My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 139: Worship ancestors


Early in the morning, Qin Ze led Wang Zijin to practice in the morning. The two went around the park again and again. At 6:30, the sun had already risen, and the sun was slightly scorching. Sometimes, she would stop and walk slowly, and wait for Qin Ze to come back on the second lap, and then run together. Today, I will die with Qin Ze, gritting my teeth to support.

"Take a break?" Qin Ze was understanding.

Wang Zijin shook his head.

"Training doesn't happen overnight," Qin Ze said.

"But losing weight is urgent." Wang Zijin said.

Her face is indeed rounder than when she first came here. In order to prevent the fate of becoming a piglet, she must increase the amount of exercise.

Qin Ze glanced at Wang's sister's well-proportioned and exquisite figure, "It's okay, Miss Paper Towel's figure is still so good."

When Wang Zijin heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But Qin Ze looked at her face, and changed the topic: "The face is really round."

Wang Zijin instantly made a zombie face, glanced sideways, and said angrily, "I'll hit you."

Wang Zijin envied and hated: "Baby Qin eats so much every day, why isn't he fat?"

"Probably because of the legendary talent."

Wang Zijin snorted, "Curse her to be fat like a pig."

Qin Ze couldn't help laughing, thinking of such a picture, if Qin Baobao was here, he would definitely cross his arms in front of his chest, put on a defensive posture, and shout loudly, "Bounce back the curse!"

At 7:30, there are more and more office workers riding shared bicycles, mixed with battery cars. These guys are more terrifying road killers than female drivers. In their eyes, there are no traffic rules at all, and they are rampant. Among them, the takeaway battery car is fierce.

Qin Ze proposed to run on the trails in the park, avoiding bicycles and battery cars, but Wang Zijin couldn't hold it anymore, panting, and said he wanted to go home and rest.

Back home at eight o'clock, Wang Zijin took a bath, had breakfast, and went out with his siblings.

Qin Ze and Qin Baobao drove the little red horses to the Yongle Cemetery in the suburbs. When they arrived at the destination, the old man and Qin's mother were already waiting under the six-meter-high stone archway. The archway is engraved with four big characters "Yongle Cemetery".

The old man's attire today is a neat black suit, white shirt and black tie. It's rare for him to wear such a formal dress. Thinking about it, it's right, after all, it's an important day to see Lao Tzu. He had a rigid and serious face, frowning as he looked at the pair of sons and daughters approaching. The older sister held the younger brother's arm.

"What day are you wearing casual clothes? Didn't your mother tell you to come in a suit?" The old man reprimanded his son.

It is said that in a man's wardrobe, there must be a pure black suit, which will be used in two occasions, funerals and weddings.

But Qin Ze didn't have a suit. In the past, he was a child in the eyes of his parents, so he could be more casual. Now that he has graduated from university and stepped into the society, he is a real adult. Not an eighteen-year-old adult.

"I don't have a suit." Qin Ze argued.

The old man was taken aback: "Your company doesn't require you to wear formal clothes?"

All high-end companies have uniform requirements, especially in the two major industries of real estate and finance, formal attire is a mandatory requirement.

"We are a small company, so we didn't ask for that." Qin Ze was startled, and hastily lied. He lied to the old man that he had found a job, and investing in stocks at home was as unreliable as his daughter's involvement in the entertainment industry. The daughter is already in such a bad mood, if the old man knows that his son is not aggressive and speculative, he will blow up.

"What a ruined company." The old man nagged dissatisfiedly.

Qin Ze breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly heard his sister say softly, "Dad, A Zelan doesn't work at home, so you should educate him."


Baby Qin, you want to do something, right

Sure enough, the old man frowned immediately.

Qin's mother saw that the situation was not right, so she gave full play to her 20 years of hard work and said: "Okay, let's talk about it when we have something to do, don't beat your grandson in front of Dad."

The family went to the cemetery to buy incense, candles, paper money and other items.

The siblings fell behind, and Qin Ze pinched his sister's ass hard.


Qin Baobao howled.

"What's wrong?" The old man turned around.

"Dad, Ah Ze hit me." Qin Baobao complained.

"Dad, I didn't, it was Qin Baobao who slandered me." Qin Ze didn't change his face.

When it comes to character, the old man is more optimistic about the son brought out by his hands than the spoiled daughter. The elder sister was clever and mischievous and bullied the younger brother since she was a child, and the old couple knew it well. As everyone knows, Feng Shui has already turned.

"It's outrageous to make a fuss all day, be more serious later." The old man reprimanded.

Turning around, the daughter's screams came from behind, and the old man said angrily, "What's the matter, isn't it over?"

With tears in his eyes, Qin Baobao said aggrievedly, "I sprained my ankle."

But the hands are rubbing the buttocks.

Qin Ze said viciously, "I'll make you fall into trouble."

Qin Baobao raises his eyebrows: "My sister is doing it for your own good. She stays at home as a salted fish all day long. What's the point?"

Qin Baobao felt that his younger brother's mentality and state were not right, and that many young people were wasted because they were idle at home. Then there is the wrong mentality of speculating, thinking about making a fortune in the stock market all day long, a typical lazy gambler's mentality.

"Fart, I just didn't find a suitable position, and besides, I made a lot of money trading stocks."

"How much?" Qin Baobao asked hurriedly, she was very concerned about her brother's family background. Just like the housekeeper who smells her husband's hidden money.

Qin Ze flipped his palm and said proudly, "It's doubled."

Qin Baobao was stunned, smiled and touched his younger brother's dog's head, and said, "Who did you learn this bragging skills from? Serious nonsense."

"I told you, after all, you pulled me up with shit and piss." Qin Ze mocked.

"One piece of feces and one piece of urine pulled out such a waste wood," Qin Baobao was heartbroken, and waved his little hand: "Return to the furnace and rebuild."

Qin Ze aimed at her lower abdomen.

Qin Baobao was furious and slashed the back of his brother's neck with a knife.

There is a church-like building in the cemetery, with a large cross on the roof, and the lobby is as empty as the church, except that there is no statue of Christ Jesus, but the Taoist Sanqing. A bit nondescript. There are shops selling joss sticks and the like next to the church. People who come here to worship their ancestors buy them directly in the cemetery.

These matters were handled by Qin's mother, Qin Baobao assisted, Qin Ze and the old man stood by and smoked.

Qin Ze learned to smoke after he went to college, and was encouraged by the head of the dormitory, Li Liang and Zhao Baliang. Before that, the old man didn't allow him to smoke, and he was beaten severely when caught. Of course not now, Qin Ze is about to be twenty-three years old, he can't manage it all his life, and the old man himself smokes and drinks alcohol, which is not a bad habit. Just in moderation.

After buying incense candles, Ming coins and other items, Qin Ma received a call from Qin Ze's aunts, saying that they had already bought ancestor worship items in the cemetery.

After hanging up the phone, the family of four waited for relatives in place.

You can't help others or ask others to buy items for ancestor worship, because this is a tribute to the deceased elders and cannot be faked by others.

The old man was the eldest in the previous generation, and he has two younger sisters. The eldest aunt is three years younger than the old man, and the younger sister is six years younger.

The eldest aunt is called Qin Ruyue, and the younger aunt is called Qin Ruyan.

In less than five minutes, two aunts and uncles came over together, accompanied by Qin Ze's cousins, the eldest aunt's daughter is eighteen this year. The son of the sister-in-law's family is Qin Ze's sixteen-year-old cousin who is sick in the second year of middle school.

The two aunts both have only one child. The family planning is different in the city and the countryside. In the countryside, the first child gave birth to a daughter and can have another child. After all, when doing farm work in the countryside, the son is the main force.

Qin Ze heard from his parents before that Qin's mother hid in her hometown in Zhejiang Province to give birth to him, and was fined a lot of money when she became naturalized. When Qin Baobao was a child, he always laughed at his younger brother for being redundant, so Qin Ze cried and looked for his mother. At that time, the gentle and virtuous Qin's mother would grit her teeth and beat Qin Baobao. After a few times, Qin Baobao never dared to laugh at his brother like this again.

"elder brother!"

The cousin with the second-year illness ran to Qin Ze's side excitedly. This kid's name is Jiang Cheng, his eyes are like his mother's, his nose is like his father's, and he has inherited the best genes from his parents. According to his own bragging, he was a high school student in junior high school. In this generation, he and Qin Baobao had the most outstanding appearances.

The Qin family's genes are weird. It seems that good genes are passed on from daughter to son, and the two aunts were both beautiful and beautiful when they were young. The old man's handsome appearance is not good enough. In this generation, Qin Ze has an ordinary appearance, but Qin Baobao is a charming and charming child.

"Brother, why do I feel that you have become handsome." Cousin Zhang Yunxi said with a smile. She has neat bangs, which looks a little cute.

"It's grown." Qin Baobao smirked.

"Go!" Qin Ze glared at her.

The family entered the depths of the cemetery, lit candles in front of the old man's grave, burned paper money, and wiped the dust off the tombstone.

When worshiping, the old man squeezed a pinch of incense, closed his eyes and muttered something, the second was Qin Ze, he was the eldest grandson of the head of the house. The only child of the Qin family.

Qin Ze followed suit.

Qin Baobao stood on the side prettyly, and dubbed in a funny voice: "Grandpa bless me to marry a beautiful wife like my sister as soon as possible, and then make a lot of money, buy ten villas, ho ho ho..."