My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 199: fireworks


When Qin Ze returned home, he had already passed the half-hour deadline set by his sister, so he took out his key and opened the door to enter the house. Qin Baobao sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, his hands folded over his chest, in a very dignified queen sitting posture. Skinny jeans wrapped her long, curvaceous legs, and a pair of pink sandals on her feet, revealing white and tender toes like silkworm babies.

When Qin Ze opened the door and came in, she didn't even bother to look.

"Yo, why didn't you jump off the building?" Qin Ze complained.

Qin Baobao broke his skills in an instant, grabbed the pillow and hit him, cursing: "Bastard, little red man, black-hearted maggot."

Qin Ze snatched the pillow, grabbed his sister's little hands with the other hand, and said, "Okay, okay, I was wrong."

"Where did you go wrong?" Qin Baobao stared.

"Yeah, what did I do wrong."

"A maggot with a black heart." Qin Baobao grabbed the pillow and hit him again.

"If you hit me again, Disney will be closed," Qin Ze reminded.

A few minutes later, the little red horse rushed out of the community and headed towards Disney in a hurry.

Shanghai Disney was built last year, excluding Xiangjiang, which is the first Disney theme park in China. The ticket price is not low, the internal consumption is expensive, coupled with the long queue, after the completion of Disney, there are mixed reviews.

Qin Baobao has always wanted to come, but after reading reviews from online tourists, he doesn't want to go anymore. I can't come on weekdays, and there are too many people on weekends. After all, you have to wait in line for half a day to play the show, which ruins the experience. And Disney doesn't have fireworks unless it's a holiday. My sister has wanted to watch fireworks for a long time, and said that they are always shown on TV. Watching fireworks with the people I like is so romantic and emotional. My sister hasn't found a boyfriend yet, so let's pull you, a pig, to make up the numbers.

This was said a year ago.

Now I finally have the chance to watch the fireworks.

According to Disney's schedule, the fireworks are set off at 8:30 p.m., but Qin Baobao checked it on the road. Many netizens said that most of the time, the fireworks are set off from 9:00 to 9:30.

For children in the 80s and 90s, Disney is a kind of nostalgia, especially those born in the 1980s. When Qin Ze was young, he only watched "Snow White" and "Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse". I don't have much love for Disney.

Disney's positioning is a children's paradise, and there are no too thrilling programs, such as haunted houses, roller coasters, big pendulums, and jumping machines.

This is very good, and it suits Qin Ze's taste, because he is in the late stage of fear of heights, and Qin Baobao is even more extreme, standing a little higher, she will feel dizzy. When she was in elementary school, she was so curious that she wanted to ride the roller coaster, so she dragged her younger brother to play together.

After coming down, Qin's father and Qin's mother were almost scared to death, because the daughter cried and vomited, and the son turned pale and looked dull, as if mentally retarded.

During this time period, many theme parks have been closed, and the highlight is the fireworks.

Although Disney does not have a roller coaster or a jumping machine, it has an extremely fast light wheel. This thing is not much different from a roller coaster. Qin Baobao clamored to play this, and Qin Ze deeply felt his sister's malice. She likes to hurt each other with herself, killing one thousand enemies will hurt eight hundred.

Not surprisingly, the line was like a long queue, and it was their turn after waiting for a long time.

The siblings sat on the light wheel and flew on the track while it was flipping, sometimes up and down. Qin Ze did not dare to move while lying on his stomach, especially when he entered a dark space, surrounded by darkness, and he tilted and turned with the light wheel , Qin Ze's heart was beating wildly, it was so exciting.

After it was over, Qin Ze's legs were weak, and Qin Baobao was even worse, his legs were shaking and his face turned pale.

"Let you do it, take a break and watch the fireworks later." Qin Ze went to help his sister.

Qin Baobao patted his hand away and shouted: "I still want to play, let's do it again."

"Crazy, so many people, what year and month have you been waiting for? Don't you watch the fireworks?"

"One more time." Qin Baobao was determined to die with his younger brother.

Standing in a long line is definitely not going to work, it's too time-consuming, Qin Ze sneaked to the front of the line, and found a young couple to discuss, the conversation is as follows:

"Brother, give me the seat."


"Thousands of rivers and mountains are always love, two hundred dollars will do."

"If the spring breeze does not cross the Yumen Pass, the minimum is one thousand and three."

"There is true love in the world, and I only bring five hundred yuan today."

"All brothers in the four seas, five hundred yuan is also fine."

Although they didn't earn back the tickets for both of them, the five hundred yuan was equivalent to exempting one person's tickets, and the two young lovers left happily.

Qin Ze greeted his elder sister and cursed, "Come to death, you prodigal bitch."

The second time the extremely fast light wheel came down, Qin Baobao sat on the ground directly, covering his mouth and retching. Qin Ze sat on the ground with his sister, but she pushed him hard, crying and cursing: "Get out, you bastard."

Qin Ze didn't speak, but kept moving closer to her, letting her push and push.

My sister cried for a long time. She used up two packs of tissues and threw them on the ground.

Qin Ze thought, just let it out, I'm afraid that you will be angry with me.

Why bother, why bother, you are so entangled in your heart, just speak out. You should have a wider sky and a denser forest, but I'm just a sapling that didn't grow crooked by luck. But he knew how stubborn Qin Baobao was. He went all the way to the dark, and he didn't turn back when he was beaten to death.

There was no trash can nearby, so Qin Ze picked up the paper balls that his sister threw on the ground one by one, put them in his pocket, and threw them away when he found a trash can.

The luminous phantom project hadn't started yet, they went to line up, Qin Baobao's eyes were red, and his nose was red, falling halfway up his body.

When passing the trash can by the roadside, Qin Ze forgot about the balls of paper by himself. Qin Baobao took them out of his pocket without saying a word, and threw them all into the trash can. There was something in his words: "Tissues like paper towels should be thrown away after one use." There is no need to miss it."

"Yeah." Qin Ze responded casually, pretending to be stupid.

Qin Baobao gritted his teeth secretly.

The moment when the fireworks bloomed was really beautiful. Gorgeous flowers bloomed in the dark sky, illuminating the castle that only existed in the anime. The pool in front of the castle spewed water jets. For a moment, Qin Baobao felt that he had really become a character in a fairy tale. snow White.

A princess who can't find a prince.

"It's so beautiful." Qin Baobao murmured.

"It's so beautiful." Qin Ze looked at her sister's side face, the fireworks reflected colorful light on her face, my sister is the most beautiful, not bragging.

Qin Baobao turned his head and asked expectantly, "What's so beautiful?"

Qin Ze withdrew his gaze and looked at the gorgeous flowers blooming in the night sky: "It's fireworks."

"However, although the fireworks are beautiful, they are too short-lived." Qin Ze said softly: "The more beautiful they are in full bloom, the more lonely they will be when they disappear. Put all the best things in life in full bloom in an instant. Sister, don't put The most beautiful time blooms in this emptiness of the night. In addition to loneliness, there will be regrets."

Qin Baobao is experiencing the best time in his life, like a bright and gorgeous firework, but a woman's youth will not last long, after a moment of blooming, it will be annihilated in the empty and lonely night sky. What will be left then

Qin Baobao's eyes were red, and he choked up and said, I'm willing, I want you to care!

Qin Ze looked at the fireworks competing for splendor in the sky, silent, silent... Just when Qin Baobao was about to despair, she heard her younger brother "hmm", as if to say something, but the fireworks were too loud and noisy, She didn't catch it.

"What did you say?" Qin Baobao stared at his younger brother with bright eyes.

"I didn't say anything." Qin Ze looked blank.

"You're a bitch..."

... ... ... ...

Tuesday, October 31.

After Qin Ze's account received the virtual funds from the securities company, he acted aggressively in front of his sister, saying that Qin Baobao is a shareholder, and you can just stay at home and wait until you die, and the uncle will support you.

Qin Baobao was overjoyed after hearing this, and said that my brother is awesome, and I will kiss him.

In fact, he did make money the day before, with a profit of 67%, nearly three million.

There is a saying that "a slap in the face is too fast like a tornado", and he lost money the next day. Among the stocks he bought, two fell by the limit. Except for one stock, which rose by 1%, the others all fell by 1%. Five or more.

It wasn't Qin Ze's slap in the face, but the stock market fell by 4% today.

The bull market is an overall upward trend, and it is inevitable that there will be ups and downs along the way, but this time there is no sign of the decline, and many investment companies and financial institutions are caught off guard.

Qin Ze suspects that the black hands behind the scenes are drawing funds in the first round.

Sure enough, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the broader market continued to fall.

The stock market is gloomy, and stockholders are in mourning.

Countless jokers have emerged on the Internet, mocking the stock market because of their own losses and love and hatred, and then mocking the capital market.

Juli Investment.

"In the face of this stock market decline, I feel that we should cut off the projects with the largest losses at present, invest in relatively stable blue-chip stocks, and wait for the stock market to rise again." Su Hao looked around, and each manager expressed no objection.

He looked at his younger sister Su Yu again, she was no longer as vigorous and powerful as before, and she was bored playing with her mobile phone.

Su Hao is very satisfied with his younger sister's status. As long as she doesn't compete with him for the position of heir, he doesn't bother to embarrass her. An Anxin will be a wealthy daughter, and it won't cut her expenses.


securities company.

Wang Pei received a call from the internal staff: "Manager Wang, three margin accounts under your name have crossed the warning line, and investors need to cover their positions."

"Which three?"

"Li Bai, Zhu Weiyue, Qin Ze."

"I see."

Wang Pei hung up the phone, frowned, thought for a long time, and then dialed the phone.

"Wang Pei?" There was a mellow voice on the phone.

Wang Pei smiled wryly, "Mr. Qin, I have something to tell you."