblestones, broke his knee, and cried in the dark. I was beaten by the old man Meal."

Wang Zijin burst into laughter: "Why did you hit you?"

Qin Baobao said unhappily: "It wasn't because he chased me that I fell down."

Qin Ze recalled: "I remember it was you who snatched my snacks and ran away, but fell and ate shit. Qin Baobao was broken when he was a child, and he always bullied me."

Wang Zijin said with emotion: "So it's all retribution."

Qin Baobao glared at his best friend: "Which side are you from?"

They happened to turn around the intersection, and there was a stone bridge in front of them. The river was quiet, and restaurants and restaurants stood along the river, all in retro style, with white tiles and white walls, and diners could have a panoramic view of the riverside scenery.

Qin Baobao excitedly said: "Hurry up and take pictures, hurry up and take pictures."

She stood on the bridge with one hand on her hips and the other hand in scissors. The background is the quiet and flowing Caoqing River, and the ancient buildings in the style of Jiangnan water town.

Qin Ze said, since you don't show your face, there's absolutely no need to take pictures. Come, Zijin, take a picture of the two of us.

Qin Baobao immediately went to take off his hat and sunglasses.

"Hey." The two called her to stop.

In the end, the three of them stood side by side. Qin Ze held the phone with long hands and adjusted the angle. With a "click", the picture was frozen.

Qin Ze stood in the middle, with his younger sister Wang Zijin on the left and his own sister Qin Baobao on the right.

The mischievous sister slashed Qin Ze's head with a hand knife when he pressed the shutter button. Wang Zijin noticed his best friend's behavior and squinted at her, with a smile that was not a smile, just like the "funny brother" in the online emoji. Only Qin Ze had a normal expression.

Afterwards, Wang Zijin chased Qin Ze and asked to delete the photos, but Qin Baobao snatched the phone and ran away. Said to post to the high school group.

At noon at a restaurant in Linhe, Qin Baobao proudly asked for a small private room. As soon as her sister entered the private room, she took off her sunglasses and a big-brimmed hat, her face flushed and dripping with sweat: "I'm so hot, I can't wait to plunge into the Caoqing River .”

The waitress who followed suddenly called out.

Qin Baobao was startled, and thought, "Oh, it's not good, my old lady has been recognized."

The waitress pointed at Qin Ze excitedly: "I recognize you, you are Qin Ze, so handsome, even more handsome than in the video. Can you give me an autograph?"

Qin Ze said, "No problem, just don't say it."

Then sign.

During the ordering process, the waitress kept her eyes on Qin Ze.

Qin Ze wants to order pork knuckle.

"The taste of this dish is mediocre. I suggest you eat river fish, which is freshly caught in the river." The waitress suggested.

Qin Ze felt that stir-fried wild vegetables were good.

The waitress immediately said: "Actually, it's not wild vegetables. Wild vegetables are more delicate than domestic ones these days. Everyone eats wild vegetables, and they've been sold out long ago. Stir-fried bacon with garlic moss is good. The bacon cured by farmers in the town tastes good."

The waitress strongly recommended, Qin Ze ordered four meat, two vegetables and one soup, the waiter reluctantly left the box. She didn't notice Qin Baobao during the entire ordering process.

Baby Qin touched his face, then his head.

"What are you doing?" Wang Zijin asked.

Qin Baobao said dejectedly: "See if I can touch another hat and a pair of glasses."

I am a fake star.

There is a very sad unspoken rule in Shanghai's catering industry: there are fewer dishes on the plate.

There is no profiteering or business.

The taste is not bad, but in the eyes of Qin Zeyang's two sisters, it is simply too low. You can't expect it to be delicious in restaurants in scenic spots.

After dinner, Qin Ze and the others wandered around the ancient town. Qin Baobao passed by an art shop and personally chose a pair of sunglasses for his younger brother, the kind of round-frame sunglasses used by dog-headed military officers in the Republic of China era.

As a result, the rate of turning heads was even better. Whenever Qin Ze passed by, passers-by looked curiously.

Wang Zijin joked: "Yo, two big stars, calling me a passer-by is very stressful."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Baobao cried out that he was tired, hid in a western restaurant with the air conditioner on, and ordered three desserts on his own initiative.

This western-style restaurant is elegantly decorated, and the waiters are uniformly dressed in European and American style. The price is double that of the outside. There are many tourists drinking afternoon tea in the lobby. On a hot day, when they are tired from playing, they come in for drinks and desserts.

There is also a piano in the center of the hall, which is played by a waiter. If tourists are interested, they can also offer a piece of music, but they have to pay a small usage fee.

Qin Baobao bit the straw, took a deep breath, stuck out his tongue to lick the sweet cream, and narrowed his eyes happily: "It's so comfortable, my sister finally feels like she's alive."

She turned her head to look at the scorching sun outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and her dark pupils reflected the bright sunlight.

"I just want to hide under the air conditioner and be a salted fish, I don't want to go out to bask in the sun."

Qin Ze scoffed, "Sister Xianyu!"

"Get lost." Qin Baobao wanted to hit him, but Qin Ze and Wang Zijin were sitting opposite her, so she couldn't hit him.

"Baby, how's work going recently? I heard from Aze that someone named Xu Lu often troubles you?" Wang Zijin had a lot of meaning.

"It's not often, but the resources can't grab her." Qin Baobao said: "My sister is a kitten now, and her claws and teeth are not sharp. When she grows into a big tiger in the future, she won't be afraid of her."

Qin Ze complained every day: "A tigress?"

The elder sister couldn't beat him, so she simply ignored him, and scooped up a spoonful of dessert: "This is what you call trying your best."

Qin Ze's eyes wandered, and he saw a young couple sitting diagonally across from them. They should be tourists from the Shanghai Stock Exchange just like them.

The young man and the girl whispered for a moment, the girl's eyes lit up, and she nodded happily.

Then the young man Shi Shiran got up, walked to the central piano, whispered a few words to the waiter who was playing the piano, and took out a piece of Grandpa Mao and handed it to the waiter.

The waiter stood up and gave up his seat to the young man.

Some of the tourists around looked over, and some chatted on their own.

The young couple looked at each other and smiled. The young man straightened his back and opened his shoulders. It can be seen from the standard posture that he has practiced.

Qin Ze was a little surprised. These days, when you ask a child if he can play the piano, the probability of nodding is quite high. When you ask an adult if he can play the piano, there is a high probability that he will shake his head. Today's children are struggling, with endless homework and endless interest classes. Driven by the mentality of parents looking forward to their children's success, piano training classes? superior! Calligraphy and painting training class? superior! Dance class? superior! Swimming lessons? superior!

Up and up!

Completely disregarding the feelings of the children, and in the eyes of most parents, their children are the template of Long Aotian, who are talented in everything they learn, and they have to learn everything.

It is also now that the economic conditions are better, like when Qin Ze was a child, he was abandoned by his parents because of his dull aptitude, and raised his sister. Even if this is the case, it will only take a year and a half to study, and it will be cut off due to economic reasons.

The brisk and melodious piano sound floats in the hall, like flowing water, like silver bells, with an excellent sense of melody.

"To Baby Qin!" said a tourist.

"It's a good song, I've heard it many times."

"To Baby Qin?" A gray-haired uncle was puzzled.

"It was composed by the brother of a female celebrity for her. It was a famous piano piece some time ago." The daughter, who accompanied her father out to relax, explained.

"It sounds good, but it's a little soft." The uncle said.

"This is about love." The daughter laughed.

The uncle was taken aback: "Love? Created for my sister? This young man's thinking is very dangerous."

After a song was played, there were sparse applause. You'd be damned if you could just play the piano and get a lot of applause. However, the goal of attracting attention was achieved, and the guests in the lobby all paid attention to the couple.

"Is this the song by Aze?" Wang Zijin said.

"Yeah." Qin Baobao nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and emphasized: "It was created for me."

Wang Zijin automatically ignored the second half of the sentence, and suggested: "Ah Ze also play a song?"

She hasn't seen Qin Ze play the piano before, except in the video.

Qin Ze asked, "What are you playing?"

Wang Zijin said, "Whatever you want."

He looked at his sister again, and she also said, "Whatever."

Qin Ze thought for a while: "Then play the song just now."

"Don't, isn't this a slap in the face?" Qin Baobao said.

"Is this cool? Urban Shuangwen likes this kind of routine." Qin Ze said.

Qin Baobao curled his lips: "Sister, you are so happy, I have provoked you, and I want to slap him in the face. This is called a forced routine."

Qin Ze said: "If there is no routine, it will feel too plain and boring. If the routine is too strong, readers will feel that their IQ has been insulted."

Qin Baobao sighed with emotion: "So pretending to be aggressive is a technical job."

Qin Ze looked at her: "You don't need to pretend, you are born with this skill."

"Look for a fight." Qin Baobao rushed to pinch his younger brother's ear, and Qin Ze hurriedly dodged.

Qin Ze said, "How about a fairy tale?"

"No," Wang Zijin said, "the baby often sings fairy tales in the middle of the night, and his ears are callused."

"Why are you singing fairy tales?" Qin Ze looked at his sister.

Qin Baobao said anxiously: "I want you to take care of it."

"Exaggerate." Qin Ze said again.

"No." The two sisters said in unison.

Qin Ze glanced at the two of them, "Didn't you say it's casual? Okay, this is very feminine."

He got up and suddenly remembered something: "I will be recognized if I go up like this."

This is the outer suburbs of Shanghai, not other provinces, maybe someone will recognize him, and then implicate his sister, the trip will become a fan meeting......

Qin Baobao thought for a while, "Put on the sunglasses my sister bought for you."

She felt unsafe, so she put her big-brimmed hat on her younger brother's head again, giggled and said, "This way my own mother won't be able to recognize him."

Qin Ze passed by, "Can I use this piano?"

The waiter raised his head and stared at the strangely dressed guest, "Yes, one hundred songs."

Restaurants with built-in pianos are uncommon. Some restaurants allow diners to play the piano, while others do not.

But Qin Ze has never seen one who charges for it. Considering that this is a scenic spot, it is understandable for all kinds of strange fees.

It was a grand piano, shiny black, and quite new. Grand pianos are suitable for large-scale performances or professionals, and upright pianos are generally used at home. Qin Ze has never played an upright piano. Among the people he knows, only Pei Ziqi has a piano, which is a grand piano owned by Sao Bao.

Qin Ze sat at the front of the piano, his waist straight, as vigorous as a bamboo joint. Qin Baobao pointed at him and said, "My brother is handsome."

Wang Zijin said "Mmmm" twice: "Handsome!"

The most handsome thing is not his face, but his spirit!

Although the system helped him fine-tune his face, but his own foundation was there. If he said he was handsome enough to shock the party, it must be a lie. He has been upgraded from a good-looking handsome guy to a handsome guy in the orthodox sense. Wang Zijin's family background is unusual, and he has seen countless handsome guys with both hands and feet. Qin Ze is in it, and he is actually at an upper-middle level.

Qin Baobao wrinkled his nose: "I won't give it to you."

Wang Zijin was taken aback, and rolled his eyes.

While speaking, the sound of the piano floated up. The melody is beautiful, soft and firm.

"Invisible wings." Qin Baobao immediately recognized his debut work, curled his lips and said, "It's not bad."

Wang Zijin said, "Well, the melody is relatively simple."

At this time, the rhythm reached the low and gentle part in the middle half, and there was a portamento, and the bright melody suddenly became melodious and ethereal.

"Huh?" Qin Baobao was taken aback.