My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 185: pickpocket


After nightfall, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is filled with thousands of lights and brilliant neon lights. This is a city that doesn't sleep. No matter how late it is, you can see vehicles coming and going on the street, as well as some 24-hour shops.

One street away from the community, there is an open apartment. The dual-use mode of business and residence makes this place very lively with people coming and going. Especially after the nearby road construction started, it became more and more chaotic and mixed with fish and dragons. In the past, Qin Ze bought vegetables here, but it was not a vegetable and fruit supermarket, but some small vendors on the side of the road. The dishes are fresher than those in the supermarket.

Qin Baobao and Wang Zijin each carried a bag of vegetables and snacks, walked through the open apartment and walked towards their own community.

"I feel that my chicken cubs are too expensive," Qin Baobao complained, "Why don't you counter the price? Just these two bags cost my sister hundreds of dollars."

Wang Zijin was not convinced: "Why don't you counter the price."

"I can't speak."

"Me too."

Qin Baobao said: "Although it feels expensive to buy, I picked the freshest chickens and mushrooms, and I can't wait to eat Aze's chicken."

"Huh?" Wang Zijin felt that this was not right, and cast a sideways glance.

"Aze made the chicken." Qin Baobao changed his words.

Normally, the two of them would just wait for the food to be fed, but today Qin Ze locked himself in his room to write a proposal and decided to order takeaway for dinner, which was unanimously rejected by the two sisters. So the two sides took a step back and let the two of them go out to buy vegetables.

"The thing is dead, come out and help my sister lift it." Qin Baobao took out his mobile phone and called for his younger brother.

Qin Ze replied in seconds: "Don't think about it."

"Little red guy won't come out?" Wang Zijin leaned over to look.

Qin Baobao squinted at her: "Little red guy?"

Wang Zijin also squinted: "You made it easy for me."

The night at the end of October was breezy.

Qin Baobao suddenly said: "Secretly tell you a secret, Qin Ze likes you."

Wang Zijin turned his face up, and suddenly caught a glimpse of his girlfriend's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said seriously: "I'll tell you a secret too, Qin Ze likes you."

Qin Baobao's face flashed with panic, and he said calmly: "I'm his older sister, isn't it normal for a younger brother to like an older sister? I was just joking."

Wang Zijin shrugged: "I'm joking too."

The two scheming watches looked at each other with indifferent expressions on their faces.

"By the way, I've been promoted." Wang Zijin said suddenly.

"Promoted?" Qin Baobao was stunned: "You have only been employed for three months, how did you get promoted so quickly?"

"The rules of the workplace, do more, listen more and talk less. Practice in a public school, don't be greedy, take possession, and have no selfishness. As long as you do these things, how difficult is it to get promoted? Of course, the premise is that you have to be hardworking yourself." Wang Zijin said .

"My dad said that too."

"Uncle Qin has a solid foundation, which is rare."

"Smelly shameless." Qin Baobao pinched Wang Zijin's oval face, but the latter avoided it.

"My grandfather told me that."

"Then you treat tonight's dishes, and transfer the money to me through Alipay."

"How much money Alipay gives you, I will pay ten times on WeChat." Wang Zijin teased, but Qin Baobao didn't understand. If you want to change to Qin Ze, you will reply: "I pay ten times more from Baifubao."

The two of them walked through the open apartment. It was pitch black in front of them. Only a few light bulbs of low power illuminated the ruined road. During the day, the place was noisy, but now that the workers were resting, it seemed quiet and chaotic. .

"Be careful, don't think about falling into the pit." Qin Baobao saw the sewer surrounded by several stones.

She reached for her phone in her jacket pocket, but found nothing.

Qin Baobao was startled, turned his head subconsciously, and saw a figure walking away quickly behind him.

The phone was stolen!

This thought flashed in Qin Baobao's mind, she instinctively caught up with the sprinting figure, grabbed him by the arm, and shouted: "Give me back the phone."

The other party was obviously taken aback, he didn't expect to be discovered, let alone this woman rushed up to grab him.

"Who took your mobile phone." He turned his head and said loudly, while waving his arms to try to shake Qin Baobao away.

But Qin Baobao held on to his arm tightly, and she saw the other person's face clearly, a face full of exotic features, high browbones, deep-set eye sockets, rough and dark skin. looking very young,

"You were right behind me just now, where did you turn around?" Qin Baobao raised his eyebrows, she immediately guessed the purpose of the other party following her, took the phone from her pocket without anyone noticing, and then left.

"Whoever stole your mobile phone, let it go." The young pickpocket became nervous because people around him were pointing fingers. Although there were few people here, it was only relatively speaking.

Qin Baobao clung to him, and the tiger was in a mess.

"Give me back my phone." She went to find the pickpocket's pocket, but instead of finding the expected phone, she found a long, narrow, hard object.

folding knife? !

Qin Baobao's anger suddenly cooled down, thinking of a robbery incident that happened in the Shanghai stock market recently, the victim was smeared with a knife by the criminals who were eager to jump over the wall because of their endless pestering.

"Don't talk nonsense with her, hurry up and go." Someone in the distance shouted.

This is obviously a gang crime, one person is doing it, and the other is on the lookout. At this time, seeing that it has attracted a lot of attention, that person also panicked. Pickpockets should be like killers, coming and going like the wind, and they must not be too entangled.

The young pickpocket looked even more anxious, with a hideous look on his face.

Qin Baobao was no longer as fierce as before, but stubbornly refused to let go, bit his lip, with tears in his eyes, and said stubbornly and aggrieved: "Give me back my phone."

She didn't want to lose that mobile phone. She bought it with her younger brother when she was paid her first salary. It was by no means a foreign brand, but a domestic mobile phone. It was an expensive but not popular mobile phone. There are two sets, one black and one pink, nothing else. Qin Baobao fell in love with him immediately. She and her younger brother each have one, the same style, the same ringtone.

Qin Ze has never changed his mobile phone in the past two years, even though he is very rich now.

Qin Baobao is also unwilling to change. She can like the new and dislike the old for brand-name bags and various luxury items, but this mobile phone has never thought of changing.

A fierce look flashed in the young pickpocket's eyes, his heart sank, and he reached into his pocket to take out something.

Qin Baobao took two steps back in fright.

"Take the phone and get out." Wang Zijin stood in front of his girlfriend and stared at him. For the first time, this woman showed a look of rage, which was somewhat majestic.

The young pickpocket heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and ran away.

Qin Baobao looked at the back of the pickpocket getting further and further away, and cried in disappointment.

Wang Zijin hugged her and patted her shoulder to comfort her: "Okay, okay, it's just a mobile phone, what's wrong with it."

"But..." Qin Baobao wiped away tears, and was about to speak when he caught a glimpse of a fist-sized cement stone whistling past his head from the corner of his eyes, "Boom!" Blocks and people fell to the ground.

A stone that fell from the sky.

Almost at the same time, she saw Qin Ze pass by her, and sped out like a wild horse, kicking off the one who had just got up and picking up the hand.

Qin Baobao didn't care about the surprise of his younger brother's birth, pointed to the front and shouted: "There is one more..."

She saw another pickpocket rushing to save her, pulling out a shining jackknife from his pocket.

Qin Baobao's face turned pale with fright. At this time, the mobile phone is not important, nothing is more important than his younger brother. Wang Zijin's expression also changed.

Qin Ze looked coldly at the middle-aged man who gritted his teeth and rushed towards him. He was holding a jackknife in his hand, with the blade slanting downwards, and he could predict that he was going to stab himself in the stomach. Qin Ze waited for this guy to rush close, and slapped down abruptly with his right hand, just in time to hit the middle-aged man's wrist holding the knife, and then slapped him on the face, not crisp, but a dull sound. His palms hurt from the pumping.

The huge force made the middle-aged man stagger and fall helplessly, the jackknife slipped from his hand, and his vision became black and blurred.

Qin Ze KO'd his opponent with one move, but still worried, he stepped forward and kicked hard on the stomach again. The guy who kicked was clutching his stomach and retching, his eyes were bloodshot. He kicked another guy in the same way, and then he took out his mobile phone and called the police.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my sister and Wang Zijin running over in a panic, and waved their hands to keep them away.

My sister was very obedient, she stopped immediately and looked at Qin Ze with teary eyes.

Wang Zijin looked at Qin Ze with brilliant eyes.

Soon the police car came over, handcuffed the two pickpockets, and took Qin Ze and the three of them casually, and asked them to go to the police station to make notes.

police station.

"... I felt that the phone was gone, and I turned around immediately, and found that he was in a hurry to escape. He was following me before, and he should be on the way. Why did he turn around and leave suddenly? My phone must be It was stolen by him..." Qin Baobao described the process, and the police took notes patiently.

"I came down to look for them. I saw them arguing across the street, so I rushed over..." Qin Ze took notes on the other side.

The policeman frowned: "You didn't understand what was going on, so you beat someone when you went up?"

"Usually in this kind of situation, it's either playing hooligans or stealing things." Qin Zexin said, I don't care what happens to him, and whoever bullies my sister will kill him.

The mobile phone was indeed stolen. It was found in the pocket of the young pickpocket, and it was stolen and stolen.

The young policeman who took Qin Baobao's record was actually her fan. After hearing what he said, he was very angry, "These two guys are habitual offenders. They have a record at the police station. Next time you encounter something like this, don't talk to me. They hit it hard, called the police afterwards, and handed over the matter to our police.”

Saying goodbye to the police comrades, the three left the police station.

On the way home, Qin Baobao pouted and was unhappy. Because her mobile phone was still broken and the screen was cracked.

Qin Ze took her hand and looked back at Wang Zijin who was a distance behind. She said she wanted to make a phone call, and she seemed to not want them to hear the content of the call.