My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 209: tours and interviews


It is more troublesome to apply for the pass on the Treasure Island side, and the time limit is longer. Qin Ze followed the way of Star Art Entertainment, and the efficiency was faster.

The Golden Melody Awards are on Saturday, the 25th. The siblings bought air tickets on the 20th, planning to take a five-day trip to Taiwan. As for Qin Baobao's manager and assistants, Qin Baobao made an appointment with them to meet at the hotel on the 25th.

Wang Zijin was so envious, he regretted and said, "I want to go too."

Qin Baobao refused indifferently, but she doesn't want this light bulb to follow, "Could it be that my Mimi is touched for nothing?"

Wang Zijin puffed out his chest and said, "Touch it back for you."

Of course Qin Baobao disagreed, and mocked his best friend: "What's so good about a little steamed bun."

Qin Ze thought to himself, the steamed buns are also delicious.

The result, of course, was an unavoidable battle.

Qin Baobao traveled to Xiangjiang when he was in college. He went with his classmates. In addition to travel expenses and accommodation expenses, he also asked the old man for nearly ten thousand yuan. He bought a lot of bags, cosmetics, and clothes. He did not forget to bring them to Qin Ze. A little gift back.

Qin Ze was so envious, he walked up to the old man and said, Dad, I want to go out to play too, give me some money.

In fact, he doesn't like to travel. He mainly wants to squeeze some Grandpa Mao from the old man to enrich his small coffers. But the old man who knew his son, Mo Ruofu, saw through Qin Ze's careful thinking, so he cut his head over and said: Get lost.

My sister came back to show off her travel experience to her younger brother, saying that Xiangjiang is actually not much fun. The bustling places are quite prosperous, but that is only a small number of areas. Most of the residential areas have old and old houses.

Qin Ze suspected that his sister was lying, and later he studied economic history in college, so he believed what his sister said. Domestic housing prices are scary, and Shanghai housing prices are scary, but they are not as good as Xiangjiang. The Xiangjiang government made its fortune by auctioning land.

The highest prices are in Beijing and Shanghai, and the average price in Xiangjiang is three times that in Beijing.

The total land area of Xiangjiang is about 1095 square kilometers, which is about one-sixth of the Shanghai stock market. One can imagine how expensive the house price is. But when it comes to the housing price pressure, the Shanghai stock market residents are still under great pressure. This involves the average wage gap between Xiangjiang residents and Shanghai stock market residents.

Therefore, Qin Baobao said that there is a reason why the residential houses in Xiangjiang are old and old, because the developers cannot afford to demolish them. In recent years, many old houses in Shanghai have been in a similar embarrassing situation. The house of Qin Ze’s sister-in-law’s house was said to be demolished ten years ago.

They landed at Taoyuan Airport, and the first stop was Taipei City. Before Qin Ze came, he checked the travel guide, and the siblings decided to travel from Taipei to Kaohsiung and travel through the entire treasure island. Five days is definitely not enough time to play, nor is it detailed, so Qin Ze picked a few of the most famous tourist attractions.

He discussed it with his sister, and she waved her hand and said that Aze was doing business, and my sister was very relieved.

Qin Ze felt that she just wanted to be lazy.

Fortunately, it was not the peak tourist season, and there were not many tourists in Taiwan. They queued up at the airport to take a taxi to Taipei.

When economic conditions permit, Qin Baobao can come here as comfortably as possible, and can take a taxi or take the subway.

The taxi driver is a middle-aged uncle, who has been sitting for many years and cannot escape the fate of a big belly. He keeps looking at Qin Baobao's face from the rearview mirror, with a sharp jaw, a small ruddy mouth, a raised nose, tender and tender. The skin seems to be able to pinch water, but it is a pity that wearing a pair of sunglasses affects the "viewing" effect.

"Her eyes must be beautiful," thought the driver.

"Are you tourists from the mainland?" The driver spoke Mandarin with a strong tone.

"Yes, come here to find friends." Qin Ze smiled. He didn't say that it was his first time here. Xiaobai said so. When traveling, no matter where you go, don't say that you are "unfamiliar with the road" or "first time." next time" and so on. Otherwise, he deserves to be slaughtered.

But Qin Ze still underestimated Baodaozai's determination to slaughter Daluzai. He used the international roaming to read the stock market, sold a few stocks, switched to the map, and found that the taxi had made a big detour.

"Master, this is not the way to the city." Qin Ze said in a casual tone, "You made a wrong turn at the intersection just now."

The driver is also an old fritter, without changing his face, he said: "At this time, the road is blocked there, I will take a detour, but hurry up."

The first time Qin Ze came to Treasure Island, he tasted deep malice.

These days, whether in Xiangjiang or Baodao, mainland tourists are regarded as fat pigs, and they are scrambling to be slaughtered, otherwise they are embarrassed to say it. It's a little better to travel independently, but it's a pit with a group.

The taxi stopped in front of the hotel, Qin Ze paid, and got off with his sister holding the suitcase. Silently dialed the taxi company's complaint number and told the customer service the driver's job number and name.

As for whether it is effective or not, it is better than doing nothing.

"How much was cheated?" The sister who was silent all the way asked with a smile.

"Not much." Qin Ze shrugged.

"Some people say that travel is from a place where you are tired of staying to a place where others are bored." Qin Baobao tirelessly taught his younger brother: "I have a more down-to-earth saying that travel is a deal that you are willing to make and you are willing to suffer. Everywhere you go, you will be cut with a knife. This is the case with Xiangjiang Baodao, and it is also the case with domestic scenic spots. How many foreign and foreign tourists are slaughtered every year by those airport taxis in Shanghai? It doesn’t matter if you suffer a small loss, don’t fight with the locals, then the small loss will turn into a big loss. Isn’t there any incident of female tourists being beaten while traveling in other places on the Internet.”

Qin Baobao's stupidity and sweetness are all pretended in front of his younger brother, but in fact, he is a thief and a thief.

The elder sister smiled and patted the dog's head when she disagreed: "Sister is testing Aze, training you, the way you dealt with it just now is very mature. My Aze has grown up."

"It's the first time I've seen talking about being lazy so fresh and refined." Qin Ze slapped her hand away, and said angrily, "I was stabbed today, and I'll let you get an injection tonight."

Qin Baobao blinked, but didn't get the stalk of his brother's madness.

The two checked in, and the hotel was booked by Qin Ze online. It was not comparable to a five-star hotel, but it was better than a chain hotel.

Qin Ze's room is opposite to that of his sister.

It was 10:00 in the morning, Qin Baobao put away his luggage, and came to knock on Qin Ze's door, impatient to go out for sightseeing.

Qin Ze was walking on a certain commercial street in Taipei City. On both sides were half-new houses next to each other, as well as some messy neon signs. It was a bit like a Hong Kong movie in the 1990s.

Like Xiangjiang, Baodao has a limited number of prosperous areas, and most places have not kept up with the times, and the urban construction is very mediocre. Cannot escape the fate of decline.

"When we were in elementary school, the teacher told us that Baodao is a good place. Baodao, Baodao, is full of treasures." Qin Ze sighed: "Now, its brilliance is a thing of the past."

Back then in Xiangjiang, the mainlanders wanted to smuggle across their heads. Back then, Treasure Island was like a burning and bright firework. The mainland saw its brilliance, Japan saw its brilliance, and even the United States could see its brilliance.

In the 1960s and 1970s, those who were lucky enough to go to Baodao would lament when they came back: She is really rich.

"I'm still the baby." Qin Baobao curled his lips, not having a good impression of Baodao.

"Be good, baby. I'll buy candy for the baby later." Qin Ze "smiled dotingly".

"Male, I'm so disgusted. Did you call the baby? Sister." Qin Baobao trembled all over, with goose bumps all over his body.

"Come on, miss, take my arm."

"No, hum!"

Although Qin Baobao was wearing sunglasses, her tall and hot figure and half-covered pretty face attracted the attention of many passers-by.

Qin Ze pulled the hem of her sister's sweater to block her full moon-shaped buttocks.

"What are you doing?" Qin Baobao turned pale with shock.

My brother was so bold that he used his hands and feet in broad daylight.

Qin Ze couldn't say something like "I can't stand people staring at you", so he just said, "Your clothes are wrinkled behind you."

"Really?" Qin Baobao was dubious.

Taipei City is well-known in TV works and novels, and Qin Ze yearned for it. When I really came to this place, there was a kind of disappointment that "meeting is not as good as being famous".

As the saying goes, "You don't look at the mountains when you return from the Five Sacred Mountains, and you don't look at the mountains when you return to Huangshan Mountain." This sentence also applies to the Shanghai stock market.

If you can enjoy Shanghai all over the place, it will be difficult for you to see other cities in China again.

The former tallest building in China, Taipei 101, was also replaced by the central building in Shanghai.

So Qin Ze screened out those who were touted on the Internet, and those places with no fancy business in the industry. They didn't want to waste time. They could only stay in Taipei for one day. In the future, they would return to Taipei to participate in the Golden Melody Awards, except for Kaohsiung.

Presidential Palace, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Yinmingshan Park, Forbidden City, Longshan Temple...

Click click click!

Qin Baobao wears a DSLR around his neck, and takes a few photos wherever he goes, with great interest.

Her hair was flying, her smile was like a flower, and she was walking on the bustling street, like a beautiful scenery.

"Baby son, help your mother take some street photos." Qin Baobao looked back and smiled, and Qin Ze was so angry that he wanted to hit her.

My elder sister likes to play tricks, taking advantage of herself and my mother.

Qin Ze took a few shots with the SLR, but his shooting skills were really hot, and his sister was not satisfied at all. She punched his chest with her small fist and said angrily, "What use are you for?"

Qin Ze had no choice but to use DSLRs, which ordinary people can't handle.

They played for half a day, visited the Memorial Hall, the Presidential Palace, the Forbidden City, visited Yinmingshan Park, Longshan Temple, and finally arrived at Ximending. This is the most famous consumer business district in the West District of Taipei.

Wang Zijin entrusted Qin Baobao to help him bring some things back home, but he didn't have a specific goal, just buy it as he sees.

Although it is an important consumer business district, at this point, there are not as many people as a random shopping mall in Shanghai Stock Market. Qin Ze said to his sister speechlessly, why don't we go back to Shanghai Stock Market to help Miss Zijin do some shopping, and there are some good things here.

"There are still good things, little red guy just follow my sister." Qin Baobao took his younger brother's hand and led him around.

"It's not the peak tourist season, and there are very few mainland tourists." My sister said.

"It has nothing to do with peak season or not. Recently, there have been conflicts between the two sides of the strait. Tourists don't like to come..." Qin Ze said, "Forget it, let's not mention this."

If it wasn't for the Golden Melody Awards, he wouldn't like to come either.

Qin Ze took his sister to eat and play, and tasted various special delicacies. Qin Baobao bought some clothes, a few small accessories, and bought a Doraemon mobile phone pendant for Qin Ze.

"Are you out of your mind? There is no place for us to attach a pendant to our mobile phone." Qin Ze said.

My sister stuck out her tongue playfully and said, oops, I forgot.

The next stop is Taipei 101. My sister is looking forward to this former tallest building in China. Moreover, there are many luxury stores inside, and when women's consumption desires come up, it doesn't matter whether they are patriotic or not.

Near Building 101, there was a young woman in formal attire, holding a microphone, followed by a master carrying a video camera. When she caught someone, she asked, "Excuse me, are you a mainland tourist?"

Most people waved their hands and shook their heads. A few mainland tourists were held back, and they also looked unwilling to cooperate. They simply said a few words and left in a hurry.

Standing outside Building 101, the young woman turned her eyes around, and was amazed by the "scenery" of Qin Baobao's siblings. The man is so handsome and the woman has a great figure.

She beckoned the camera master to go up to meet her, caught Qin Ze and asked, "Excuse me, are the two mainland couples traveling to Baodao?"

"Yes." Qin Ze replied subconsciously, and his calf was lightly kicked by his sister.