My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 173: Sister and the scenery, Qin Ze and the monkey


Qin Ze thought to himself, you are forcing me to appear in front of others, you are really a real sister.

After logging into the account, Qin Baobao glanced at the profit and loss, and twitched the corner of his mouth: "Here, I made some money."

She handed the phone to several people. Chen Qinghong took it first, glanced at it, and couldn't help opening her mouth. Zhang Ya, who was sitting next to her, came over to take a look, she was also dumbfounded, and counted zero, seven digits stupidly!

Seeing the expressions of the two women, Chu Feng also leaned over curiously and took a look. Immediately froze. This number of words definitely shocked him. What does the seven-digit number represent? In the eyes of the rich, this amount of money is not worth mentioning, but it is an unattainable number for many young people. Even if he graduated from Fudan University, with a salary of 10,000 yuan a month, after deducting rent, utilities, and living expenses, how much can he have left

2.28 million, how long will he save to reach this amount? There is no harm if there is no comparison. Qin Ze made so much money in the stock market just after his internship. And he is still complacent about the monthly commission of several thousand yuan.

The one who hurt the most was Cheng Yi. Just now he was so proud, showing off that he made money in the stock market. Nima, so there is a great god by his side

"Baby, you invested more than 400,000." Cheng Yi said unwillingly, with a capital of 400,000, a profit of 1.8 million? How can it be!

"It's only 400,000 yuan," Qin Baobao said calmly, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you make money or not, the main thing is to train him, and I don't care about the money."

I don't care about the money...

Qin Zexin said, my sister really is my sister, and my younger brother admires me in her ability to show her holiness in front of others.

Cheng Yi didn't believe it, and wanted to see Qin Ze's transaction records, but Qin Ze had already reached for his phone, put it in his pocket, and said, "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette."

Zhang Ya followed out immediately: "I'm going to the bathroom."

Qin Ze was biting a cigarette, saw Zhang Ya following behind, understood, and handed her one, "Have you quit yet?"

"I learned it when I broke up with my first boyfriend in high school. At that time, I was very innocent. When I held my hand, I felt that he would not marry in the future. When we broke up, I cried to death, and smoked like others to relieve my worries." Seeing Qin Ze, Zhang Ya brought a lighter , she lowered her head and sucked on the cigarette butt, "Now I almost forget the appearance of my first love, but I can't quit the habit of smoking."

"It's better to smoke less, it's not good for girls to smoke," Qin Ze said.

"Go, go, go," Zhang Ya said angrily, "Don't worry about me, you're not my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend is inside, why don't I call him out?"

Zhang Ya kicked Qin Ze.

"I'm engaged at the end of the year, will you come?" Zhang Ya stared into his eyes.

"Congratulations." Qin Ze smiled.

"You have to hurry up too," Zhang Ya hesitated, "Have you found a girlfriend yet?"

"No, no good looks and no money, who would marry me." Qin Ze said perfunctorily.

"Nonsense, you are more handsome than my boyfriend now." Zhang Ya's eyes brightened.

"Why don't you leave it with me." Qin Ze breathed out green smoke at her.

It was rare that she was neither angry nor angry, and there was a bit of melancholy in her tone: "I'm about to get engaged, please don't flirt."

Seeing that Qin Ze didn't speak, she said, "I can't find it, or don't want to look for it?"

Qin Ze was taken aback for a moment, fell silent, and smoked one puff after another. After smoking one soon, he ordered the second one. Zhang Ya reached out to take it off and threw it away, "I quit smoking after I got engaged, so you should too. The baby has told me several times that you are not good. , Disobedient, refused to quit smoking. Smoking is bad for your health, I give you a piece of advice."

"Then let me give you some advice." Qin Ze played with the lighter, looking away from the beautiful scenery in the distance, "Don't get too involved with money between friends, helping others to speculate in stocks is the worst decision. I have an idea. Another one, the stock market trend is very clear, the bull market is true, but when the bull market will come, it is hard to say. There are many and complicated methods of judgment, and you don’t understand it, so I will say one, when everyone thinks that stocks When you can make money, it’s not far from crashing. Tell your boyfriend, don’t sink too deep, and be careful not to pull it out.”

Zhang Ya rubbed her pretty oval face, "Can you pull it out?"

Qin Ze glanced at her somewhere, hehe said: "I didn't go in, what are you pulling?"

Zhang Ya knocked him on the head angrily, "Just now I thought you were mature and stable, and you immediately revealed your true colors."

There is a fixed route for individual tourists to take a boat tour in Qiandao Lake, and the stay time on the island is usually determined by the free tour guide of the scenic spot on the boat. There are three ADC cruise routes for tourists to choose from. Qin Baobao said he wanted to see monkeys, so the group chose route A. Take the most expensive luxury cruise ship.

Along the way, the tour guide introduced Qiandao Lake to everyone. They were all introductions that were repeated thousands of times. Peacock Island is famous for its peacocks, Longshan Island is famous for its Hai Rui, Mishan Island has ancient temple heritage, and Qingxin Island can enjoy flowers and deer. On Osmanthus Island, you can smell the refreshing fragrance, climb Meifeng and look at the archipelago, you can see all the mountains are small...

It was early autumn, the weather was hot, the lake was sparkling, and the refreshing wind was blowing.

Qin Baobao wore a light yellow bohemian dress for sun protection. The lake wind pressed down on her skirt, showing the outline of slender legs.

The first stop is Huangshan Peak, which is the most suitable for climbing and enjoying the scenery. There is a cableway here, and you can take a cable car to the top of the mountain. During the peak tourist season, there are a large number of people, and it was their turn after a long queue.

Both siblings are afraid of heights, the cable car slowly ascended, higher and higher, with slight shaking, Qin Baobao glanced down, thin goosebumps crawled up his neck, and quietly held his younger brother's hand. His body was next to Qin Ze's, and he wanted to rest his head on his younger brother's shoulder, but seeing Zhang Ya watching, Qin Ze felt that the behavior of himself and his sister was inappropriate in the eyes of outsiders, so he pushed his sister's head away, preventing her from leaning on him. .

The scenery of Qiandao Lake from the tip of Huangshan Mountain is very good. When you climb to the top of the mountain and overlook to the northwest, you can have a panoramic view of more than 90 islands, like a string of pearls scattered on the lake. It is said that it can be arranged into the four words "the world is for the public". But the vast majority of tourists can only see one word "公", and others need to make up their own brains.

Zhang Ya and Chen Qinghong pulled their boyfriends away and watched the scenery separately.

Qin Ze and his sister came to the glass hanging platform to watch the scenery. The Qiandao Lake is crystal clear, and the islands are dotted with dots. The sun was shining overhead, but there was a strong wind blowing against the face, so I didn't feel hot.

Standing on the suspended platform, with green mountains and green waters under his feet, Qin Baobao spun gracefully, his skirt fluttering, and laughed like silver bells. After turning around a few times, he plunged into his younger brother's arms. Feel dizzy and want to vomit.

Tourists around looked sideways.

Qin Ze thought of a literary poem: You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and the people watching the scenery look at you upstairs. The bright moon adorns your windows, and you adorn other people's dreams.

In the eyes of some gay men, she is the most beautiful scenery.

Qin Ze pressed his sister's face in his arms, trying not to let more people pay attention to her, so as not to be recognized. Although she wears a big hat and sunglasses.

Then take a boat to Osmanthus Island, also known as Monkey Island, which is different from Qin Ze’s previous visits, as Monkey Island has changed places. The original Monkey Island is no longer open to the public, and the monkeys have all moved here.

A group of people strolled in the scenic area, and groups of monkeys could be seen everywhere, with tawny hair, pink faces, scratching their ears and cheeks, and sizing up tourists with dark eyes. Monkeys are raised free-range and are not afraid of people.

There are obviously a lot fewer people here, and the environment is good, but there is nothing interesting to do here, just look at the monkeys. Qin Baobao bought a bag of biscuits with great interest and wanted to feed the monkeys.

The tour guide warned the tourists loudly: "Don't take food in your hands, and don't take things out of your bags. The monkeys will come and grab them. If you want to feed the monkeys, let's go back to the deck and feed them."

Qin Baobao had no choice but to stop thinking and looked at the monkey with great interest.

"Hey, do you think that monkey looks like Qin Ze? It's dumb." She suddenly pointed to a dazed little monkey not far away, and asked Zhang Ya beside her with a smile.

"Like, they're all equally stupid." Zhang Ya covered her mouth.

The two women giggled.

Qin Ze hadn't expressed his opinion yet, but the little monkey saw two female "monkeys" pointing at him and laughed wantonly. He was so psychic that he bared his teeth at Qin Baobao and Zhang Ya, screamed, and raised his buttocks. He landed on all fours and rushed over aggressively.