My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 158: dear sister


Qin Ze took the subway home, turned the key to open the door, and the smell of traditional Chinese medicine was strong. Putting the bag on the sofa, I went to the kitchen to see that Chinese medicine was being boiled on the gas stove, and the light blue flame was licking the bottom of the casserole. The boiling water is gurgling, and the smell of medicine is pervasive.

Qin Baobao moved a small bench to the side and played with his phone with his head down.

"What's wrong? Why are you cooking Chinese medicine?" Qin Ze asked.

"Throat is uncomfortable." Qin Baobao pinched his throat, his voice hoarse: "Singing has ruined my throat, drink some traditional Chinese medicine to nourish it."

"Don't drink Chinese medicine indiscriminately, who asked you to cook it. You might as well take a piece of golden throat." Qin Ze didn't care to be surprised that his sister actually had enough food and clothing by herself, and was afraid that Baby Qin would drink Chinese medicine indiscriminately, "Show me the prescription."

"Golden voice is not as good as this." Qin Baobao handed the phone to his younger brother and opened the text message.

The text message was sent to her by Li Yanhong, and the content was a prescription of traditional Chinese medicine. Qin Ze glanced at it and heaved a sigh of relief. It is indeed a small prescription for treating hoarseness and discomfort. There is nothing wrong with it, and the dosage is clearly written.

"My new album will be released in a few days," Qin Baobao complained: "I will release a single first, I am tired from practicing songs, and my voice hasn't stopped all day."

"Sister, you've worked hard." Qin Ze patted his head at the right time.

Qin Baobao opened it with a "snap" and wanted to touch it back.

Qin Ze lowered his head, pouted his buttocks, and instantly sent his sister flying out.

Qin Baobao was furious, and wanted to use the deadly scissors, but he didn't occupy the right place, so he pointed to the sofa in the living room, and scolded, "Come here."

"Not coming."

"Come here quickly, my sister is going to teach you a lesson, little red guy."

"Come here and let you suffocate me?" Qin Ze complained.

"What is suffocating?" Qin Baobao was taken aback.

"It's nothing, you go out, I'll look after the medicine for you." Qin Ze waved away people.

Qin Baobao couldn't wait for it, so he turned his head and went back to the room. After a while, he trotted in. He held up a black and gold brocade box as if offering a treasure.

Qin Ze felt that the logo on the box looked familiar, and asked blankly, "What is it?"

Qin Baobao didn't say anything, but smiled and said, "Open it and have a look."

Qin Ze opened the box, and there was a watch lying in the black cotton pad, with a black leather strap and a rose gold watch body, which looked high-end and classy.

"Like it, the Hermes rose gold watch is for you." Qin Baobao said happily.

"Give me a birthday present in advance?" Qin Ze picked up the watch and rubbed his fingertips on the watch body.

"Of course not," Qin Baobao said, "When it's your birthday, my sister will play with you for a day. This reward is not a surprise, nor is it an accident."

"Where's the agreed car?" Qin Ze said angrily, "Besides, on my birthday, I'm going to go shopping with Miss Zijin."

Qin Baobao pinched his younger brother's ears angrily, and gnashed his teeth: "Who is your real sister?"

Qin Ze dodged, staring and said: "If you promise to help me chase Miss Zijin, don't get in the way if you don't help."

"Bah, whoever is getting in the way, you and Wang Zijin are not suitable. Find another girlfriend." Qin Baobao thought for a while, then changed his words: "Everyone said that there is no rush to find a girlfriend, don't forget that your wife is still a sister In hand."

Qin Ze sighed, "What's the use of this iron rod if I want it?"

Qin Baobao said softly: "All men need a watch to improve their taste and class, and Aze also needs a watch."

"By the way, how much is this watch?"

Hermès watches should not be cheap, they cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Qin Baobao smiled, "Not much, this price."

She made two fingers.

"Twenty thousand?"

Fortunately, 20,000 yuan is acceptable, and now my sister is considered wealthy.

Qin Baobao shook his head, his eyes shining brightly: "200,000, Ze, how is my sister treating you?"

Qin Ze held his chest with a mouthful of old blood, "Did you spend money on my wife again?"

Qin Baobao felt that he had been humiliated, and said angrily: "Fart, I made money from shooting commercials, isn't your wife mine..."

Excited, she almost said the wrong thing. She pursed her mouth and pretended to wipe her tears: "Sister is so kind to you, yet you still slander me, maddened, blah blah..."

"I didn't say anything about you." Qin Ze coaxed his sister.

My elder sister's problem of spending money lavishly is caused by her parents who raised a poor man and a rich daughter. She doesn't know how to save money until she is in short supply, and she probably won't be able to change it in her life.

Fortunately, the Qin family has some background, and the elder sister is excellent herself, so she won't become a "resentful woman", but Qin Ze feels that he has no position to blame the elder sister. In addition to encouraging him to steal family money to buy popsicles when he was a child, and cheating him of pocket money after school, Qin Ze also took advantage of his sister after she went to work. Mobile phones, notebooks, brand-name backpacks, clothes for all seasons, and daily living expenses, aren't they all earned by my sister

So Qin Baobao took charge of his wife "unreasonably", and he didn't object.

"You black-hearted maggot." Qin Baobao complained.

"Where did you learn the words? Black hearts are black hearts, why did they become maggots." Qin Ze complained.

"You are a maggot." Qin Baobao said loudly.

"I'm a maggot, what are you?" Qin Ze laughed and said, "A white and tender maggot?"

"Are you still talking back?" Qin Baobao stared.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't blame my sister. It's my maggot brother who has no conscience." Qin Ze said, "I'll reward you with a sweet kiss."

Kissing Baby Qin desperately.

He wanted to see his sister shy, but Qin Baobao scalped him on the head: "Damn pervert, sister is the one you can kiss?"

He left the kitchen angrily.

After walking out the door, her face changed in a second, her face turned up, and she jumped up and down with her hands behind her back.

Not long after, Wang Zijin came back, pinched his nose and said, "What's the smell?"

Qin Ze happened to come out with a bowl of medicinal soup: "Baby Qin's Throat Moisturizing Soup."

As he passed by, he smelled the faint scent of perfume on Wang Zijin's body. Two flavors that are completely different from my sister.

The smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the room was too strong. Qin Ze turned off the air conditioner and opened the windows to ventilate. As a result, the two sisters were so hot that they were sweating profusely.

"The air conditioner is on, why do you have to turn it off?" said the eldest lady Wang Zijin.

"That's right." Qin Baobao, who spent a lot of money, agreed.

"Whatever you want." Qin Ze threw the remote control away and went into the kitchen to cook.

After eating, Qin Baobao walked to the living room with a notebook in his arms, and said coquettishly, "Ah Ze, play a few rounds with my sister."

"No time."

"Do you want to fight?" My sister puffed her cheeks.

"Take a fight." Qin Ze closed

I don't need to watch the market at night, and I don't have any tasks at work. Anyway, I have free time. I think he was the one who pestered his sister to play games at the beginning, and the sister who was busy at work occasionally played a few games with him. Qin Ze was very happy. There were always people on the Internet bragging about his girlfriend playing games with him. He didn't have a girlfriend, so he used his sister to make up the number.

"Have you lost track again?" Qin Ze squinted.

Qin Baobao nodded with tears in his eyes.

Login Games.

"Wait a minute, I'll change the runes." Qin Ze said.

"Yeah." Qin Baobao took a sip of milk and licked the white liquid from the corner of his mouth.

After Qin Ze changed the rune, a chat box kept flickering, click on it:

"God, are you finally online?"

"Please hug your thighs, open black."

"Manual star eye."

One mouthful and one big god called him, and he was also "small waist".

Click on her friend's avatar to see, Nima, this crap has dropped from silver to brass again.

Except for taking her to play in the first few days, Qin Ze played games less and less often, and occasionally he didn't meet together when he went online. It was about a probability of taking her to play once a week. For nearly half a month, he hasn't played a game.

Since I want to play with my sister, it doesn't matter if I bring an extra rookie.

Matching, counting down...

In the chat room, Xiao Manyao laughed and said, "Big guy in women's clothing?"

"God, your friend is so funny."

"Rough guys like to use this kind of name."

Qin Baobao frowned, and was about to type and spray her. Qin Ze stopped her sister: "She's mean, don't talk to her."

Qin Baobao snorted, it was a bit of a shame to sell his brother.

enter the game.

Qin Ze chose the prince as the jungler, and Xiaoman picked the laner in seconds, and the other two who didn't get it slammed: SB, brass dog.

"Why did you choose the jungler? Let's go down the road." Qin Baobao knocked him dissatisfied.

"I'm tired of playing support, I want to try jungle."

Jungle and support are the two positions that most need a big picture.

Qin Ze chooses the prince as the jungler, Qin Baobao plays the policewoman, Xiao Man Yao Miao chooses Annie, the assistant is the Qin girl, and the top road is the barbarian king who claims to be a real man 1v5.

The game starts, electronic female voice: The enemy has 30 seconds to arrive on the battlefield, crush them.

Carrying the battle flag, Qin Ze headed straight to the wilderness, and frantically signaled, asking Xiao Manyao and the upper barbarian to help him fight against the wilderness, but the upper road guy didn't like him, so his sister came all the way from the lower road to support him. The three of them huddled in the grass and waited wretchedly. As soon as the other party appeared, let him know that it was not necessarily Galen who came out of the grass, but it might also be three salted fish.

The little soldiers slowly entered the battlefield, but still did not see the opponent's jungler, then there are only two possibilities, the opponent's blue open, or use the same routine to squat in the red daddy's area.

There is no point in procrastinating any longer, Qin Ze decisively took the other party's red, and then ran on the road to arrest people, Xiao Manyao and Qin Baobao are very knowledgeable and have no experience with him. Respectively return to the line.

When Qin Ze was squatting on the grass on the road, he suddenly noticed two big men jumping out from the middle road: Blind Monk and Jie. It happened to catch my sister and Xiaoman's waist. My heart trembled, and then an electronic female voice: "Double Kill!"

Get a double kill at the start!