My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 174: Marriage sign


The little monkey was coming very fast, leaping two meters away, pounced on Qin Baobao's towering and plump chest, and would never stop until he took a bite.

The tourists exclaimed, Qin Baobao and Zhang Ya screamed in fright. The tour guide didn't respond for a moment.

I have seen people playing hooligans, but I have never seen monkeys playing hooligans.

Qin Ze slid sideways with a lunge, blocked Qin Baobao, and slapped the little monkey flying away.

Damn, don't think you're an animal and I won't beat you.

You can touch the place that I can't even ask for

The little monkey flew out, rolled a few times on the ground, and ran away while screaming "Zhi Zhi".

Tourists are relieved that if someone is attacked by monkeys, they will not dare to continue playing. The tour guide also breathed a sigh of relief. Tourists were scratched or even bitten, which would cause a lot of incidents and troubles, and would not be good for the image of the scenic spot.

"Why does this monkey suddenly attack people?"

"It's so dangerous, are you responsible for your scenic spot if something goes wrong?"

"Scared me, fortunately, this little brother is agile."

"Let's go, hurry up and go to play somewhere else."


The tour guide was embarrassed.

On the way back to the boat, Qin Baobao hugged his younger brother's arm, with lingering fears in his heart: "I scared the baby to death."

Qin Ze scolded: "Let you make fun of it, monkeys are primates, have IQs, okay? If you point at them and laugh at them, it's tantamount to provocation."

The older sister knew she was wrong, so she didn't bicker, and hugged his arm softly. Qin Ze was very pleased with the little bird's obedient appearance.

Zhang Ya was also quite frightened, subconsciously leaned closer to Qin Ze, glanced at her boyfriend beside her out of the corner of her eye, hesitated for a while, and followed Qin Baobao's example, holding his boyfriend's arm.

The third stop is Tianchi Island.

It is said that Tianchi is the quarry site left by Hangzhou, the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, where stone was quarried to build a palace. There are seven artificially excavated stone pools on the top of the island. Later generations call these seven stone pools Tianchi.

Attractions on the island include Tianchi Fish Watching, Four-fold Waterfall, Stone Workshop, etc. It is worth mentioning that there is a bird paradise similar to a zoo.

Tianchi is a pool formed by quarrying stones. There are many red carps in the pool, clusters of which are like bright flames. After buying fish food, he can board the bamboo raft. Qin Baobao dragged his younger brother onto the bamboo raft, squatted down, and his bohemian dress spread like a lotus leaf. Sprinkle bait to attract koi to compete for food.

Her eyes are as bright as stars and as charming as spring flowers.

Qin Ze stood aside and watched, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, but he had the idea of spoiling the scenery... I really wanted to kick my sister off the pond.

That must be fun.

They also walked the "Hundred Years Bridge". Between the third and fourth waterfalls, the four waterfalls are also a natural landscape formed by quarrying.

The bridge toll was three yuan, and Qin Ze felt a little bit pained. Qiandao Lake has a lot of fees, which is the most criticized by tourists, which greatly destroys the cost-effectiveness of tourism.

But the older sister insisted on walking the "Hundred Years Bridge", Zhang Ya walked at the front with Cheng Yi on her arm, the second couple was Chen Qinghong and Chu Feng, and then Qin Baobao and Qin Ze. She took her brother's arm and jumped up and down.

"Aze, I suddenly thought of a poem." My sister raised her head slightly, with a soft smile on her lips.

"What poem?" Qin Ze asked.

"you guess."

"The Peach Blossom Pond is three thousand feet deep, and Li Bai will not die if he falls into the water."


"The moon is shining brightly in front of the window, and Li Bai sleeps soundly."

"Oh, is Li Bai the only one in your mind? Is he your gay friend?"

"I'm pretty familiar with Du Fu, too."

"What a mess." Qin Baobao shook his younger brother's arm, reminding him, "This is Baisui Bridge."

Qin Ze suddenly realized: "The old man is chatting with teenagers, the left loli, the right wife..."

Seeing his younger brother pretending to be crazy, Qin Baobao gritted his teeth and said, "Bitch!"

Through the stream and through the forest, you come to the bird paradise adjacent to Tianchi Island.

Qin Baobao was very excited when he saw the rare and strange birds. He had come to play with his father before, but there were so many islands in Qiandao Lake, it was impossible to visit all of them. He had never been to Tianchi. Passing a certain swamp, pointing to the red and white bird inside, he yelled: "Red crane!"

"Hey sister, this is a egret." Qin Ze corrected his sister's poor common sense.

Zhang Ya suddenly heard a chuckle from behind. Then he turned his head and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

The tour guide suppressed a smile and said, "This is a flamingo."

"This is obviously a egret. You can see that the legs are so thin and long, and the beak is so sharp."

"No, it's the red crane."

The siblings argued for a while, but neither could convince the other.

The corner of the tour guide's mouth twitched, paralyzed, and two mentally retarded.

Then I visited ostriches, peacocks and other birds. Qin Baobao stayed for a long time to wait for the peacocks to open their tails. Unfortunately, peacocks are very dead. My sister didn't get a picture of the peacock spreading its tail, so she pouted and left with an unhappy expression.

As the sun sets in the west, Qiandao Lake is half green and half gorgeous, and the scenery is magnificent and spectacular.

They set foot on the last stop: Mishan Island.

The guide leads tourists to climb the mountain along the mountain trails, with lush green bamboos on both sides and fine spots of light cast by the setting sun.

There is an ancient temple here, named "Mishan Zen Temple". The gate of the temple has two layers of cornices, the walls are painted bright yellow, and two round windows always remind Qin Ze of the temple of the Great Sage Transformation in Journey to the West.

There are not many places to play here, but it is good to visit the temple. For example, the bergamot with the lotus as the base looks like it is made of copper, but it may just be covered with a layer of copper. Qin Ze wanted to touch it, but his sister refused, saying that he could not blaspheme the Buddha.

They played Mishan again. There is a well on the mountain. It is said that the story of "three monks have no water to eat" happened here. It is not known whether it is true or not.

There is also a poetry-reciting pavilion. The poem on the pavilion says:

"Bishan, Green Island, Honey Mountain Breeze, Misty Mist, Thousand Island Pine."

"The ancient pavilion chants the meaning of the painting, and the Zen temple reclines and the waves reflect the sky!"

Qin Baobao is very fond of poetry, saying that her sister has traveled all the way, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and passing through this place, she can't help being very poetic, and she wants to compose a poem.

Qin Ze said, then read it.

Qin Baobao cleared his voice: "The lotus leaves in the sky are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers in the sun are red."

Qin Ze turned his head and looked around, saying that there were no lotus flowers.

Qin Baobao changed his words: "The winding path leads to a secluded place, and the meditation room has deep flowers and trees."

"You haven't even entered the temple, have you ever seen a meditation room?"

After being dismantled again and again, the elder sister got angry, jumped down from the steps of the pavilion, rushed towards Qin Ze, and scolded coquettishly: "I will be Ling Jueding and kill the little red guy."

The elder sister swung a hand knife and hit the little red guy in the head.

Qin Ze opened his arms to catch her, and his feet were as steady as a rock.

Qin Baobao has always been the face of a goddess in front of outsiders, but with her younger brother by her side, she will become a joker.

Now that you have come to a Zen temple, of course you have to burn a few sticks of incense. It is unrealistic to say how much Zen flavor there is in this small temple built in a scenic area.

Qin Ze doesn't respect gods or Buddha, and treats him with a normal heart, which is up to the old man. On the other hand, Qin Baobao had the mentality of believing what she had rather than believing what she hadn't, and she followed Qin's mother on this point. Qin's mother lived in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River since she was a child, and people there would offer incense and worship Buddha every year and festival. Pay more attention to some nagging things.

According to Qin Ma's own account, when Qin Ze was born, she specifically asked for a name based on her birth date.

Qin Ze suddenly realized that this is how he got his name.

But Qin's mother shook her head and said that you are the only child of the old Qin's family, and your father gave you the name. Mom didn't use any of those names, and your dad disagreed.

Qin Ze asked, what were my previous names.

He doesn't like his name very much, he is ordinary and has no characteristics.

Mother Qin said, I forgot the others, but I only remember two, the two I like the most. One is Qin Xiaofan.

Qin Ze was taken aback.

Damn Qin Xiaofan, if you don't give birth to Lu Xueqi, you will give birth to a nine-tailed white fox.

"This name is not good at all." Qin Ze said.

"Jianguo, Jianjun, and heroes were popular at that time. Qin Xiaofan is so simple and different." Qin Ma said.

"Qin Xiaofan was also popular in the 1967s, what about the other one?"

Qin's mother said, the other one is amazing, very extraordinary, named Qin Hao!

Qin Ze almost couldn't sit still on his buttocks, and said in his heart that it was very dangerous, and he thanked his father for saving his life. Otherwise, my son, I will bear the name of "Ritian" for the rest of my life, and I will never be able to stand up.

Several people went to the temple to burn incense, and the tour guide was happy to see the results. He kept instilling consumption concepts in the tourists along the way, encouraging them to spend money.

Candles flickered in the hall, golden cloth streamers hung, and the air was filled with the smell of incense. Qin Baobao was very devout when she offered incense, and wanted to take off her sunglasses and big-brimmed hat, but Qin Ze stopped her, telling her not to die.

Standing behind his sister, Qin Ze saw that when she bent over, her skirt outlined a full moon-shaped buttocks. This woman was so plump and sexy that even a bohemian dress couldn't cover her figure.

Qin Baobao shook the lottery tube for a while, and dropped out a lottery, the lottery number was ninety-seven.

The monk said that there is no money for offering incense, but money is required for unraveling the lottery.

Temples have such routines, Qin Ze didn't want to be taken advantage of, but his sister said that since he asked for it, let's solve it. Then he paid the money and asked the monk to sign it.

A monk with a fat head and big ears unfolded the sign, took a look, and said to Qin Baobao, what you are looking for is marriage!

Looking for marriage

Qin Ze looked at his sister and thought to himself, he is really old and wants to find Mr. Right

Qin Baobao rolled his eyes, and decisively snatched the sign from the monk's hand. Anyone who is illiterate in this day and age can read it by himself, and you need to explain it? She unfolded the note, her eyes fell on the signature:

"Silver and Han are far away from Vega, and the emperor enters the world to hide her marriage."

"You don't need to ask about your childhood sweetheart, it's just a waste of time."

The setting sun outside the temple is like blood, and the fallen leaves in the courtyard are flying with the autumn wind, bleak and beautiful.

Qin Baobao pinched the note, his eyes were dim, and he murmured in a low voice: "How can I waste time, waste time..."

My heart felt as if it had been pricked by a sharp needle, and I couldn't breathe in such pain. She took a few breaths lightly, but felt the sour, sharp stinging pain explode in her heart.

Eye sockets are red.