My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 168: interview


Because her younger brother is so shameless in asking for rewards, and her own rewards for kisses are in a weak period of flooding and worthless, Qin Baobao promised to return part of his brother's wife's book, but she wrote an agreement: Qin Baobao will return Qin Ze's wife today. The capital of 400,000 yuan, in view of the severe inflation, the difficulty of buying a house, and the difficulty of marrying a daughter-in-law, Qin Ze, the victim, is not allowed to spend his wife’s capital on any girl who has no hope of becoming a daughter-in-law for any reason, and can only invest and manage money.

Qin Ze held the agreement in his hand and said to himself: You're talking nonsense, isn't it you who spent the most money on me? Aren't you the girl who has no hope of becoming my wife


It was another free weekend, and the two sisters went shopping together. The reason why Qin Zehe was not dragged to work hard was because Li Linfeng temporarily assigned him a task.

Li Linfeng said in the group, "All old employees, please make me an investment plan for this quarter on weekends. Futures, stocks, crude oil, precious metals... combined with your market research to write, I want to see dry goods , rather than a theory on paper. If you have operational experience in private, it is best to attach it."

Then he @杨浦秦宝宝.

"Yang Jian, change your name quickly." Li Linfeng said angrily, "When I think of you being a big man who picks your feet, I feel disgusted."

There was laughter in the group, and Yang Jian replied with a "poor" expression, "Change it immediately, what instructions does the leader have?"

Li Linfeng said: "Then I will also assign weekend homework for you two. You also write an investment plan. Just like them, metal crude oil futures are fine. You don't need quality, but you have to make a framework for me."

Yang Jian had a series of expressions of vomiting blood: "Leader, can I retract what I just said?"

Qin Ze made a "face-covering" expression: "I make you a bitch."

I just took this opportunity to buy a stand blackboard. He made a special trip to a large stationery store nearby. In addition to the stand-type blackboard, there was also a box of large water-based pens and an eraser. Spend another fifteen yuan for labor costs, and ask the clerk to help carry it home and assemble it. It's not that Qin Ze is lazy, he can pick up Baby Qin and throw it out of the window with one hand, the weight is not worth mentioning, what bothers him is assembling. When he was a child, no matter whether he did puzzles or assembled Transformers, he never succeeded once, so he pitifully asked his sister for help. Born without this talent.

He has never made a plan or anything, let alone a reference format, so he simply doesn't need a format, finds a bull stock, and then elaborates on the potential of this stock from basic analysis to technical analysis.

When it comes to bull stocks, Qin Ze really has another one. Although he is always calm and lacklustre, he is very optimistic about the potential of that stock. Black Donkey Technology, a joint-stock company engaged in Internet video. This company is not simple. It was listed at the end of last year, and it raised three times in the first half of the year, with a capital of one billion. It is very popular among brokers. Now that there are so many Internet bigwigs, it is possible to raise so much money, either by going heresy, or with the support of intricate capital relationships behind it.

Qin Ze wrote and drew on the newly bought blackboard, sometimes frowning and thinking, and sometimes moving his brush like flying. All of a sudden, I wiped my clothes off again and started all over again.

Until three o'clock in the afternoon, he wrote the plan in the most concise language, no more, no less, just enough to fill the front blackboard. Then transcribed it on the A4 that I bought at the stationery store, and dug out the stapler that my sister bought for me when I was in college, clicked, clicked, and it was done.

on Monday.

Qin Baobao waved goodbye to his younger brother and best friend, watched them go out, and stayed at home by himself. She put on light makeup and dressed at home. The living room was cleaned and the coffee table was neatly arranged. This small home looks very cozy. Of course, the most important thing is the people who live here.

At half past ten, the doorbell rang.

Qin Baobao ran to open the door.

Two people stood at the door, a stylishly dressed woman and an uncle carrying a camera.

Young woman holding a microphone with a V logo on it, she is from an online media company.

Today Qin Baobao made an announcement, that is, to do interviews, interviews with album sales champions, this kind of "trivial" TV station is not willing to do. But online media like it very much. They are keen on all kinds of gossip life of celebrities.

"Teacher Qin, my name is Xue Mei, and I am the program supporter of Aike Video." Xue Mei greeted with a smile on her face: "This is our cameraman Lao Wang."

Qin Baobao glanced at the camera, and the light was on, indicating that recording had already started.

She hurriedly invited the two to come in.

"Wow, is this where Teacher Qin lives?" Xue Mei looked around in disbelief.

Qin Baobao had an elegant smile, very goddess and dignified, "Small is a little small."

"But it's very warm." Xue Mei, who has a high EQ, said with a smile, "Really, it's full of warmth."

Xuemei faced the camera with a sweet smile: "As a newcomer in the entertainment industry, Mr. Qin won the championship in the program "I Am a Singer" and became famous in one fell swoop. After that, the single albums broke daily and weekly sales records consecutively. One of the hottest topics."

"Mr. Qin, your album has continuously broken the daily sales record and the weekly sales record. Let me congratulate you first. Do you have the confidence to break the annual digital album sales record?"

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their support. For me, sales are second. Making a good album is what I desire most."

The two sat on the couch chatting, the camera filming from the side.

"I heard that you had already decided on the track before releasing the single, why did you change the song temporarily?"

"Because Qin Ze came to me suddenly and said that he wrote a few songs, which happened to be included in my single album."

Xue Mei heard Qin Baobao say that the cloud is calm and the wind is breezy, and she cursed in her heart, but she made a mess of the album of the same period.

"Ms. Qin's lyrics and music creation are well-known, like thunder." She praised, always feeling a bit awkward to call her siblings Mr. Qin together, but she couldn't find a reasonable name, and it would be impolite to call her name directly, "You "Brother" is even more impolite.

"Well, he's very powerful." Qin Baobao flaunted his younger brother inertially.

The corners of Xue Mei's mouth turned upwards, this is very Qin Baobao, worthy of Brother Xuan's crazy devil.

The title of Qin Baobao's dazzling younger brother mad devil was spread in "A Date with a New Star". According to statistics from netizens, she said "my younger brother is the most powerful" three times and "my younger brother is the best" six times during the 20-minute program. Best," like a little girl showing off her toys.

"Can I take a photo casually? I believe everyone would also like to see Teacher Qin's usual living environment." Xue Mei said.

"Yes!" Qin Baobao smiled impeccably.

The interview location is chosen at home, and daily life is one of the main features, so that the program will be more vivid. The audience is already tired of watching the routine of sitting in the studio and chatting. Qin Baobao had been prepared for a long time. She put away all Wang Zijin's daily necessities, and put away all kinds of women's underwear hanging on the balcony. These things must not be leaked.

People all over the country know that he and his younger brother are living together, but Wang Zijin's existence should not be exposed, otherwise the unscrupulous media will report such news the next day: "Shock! Qin Baobao lived with two people at the same time" or, "Qin Baobao and In addition to my younger brother living together, there is actually another person, guess who it is."

The old lady's famous name cannot be ruined like this.

The camera circled around the living room and then turned to the balcony. It didn't take pictures of the outside scene, which would reveal Qin Baobao's address. The cameraman was also sensible and didn't go into the bathroom.

Qin Baobao introduced to Xue Mei, "This is my room, next door is my brother."

"Can I go into the room and have a look?" Xue Mei was very interested.

Qin Baobao was already prepared to twist the doorknob of his own room, and suddenly Xue Mei said happily: "Can I enter your brother's room for a visit?"


Qin Baobao resentfully let go, thinking why didn't you follow the routine. Unfortunately I spent a lot of time tidying up the house.

She turned to open the door of Qin Ze's room. She wanted to tidy up her own room. Qin Baobao was very relieved that there would be no smelly socks piled up all over the floor and suspicious tissues in her brother's room. The younger brother who is slightly obsessed with cleanliness, the room is always clean and tidy.

Xue Mei called the camera uncle to follow.