My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 151: So this is it


"Just kidding, please don't be too dull." Professor Liu said with a smile: "This kind of emotion that blends family and love is the most complicated. Few people can correctly realize their incorrect emotions."

"If there is dependent love, there is the opposite dependent love. The elder brothers in the second dimension are all benchmark machismos, who dote on their younger sisters and love their younger sisters. Dependent on love is caused by environmental factors. There is also a kind of "sister is too good" "The love of ". Whether it is a sister or a younger sister, they are both beautiful and smart, and they must surpass their elder brothers and younger brothers in terms of interpersonal communication and academic performance. Standing in front of them, you will only feel inferior. You must know that people They all yearn for beauty, and over time, they will form a kind of "yearning", yearning to be an excellent person like a younger sister or older sister. If you can't become such a person, then get her. If the elders keep adding oil and vinegar in their lives, they will contribute to this monstrosity."

This time it was Qin Ze's turn to be restless, and sneered: "It's nonsense."

"I named this kind of love: yearning (harmonious) love. But it is different from dependent (harmonious) love. It seems to be caused by the environment, but it is actually caused by psychological needs. This type of brother and younger brother are set up as Passerby A, beautiful girls don’t like them, and people around them don’t pay attention to them. They long to be a blockbuster and stand in the center of the stage. Have you heard of Qin Baobao’s "Flastic"? "The quieter the crowd, the more If you become indifferent, you will cause accidents yourself. "The description is very appropriate. To put it bluntly, it is lack of love. This is a psychological need of lack of love."

Qin Ze raised his hand suddenly: "I don't agree with you. The dependence and yearning between brothers and sisters should be a common phenomenon."

"This question is too unprofessional." Professor Liu shook his head, "I didn't say that this would inevitably develop into a taboo relationship. Everyone's emotions are different. Some people can rein in the precipice. This is because of the power of morality. Emotions. But some people will recklessly ignite the wildfire in their hearts, burning themselves and others. This process takes a little time, or an opportunity. Our main purpose here is to understand the soil and conditions for the growth of taboo emotions."

Qin Ze covered his face silently. This topic really made people not want to continue listening, it was too embarrassing.

Many girls are already blushing.

"If taboo emotions cannot be curbed in time, it will be terrible. It is a phenomenon where family affection turns into love, or family affection is mixed with love. It is very complicated. Love is a crazy wildfire that is not afraid of burning. This kind of person will burn crazily Self, heading for an irreversible abyss."

"Let's talk about love next..."

An open class ended, and the students left one after another.

On the way back to the parking space, the female wenqing Wang Zijin relished the content of the open class, feeling that her understanding of human nature and emotions had improved.

"Today's class is interesting, it's not in vain," she said.

Qin Baobao let out a "bah": "I just feel like talking nonsense, nonsense."

Qin Ze agreed with her words: "That's right, I don't know what he's talking about."

Wang Zijin blinked: "I think it's pretty good."

The siblings said in unison: "What a fart."

Qin Baobao threw the car keys to Wang Zijin, and got into the back seat by himself. Qin Ze followed her into the back seat, and his sister took out a bottle of mineral water, gulped down half the bottle, hiccupped unladylikely, and then went into a daze with a sullen expression.

Her cheeks were blushed in the sun, the tip of her nose was sweating, her temples were pressed against her cheeks, her cheeks were enchanting and charming.

The wind from the air conditioner blew, causing her eyelashes to tremble. Only then did she regain her senses, her dull face thawed.

"It's so hot." My sister groaned, took off her breathable jogging shoes, and pulled off her white socks, letting her white and tender feet feel the cold air from the air conditioner.

"It stinks, put your shoes back on quickly." Qin Ze covered his nose in disgust.

"Does it stink?" Qin Baobao held up his feet.

"Smelly!" Qin Ze said.

"Oh!" Qin Baobao put down his feet, and suddenly kicked Qin Ze's face. Qin Ze snorted and hit the back of his head against the car door.

"You're the one who stinks, my sister is a little fairy." Qin Baobao curled up his feet and said angrily.

Although women are always described as "scented and sweaty", how can the smell of human sweat be really fragrant. However, they had only been out for a few hours, and although Qin Baobao was sweating profusely, there was definitely no smell. Qin Ze just disliked someone taking off his socks in front of him.

Furious, Qin Ze reached out and grabbed her sister's leg, dragged her over the seat, wrapped her around her waist, turned her over, and habitually raised his hand to spank her ass, as if remembering something, his hand paused in mid-air. Hold, did not fight.

Qin Baobao was also surprised, got up like a frightened bunny, and curled up to the other end of the seat, the blush on his face became more and more obvious.

Wang Zijin entered the navigation and positioning, backed up slowly and left the parking space, he didn't care about the noise of the siblings, he was used to it anyway, laughed and said, "Fasten your seat belts, Qiu Mingshan will take you flying."

She has worked in an online media company for two months, and now she is familiar with all kinds of online words, and she is very good at playing memes. Qin Baobao doesn't even know what a Pipi shrimp is, but she can clearly and accurately distinguish the difference between a Pipi shrimp and a Pipi eel, and the difference between a student card and a deep hole card.

Fudan was only about ten minutes away from where they lived, and Wang Zijin was a little disappointed that he didn't have time to show off the old driver's skills.

After returning home, Qin Ze turned on the air conditioner in the living room, and the three of them took showers one after another. He changed into big underpants and a gray vest. Strong and well-proportioned muscle lines highlight the masculine beauty of a man. It is a pity that the two sisters have long been accustomed to his masculinity.

The two sisters put on cool tank tops and enjoyed the coolness of the air conditioner. The sun was shining brightly outside, and the outside temperature had reached 43 degrees Celsius. In this damn weather, eggs could be rolled half-cooked when they were rolled on the street. The north is better, but the south is miserable, especially in Guangdong Province. The people of Guangdong Province have already complained that they don't want to live anymore. Human meat teppanyaki can be seen everywhere, and the local blacks have to go back to Africa to escape the summer heat.

Wang Zijin occupied most of the sofa by himself, squinted and fell asleep. Qin Baobao sat cross-legged on the single sofa, with a notebook on his knees, and wearing earphones. From the corner of Qin Ze's eyes, Qin Ze caught a glimpse that she was actually watching island country animation.

Seeing his gaze, my sister quickly flinched and looked at him vigilantly: "What are you doing?"

Qin Ze was taken aback: "I didn't do anything."

As for such a big reaction

Qin Baobao protected the computer from him and kicked it with his foot, "What should I do?"

Qin Ze became even more curious. He quickly grabbed his sister's notebook and took a closer look. He had seen this anime, a masterpiece of German orthopedics, called "My Sister Can't Be So Cute".

Qin Baobao panicked and screamed: "Give it back to me."

Like a furry cat, it swooped over to grab the computer, but because of too much movement, it crashed into Qin Ze's arms, and the notebook fell to the ground, and the battery fell out.

Qin Ze hugged her who was staggering, with weird and strange emotions in his heart.

She is looking at Degu

Afraid of being seen by me...

Why, because of today's lecture

Qin Ze looked down at his sister, and Qin Baobao also looked at him, his eyes full of autumn waves seemed to be stained with mist, and his eyes were as charming as silk.

Wang Zijin was woken up, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing, it's so noisy."

The siblings turned their heads at the same time and looked aside, "It's okay."

Qin Baobao silently picked up the notebook and went back to the room without saying a word.

Qin Baobao locked himself in his room and didn't come out all afternoon. He went back after eating, and his eyes always flickered when he looked at him. Wang Zijin was keenly aware of the abnormality of his best friend. He thought that the siblings were having quarrels every day, but he found that Qin Ze was very attentive to his sister, and kept bringing food to her, instead of having a cold war like usual.

After dinner, my sister went back to her room and couldn't come out. Wang Zijin walked towards the bathroom with her pajamas in her hands.

The sound of splashing water sounded.

Qin Ze took the opportunity to knock on his sister's door: "Baby Qin, come out, can we talk for a while?"

No one answered.

Qin Ze opened the door and went in. Qin Baobao was lying on the bed looking at her mobile phone. She was wearing a loose T-shirt. These days, my sister was lazy and didn't wash her three pajamas. There is no pajamas for today. When Qin Ze came in, he happened to see her white and tender thighs and a touch of purple underwear.

Qin Baobao turned around abruptly, pulled down the hem of his T-shirt in a panic, and said angrily, "Why didn't you knock when you came in."

Qin Ze didn't expect that she wasn't wearing pajamas today, so he said awkwardly, "I will remember to knock next time."

"What are you doing here?" Qin Baobao rolled his eyes at his younger brother and said angrily.

Qin Ze was suddenly dumbfounded, not knowing how to speak, don't listen to that stupid professor Bibi, there is no such thing as German orthopedics. Would this be more embarrassing? I don't know why, but as soon as Qin Baobao came back, he searched for bone-type animations, and he was a little panicked.

Qin Baobao sat up, hid his white legs under the blanket, wrinkled his nose: "So that's what German orthopedics means, it's disgusting, huh!"

"It's just a style of animation." Qin Ze pretended to be indifferent, but he was actually guilty. Sometimes, the more he cared about a thing, the more he would mention it, as if this would make him appear aboveboard. "In the island country animation, there are many animations with this theme."

"Which anime?" Qin Baobao probably had the same feeling in his heart, and he pretended to talk about it calmly, although his eyes were erratic.

"The one you saw is very ordinary. The author who has a bad ending dies for the whole family. I recommend "Fate of the Sky" to you. Brothers and sisters live a life without shame and impatience all day long... "

"Don't look." My sister said loudly.

""Even Brother" is not bad, but it's too dirty, it's not suitable for little fairies."

"Don't look at it, just change it." Qin Baobao looked very disdainful.

""Irregular Students in Magic High School" is also similar, but the brothers and sisters in it look awkward, and the author's thinking is too conservative and not bold enough."

""The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" is also good-looking, but I can't bear the plot of giving away my sister in the later stage."

"There is also "Sister Kiss", tsk tsk, this one is amazing, the two righteous sisters ask for kisses all day long..."

"Won't this kind of animation be banned?" Qin Baobao was shocked.

"Islanders have big brains, and sex is legal, let alone this." Qin Ze said.

"You have seen so many..." Qin Baobao looked at his younger brother, changing from a salty fish to a pervert: "Dead pervert"

"Why did you become abnormal?" Qin Ze was puzzled.

"Aren't people who have watched so many perverted anime not perverted?"

Qin Ze was dissatisfied: "Do you dare to post a word on Weibo? If you dare, those fans will turn black in minutes."

"I... I don't care about others, I just think you are perverted." My sister threw a pillow at him.

Degu refreshed Qin Baobao's three views.