My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 190: Let me go, what a god


Returning home at 8:30, Qin Baobao parked the BMW in the underground parking garage, walked into the elevator with his arm around his younger brother. The way she hugged her arms was very particular. She wrapped her arms around Qin Ze's entire arm to prevent his arms from touching her chest.

Qin Baobao hummed a song and walked briskly.

"What song are you humming?" Qin Ze's face darkened.

"I have a little brother who I never ride." Qin Baobao simply sang, bouncing up and down: "One day I rode to the market on a whim, and I whipped his ass with a small leather whip in my hand... .. .”

Qin Baobao slapped Qin Ze's buttocks with two "slaps".

"Smack his ass."

Another two slaps.

"Smack his ass."

This time, without waiting for his sister to slap her, Qin Ze took the first step and slapped her sister against the wall of the car with a slamming hand.

The older sister, Hu Meizi, had a sad and resentful expression on her face, and instead of speaking, she just stared at him with watery eyes.

Qin Ze said helplessly, "I was wrong, I was wrong."

Qin Baobao's nimble eyes rolled, and he said coquettishly: "Then you carry me home."

Qin Ze bent down, his sister jumped on his back, the car shook, and giggled, "Let's go, little donkey."

He slapped Qin Ze's buttocks with two hands.

The elevator door opened, Qin Ze jumped out of the car with his sister on his back, and stopped at his door: "Come down, I'll open the door."

"No," Qin Baobao took out the key to open the door by himself: "You carry me in."

When the door opened, Qin Baobao yelled deliberately: "Come on, little donkey."

On the sofa in the living room, Wang Zijin squinted at the two siblings who had returned home, with a pretty oval face expressionless.

"Zijin, we're back." Qin Baobao jumped off his younger brother, put on cotton shoes, and said loudly, "Beets really don't taste good. Next time we'll eat steak."

Qin Ze didn't think too much, nodded: "Yeah."

He also felt that the beets in Baikeyuan were not to his taste.

Wang Zijin got up expressionlessly, walked into the room expressionlessly, and slammed the door with a "slap".

"What's wrong?" Qin Ze was taken aback.

Qin Baobao pretended to be naive, "I don't know."

The next day, Juli Company.

"That's the end of today's meeting, let's leave." Qin Ze pushed a document to Chen Guang: "Manager Chen, I'll write the specific investment plan in the document, you go back and digest it, and start working as soon as possible."

The three managers of the investment department got up and left.

In the small conference room, Qin Ze leaned on the office chair, lit a cigarette, and exhaled a puff of blue smoke.

He has been the general manager of the investment department for a week, and he has not done drastic projects. That is too eager for quick success. In fact, an investment company needs to go through a cumbersome process to apply for funds. He is not Su Yu, so he can make a final decision. It is the president's that power.

Except for cutting off two junk projects in the futures department and minor changes in certain stock investments, everything else remains the same. Today's meeting discusses the investment plan for the next quarter.

The biggest gain is to find out the operation process of the investment company. Apart from the time-consuming and labor-intensive market research and institutional evaluation, the biggest difference between investment companies and individual operations is the workload.

One person only needs to operate one account well, and investment companies have a large number of accounts, and a project may have several or even more than a dozen accounts operating at the same time, which requires the existence of a trader.

At noon, I asked Yang Jian to have dinner together. This son-of-a-bitch has no desires, but he obeyed the old saying "If you don't have desires, you can be strong". No matter in front of Su Hao, Li Linfeng, or even himself, he is neither humble nor arrogant. It's time to joke, joke, ignore and continue to ignore.

Returning to the company after dinner, he felt in a daze that he seemed to have forgotten something.

But he was busy with work, so he didn't bother to think about it, so he knocked on the door of Su Yu's office with a document, but no one answered for a long time.

In the small office next door, the assistant listened to the voice, "Boss Su is not in the company, Boss Qin will come back later."

"How late is it?" Qin Ze looked at the watch his sister bought for him, it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

"I went out before lunch and haven't come back yet," the assistant said.

"What did you do?"

"Wow, how do I know, I'm a work assistant, not a life assistant." The female assistant pouted.

A coffee shop more than ten kilometers away.

Su Yu sat near the gate, which made it easier for her to observe the customers who came in, men and women, of all kinds, which one would be the master

Although it is understood that the master god should be a man, the possibility of a woman is not ruled out, just like the master suspects that she is a big man who picks his feet.

If it's a man, is he handsome? Is it high? Is it a fat guy wearing black-rimmed glasses, or a sunny and handsome boy

Su Yu had never met a netizen before, so for the first time, there was a trace of anticipation and nervousness.

The slightly bitter aroma of coffee beans floats in the air, and soothing music plays.

Su Yu waited and waited, waited and waited, from twelve o'clock in the noon to two o'clock in the afternoon, long past the time they agreed on.

The phone on the table buzzed and vibrated, and the assistant called.

"Boss Su, are you done?"

"What's the matter?" Su Yu frowned, his tone not very good.

"Boss Qin has something to ask you, saying that there is an important document that needs your signature and approval."

"Let him wait."

"Vice President Su is also looking for you."

"Let him wait."

"Okay, okay!" Mr. Su's tone was not right, and the assistant hung up the phone tactfully.

Su Yu bit her lip, and said quietly: "Speaking is nothing, and you let me dove, what kind of a god."

... ... ... ... ..

Qin Ze sat in his exclusive office, staring at the six big screens facing the office, which displayed the market trends of stocks and futures, as well as his selected stocks. The phone was ringing non-stop. It was the chat group of Li Linfeng's department. These guys started beeping a few minutes ago, and the momentum has not shown any signs of cooling down.

If you don't work hard at work, you will know how to fish, and it will be endless

He clicked on the chat group, ready to quiet the employees, but found that the things they discussed were quite interesting.

The topic was initiated by Yang Jian. He shared a hot search on Weibo, which was the headline of the day:

"The General Office of the Ministry of Education issued a notice on the popularization of English in primary schools nationwide in 2017"

The content is roughly that the Ministry of Education changed the original regulations of the third grade of elementary school to learn English, and changed it to the relevant regulations of learning English alphabets in the first grade and learning English in the second grade.

"Start learning the English alphabet in the first grade? Children in the first grade may not even learn all the Chinese pinyin."

"My child will start elementary school next year, and now he can't recognize all the letters. How can he learn English? Don't get confused when the time comes. He can learn both English and Mandarin."

"Isn't the Ministry of Education messing around? Will kindergartens have to learn English in a few years? English is so good, why don't we just ban Mandarin?"

"Don't those officials have children?"

"My child is in the second grade, and the usual learning tasks are already very heavy. This, if he adds English, his grades will definitely not keep up."

Qin Ze curled his lips, thinking, what a tragedy these children are. When he was in elementary school, he only learned letters and memorized words in the sixth grade. In junior high school, he only taught English systematically. Childhood was carefree, but today's children learn messy things. The idea that education should be done as early as possible is correct, but children's feelings and acceptability must also be considered. There are always people shouting on the Internet: people are forced out, and there is no motivation without pressure.

However, a key factor is overlooked. People's ability to withstand stress is different. Most adults will collapse under pressure, let alone children

Everyone can succeed with a push, so there are so many losers in society.

But this matter has nothing to do with him, he has no children, and there is no shadow of his wife. Not right, maybe his daughter-in-law is now sadly facing the suffering of learning English in elementary school.

Education and people's livelihood are always the hottest topics in society, and they are far better than news about entertainment stars.

Every year in June, the national news will be screened by the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination, and there will be waves of jokes. There are also pensions and social security, all of which attract a lot of attention. Many people don't pay attention to the entertainment industry, or are not very emotional about the entertainment industry, but they will definitely pay attention to the college entrance examination and people's livelihood issues.

The notice issued by the Ministry of Education went viral on the Internet.

Netizens complained about the Ministry of Education.

"Children nowadays are really miserable, there is no childhood at all."

"Thanks to my mother for allowing me to be born 20 years earlier."

"The Education Bureau's operation of 666 is the way it should be done. I am always cheated by elementary school students when I play games, because I have too little homework."

"Just to make sarcastic remarks, it's not that the earlier you learn English, the better. In fact, it's not suitable to learn more than two languages during the initial stage, especially letters. The same letter has two different pronunciations. It will confuse children with languages. "

"Uh, since the Education Bureau issued such a notice, it should have done an investigation."

"Hey, don't trust them too much, there are too many such oolongs."

Those who react most violently are those parents who have children and have a say in the matter.

"What are you doing? Why do you want to add English in the second grade? A first-year child can't even speak Mandarin, okay, just learning to write, okay?"

"My child will enter elementary school next year, and I'm really worried about him. The child should not be too tired."

"I'm really convinced of the domestic education. The homework assigned by the kindergarten teacher is amazing enough. After finally getting through the kindergarten, you said that you have started to learn English again? My child can't even understand Chinese, and he can't speak Mandarin very fluently. Learning English? MMP's."

"Why is the kindergarten homework so weird?"

"Let me tell you what I encountered. Handicraft category: pinch an angry bird. Art category: draw a Chinese painting. Breeding category: raise silkworm babies. Mommy, my kid can pinch an angry bird , What kind of kindergarten did I let him go to. If my child can draw Chinese paintings, why the hell should I go to kindergarten. The most weird thing is the silkworm baby, my wife screamed when she saw that thing, and I was also afraid."

There is a heated discussion on the Internet, and people who complain about it are countless, but the Ministry of Education is very calm.

Instead, many educators came out to speak for the boss and show their loyalty.

For example, a famous big V used to be an educator, but later joined the entertainment industry, and became famous for criticizing a certain literary masterpiece.

"It is completely nonsense to say on the Internet that "because children are too young, they will confuse Mandarin and English". In the past, English was not popularized in primary schools, because in the era when tea eggs were unaffordable, the quality of the people was low, so how to learn English. Children Too carefree is not necessarily a good thing, education should start from the baby. If you don’t force them, they will know how to play around all day long.”

Then many educators and friends in the entertainment industry forwarded his Weibo and liked it.

"The age when the gods couldn't afford tea eggs, it seems that human beings have evolved greatly in IQ over the past ten years."

"You mean that we were mentally handicapped ten or twenty years ago, but the IQ of today's children is exploding?"

"I'm so sorry for my low-quality citizen."

A celebrity in the entertainment industry reposted this Weibo, but instead of praising him, he had a "frightened face": "I was so scared that I hurried to improve my quality."

Then several celebrities forwarded it, "I was so scared that I hurried to improve my quality."

The big V was not convinced, and argued with netizens: "If you learn English well, you will be successful in the future. When can you not learn Chinese? It is an exaggeration, you can learn it lying down. Chinese is not as important as you think, and most majors in universities do not have it." Chinese class, but most of them have to learn English, enough that English is more important than Chinese.”

"You two hammer, the appraisal is complete."

"Don't kneel, you won't be able to stand up if you kneel for too long."

"Another penny, Chinese is extensive and profound, you speak Chinese not as good as English?"

"Go kneel and lick your foreign father, stop making money in our country."

"It's a pity that you were a teacher before, and it's not important to speak Chinese."

Netizens exploded and cursed at the bottom of his Weibo. There are many trolls on the Internet, and there are more angry youths.

Many professionals voiced their voices: "As an international common language, no one can deny the importance of English. I hope that the majority of netizens will be more patriotic and rational."

"Speaking directly from the data, there are more than a dozen countries in the world whose mother tongue is English, and there are more than 20 countries whose mother tongue is Chinese. Our country is the only one whose mother tongue is Chinese. It is clear at a glance. Of course, I It’s not that Chinese is not important.”

The incident quickly rose to the level of Chinese and English, with rational parties and angry youth parties.