My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 14: Lose you Rem


Because of the existence of the "small waist" that is holding back, every round is very difficult. Fortunately, the enemy's level has also dropped accordingly. The five members of our side won the three consecutive victories through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties. Xiao Manyao cheered and spoke: I have advanced, I have advanced, God, please accept my knee.

In fact, Qin Ze's operation level is only above average, and he can't show all kinds of supernatural operations. What makes him arrogant is his overall view, when to do what, how to deal with situations, and his command is orderly. Probably the so-called leading wolf leading a group of sheep can kill a group of wolves led by a sheep. Many times, the opponent loses for no reason. They obviously have a great advantage at the beginning, but in the middle and late stages, they suddenly find that they are no longer able to fight the team.

At 7:30, Qin Baobao called him home.

Arriving at the door at 7:45, he took out the key and opened the door. Qin Ze saw his elder sister curled up on the sofa watching TV, her long legs wrapped in light-colored jeans, and there was a plate of washed grapes on the sofa. Under the bright blue reflection of the TV, it was sparkling, watery, and extremely attractive.

Even Qin Ze, who is used to his sister's mischievous appearance, couldn't help but take a second look. He sat down on the sofa, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to order takeaway. Qin Baobao kicked his feet on him, keeping his eyes on the LCD TV, "Go, go, cook go."

"Cooking?" Qin Ze was stunned: "Why cook, order takeaway."

Qin Baobao picked up a grape, stuffed it into his rosy mouth, spit out the skin with a pop, and gave him a charming look: "Takeaway is too expensive, we can't afford it. From now on, we will be diligent and thrifty, and we will have enough food and clothing by ourselves."

"I'll do it." Qin Ze curled his lips.

"Don't talk nonsense, I've bought the dishes, and I'll leave the cooking to you." Qin Baobao said as it should.

In the kitchen there is a piece of tofu, a piece of fish, green vegetables and celery. Just enough to make one meat and two vegetables, boiled fish with tofu, green vegetables with mashed garlic, and stir-fried meat with celery. Qin Ze's cooking skills have been taught by his mother, but he is lazy and usually orders takeaway when he can. The aroma of the dishes floated to the living room, Qin Baobao was drooling greedily, stepped on slippers, sneaked in and ate. Qin Ze was full of resentment, he grabbed her hand and pushed it away.

Qin Baobao rubbed his belly and acted pitifully: "Baby is hungry..."

Qin Ze shuddered violently, with goosebumps all over his body.

At the age of twenty-five, he still acts like a little girl and acts cute.

While eating, Qin Ze looked at his sister with puffy cheeks and said, "The old man told me yesterday that we should go home next week. Mom misses us."

Qin Baobao's movement of grilling the rice froze, and his charming melon-seeded face lifted from the rice bowl, like a vigilant little fox, and said vaguely: "What are you doing, do you want me to go on a blind date again?"

"The old man said no, but I don't think his words can be trusted." Qin Ze shrugged: "You know how dark the old man is."

"I don't have time. I have to practice singing and dancing on weekends. You can go back by yourself. Just say that I work overtime." Qin Baobao said.

"I'm not going back either."

Qin Baobao was puzzled.

"I have something to do on the weekend."

"A date?" Qin Baobao's aura changed.

"About your big-headed ghost." Qin Ze rolled his eyes: "I found a job, and I guess I have to work overtime on weekends."

"Look for a job, look for a summer, it's almost over. You'd better get some tutoring. Don't go to school. Dad dusted him with a feather.""I will not save you," Mr. Qin said, licking his lip flap and comfortably burping.

"When did you save me? Didn't you happily watch the fun when Dad beat me, Qin Baobao, you have a bad conscience." Qin Ze was full of resentment.

Qin Baobao made faces at him.

After the meal, Qin Baobao was in charge of washing the dishes, and Qin Ze sat in the living room studying his modeling. The notebook was placed on the glass tea table, biting the pen while searching for relevant information. The principle that the stupid bird flies first was taught to him by his father more than ten years ago, and he has been faithfully implementing it. However, with his current level, it is undoubtedly a dream to understand these things. Some things are really innate, like IQ. No matter how hard work can make up for clumsiness, no matter how stupid the bird flies first, it will be limited after all. Ten years of hard work is not as good as other people's hard work for one year. This is a bit extreme, but it is very common for three years to reach someone for one year. Take Qin Ze as an example. The old man who was in high school for three years personally served as a tutor, whipping his son who failed to live up to expectations. , but even though he worked so hard and urged him so hard, Qin Ze still only got a second grade. On the other hand, Qin Baobao, in the first and second grades of high school, dawdled around, dreaming of her star dream, and in the third year of high school, she worked hard casually, just like playing around, and was admitted to Fudan University.

It's okay not to be jealous!

Thinking of this, Qin Ze raised his head and glared angrily at Qin Baobao who was leaning over to wipe the table. His tight jeans wrapped around his well-developed buttocks, just like a full moon. Qin Ze's heart was awe-inspiring, and he meditated silently, fearing that there would be a ding-dong in his mind: "touch Baby Qin's butt" would appear in such a task.

It's time for me to find a girlfriend.

This idea came to Qin Ze's mind. He had very few love experiences in his life. He held a girl's hand in elementary school. When he was in junior high school, all the classmates around him were in love. In order to keep up with fashion, he made an appointment with the same table. If someone asked, You are my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend. So they became boyfriend and girlfriend in name for two years, and they didn't even hold hands. When I was in high school, my studies were heavy, so I didn't even think about it. When I was a sophomore, I chased after a girl, she was pretty and gentle, but it was a pity that she became pornographic not long after.

Click on the campus forum, and there is a post that is always placed at the top of the most conspicuous position. The title is "Summary of flowers from various departments of the University of Finance and Economics". Inside are photos of beauties taken secretly or aboveboard by students. After PS technology, all of them are so beautiful that they are not ordinary. Qin Ze had seen it before, but he didn't read it carefully. The main reason was that Qin Baobao's aesthetic perception was higher than the Fudan score line, and ordinary beauties were really hard to catch his eyes.

Qin Ze carefully browsed the beautiful photos of the beauties on campus. This is what he thought. Today is different from the past. There will be money and houses. It is time to find beauties and pick up girls. Otherwise, he would become a multi-millionaire and billionaire in the future, and when he hugged a girl who threw himself into his arms, he rushed to the room excitedly, but failed to enter, and he would probably be laughed to death by the girl.

While Qin Ze was concentrating on browsing the photos, Qin Baobao washed his hands and came out of the kitchen, threw himself on the sofa, groaning and stretching. Suddenly seeing Qin Ze looking at pictures of beauties, he immediately brought his head closer and said, "Yo, this is spring."

Qin Ze dragged the mouse and said, "Look, there are quite a few beauties in our school."

"The PS one is too fake. The one with the sharp chin can stab people to death, and the one with big eyes looks like an alien."

Qin Ze originally wanted to say that you were Chi Guoguo's jealousy, but when he turned his head and saw his sister's disastrous face, he changed his mind and said, "That's because he has a good foundation. As long as it's a delicate little flower, I like it."

"The beauties are all famous, so it's your turn to do it." Qin Baobao curled his lips in disdain.

"As long as the hoe is swung well, there is no corner that cannot be dug." Qin Ze turned his head and spat at her.

Qin Baobao punched him and sat cross-legged on the sofa, "You're just moaning, you're a giant in theory, but a dwarf in action. It's no wonder you know how to chase girls."

Qin Ze suddenly felt that his self-esteem was severely hurt, and he became angry from embarrassment: "Who said I can't chase girls, I also have a girlfriend before, okay?"

Qin Baobao sneered: "It's been a month since I got better, and I was kicked off by others."

Qin Ze was furious: "Do you still have the face to say, if it weren't for your meddling, I would still be single now? I have long been an experienced man."

Speaking of this, he became angry. Back then, he showed off to Qin Baobao that he was out of the singles like a treasure. When Qin Baobao heard that his brother had finally found a girlfriend, he was also very happy, and offered to go out for dinner as a check. So Qin Ze asked the newly caught Shuiling Cabbage to come out, and the two agreed to meet at the entrance of the restaurant. That day, Qin Baobao was dressed very delicately, like a big star, and the rate of return was very high.

When Qin Ze saw his girlfriend coming and waved his hands excitedly, Qin Baobao showed his killer move, sealed his throat with a sword, put his arms around Qin Ze's arm, and said coquettishly, "Husband, this is the one you provoked outside. You little bastard, you don't look very good."

Qin Ze petrified on the spot in the wind.

Of course the meal was not completed, the girlfriend left in shame and anger, and never talked to Qin Ze again, the phone was blocked, and the chat software was blocked, so far he has been a stranger.

"I'm here to help you test her character and test your relationship. True love should be solid and immortal." Afterwards, Qin Baobao said eloquently.

"I'm helping you..." Sure enough, Qin Baobao still used the same rhetoric.

Qin Ze spat at her again: "Fart, it's been so long, I figured it out a long time ago, you are just jealous that I found a girlfriend. Because you are still single, you are out of balance."

Qin Baobao was choked.

"Hmph, it's right, it's speechless, it's time to blow up the "little under the leather robe"." Qin Ze felt like a legendary swordsman, if he didn't make a move, he would be fine, but if he made a move, he would never kill.

Qin Baobao stood up abruptly, grabbed the anime accessories that Qin Ze bought, put Rem on the pillow, and slammed him on the head: "The other party doesn't want to talk to you, and throws Rem at you."

Stepping on her slippers, she walked into the room and slammed the door with a "bang".

"Inexplicable." Qin Ze muttered, and opened the points mall, "System, I want to exchange professional knowledge on fund investment."