My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 195: Watching Horror Movies With My Sister (4,000-word chapter)


"The ball is full of sacks, the system, I'm not ready yet." Qin Ze turned pale with shock: "I had a similar idea just now, but it was reasonable YY, you don't want to go online. Suddenly let me start a company, the pressure It's too big."

"If you don't listen, don't listen, bastard chant the scriptures." The system said.

"Are you really a system? You must be possessed by Qin Baobao." Qin Ze covered his face: "Let me slow down for a few more days."

"Tomorrow after tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows. If you don't put any pressure on you, you just want to be a salted fish." The system said in a tone of hatred.

"But I have no experience at all. Doesn't it mean that missions that are impossible to succeed will not appear?"

"What's so difficult about registering a company." The system said: "You reminded me that just registering a company is a meaningless task, and it also caused the system to lose a lot of points. Then host, let's set a small goal, first How about earning a hundred million."

Qin Ze's heart trembled, and he suddenly knew something was wrong.

"Ding, please make the host earn 100 million within a month, reward 600 points for success, and deduct corresponding points for failure."


The teacup tumbled on the carpet, and the tea and tea leaves splashed all over the floor.

Li Linfeng helped to pick it up, and said with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

Everyone looked at it one after another, and then showed a look of sudden enlightenment, the ups and downs, the young man couldn't bear the mentality, so he lost his composure.

Qin Ze said with a blank expression, "I have something to say about mmp."

Su Tong didn't hear clearly, and frowned, "What did you say?"

Everyone looked at Qin Ze.

Qin Ze got up and said with a smile: "The chairman is right. Being promoted to the right is not necessarily a good thing. More experience is definitely a good thing, but I want to refute Vice President Su."

He looked around everyone, "Strictly speaking, since I joined the company, there has only been one project that was entirely done by me, with a profit of 200%. Black Donkey Technology. I have made an estimate, and the profit that this stock can bring is far It’s beyond your imagination, of course there is no basis for what you say, and everyone will know it in the future.”

"In addition, I have rectified six small projects, and the income from two weeks is more than 80%. The total amount of the six projects is 20 million, which means that I have earned 16 million for the company. .I think this achievement is completely worthy of the words "remarkable achievement". Chairman, what do you think?"

Su Tong was taken aback, and couldn't help looking at Su Hao.

That's not what Su Hao told him. The original words were "a lucky guy who caught a bull stock by chance". When he heard that the other party was a young boy in the internship period, he didn't go into it. Besides, the purpose of this meeting was to Announcing the arrival of the imperial envoy, and taking Qin Ze down was just incidental.

"Very good, as long as you practice for a while, I will give you a wider room for advancement." Su Tong said dryly.

But I won't play with you anymore. Qin Ze smiled and sat back in his seat.

... ... .

CEO's office.

"Have you figured it out?" Su Yu, who had been silent for a long time, spoke slowly, staring at Qin Ze.

There was a resignation report on her desk, Qin Ze's.

Qin Ze nodded. Although he said no, he knew that the system's mission came from his own desires. He did have this idea and plan, but the system advanced it.

The beautiful CEO was a little frustrated. At the same time that his power was being emptied, the number one boy under his command resigned to make matters worse.

Qin Ze wanted to comfort her, but felt it was inappropriate. He and Su Yu were not up to this point.

She rubbed her temples wearily, and signed her name in the resignation report, "I see, your salary and commission, I will let the financial department call you as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, let's settle together after the salary is paid." Qin Ze got up and said, "Then goodbye, my beautiful president."

Su Yu was taken aback, then smiled, "Goodbye."

She thought, if Qin Ze had been so active from the beginning, she might have become friends with him, and maybe he wouldn't have resigned today.

Qin Ze left with his bag on his back and left the company where he had been working for less than a month. During this period of time, he has learned a lot, and there are also many things that he has not explored thoroughly. He is not just a salty fish blindly. Qin Ze doesn't like taking risks in fields that he is not good at.

... ... ... ...

Su Tong stayed to accompany his daughter and son to have a meal. Being busy with business, he did not leave for the first time, and asked Su Hao to sort out all the company's investment projects and send them to the president's office. Su Yu sat on the sofa and flipped through his phone. Hao sat opposite his father, and Su Tong sat in the president's chair.

He asked his daughter to fetch the financial statements of the first two quarters and project summary. Although the managers of each department reported it during the meeting, they certainly did not give details, only how much money their department earned, and detailed items would not be mentioned, otherwise each department could talk about it for a day.

The company is a startup with a very shallow foundation. It earned relatively little in the first quarter, but its profits soared in the second quarter. This upward trend is very similar to the rise of the stock market.

"Yu'er, you can also give me a copy of this month's project and report." Su Tong wanted to see the company's recent situation.

Su Yu asked the assistant to take a copy of this month's project summary and income statement.

Su Tong drank his tea, looked through the projects, and found that the stock and futures projects accounted for 50% of the total projects, while the income accounted for 70%, which was a terrible income. This made him more determined to enter the capital market.

"This month's income is almost the same as last quarter," Su Tong said with a smile on his face, "Yu'er, this quarter's income can break through a new height. Dad decided to invest another billion."

Su Yu no longer had the same enthusiasm as before, and nodded slightly.

"But dad has to look at your investment plan for this quarter, about stocks and futures." Su Tong said with a smile.

"No." Su Yu said.

Su Hao immediately caught his sister's mistake, and said displeasedly: "How to invest in a project without a plan, each project should have specific planning and preparation. It seems that you have made some achievements and swelled."

Su Tong frowned.

Su Yu said indifferently: "This month's performance can be equal to the three-month performance of the last quarter. Apart from the stock market's own rise, it is also the credit of Qin Ze. He is the general manager of the investment department, and he wrote the plan."

Su Hao said: "It's easy to handle, let him rush out a plan."

Su Yu sneered, "He is no longer the general manager."

Su Hao snorted: "As long as he stays in Juli for a day, he has the obligation to contribute to the company. The salary is not for nothing. Dad, what do you think?"

Su Yu looked at his father expectantly, "Dad, as long as you continue to let him be the general manager, I will ask him for a proposal immediately."

She wanted to take back Qin Ze's position as general manager.

Su Tong pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Hao'er is right. Employees who contribute to the company are also contributing to themselves. The position of general manager has been settled. There is no reason to repeat it. Just give him a bonus compensation. Investment bank The department is relatively free now, isn't it?"

Su Yu was more sad than heartbroken, "He resigned."

The father and son were taken aback.

Su Hao said: "Resigned? Has the job handover been completed, has the task at hand been completed? This month is not over yet, and he just quits like this? I don't agree with resignation. If he leaves by force, he won't even think about a salary commission. "

The corner of Su Yu's mouth curled up in a sarcasm, "I've already signed it."

She looked at her father: "Qin Ze didn't get into this position by luck. Black Donkey Technology is only part of his performance. The projects he took over, as he himself said, are 80% profitable. He has the ability , Where can’t I go, I really think that if I don’t stay here, I will have nothing to eat? I know that Dad can’t care about any employee, but I hope you can listen to my opinion more, instead of being partial to my son, so that I don’t care .”

She finished speaking in one breath, feeling a bit of revenge.

Su Tong threw the document in his hand on the table.

... ... ...

In the evening, I made a sumptuous meal for the two older sisters. The older sister was still sitting next to him, and Wang Zijin sat across from him. Baby Qin's cheeks bulged from eating, and asked curiously, "It's so rich today, and you got promoted again?"

Qin Ze basically cooks three dishes and one soup, and he only adds extra meals when he finds a job or gets promoted. So my sister asked this question.

"No, I resigned." Qin Ze said, "I want to start a company by myself and be my own boss."

Qin Baobao was stunned, turned his head to the side, and spit out rice grains with a puff, "Hahaha, I laughed so hard, my younger brother wants to start a company and become the boss."

Wang Zijin was more reserved than her, trotted to the coffee table, and sprayed rice into the trash can with a puff: "It's funny, it's funny."

Qin Ze had black lines all over his head.

My sister may be unable to help herself, but Wang Zijin's operation is definitely to disgust herself on purpose. Sure enough, no matter how majestic a woman is, there are times when she is cautious.

"What kind of company are you going to start?" Qin Baobao lowered his head to clean the rice grains on the floor, suppressed a smile, and asked pretending to be concerned.

"Investment company." Qin Ze said.

"It feels so tall," my sister said, "Is it open? Investment companies have a lot of requirements."

"I have my own plan. You can lend me your ID card tomorrow. To register a company, you need a legal person and shareholders. You can't do it alone," Qin Ze said.

As expected of her own elder sister, Qin Baobao nodded without hesitation, and didn't even think about whether being a shareholder of the company would cause any trouble. Even if her younger brother sold her, she would foolishly help count the money.

After eating, my sister lay lazily on the sofa, stroking her chubby belly, babbling: "Aze, you black-hearted maggot."

Qin Zelei paused, "Don't just maggot maggots, I'm a maggot, what are you?"

He looked at his sister's lower abdomen and said with a smile: "You seem to be pregnant for two months."

Qin Baobao squinted and hurt each other: "Mmm, there is your little monkey inside."

Wang Zijin rolled his eyes, packed up the dishes and went into the kitchen.

Qin Ze followed him, but Wang Zijin knocked him away with his butt, and said angrily, "Go away."

Qin Ze retreated resentfully, admiring Wang Zijin's figure. She was wearing a dark blue thin sweater, a pair of tight slacks, her legs were slender and straight, and she was dressed in a youthful and simple style.

"Let me wash it." Qin Ze leaned forward. If he still can't see that Wang Zijin is angry with him, then his EQ is too low.

The corners of Wang Zijin's mouth were slightly raised, with a straight face, he stepped back.

Qin Ze was washing the dishes, she watched, and Qin Ze said, Miss Zijin, go to the living room and watch TV. Watching TV is the real thing.

Wang Zijin said quietly: "I would like to bet and admit defeat. If someone sees me throwing the dishes and chopsticks to you to wash, it will make me feel weird again. Someone loves my brother very much, and I can't bear my brother being courteous to other women the most."

Qin Ze pretended not to understand.

Wang Zijin stared at him, "Do you think so?"

Qin Ze laughed and said, "I don't know who is going too far."

Wang Zijin hit him.

"Sister Zijin, what do you do in an online media company?" Qin Ze cleverly changed the subject.

"Small editor." Wang Zijin said.

"I heard that being an editor is one of the most unscrupulous professions." Qin Ze said, "How many manuscripts do I have to write every day?"

"Sometimes it is less than a dozen times, and sometimes it is dozens of times. I am experienced in writing and writing articles. Now I am the team leader."

"Where are so many news written for you?"

Wang Zijin said calmly: "There is a picture at the beginning, and the content depends entirely on editing."

Really immoral, Qin Ze thought to himself.

After washing the dishes, Qin Baobao clamored to watch a horror movie, which was a very bloody and disgusting heavy-tasting movie in Korea.

Nv Wenqing cursed mentally retarded in fear, and slipped back to the room with her mobile phone in her hand.

Qin Baobao sneered complacently, like a little woman who won a house fight, but hesitated when holding the remote control, and didn't dare to watch disgusting movies, choosing and choosing, and chose the Xiangjiang Zombie movie from the 1980s, this is my sister acceptable limit.

Xiangjiang's zombie films are a great classic, especially the zombie films starring a famous actor, but it is a pity that he died young, which makes people sigh. Although it is a movie from 20 or 30 years ago, the special effects are a bit dramatic, but the production is very careful. The opening of the film is selected in the dense forest in the middle of the night, and the sound effects are extremely terrifying.

At the beginning, my sister got scared and put her delicate body next to Qin Ze.

"Ah Ze, can you hug my sister's waist?" Qin Baobao had a frightened expression on his face.

Wow, there are such excessive demands

Qin Ze happily hugged his sister's small waist, and grasped it tightly. It is firm and elastic, not as soft as other girls, and feels very good in the hand. Qin Ze thinks his sister's waist is the best. Anyway, he has never hugged anyone else before. Girls can't compare.

The story begins with a corpse exorcist in western Hunan, who is driving the dead back to their hometown for burial. On the way, he meets a fox demon who has become a spirit. The fox demon seduces a Taoist priest. In the way of the fox demon. The Xiangjiang films of that era were relatively large in scale. Qin Baobao did not know which website he searched for, but he did not delete them.

The elder sister blushed and drooped her head slightly.

Qin Ze accidentally squeezed his sister's waist, Qin Baobao trembled, and his ears turned red.

Fortunately, this episode passed quickly. The Taoist priest was sucked into adulthood by the fox demon, and the zombies fled and became wild zombies. There was a small town more than ten miles away from the dense forest. The people in the town suffered. Every night, people were killed by zombies. Among them, a zombie who died unjustly had great resentment, and became the zombie king after sucking human blood. In the small town, there was a master of metaphysics who helped people read Feng Shui, and led two apprentices and the townspeople to work together to kill the zombies. Among them, the fox demon has repeatedly come out to make soy sauce and collude with the townspeople to practice evil skills, and the scale is still very large.

Qin Baobao was annoyed: "The previous movies were not upright, fast forward."

Qin Ze said goodbye, it is rare to have an uncut old movie, I want to download and save it.

Qin Baobao waved his arm, and slashed his wicked brother's forehead with a knife, and said in a huff, "Are all men so disgusting?"

My sister's knife is getting sharper and sharper.

Qin Ze wondered: "Now that there is a rectification movement, large-scale films are rarer than giant pandas. I can't miss them."

"What kind of rectification?" Qin Baobao was at a loss.

"It's like it's okay for me to hug your waist now, but if you want to kiss me, then GG." Qin Ze said.

"Who wants to kiss you." My sister blushed and muttered, "The rectification movement is really annoying."

"We can kiss secretly at night." Qin Ze winked.

"Get lost!" Qin Baobao slashed his brother's head with a knife.