My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 238: house and signature



Just you

Sorry, I can't get it at all.

The corner of Qin Ze's mouth twitched, and he looked at his sister: "Is this something you made up?"

My sister rolled her eyes, "It's not me, it's Teddy."

"Oh, it's her, what's the trick?"

"I don't know. It is said that these prefixes are popular in all major chat groups recently, so it is safe." Qin Baobao said.

That's safe...

You are the most dangerous hidden danger, sister!

Ever since he traded in stocks, Qin Ze, who cared about state affairs, suddenly understood, oh, it must be because of a meeting.

"Sister Pei, how much do you plan to vote for?" Qin Ze silently added a prefix to himself [We are the successors of communism]

"Vote less, just 100 million." Pei Nanman replied, still with that prefix.

Qin Ze's head was full of thoughts, he didn't know whether to say "just 100 million" or that prefix. Ah no, he definitely complained about the former, but he never dared to complain about the latter.

"To be honest, I can't eat it." Qin Ze sent a cute emoji with "tears shining": "Now the company has 100 million, and there are only two traders. If we add another 100 million, we will have indigestion."

Long time no reply.

Pei Nanman said: "In this way, I have a professional stock trading team under my hands, who only know how to trade stocks, and the other businesses of the investment company can't help, or should they be merged with you?"

Qin Ze's eyes lit up: "How is your level?"

"Fifty percent profit in three months is not bad." Pei Nanman said, "I can't compare with you."

Qin Ze has 40.8 million funds and a monthly net profit of 100 million, which is more than 200% of the income. If such a strong record is spread, it is estimated that it will be shocking and shocking. Now the outside world knows the stalk of his small goal, but not many people know that he has really accomplished this small goal, and they can count them on one hand.

"Sister Pei is so kind, what about Sister Pei?" Qin Ze sent a moved expression.

Su Yu: "Virtue (rolling eyes)."

Qin Baobao: "Virtue (rolling eyes)."

Wang Zijin: "Virtue (rolling eyes)."

Pei Nanman said: "The remuneration on my side is quite high. If I go to your side, there's no reason to lower it?"

Qin Ze ignored the three women's complaints, and typed excitedly: "You talk to Su Yu about this, I don't care about the company's affairs. @苏玉, you are in charge."

Su Yu sent a "grievance" expression: "Look, I shouldn't have agreed to work with him back then. The company doesn't care about anything, just leave it to me."

Qin Baobao: "Then you quit the group, and withdraw the shares by the way."

Su Yu: "Shut up, what's the matter with you."

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Qin Ze had no choice but to calm down, and hurriedly said, "Don't make trouble, or I will quit the group."

"Then you go back."

"Please retreat quickly."

Am I taking myself too seriously

The air conditioner in the car was blowing hot air. They had been stained with ink for a long time. My sister was a little hot, so she grabbed the hem of the white loose sweater, straightened her waist, and took it off.

Underneath she was a v-neck cotton thin shirt, a tight-fitting one, so that her sister's stalwart breasts were exposed in front of her younger brother.

Qin Ze glanced at it quietly, and said, the facial cleanser in winter is very distorted, when will summer come, look forward to it.

"Old driver, hurry up." My sister urged.

"Take you to the kindergarten." Qin Ze started the car.

Half an hour later, the car stopped outside the "Dijinghaoyuan" community.

It is backed by the Huangpu River, right by Global Finance, and a few kilometers away is the famous Tomson Yipin.

A house is a luxury, and a house on the Shanghai Stock Exchange is a luxury among luxury goods. The current house has long been separated from the essence of "living".

"I thought you would choose a villa." Qin Ze looked up at the tall residential buildings.

Leaving aside the villas, Dijinghaoyuan and Tangchen Yipin belong to the top communities. As a local, Qin Ze is like a thunderbolt, and has long admired his name.

After the car was parked, Qin Ze opened the door and got out of the car.

Qin Baobao put on his coat, straightened his messy hair, put on sunglasses and a mask, trotted over, and took his brother's arm.

The two walked into the first gate of the community side by side, and then turned to the reception hall. No one led the way, so they couldn't enter the second gate, and the real community was inside.

"Hello, I'm looking for Manager Xu." Qin Baobao said to the receptionist.

The young girl in a professional suit looked at Qin Baobao suspiciously. She was a little strange about her mask and glasses, but soon realized that she was probably a starlet or something. She had worked in Dijinghaoyuan for many years and had seen many rich people star.

Then she turned her gaze to the man beside her, froze for a moment, and suddenly screamed.

Tall figure, handsome appearance, star-like bright eyes, and no distinctive temperament...

Unmistakable, this is Qin Ze!

She is Qin Ze's fan girl, and she runs to the bottom of Qin Ze's Weibo every three days and shouts "I want to give birth to a monkey for you".

Qin Ze, who had no temperament at all, made a silent gesture towards her, and the girl immediately covered her mouth, her face flushed with excitement.

"Wait a minute, I'll call Manager Xu." Before she left, she reluctantly glanced at Qin Ze.

When her back disappeared, Qin Baobao looked at his younger brother aggrievedly, "I'm not a star, you are."

"Little fool, I'm the man behind you." Qin Ze said.

My sister thought it was weird, but couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Don't say strange things to your sister." She pinched her brother's waist.

Soon, an NPC named Manager Xu appeared, a lean middle-aged man with a suit and leather shoes, and waxed his hair.

"Miss Qin, Mr. Qin." He shook hands with the siblings and made a gesture of invitation: "Come with me, I've been waiting for you."

Qin Ze immediately understood that her sister didn't buy a house on a whim, she must have been planning it for a long time.

NPC manager Xu led them into the real community, and talked with Qin Baobao: "There are three listings that meet your requirements, the cheapest one is on the tenth floor, and the most expensive one is on the top floor. They have never lived in. Are you going to Which one should I watch first?"

Qin Baobao said directly: "The one on the top floor."

Qin Ze was stunned and said, "No one is staying? Then we have to..."

The word "decoration" was swallowed back. This top-notch high-quality residence will not be sold as an empty shell like ordinary real estate.

Manager Xu led them to the top floor of a certain building, keyed in the password, and pushed open the door of the top luxury goods in Shanghai.

Although Qin Ze and his sister have stayed in a five-star hotel, they are still amazed by the luxurious suite in front of them. Compared with this, the configuration of a five-star hotel is far worse, unless it is a presidential suite, but he has never lived in it There is no comparison to the presidential suite, but the name of the presidential suite is well known in the world. It is the first choice for the opening of the female channel article. The silly, white and sweet heroine entered the presidential suite by accident, and was slapped by the domineering president inside. Everything started from the presidential suite.

European-style decoration style, every corner of the house is full of delicacy, the crystal chandelier composed of eighteen light bulbs in the living room, gave Qin Ze the impression of four words: unknown.

NPC Manager Xu took them to visit the suite. The living room here is bigger than Qin Ze and his sister's nest, and the toilet is bigger than their living room. The most impressive thing is the 10-square-meter bronze carved bathtub. Damn it, it's enough for Qin Ze Ze dog planed to swim.

The balcony is also very good, not the kind of balcony that can only dry clothes, but a balcony that is more than enough for ten tables of mahjong. Offers uninterrupted sea views.

"This house was sold when it was launched, and the buyer used it as an investment, so we haven't moved in, but we regularly arrange cleaning and maintenance." Manager Xu said: "The total area is 580 square meters, and the price per square meter is 170,000 yuan. .”

Math expert Qin Ze calculated the total price in seconds: 98.6 million.

Holy shit.

The elder sister smiled and said, "Aze, do you like it?"

Qin Ze nodded: "Not bad."

Qin Baobao smiled coquettishly: "As long as you like it, my sister will bring you to sign it another day."

"Okay... the ball is full of sacks." Qin Ze stared: "Why did I sign it, didn't you buy the house?"

"I already have a house. To buy a second one, the down payment is 70%. The house is in your name, and the down payment is only 50%."

The house they lived in was given to Qin Baobao by her parents when she graduated.

A house of more than 90 million yuan, with a down payment of 70%, is not affordable given their current economic conditions.

"Wait a minute, even a 50% down payment would cost more than 40 million. Do you have money?" Qin Ze reacted.

Originally, only 30% was required for the first house, but this year the government made adjustments to increase the down payment to 50%.

"My sister only has seven million." Qin Baobao cast a star eye: "The rest is Aze Pad."


I said why did you suddenly pull me to see the house.

"We will live in this house from now on." My sister cast another star eye.

If it weren't for an unsightly NPC, Qin Ze might be able to enjoy the encouragement of his sister's kisses.

"Anyway, you are rich now." My sister said again: "You can't lose money buying a house, right?"

Qin Ze nodded.

"But we still need to take a look at the other two houses." Qin Baobao said.

"No problem," Manager Xu hesitated, "I want an autograph, if it's convenient."

Unexpectedly, she was still a fan, Qin Baobao showed a generous goddess smile: "Yes."

"No, no, you misunderstood." Manager Xu waved his hand, and he looked at Qin Ze: "What I want is Mr. Qin's autograph. My daughter likes you very much. I want your autograph to go home to please her."

Qin Ze smiled: "Of course it's no problem."

Qin Baobao: "..."