My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 203: The big guy in women's clothing and the little waist


Su Yu got up at 6:30, picked out a short knit sweater with a slim waist, a pair of pencil pants, which outlined the graceful legs and buttocks, and finally a pair of low-heeled shoes.

There is no glamorous OL outfit, but more beautiful temperament of the girl next door.

She looked at herself in front of the mirror and felt quite satisfied. She had just had her hair done a few days ago, so she didn't need to go to the hairdresser deliberately.

In other words, this is fine, don't pay too much attention to seeing netizens.

I ink at home until ten o'clock, drive out, and drive to the agreed coffee shop. She arrived half an hour early, and it was still in the position facing the store door, which was convenient for her to observe the image of the "Great God" at first glance.

Su Yu was quite nervous, and there was still a little bit of fear. It is not often that there are such news on the Internet:

#A certain woman met a netizen and was dragged to a hotel to have sex#

Or #一个女孩meeting with a netizen, woke up and found that indecent photos were taken#

Bah, bah, bah, I just saw a netizen, why is my mind full of papa.

But the Great God shouldn't be that kind of person, right

It's hard to say, knowing the face but not the heart.

After thinking about it, Su Yu took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Pei Nanman. She had a lot of minions under her command, so she asked her to send two bodyguards over, pretending to be guests. In case the Great God sees me, he has a wrong idea and just jumps out to solve the trouble.

In society, my sister Man is a ruthless person.

But it's too late to call at this time.

If the great god is a burly man, I will pretend that I don't know him. If it's a fat guy in a dead house, just chat a few words and say goodbye to him. If you are handsome and speak elegantly, well, we will be friends.

Su Yu does not deny that he is a good-looking person, just like buying clothes, fashionable and beautiful clothes are always popular.

Of course, further development depends on character.

At this time, she saw a woman in a hood and sunglasses walking in. The face could not be seen clearly, but the curvaceous and hot figure instantly attracted the attention of the customers in the store.

Su Yu felt that this woman was a little familiar.

"Hey, Bailian... President Su, what a coincidence?" The woman saw Su Yu at first sight and walked over.

There's no way, Su Yu is too outstanding, and he's sitting directly opposite the store door, so it's no wonder he couldn't see it.

"Are you..." Su Yu still didn't recognize her.

Qin Baobao said in a low voice, "I'm Qin Baobao, sorry for inconvenient taking off my sunglasses."

Su Yu smiled: "Why are you here?"

He only met her once, and chatted with her in a sharp manner, but he didn't show too much enthusiasm.

"I came with Aze." Qin Baobao said, "Meet a friend, are you alone?"

Qin Baobao is not on guard against this white lotus, because her younger brother has resigned, and there will not be too many intersections in the future. Otherwise, if there is a wolf in the house, if there is another white lotus, she will suffer from the enemy.

Su Yu is so beautiful that even a man would have thoughts about her. And his own pig is not bad, and his earning ability is not bad, even women will have some thoughts about him.

"I'm also here to see a friend." Su Yu smiled, she looked past Qin Baobao, and saw Qin Ze push the door open and enter.

He was driving around the neighborhood just now, looking for a parking space, so he was late.

"Ah, Mr. Su, why are you here?" The Shanghai stock market is so big, I didn't expect to meet the former beautiful president here by chance, it was an unexpected joy.

Qin Ze sat down beside his sister.

Su Yu nodded with a smile, watched Qin Ze take his seat, and thought, this is also good, someone will help cover up, so he won't be recognized immediately.

It stands to reason that when netizens meet, they should bring some suggestive signs, such as putting a book on the table, or putting a rose or something. Otherwise, in the vast sea of people, who knows you. It's not impossible to exchange mobile phone numbers, but Su Yu didn't give them, and she wouldn't give out her private number until she was sure that the Great God was a friend she could make.

She is such a unique person, strong and decisive in the workplace, and swaying all over the place. In life, she is used to shutting herself in a small world, making only a few friends, and doing simple things.

Day after day, year after year, she became a cold iceberg beauty in the eyes of men.

This is what Su Yu told the master: I am the most beautiful in the coffee shop.

The Great God's reply was: "Speak human words."

Su Yu said, "Anyway, I am alone, and I will definitely sit in the most conspicuous position."

Women always like to play the game of fate, ambiguous to cover up, and female Wenqing is even more terrifying, they like to meet their partners in life by chance in the vast crowd.

The most classic joke: Come and chase me, if you catch me, I will let you hehehe...

Time passed by, and soon it was time for meals. This coffee house also serves Western-style meals, and more and more customers came in to consume.

Qin Ze looked for the most beautiful person in the crowd. Well, this is probably unrealistic. The two most beautiful people are sitting at the same table with him. His eyes lingered on the man. The small waist should be a big guy who picks his feet, and he should be a little fat otaku in casual clothes. He is not too old. Watching him kneel and lick his shameless words in the game, Definitely not like the conversation of a mature man.

Most likely they are middle school sophomores, or high school students.

Qin Ze glanced and scanned, but he couldn't find the ideal candidate.

Su Yu stared fixedly at the store door, but did not see anyone who echoed his imagination.

Qin Baobao thoughtlessly drank coffee and played with her mobile phone. She forced herself to join in the fun. She found face-to-face things to be very interesting and amusing. She instantly saw who that "little waist" that she hated so much was.

Qin Baobao hates Xiaomanyao very much, she really hates it, even though she doubts life in the game, but Xiaomanyao should not be too sharp, every time she almost slams Qin Baobao's keyboard. She doesn't visit forums or post bars, and all the swear words are learned from her younger brother.

And Qin Ze would definitely not say too much to his sister.

Su Yu also hated "women's bosses". Words such as garbage, idiot, and trash, if combined with the victor's complacent tone, would attract people's hatred. She drops a mouse a day, and it can go around the company when connected.

Soon after the time they agreed on, Qin Ze murmured in his heart, could it be that the last time he let him go, did he come back today for revenge? Mom slapped her, and she will never play games with her again.

Su Yu was also annoyed, the siblings were so annoyed to death, she had agreed with the Great God. "The Prettiest One", "Alone". But right now, the siblings are staying here, and the Great Master came in to take a look, but didn't find the beautiful girl who was alone, and left disappointed, wouldn't it be too bad.

Impatient with waiting, Qin Baobao stabbed his younger brother's waist, frowned and said, "Why haven't your netizens come yet?"

In a word, it was as if thunder exploded in Su Yu's ears, so that her hand holding the cup trembled slightly, and the coffee splashed out.

"Are you here to meet netizens?" Su Yu's eyes widened.

It's him

How is it him!

How could it be him! !

Su Yu's little heart is beating wildly, it's not such a coincidence, it can't be, my god, it turns out to be Qin Ze...

At this moment, the image of the great god collapsed in his heart, and Qin Ze's image also collapsed. Blending into a complex image that is both Qin Ze and a great god.

It turned out that the person I acted like a baby and begged for protection every day was actually my former subordinate, someone I knew in reality.

"Master, please take me with you, she is a girl."

"My god is so powerful, my god."

"Great God, I lost again in the ranking, please guide me."

"Great God 666, I'm just a salted fish."

The past years are endlessly surging in my heart... No, the shameless and impatient words of the past flashed through my mind one by one.

There is nothing more embarrassing than this.

No, I have to find a way to escape, I can't stay in this coffee shop.

"I'm going to the toilet." Su Yu forced a smile, carrying her bag, walked out with a stride, not urinating at this time, let alone when.

"Small waist?"

Another thunder blasted beside her ears, Su Yu stopped in her tracks, her face was flushed, and her plain white face was dyed a layer of bright red.

Qin Ze had a sudden realization expression of "it really is you".

After locking the target to no avail, he thought over and over again, if Xiaoman's waist is not deceiving, the most beautiful, besides his own sister, is Su Yu in the coffee shop. The most conspicuous position, is there any more conspicuous than the position directly facing the store door? You can see it as soon as you enter.

But Qin Ze was not sure, it would be embarrassing to admit this kind of thing wrong, and she did lie, she was already in her twenties, and she pretended to be a junior high school student, bah, shameless.

It wasn't until Su Yu was about to leave that Qin Ze couldn't help but test it out. Judging by the situation, Su Yu was the only one who was right.

Su Yu stood for a long time before slowing down, adjusted his facial expression, and when he turned around, he was elegant and calm, and said with a slight smile, "Qin Ze, so it's yours."

She shook hands generously. This detail betrayed her. If she was really calm, she shouldn't shake hands. They are old acquaintances.

Qin Ze shook hands with her, with a playful look in his eyes without hiding it.

Whoops, this is interesting, the netizen who acts coquettishly and begs to cuddle her thigh every day, turns out to be my beautiful CEO, and her three views have been refreshed.

I didn't expect her to be so cold and cold on weekdays, and to be so dishonest in private, hum!

Su Yu blushed.

"Oh, so you have a small waist." Qin Baobao frowned, staring at Su Yu aggressively. The sunglasses flashed sharply.

Su Yu forced a smile, and said to himself, it's so embarrassing, Qin Ze doesn't know what to say about me.


I feel something is wrong.

"Come solo, little spicy chicken." Qin Baobao snorted.