My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 205: high fever


In mid-November, the wind stings on the face, and after the beginning of winter, the temperature drops sharply. But none of these can resist the girls' desire to wear short skirts, they just replaced the thin stockings with thick velvet stockings.

Qin Baobao does not have the habit of wearing short skirts or stockings in winter. She likes to wear slim-fit jeans. The light blue jeans wrap her two long legs. They are slender and straight, pleasing to the eye. There are definitely not many girls with "flat buttocks" and "O-shaped legs". common problem.

Half a month has passed since Qin Ze's small goal of earning 100 million yuan. If the stock market is healthy, he will be fine. The investment company has set up a shelf, but in fact it is just a shell company. To operate an investment company, he still lacks many procedures and qualifications. But it doesn't matter, the purpose of registering a company is to deal with system tasks and to open an account for his convenience. After completing the small goal of earning 100 million, go to improve the company.

There are more than two months before the new year, Qin Baobao's announcements are becoming more and more frequent, flying all over the country, and sometimes not going home for several days. But I will insist on video chatting with my brother every night, and I must talk until after ten o'clock before giving up.

Qin Ze was well aware of his sister's carelessness, and Wang Zijin went to bed at exactly ten o'clock.

Qin Baobao dragged him to play games on time at eight o'clock to squeeze out his free time at night and prevent him from communicating with the burglar. When it was nine o'clock, the two of them would start video.

Ten minutes after the game ended, Qin Baobao sent a video request, and Qin Ze clicked to agree.

In the video, the sister's delicate figure in a bathrobe appeared, with bangs on her face, revealing her clean forehead. The blush after the bath remained on her face, which was charming and gorgeous.

"Little Chi, do you miss your sister?" Qin Baobao grinned.

Open the video every day, have something to think about.

Qin Ze nodded: "I miss my sister to death."

Qin Baobao bent down towards the camera, "I'll give you some benefits."

"I didn't see clearly, do it again." Qin Ze said immediately.

"You actually make such excessive demands on my sister." Qin Baobao puffed his cheeks.

My sister's bathrobe was a bit loose and her breasts were big. She showed him Happy Together just now, but Qin Ze didn't see it clearly.

Qin Baobao quickly bent down again.

"Wait, I'll take off my pants first." Qin Ze said.

My sister blushed instantly and turned off the video.

Qin Ze smiled smugly, and played videos with me every day, whether it's annoying or not, I have to watch a movie with sister Zijin later, so I don't have time to beep with you.

I give myself full marks for this wave of routines.

Then my sister's video request came again, but Qin Ze didn't answer, so she just called, forget it, let's make a video.

"Are you going to go out to play with Wang Zijin?" Qin Baobao has already adjusted his mentality, and is keenly aware of his younger brother's tricks.

"No, sister Zijin is watching TV." Qin Ze said.

"That's good." Qin Baobao said furtively: "Sister will give you some benefits."

She turned off the video again.

A moment later, Qin Ze's phone message alerted that his sister had sent a photo. She was lying on the big white hotel bed, her two long legs were slightly bent, protruding from the bathrobe to the bottom of her thighs. The bathrobe on the front of the chest was slightly opened, and she was happy, but the elder sister was shy and covered her face with her hands.

Qin Ze thought to himself, the shooting level is excellent, the lighting and angles are impeccable, and it has a bit of the beauty of a photo album... Hey, why do I feel that something is wrong.

He remembered a stalk on the Internet, saying that his wife was on a business trip and talked to her husband on the phone at night. The husband expressed that he missed his wife very much, so the wife sent a full-body photo of herself to her husband. The picture is like this, the wife is standing naked in the hotel room, posing seductively.

Then ask you, find the highlights!

Qin Ze was furious and sent a video request to his sister, but her sister ignored him and insisted on not answering. After getting annoyed several times, I refused. Qin Ze called, and this time his sister answered, and said softly, "What are you doing?"

Qin Ze questioned his sister: "Who took the photo."

Qin Baobao shouted: "Rogue."

Hang up the phone.

The minds of the siblings are obviously not on the same channel, Qin Baobao is too shy, and Qin Ze is too angry.

I just want an answer from you. If you say it was taken by the assistant or by the manager Li Yanhong, I will be at ease.

Dead woman!

In a five-star hotel, Qin Baobao covered his hot face and rolled on the bed.

The corner of the young female assistant's mouth twitched, "Well, Sister Bao, if it's okay, I'll go out to sleep?"

Call me over at night, just to take pictures...

Qin Baobao buried his head in the quilt and said in a muffled voice, "Go, go."

The phone rang for a while, and the message came out. Qin Baobao poked his head out, picked up the phone, and Wang Zijin sent a message: "What did you send Qin Ze? You made him angry."

Brother is angry

Qin Baobao was stunned for a while, not understanding the situation, and replied weakly: "Why is he angry?"

"Nonsense, I know I'm still asking you." Wang Zijin sent a "knocking head" emoji.

Qin Baobao ignored his best friend and called his younger brother, with a soft and cute tone: "Ah Ze, are you angry?"

"Did the photo be taken by an assistant?"

Qin Baobao blushed: "Yes."

"Then I'm not angry, go to bed early, good night."

Qin Baobao was stunned.


The icon of the game that hadn't exited flickered, and he clicked on the game. Xiaomanyao... It should be Su Yu, who sent a message: "Qin Ze, do you want to play a game together?"

After meeting at the coffee shop that day, Su Yu didn't go online for many days, and even if he did, he didn't play with him. This is the first time she has offered to open the hacker, and the wording has also changed. It used to be "My god, I want to be promoted to gold." "My god, you are finally online again. Thank you for all the waiting flowers." I can't find the feeling of a small waist anymore, and the title of great god no longer exists.

Thinking about it is quite melancholy.

Qin Ze sighed and replied: "President Su, I'm going out later, so let's play a game."

Moderate wording, polite tone.

Hardcover apartment, Su Yu's nest.

She couldn't hide the disappointment on her face, that great god no longer existed, even speaking so politely. He would probably never say the unscrupulous ridicule and curse words again.

Well, perhaps by fate, the web is also broken. In fact, the master is Qin Ze, she is quite happy, and she doesn't know why. Maybe it's not the kind of fat otaku he thought he was.

But just because he is Qin Ze, he felt entangled. That's someone I know in real life.

Su Yu was upset and said, "Forget it, I won't play today, let's make an appointment another day."

A few seconds later, the other side replied: "Okay, goodbye."

Su Yu pursed her lips, curled herself up on the wide sliding chair, and hugged her knees in a daze.

The computer's fluorescent light shone on her elegant and refined face, and a few strands of forehead hair hung down, making it a little more graceful and charming.

She regretted it, regretted meeting Qin Ze. If they hadn't met before, they should still be able to laugh and scold in the game, and he would scold himself and improve himself. She will be furious because of her mistakes, and patiently explain and give pointers afterwards instead of ignoring her.

It feels good to be scolded by someone, which means that he values you and hopes that you will become better.

Indifference is the greatest harm, the pain that pierces the heart.

But now she has lost even the criticism of the Great God, completely lost.

Su Yu suddenly wanted to cry, so Su Yu sniffled, put on cotton mop, walked to the balcony, opened the window, and the cold wind came blowing, blowing her hair and pajamas.

The whole city is shrouded in the orange halo of street lamps, the vehicles are constantly flowing, and the room is cold and quiet, as if two different worlds.

Su Yu stood by the balcony for a long, long time until his whole body was cold and he shivered violently.

She took a deep breath and shouted out of the window: "Alone can live a good life, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

As the night grew cooler, Su Yu wrapped herself in a quilt and fell into a deep sleep.

"You want that illegitimate child to step into the house, dreaming."

"In any case, he is my son, I have already decided."

"Don't even think about it, what kind of thing is that little bastard, why should he enter my house."

"This family is still up to you to decide. Why can't my son step into the door of my Su family?"

"Are you going to let that bitch into my house next time? Spend all day chasing men."

"At least she bore me a son."

"Okay, you've finally spoken your mind. Don't you just blame me for not having a son?"

... ... ... ... ... ..

Su Yu hid behind the door and listened to the quarrel of her parents outside. She hugged her knees and buried her face inside. The teddy bear her father bought for her on her birthday lay beside her.

They've always been like this, except for quarrels or quarrels. My father is a very busy person, and he is often away from home. Every time my father comes back, my mother is obviously very happy, but she can't help arguing with him.

Today, my father said that he would come home, and my mother started cooking in the afternoon, and the table was full of dishes. Su Yu was very happy. Only with father and mother in the family can this small family be considered complete. But the father said that he had a son outside and wanted to bring him back to raise him.


"Divorce is divorce!"

After all, we have reached that step. When Su Yu was in the third grade of elementary school, his parents divorced.

On the second day of the divorce, the mother packed up her things and left, carrying the suitcase, patted her head before leaving, and left without any regrets.

Su Yu watched her get into the taxi, and the car took her mother away. She was crying and chasing after her, crying for her mother to come back. But the mother never looked back. She was picked up by her father who was chasing her, and she left in the opposite direction.

Su Yu saw the taxi getting further and further away, and finally disappeared.

The piercing alarm clock woke her up, and she wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids became heavier. My mind was also muddled, accompanied by chills and weakness of limbs. Su Yu felt that she was drenched all over, it was sweat.

I have a high fever!

The cold wind shouldn't be blowing last night. Her physical fitness is average. She must have had a high fever after standing on the balcony for so long.

This kind of situation should go to the hospital, but she was exhausted all over, she just wanted to sleep soundly, and she didn't even bother to move her fingers.

Su Yu fumbled for the phone under the pillow with great difficulty, feeling very dizzy, and she was afraid that she would fall asleep in a second.

She dialed the phone, with a weak voice: "Nanman, I'm sick..."

"Where are you?" A man's voice came from the phone.

High fever will cause the patient's consciousness to become blurred. Su Yu reported the address in a daze, and then fell asleep again.