My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 192: Uncommon words


The online scolding war is still going on, and it has evolved from complaining about the Ministry of Education to whether Chinese is more important or English is more important. Divided into rational party and cynical party. The rational party said that patriotism is a good thing, but we have to face reality, if you can only speak Chinese, it will be difficult for you to go abroad. And if you are proficient in English, you can go anywhere without hindrance.

The Cyan Youth Party listed statistics, saying that one quarter of the world's people use Chinese, not less than English. Even those who are proficient in history explain English from a historical perspective, saying that the real prosperity of English should be after World War II. During World War I and World War II, the status of English was not as good as that of French. The United States has become the big brother of the world, and the status of English has risen with the tide, and it has suddenly become an international common language. And in ancient Chinese, it is also the common language of Asia. Goryeo sticks, Dongying devils and so on can know a few words of Chinese, so they can't be embarrassed to come to heaven to see and learn.

"Older people must feel more. Many people of the older generation have never learned Mandarin, but this does not prevent them from being able to speak Mandarin. Therefore, those who worry about their children confusing the two languages are completely ignorant and learn Mandarin instead. Learn English as early as possible. Even now, learning English will make it easier to find a job. I hope everyone will face the facts.” The big V jumped out to speak again.

"Speaking well, the importance of English is self-evident."

"I also think that if children learn English one year earlier, they will have a solid foundation one year earlier."

"There are too many brainless angry youths."


The sensible party and fans replied, while the troll party and the angry youth party also responded.

"I laughed. Your so-called proficiency in Chinese is just a little spoken language?"

"What good is a country that does not master its own language?"

"Hey, I, a Chinese major, express dissatisfaction."

"If I start learning English in the second grade, I guess my Chinese will be extremely low."

Regarding this hot topic, many celebrities also came out to join in the fun.

Huang Yuteng posted on Weibo, "Fortunately, I didn't learn English in primary school, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to write songs."

Li Rongxing complained on Weibo: "What is English? I have never heard of it."

Xu Yunhan forwarded Huang Yuteng's Weibo.

Two or three, a lot of celebrities came here to catch up, or complain or agree. Their respective fans replied below, the Internet is so lively, there are hot searches every day, and there are topics every day. If this topic is hot, we will discuss this, and that topic will discuss that.

Then Baby Qin also posted on Weibo to join in the fun. She didn't say anything, but just posted a video.

Some netizens clicked on it curiously, and the video started to play. There was a bright and clean glass coffee table, and there was a piece of paper with a large paragraph of text written on it. A few seconds later, the dynamic piano sounded, which sounded like a poor-quality sound effect played by mobile phone software.

After the piano accompaniment, there was Qin Baobao's pleasant voice: "A long time ago, a giant dragon suddenly appeared. It brought disaster, took away the princess, and then disappeared..."

"The kingdom is very dangerous, who is the bravest in the world."

"A brave man came and shouted..." Qin Baobao's voice suddenly became cute, "I want to take the best sword, climb the highest mountain, break into the deepest forest and kill the princess..." Bring it back to you."

"The king was very happy and hurriedly asked his name. The young man thought for a while, and he said, Your Majesty, my name is..."

Qin Baobao's cute tone: "Dalabangbabande Bedib Dobiruwon."


Hearing this, countless netizens were blinded.

"Say it again," Qin Baobao sang again: "Dala Bong Baban Tebdib Dobiruwon."


Can you say it again, I didn't understand. Netizens thought to themselves.

"Isn't it, Dalabun Baban Tebdub Tobiruon?"

"That's right, Dalabunbaban Tebdib Dobiruon."

"Hero Dalabon, ride the fastest horse..."

... ... .

"The dragon said: I am Kunkutakatikatikotsuvasi Lasson."


The netizen spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"One more time," Qin Baobao sang in a low voice: "Kunkukutakatikatikatsuvashilasong."

"Isn't it, Gwent's Fiddle Baked Egg Tart Soda Marathon?"

"No, it's Kunkutakatikatikotsuvashirasong."


dalabumbaband bedib tobiruon

cut to

Kuntukataka Tikau Tesuvasi Lasson


that dragon

Kuntukataka Tikau Tesuvasi Lasson


that brave man

Dalabang Baban Tebedib Tobiruon

... ... ... ...

Netizens were stunned at first. They didn't know any of the rare characters with many strokes in the video, really didn't know any of them. If Qin Baobao hadn't sung it, they wouldn't have even seen her. After a while, Qin Baobao's Weibo went viral.

"The Chinese expressed a look of bewilderment."

"I may have learned fake Chinese."

"Damn it, Qin Baobao 666, I doubt life when I sing."

"My Chinese is not taught by the physical education teacher, why don't I know a single word."

"Is there still such an operation?"

"Is this video posted because of today's popular Chinese-English PK?"

"Learning Chinese for nothing."

"Chinese Baixue +1."

"I silently forwarded this video."

"This song taught me how to read, and I think I should go back to school to learn more."

A certain big V was drinking tea at home, looking at the bottom of his Weibo, the trolls were arguing endlessly with fans. As a public figure, there is no need to argue with netizens. As long as he posts Weibo, he will naturally have fans and people who support him to scold those trolls.

Suddenly, he found that there were dozens of message prompts on the "envelope" in the upper left corner. This number increased by more than one hundred in just a few seconds, and it continued to increase.

Click to open it, countless netizens @ him, and then click to open the content, and found that it is a video.

With curiosity and doubts, he clicked to watch the video.

"A long time ago, a dragon suddenly appeared..."

After watching this video, his forehead was sweating, what a mess, he didn't know a single word.

On Weibo, netizens ridiculed:

"Hey, why are you silent?"

"That, that... Yes, it's you. It's not important to speak Chinese, you can learn it lying down. Come on, tell me the truth, do you know all these characters?"

"Sing until you doubt life, haha."

Similar replies continued to proliferate, and some were more verbal.

Anger appeared on his face, and he typed in a crackling voice: "It's just a rare word, opportunistic..." After thinking about it, he deleted it again, which would only attract more scolding. Because he couldn't deny that he really didn't know these words, even if he said something like "I know them all", he would just be laughed at by more people. Because even the top students in the Chinese department can't recognize these characters.


Aren't we discussing whether English should be learned in the second grade

Why is it so inexplicably wrong that Chinese is more important than English.

He decided to keep silent, stop posting on Weibo, and ignore the scolding on the Internet.

This video quickly went viral on the Internet and was constantly reposted. Many people came here admiringly.

Because Qin Baobao is a celebrity and a public figure, many celebrities have paid attention to her, such as Xu Yunhan. She reposted the video: "I don't know what's going on."

Huang Yuteng also reposted: "I'm going crazy, I played it three times in a loop, and it's actually quite nice."

Li Rongxing posted on Weibo: "King, think twice."

Chen Xiaotong: "I have to learn Mandarin for another ten years. Besides, the king thinks twice."

Hong Jingyao: "The king thinks twice..."

This is the king asking the name of the brave in the Tucao video.

Netizens love it.

"Haha, another crazy one."

"I'm also crazy, playing N times in a loop."

"Qin Baobao is worthy of my goddess. A video made someone shut up. I can't read all the Chinese characters. How can I learn English?"

"English still needs to be learned, but please learn Chinese well first, hahaha."

"Give Baby Qin a thumbs up."

A few minutes later, Xu Yunhan posted another Weibo: "I think this is Qin Ze doing something. @秦宝宝"

Qin Baobao quickly replied: "My younger brother is the most powerful."

Netizens were surprised.

"Qin Ze, come out soon @Standing far away watching childhood."

"Qin Ze 666."

"My younger brother is indeed the most powerful, Qin Baobao, you are a crazy brother."

"Summon Qin Ze, another video, we want to speculate in stocks."

"Stock trading +10086."

"I beg you to open a stock training class, we are willing to pay for it."


Qin Baobao was overwhelmed with surprise, swiping his phone to read the comments, smiling all over his face: "Wow, Aze, you can get so much heat like this."

She stretched her arm around Qin Ze's neck, "One must be rewarded."

Wang Zijin's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he grabbed her at a risk: "Baby, let's watch TV."

Qin Baobao was stunned for a moment, and said quietly: "Go watch your soap opera, don't hinder my little brother."

Wang Zijin had an idea: "Dirty or not, look at his face that he didn't wash at night, it's so greasy, and there are a lot of mites, they all ate into your mouth."

Qin Baobao knew that this was a trick of his best friend, but after thinking about it, he felt that it made sense, and shuddered, "Then I won't kiss in the future."

"Hey, I can wash my face..." Qin Ze quickly shut up when he saw Wang Zijin's signature squinting eyes shooting at him.