My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 23: Qin Baobao's Little Temperament (4,600 chapters, please


At 6:30 p.m., I made an appointment with Lao Wang and several people in dormitory 304. Li Liang took everyone to a grilled fish restaurant near the school. There were eight people in two dormitories. Add a beer.

This grilled fish restaurant is not far from the school, a 15-minute walk. It is one of the "canteens" for dinner in the 303 dormitory, because this grilled fish restaurant is very authentic... Qin Ze Li Liang is a native of Shanghai, and Liu Ziqiang's family lives in Xiang Neighboring JS, Zhao Baliang can tell from his appearance that he is a man from the Northeast. They can't tell if they are authentic or not, but they are sure to be delicious.

After half an hour, two baking trays were served, and the waiter lit the alcohol fuel in the oven and put down the baking trays.

The eight-mature big black fish is lying in the boiling red oil soup, covered with red pepper, coriander, bean curd, shiitake mushrooms, onions and other vegetables, and covered with a layer of bean sprouts, luncheon meat, lotus root slices... .. .

The steam was steaming and the smell of fish was strong, and several guys moved their index fingers.

"Wait!" Li Liang pressed his hand to stop Zhao Baliang, who was about to move his chopsticks, and took a breath: "I want to say thank you to my brothers today, Zhang Mingyu, that wicked bastard, has a wicked heart." .No matter whether he really came for Qin Ze or not, I was the one who was smashed anyway, you can swallow your anger, I was smashed for nothing. When he said that he wanted to bet with basketball, even I thought we didn’t The hope of winning, but you didn't flinch, and in the end, you actually won the f*ck, and you breathed a sigh of relief. But what I want to thank is still not this, but that you didn't take money for selfishness... ... Hypocritical words Not much to say, we were brothers in the past, and we will still be brothers in the future, if there is any difficulty or trouble, just shout out, and you will never hesitate to do anything for your brother."

"There's no need to stab at the ribs," Old Wang said quietly, "I don't have money to ask my sister out on a date, and the loss is heavy."

Li Liang twisted his buttocks, squeezed his orchid fingers, and said in a soft voice: "The slave family is waiting for officials at any time."

Qin Ze and Zhao Baliang shivered slowly, made eye contact, and roared in unison, "Second Battalion Commander, where is your Italian cannon?"

Liu Ziqiang rolled his eyes: "When encountering this superb product, my Italian cannon will also fail."

Qin Ze ate until 7:30 in the evening and left early without drinking. His roommates knew that he had participated in the "work", so they didn't give him alcohol.

Qin Ze took the time to send a message to Qin Baobao: "I won't be coming back for dinner tonight."

"Oh!" Qin Baobao replied succinctly. Qin Ze strolled slowly towards the subway station. As soon as he stepped on the platform, he received a message from her: "You eat yours. I'll wait for my brother to come back and cook."

The strong resentment and anger can be smelled across the screen.

Qin Ze cursed "Sun", swiped his card out of the station, and bought a strawberry butter puff pastry, a tuna fish sandwich, two egg tarts, and a box of yogurt at a nearby Paris Baguette.

Get home before eight o'clock, because it's only ten minutes away.

Open the door and enter the nearly 90-square-meter house, the porch lights are not turned on, the room lights are not turned on, a glass chandelier is lit in the living room, the sonorous and powerful music echoes in the empty and dark space, it is Qin Baobao watching a certain movie Anti-Japanese drama.

She was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, wearing casual shorts, a small white vest, and a ball head. She had a smooth forehead, a snow-white slender neck, round and fair shoulders, and a slender waist that was suddenly drawn down.

Squinting his eyes, he glanced at Qin Ze lightly, and continued to watch her anti-Japanese drama without saying a word.

Qin Ze put the cake, egg tart and yogurt on the glass coffee table in front of her, "Didn't eat dinner? I brought you a cake."

Baby Qin hummed.

Qin Ze said helplessly, "I played a game at noon today and won. My roommate will treat me tonight. It's not easy to shirk."

Qin Baobao said disdainfully: "It's none of my business."

Qin Ze said "Oh", and took out the materials, draft paper, and pens from his satchel, ran to the room to take out his notebook, listened to the loud sound of shells and bullets, concentrated on his work, and ignored her.

Seeing his younger brother's indifference, Qin Baobao gave him a sideways glance, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm learning how to tear devils apart."

Are you trying to tear me apart

Qin Ze murmured in his heart and continued to search for information.

The siblings fought coldly for a few minutes, Qin Baobao was the first to be unable to hold back, and his white and tender feet lightly kicked him: "I'm hungry."

Qin Ze pointed to the things on the glass coffee table.

Qin Baobao said angrily: "I want to eat hot food."

"I like to eat or not."

Qin Baobao was furious, and rushed over to strangle him: "Look at me tearing you up, you shameless bastard."

"I don't mind if you say that about me, but you have to ask the devil if he agrees." Qin Ze leaned back and pressed Qin Baobao under him, letting her toss and roll, but he couldn't break free from Wuzhishan's suppression. Qin Baobao's situation in these years of armed struggle has been in decline.

A few minutes later, Qin Baobao, who had failed in the fight, curled up on the sofa with his knees in his arms, sucking yogurt while eating cake.

Digital modeling is neither difficult nor easy, depending on the scale of the model. Rigor is affirmative, just like building blocks, each block has its definite position, and when matched, it is a palace. Where did something go wrong, everything collapsed, and everything fell short.

Employees like Qin Ze are model builders, and Professor Li is also involved. However, what he does most is to check and modify to ensure that the numerical models submitted by the students are correct.

Modeling and building blocks are not the same thing after all, which involves a lot of extended knowledge, formulas, and materials. There is no need to worry about the core information, Professor Li has it there, some general information needs to be searched by Qin Ze himself on the Internet.

Time passed, and the anti-Japanese drama entered the commercial time. Qin Baobao stretched his waist and rubbed his well-proportioned and firm calf, his expression hard to hide his fatigue.

Qin Ze ran to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water, and found a cleaned chicken and a bag of mushrooms in the refrigerator. He suddenly understood that Qin Baobao was sullen just now.

She bought the ingredients, and was going to eat her favorite chicken stewed mushrooms at night. When she got home, she looked at it. Damn it, my brother went out to spend a lot of time and didn't come back, so he put down his burden and quit.

Qin Ze shook his head and couldn't help laughing. Why did she still act like a child? It was all because her parents spoiled her too much.

Back in the living room, I saw her lying crookedly on the sofa, the shoulder straps of her small vest were slightly loose, and she was drowsy.

"Are you tired from training today? Go to rest early." Qin Ze sat down beside her.

Qin Baobao was obviously still sulking, ignored him, and changed the channel boringly.

Qin Ze made himself feel bored, and he's used to it. Doesn't he know what kind of bad temper his sister has

When he is good, he hugs and kisses, and the good brother and the good brother keep screaming, and he almost shouts a little boy.

When you lose your temper, you can ignore you for half a month.

When this kind of woman marries home, it is like marrying a Buddha statue, and she will have a good life.

The parents probably also knew about their daughter's bad temper, so they asked Qin Ze to come over and stare at her sister, fearing that she would be tricked by some guy who cared about her beauty, and then she would be ruthless after being wiped out. While trying to find a wealthy son-in-law with a strong character, it can be said to be heartbroken.

Qin Ze thinks that his parents are just worrying about it. Baobao Qin is an imbecile in life and has a bad temper. Don't forget that she has an IQ that surpasses that of her younger brother. , can pretend to be a pure Xiaojiabiyu, and her emotional intelligence is obviously not low. The men who want to chase her can line up from Hongqiao to Pudong. It's been twenty-five years. Have you seen any man who has been favored by her

At 8:30 in the evening, Qin Ze remembered that there were still some unwashed clothes in the room. He put down the work at hand, rushed to the bathroom with the clothes, threw them into the washing machine, and set the time: 30 minutes.

The two siblings were devoting themselves to work, and the other was concentrating on studying the magical art of "shredding devils by hand", until the washing machine beeped, Qin Ze came to his senses, ran to the bathroom to dry the clothes, walked from the balcony to the living room, and heard Qin Ze The baby's soft and charming voice: "Qin Ze, help me wash my clothes."

Qin Ze knew that it was his sister who showed kindness and gave him a step to mend the "bad relationship" between siblings, so he hurriedly asked, "Where are your clothes?"

"In the bathroom basket, remember to wash underwear and clothes separately."


Qin Ze swiftly left the two pairs of purple underwear in the basket, and washed the clothes and pants first. Anyway, it's as easy as pouring laundry detergent, no effort.

Half an hour later, the laundry was done. It was half past nine, and it was time for Baby Qin to take a shower and enter the room. She would go to bed on time before eleven o'clock.

Qin Baobao rubbed his sore buttocks and ordered Qin Ze to dry his clothes. Qin Ze was furious.

"Baby Qin, you have no hands or feet. I'm not your slave. I'm going to do it myself. I'm busy."

Qin Baobao curled his lips and stepped on his slippers into the bathroom. A few seconds later, he screamed, "Qin Ze, did you put the napkin in your pocket again and didn't take it out?"

Qin Baobao jumped out one by one, with one hand on his hips and the other holding a pleated skirt.

Qin Ze took a closer look and saw that there were fine pieces of white paper foam stuck to the pleated skirt.

He had this kind of omission before. He had a napkin in his pocket and forgot to take it out before putting it in the washing machine. As a result, it rolled and rolled in the clothes, and the paper foam stuck to the clothes, and he couldn't take it off even if he patted it.

While Qin Ze felt guilty, he also felt that something was wrong. He got up in a daze, and ran to the balcony to check his clothes. They were clean and there was no paper foam.

Instantly understood, she glared at Qin Baobao: "Fart, come to me, look at my clothes, there is no paper foam. Therefore, it is my napkin."

Qin Baobao stood on the edge of the balcony and glanced suspiciously, then sprinted back to the bathroom, and quickly found a rotten tissue from his pocket.

Qin Ze followed behind her, humming: "You see, it's your own, I won't take the blame for this."

Qin Baobao said angrily: "You did the laundry, and you didn't check your pockets, so you should carry the blame."

Qin Ze naturally won't argue with his sister, don't mess around with women, they will always be more experienced than you.

Qin Baobao found an opportunity for revenge, pinched Qin Ze severely for a long time, and went to dry his clothes angrily.

At 22:15, Qin Baobao came out wrapped in a bath towel and sat on the sofa in the living room to blow dry his hair. The rumbling noise made Qin Ze feel extremely painful. He said impatiently, "Blow your hair into the room."

Qin Baobao made faces at him, moved his butt towards him, and deliberately turned on the power of the hair dryer to the maximum.

Qin Ze rolled his eyes, and sang for his own amusement, and fought against his sister's noise attack one by one:

"Just because in the crowd

take a second look

I can never forget your face again

Dreaming of seeing each other by chance one day

From then on I began to miss alone

When I miss you, you are in the sky

When I miss you, you are in front of my eyes

when i miss you you are in my mind

When I miss you, you are in my heart

I would rather believe that we had an appointment in a previous life

The love story in this life will not change again... …”

The noise of the hair dryer disappeared at some point.

Qin Ze turned his head and saw that his sister's foxy face was full of intoxication in the disheveled hair. I don't know if it's an illusion, but the watery Danfeng eyes seem to be covered with a layer of misty rain.

"What song is this?" Qin Baobao asked softly.

Qin Ze thumped, thinking that he had revealed his secrets, and lied without changing his face: "I wrote it myself, it's just singing nonsense."

"You, you wrote it..." Qin Baobao slightly opened his red lips.

Invisible pretense is the deadliest!

Qin Ze was going to look up at the ceiling at a forty-five-degree angle. Unexpectedly, Qin Baobao, who was still quiet and well-behaved just now, was intoxicated by the singing. Suddenly, a hungry tiger came and pressed Qin Ze under the sofa, screaming loudly: "Ahhhh!"

"You're fucking epileptic... you're crazy... get up..." Qin Ze's face was stuffed in his sister's arms, and he almost lost his breath.

After a long time, Qin Baobao calmed down his inner excitement, straightened his bath towel in a calm manner, raised his head, and looked very gentle: "Ah Ze... no, good brother, this song is really good. Did you write it?"

"That's right."

"Is it?"

"I haven't finished writing yet."

Qin Baobao said pitifully, "Then when will you finish writing?"

"It depends on your's none of your business."

"I'm going to debut as a singer. These days, the company asked me if I have any more works. I don't know how to answer. I just pretend to be dead." Qin Baobao pretended to be pitiful: "Yesterday, there was a gold medal manager Tell me, there is a singing variety show in the summer vacation. If I can come up with original works to participate, it will be the fastest and best way to fame, and he will consider being my agent."

It's okay, being appreciated so quickly, it seems that Qin Baobao is still a top student among the reserve artists.

The farther my sister goes on this road, the better it will be for his future plans. But Qin Ze couldn't agree to her easily, this girl just flirted with me and made a bad face.

She needs to know what it means that father guides son, husband guides wife, ah no, younger brother guides sisters.

"So?" The old god Qin Ze was there.

"Teach me, teach me, teach me!" Qin Baobao shook his arm vigorously, acting coquettishly and cutely.

Qin Ze twisted his neck, "Oh, I'm really tired from playing today, and my shoulders are a little sore."

"I'll pinch it for you." Qin Baobao immediately understood.

"The legs are also sore." Qin Ze enjoyed the massage with his sister's tender hands.

"I pinch." Qin Baobao endured the humiliation.

"The soles of my feet are also very sore." Qin Ze pushed forward.

Qin Baobao's obsequious smile froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "You want to press the soles of your feet too?"

Qin Ze shrugged, "It's okay if you don't press it, I don't mean to force you. Even inspiration is something that can't be seen or touched, so I'm not sure."

"Press, of course. Today my sister is going all out."

"Oh, hello, please don't, you are the eldest lady of our family, you are a rich man, you can't do anything about it."

Qin Baobao gritted his teeth secretly, and said delicately: "You are the only male in our family. In ancient times, you were the only seedling passed down from generation to generation. It is only natural for a sister to serve the younger brother of the only seedling."

After saying that, he lowered his head and took off Qin Ze's socks.

Qin Ze rolled his eyes and pushed her hand away, "Okay, let's pretend to be eccentric and crooked."

He wouldn't really let Qin Baobao massage his feet, he was reluctant, and he didn't dare, women are all vengeful animals, especially Qin Baobao, a highly intelligent vengeful animal.

Obviously, Qin Baobao would have misunderstood him, thinking that he would not take hard and soft, and shouted angrily: "Qin Ze, don't go too far, if I can't get along in the entertainment industry, don't even try to stay out of it, be careful what I told daddy It was you who encouraged me to resign and become a star."

"Why didn't you say that I let you go to the sea to shoot island films?"

Qin Baobao's eyes turned red, and he stretched out his hand to pinch him angrily: "Come on, let's hurt each other."

Qin Ze sighed, and said helplessly, "OK, OK, I will be your royal composer in the future."

"Really?" Qin Baobao frowned.

"You can't lie to your sister, you can't lie to anyone."

"Good brother, my sister really didn't love you in vain." Qin Baobao turned his face faster than a book, as if he was about to pounce on him and kiss him sideways.

"Get lost." Qin Ze put his hand against her forehead and pushed her away.

Qin Baobao went to sleep in the room, and turned off the LCD TV before leaving. Only Qin Ze was left in the living room. He lit a cigarette and puffed.

He closed his eyes, leaned back on the sofa, spit out a puff of green smoke, and thought of the widely used chicken soup for the soul: the road is long and long, and I will search up and down.