My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 148: Touch the head to kill


In the general manager's office, the assistant was standing outside the door and heard the click of a mouse in the office. When she knocked on the door, the sound stopped.

"Come in." The general manager's cool and pleasant voice came.

She walked in with the results of today's interview and placed them gently on Su Yu's desk.

"I interviewed ten people today, three were eliminated in the written test stage, two were eliminated in the interview stage, and the remaining five, I evaluated according to education background, work experience, etc., and divided them into grades A and B. Mr. Su, please take a look."

Su Yu glanced at them, looked at them one by one, and said calmly, "How is his paper doing?"

The female assistant immediately pulled out the test paper and the answers from the file.

Comparing the test paper and the answer, Su Yu finally showed a touch of color on his elegant and picturesque face, and said, "I really gave him full marks, and Nanman didn't fool me. It really only took half an hour?"

The female assistant smiled wryly: "Boss Su, what is the origin of that guy? He said that half an hour is half an hour, and there is nothing wrong with any of the questions. The answer to the questions is more detailed than the reference answer. Sit down on the whole paper, that is called a neat and quick answer." , Scratch paper is useless, and I didn't think much about it. If I hadn't randomly printed this paper from the Internet, I would have wondered if he had memorized the answers in advance. You didn't see the faces of the interviewers."

"It's quite abnormal." Su Yu smiled, like a glacier thawing.

"It never occurred to you that he wouldn't be able to answer the question?" The female assistant said, "Manager Lin and the others looked at me in a strange way. They probably think that I'm being abusive and making things difficult for a young man."

"Someone told me that he could finish a simulated college entrance examination paper in 20 minutes with full marks. I don't believe it, but now I have to believe it. Everyone has a brain. Some people get 250, while others get 250."

The female assistant thought to herself, I was treated as two hundred and five just now.

"You never thought about it, what if he can't answer?"

Su Yu smiled lightly: "If you can't answer it, you can't answer it. It should be admitted or admitted. This paper has nothing to do with the interview." Raising the evaluation in his hand, "Why is it a B?"

Qin Ze's evaluation report.

The female assistant said: "No work experience, an intern, and the ability is yet to be verified. For the time being, I can only evaluate B."

Su Yu got up and walked to the corner, put the test paper and the answer into the shredder's slot, "Arrange him to the investment department, and hang out with Li Linfeng for a while."

She is about 1.7 meters tall, a head taller than the female assistant.

The female assistant nodded hurriedly. Among so many new employees, only this kid was personally arranged by President Su.

After the female assistant left the office, Su Yu trotted back to the computer, and the mouse clicked.

No matter how hard you cheat, you can't cheat your teammates.

In other words, I haven't seen the Great God go online in this period of time, and it's so difficult for her to get gold.

From being stubborn to unyielding, when will we reach the other shore of glory

At 7:30 in the evening, Qin Baobao and Wang Zijin went home hand in hand. As long as Qin Baobao goes to work, she will drop by to pick up Wang Zijin. The place where Miss Wang's family works is a bit far from the subway station. You have to take the bus first, and then transfer to the subway, which makes commuting troublesome.

When I stayed at home like a salted fish, I gave Wang Zijin the car keys and asked her to drive by herself.

As soon as they entered the door, the two could smell the aroma of vegetables, and the dining table in the living room was filled with delicacies.

"Hey, what day is it today, eating so much." My sister was surprised.

"Qin Ze, do you want to raise me into a chubby pig?" Wang Zijin complained, swallowing her saliva and betraying her.

"I succeeded in the interview today, happy or not, surprise or not." Qin Ze stood by the table, spread his arms, and made a gesture of "come and congratulate me".

Baby Qin blinked.

Wang Zijin was stunned.

Qin Ze closed his arms and opened them again.

The two sisters still didn't realize that it was so good to find a job.

Wang Zijin was the first to react, and pretended to say: "Oh, congratulations, Aze is so amazing."

The elder sister finally got it, and shouted as much as she wanted: "Wow, my A Ze has found a job. My sister is so happy and gratified. I must kiss the reward."

"Go away." Qin Ze pushed his sister away in dismay, and sat down silently.

It turned out that I was just kidding myself.

In the eyes of the sisters who graduated from two prestigious universities, finding a job is not something to be proud of at all.

Not to mention Qin Baobao, Wang Zijin came to the Shanghai stock market to seek refuge with his best friend, without any graduation certificate, of course this can be found on the Internet. But work experience, professionalism, everything is broken up and started from scratch, and now the monthly salary is more than 10,000. She is no longer a runaway girl living under someone else's fence, and occasionally she can give Qin Ze a little pocket money.

Whether he needs it or not.

Qin Baobao reached out to pick up the stewed chicken and mushrooms, Qin Ze hit her hand with chopsticks, the elder sister was in pain, and quickly withdrew her hands.

"666, Ah Ze finally doesn't have to stay at home and be a loser without a job." The sister retaliated with a poisonous tongue.

Upon hearing this, Wang Zijin hit her.

Qin Baobao was furious: "Which side are you from?"

Wang Zijin raised his hand and said innocently, "It did it by itself."

Qin Baobao went to pinch Wang Zijin, and Wang Zijin hurriedly hid behind Qin Ze.

Qin Baobao judged the situation and felt that he had no chance of winning in a one-on-one match, so he pouted and ate food in a muffled voice.

After dinner, they played their own games in the living room. Qin Ze checked the business scope of the investment company and thought about which department he would join. Wang Zijin recently discovered a tear-jerking frothy drama, and he is enthusiastically chasing it. The elder sister held her pink notebook and checked Weibo. None of them went back to their rooms, enjoying being together, feeling the time go by, and finally taking a shower and going to bed.

Qin Baobao stretched his waist, rubbed his sore neck, and sighed: "I have to shoot a commercial in a few days, and I will release an album next month. I'm so tired."

Wang Zijin was stunned: "Release an album so quickly? I've seen other celebrities release albums, let's say less than two months."

Qin Baobao said: "It's hard to say. It can be an album in four or five days, and it can be a few months. I really want to live a life of eating and dying."

Wang Zijin threw a "funny" expression: "Isn't this Qin Ze's pursuit in life?"

I'm so worried, Miss.

Qin Ze glared at her.

Qin Baobao's cell phone ding-dong, and a text message alerted.

She raised her mobile phone to look at it, screamed happily, and rushed over to share with Wang Zijin: "Tissue, my advertising fee has arrived. The CCB card is so slow."

The money arrives in the account 24 hours a day, and the company's finance department typed it out before get off work, and it's only now that she has received her salary card.

"So much?" Wang Zijin was taken aback.

"It's great, there will be another payment in a few days, which is my salary for participating in "A Date with New Stars."

Qin Ze leaned over curiously, wanting to see his sister's salary.

Qin Baobao protected the phone on his chest, shrank back, and kicked his younger brother, "I won't show it to you, I won't show it to you."

She was taking revenge on Qin Ze for concealing the profits from stock trading and secretly hiding the small treasury.

My sister is like this, she always likes to have fun with Qin Ze on small things.

"Terrible!" Qin Ze rolled his eyes.

"It's amazing, give me a kiss." Wang Zijin said.

The two women hugged each other and kissed each other.

"Tomorrow weekend, go shopping?"

"Okay, I just wanted to buy a bag."

Qin Ze smiled and patted his sister's head: "It's amazing, you will be rewarded by touching your head."

Qin Baobao immediately knelt up on the sofa, touched his head with his hand, "It's okay, it's okay."

Qin Ze touched again: "It's amazing."

My sister was about to touch it back: "It's okay, it's okay."

Wang Zijin had an expression of excuse me all over his face. I don't understand the siblings, what is there to compete with.

Of course she didn't know that since Qin Ze said the allusion of "smiling and touching the dog's head", touching the head has become a way for the siblings to provoke. Anyone whose head is touched feels that they have suffered a great loss and must be touched back.

Brother and sister, you and me, no one is willing to suffer.

Qin Ze got annoyed and rumpled his sister's hair into a chicken coop. Qin Baobao climbed up from the sofa, opened his teeth and waved his claws aggressively and greeted his younger brother on the head. But Qin Ze slapped his sister on the sofa with a big slam, turned his head and ran away.

Qin Baobao was furious. With an ouch, he slammed into Wang Zijin's arms. Regardless of the pain in his forehead, he jumped up and ran barefoot to the door of his younger brother's room. He slammed on the door with two small hands and said angrily, "Open the door! Open the door, you have the ability to touch my head, you have the ability to open the door."

Wang Zijin said in his heart, this sentence is so familiar, has he heard it somewhere