My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 31: new task


Qin Ze was too lazy to quarrel with her, so he lifted up his hospital gown with a grin, red blood oozing from the wound, and that kick split the wound.

Qin Baobao was frightened when he saw blood, so he ran out to call the nurse with a cry.

The nurse came over to take a look, and comforted her: "It's okay, it's just a chapped wound. Fortunately, the stitches haven't been removed, otherwise it will be troublesome. I'll clean the wound for you."

The nurse blotted the blood with alcohol cotton, applied disinfectant, and warned Qin Ze to pay attention to the wound.

Qin Baobao heaved a sigh of relief, sat by the bed and complained to him: "The hair is frizzy, and there are injuries on the body and it moves around."

Qin Ze said seriously: "Don't talk about the chapped wound, even if you get stabbed again, that woman won't scratch your face."

Qin Baobao took a "bah" and said, "Nonsense."

There was a smile on his face, and his beautiful eyes shone with joy.

Qin Baobao was very pretentious, and deliberately said: "Is my sister's face so important? Anyway, I can't get married."

Qin Zeyi said righteously: "My sister's face is more important than my life."

Qin Baobao immediately smiled.

Qin Ze is very good at coaxing women... at least coaxing his sister. Qin Baobao bought him clothes and mobile phones, and also paid for his living expenses. Qin Ze's words definitely made a great contribution. Of course, it was also related to Qin Baobao's lack of financial management ability. I have some spare money on hand, so I just want to spend it, but I can't spend it myself, so I spend it on my brother.

Before going to bed at night, Qin Baobao accompanied her younger brother to visit Professor Li downstairs. She didn't enter the ward and stayed outside.

Qin Ze politely knocked on the door of the room, and pushed in. The ward was well furnished, like a single room in a hotel, with a desk, bedside table, TV and a comfortable bed. The walls are painted light blue.

Professor Li is talking to his wife.

The wife complained: "You said why you didn't care about crossing the road. You didn't see the red light. If the driver didn't react quickly, you would have to confess your old life."

Professor Li defended: "The intersection is a two-way street, with two traffic lights, and the previous one is still green... Forget it, let's not mention it."

Wife: "I heard from your school teacher that the police came to the school today to arrest your students, right?"

When this matter was mentioned, Professor Li's mood became even worse, "I took the job of a private equity company, you know. A few days ago, Lao Qin sent his son under my hands, saying it was for experience. Old colleague, can I refuse? This kid is also smarter, serious in his work, and has a good attitude. It just so happened that Yang Chen was drinking again, so when I got angry, I asked Lao Qin's son to take charge of the work. But who wants him to complain? , looking for someone to stab Lao Qin's son when he turned around, the incident was quite serious, and it was spread all over the Internet."

The wife sighed: "Children nowadays do things without considering the consequences. How is Lao Qin's son?"

"It's very dangerous. I heard that if it goes deeper, or if it hurts an artery, it may be gone."

"Old Qin has only one son, right? I still have to fight for you."

"That's why I'm depressed. I keep thinking about how such a thing happened. If I didn't pay attention, I got bumped."

"If you look like this, you can't do your job. The school is okay, but the private equity company, how do you explain it? If you overdue, you will lose money."

Professor Li's face darkened, and he frowned: "The compensation of 200,000 yuan, the project is in the final stage... eh, it's all life."

The wife said angrily: "What's the fate? Half a year's income will be fully compensated. Do you still want to live? Let me tell you, our son will get married at the end of the year."

The hidden income of university professors is very high. Although 200,000 is not a lot, it is not too short. The key is that the house prices in the Shanghai market are sky-high. Seeing that my son is going to buy a wedding house, if I lose the 200,000... .. .

"I didn't just accept the project to save enough down payment for the wedding house at the end of the year."

"If it doesn't work, let's mortgage the house we live in and borrow some money."

There was a knock on the door, and the couple stopped talking immediately.

Qin Ze came in wearing a hospital gown, and said with a smile, "Professor Li, my dad said you had a car accident, and you are downstairs. I'm here to visit you."

Professor Li was lying on the hospital bed with his legs hanging, his right hand was tied with a plaster cast, his face was scratched in many places, and he looked a little depressed. His wife was sitting by the bed, a middle-aged woman in her fifties, well maintained, with fine crow's feet around her eyes, at first glance, she was a very graceful housewife.

Professor Li seemed very happy, but it was not surprising, he knew that Qin Ze also lived in this hospital.

"Qin Ze, is your health much better?"

"I'm fine. The doctor can go home and recuperate after the stitches are removed."

"I have to apologize to you for this matter." Professor Li sighed, "Yang Chen is just too narrow-minded. I know this, but I didn't expect him to be so impulsive."

Qin Ze sneered and said, "If the heart is not right, evil thoughts are easy to arise."

Professor Li nodded: "That's the reason, he will be punished by law."

"I'm also paying attention to your matter. If you go to court, you have a great chance of winning. Although you also injured someone, it's the first-come injury, which belongs to legitimate self-defense."

"My dad said the same," Qin Ze sat down on the sofa, waved his hands, and refused the banana offered by Professor Li's wife: "Auntie, the doctor told me to eat as little as possible."

The two chatted for a while, Professor Li was a little sleepy, Qin Ze was about to leave, and remembered something: "By the way, Professor Li, you are lying in the hospital, what about the modeling?"

This was one of the purposes of his visit to the room, to find out Professor Li's tone, thinking about how to take over the modeling task, but also afraid that Professor Li would think he was too young to embarrass him.

Professor Li's wife was full of resentment: "What can I do, he looks like this, and I still expect him to get up and work? Lose money."

"How much do you pay?"

Professor Li sighed: "When I signed the contract, it was 200,000 yuan."

Qin Ze was speechless, two hundred thousand oceans is not a small sum. In third-tier cities, it is enough to pay the down payment.

"Professor Li, do you think this is okay? My injury is basically not a problem. If you believe it, you can give it to me?" Qin Ze tentatively asked.

He has the confidence to say this, at least he has exchanged this knowledge, and he can complete a complex mathematical modeling independently. It will take time at most, and this project is nearing completion.

Professor Li looked at him, and his heart moved, "Okay, whether it works or not, it's always good to try."

Saying that, he asked his wife to hand over the USB flash drive in the briefcase to Qin Ze.

Qin Ze left with the USB flash drive.

In the ward, Professor Li let out a long breath, as if he had let out a big stone in his heart.

The wife frowned: "You man, why did you give him something, and then mess it up and break it for you later."

"Since you're going to lose money, so what if you break it." Professor Li glared at her, and said with a smile, "You don't know, and I didn't count on him. I counted on Lao Qin. A college student who can't touch the door Clear, but Lao Qin can figure it out. It is much better for me to give him something than to ask Lao Qin directly. Lao Qin has been running around these days, and it is useless for me to beg him. But his son took the job, and he Even grit your teeth and it will be done.”

"There are only a few professors in the finance department, and it's the end of the semester. Everyone is busy, so they may not be willing to help me. And the time is limited, and it will take time to understand it thoroughly."

"Then Lao Qin can understand it thoroughly?"

"His level is higher than mine, and he also helped his son as a shooter a while ago. He probably knows what I'm doing, and he can figure it out in a day or two."

When Qin Ze and his sister returned to the ward, it was raining heavily outside, pattering on the windows, the rain curtain blurred the vision, and the halo of neon lights illuminated the dense curtain of water droplets. The sky and the earth are filled with the sound of rain.

Qin Baobao originally wanted to go home, take a bath, change into pajamas, and come back to spend the night, but seeing the heavy rain, he was not happy to go back. I asked the nurse for a thin quilt, a set of clean hospital gowns, and took a bath in the bathroom of the ward.

Qin Ze stayed alone in the hospital, very lonely, and said hypocritically: "Why don't you go back, it doesn't matter if I'm alone."

After all, Qin Baobao felt sorry for his younger brother. Considering that the middle-aged couple was irrational, if he turned back at night to cause trouble, his younger brother would not be able to stand the trouble of being sick. Just say: It’s okay, it’s all about one night.

Qin Ze was lying on the hospital bed, listening to the sound of splashing water in the bathroom, listening to the sound of the rainstorm hitting the glass outside the window, turned on the computer, plugged in the USB flash drive, opened the folder, and read the abstract first, the tens of pages of digital simulation. Build graphs.

This is a mathematical analysis of a fund investment.

The old man is a professor of the finance department, and Qin Ze also studied finance, so he has a deep understanding of some private equity companies in the society. Private equity companies with a certain scale have their own professionals to build digital models and analyze investment projects. There is no need to find foreign aid. It can be seen that the private equity company that Professor Li contacted must be small in scale, or a newly established baby.

Time passed, he spent half an hour, and finally figured it out thoroughly.

The bathroom door opened, Qin Baobao was wearing a hospital gown, stepped on Qin Ze's cotton shoes, and came out while wiping his hair.

"I thought you were giving birth in the bathroom." Qin Ze glanced at her.

It takes half an hour to take a shower, but he takes ten minutes to get it done.

"Who will give birth to the baby, yours?" Qin Baobao rolled his eyes, sat cross-legged on the sofa, continued to wipe his hair, and complained: "There is no hair dryer."

"Use less hair dryer, it is not good for hair quality."

"Aren't you annoying? You said the same thing when I dyed my hair."

"Too lazy to talk about you."

"By the way, how do you know how to play basketball? I saw a video on Lazy Cat a few days ago. You're the guy in it, right?" Qin Baobao looked at him from the side, with a pointed oval face and bright red phoenix eyes, wet Slightly messy hair, looks outrageously high, "I forgot about it, tell me what's going on."

"What's going on? Didn't you see it? What's wrong with being able to play basketball? Which boy can't play basketball." Qin Ze clattered on the keyboard.

"But your level is not normal. How much do you weigh? My sister doesn't know?" Qin Baobao curled his lips: "You're still dunking, and you can jump so high? You have been a waste of sports since you were a child."

"Waste wood also has dignity, and salted fish can also stand up." Qin Ze turned his head and glared at his sister: "Baby Qin, don't always look down on me. It is my credit that you can enter Star Arts."

"Hey, if you don't tell me, I forgot again. What's the matter with writing songs? You really wrote them?"

Qin Ze's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, is it really that there have been too many changes recently

You have a thousand and ten thousand reasons to deceive your friends, but you will never be able to deceive the closest people around you. Because they know you like the back of your hand.

"In another ten days and a half months, you will be able to participate in music variety shows. If you succeed, you will be a star. Isn't such a huge transformation even more amazing? Compared with it, I wrote a few songs, which is nothing."

When Qin Baobao heard this, he was in a good mood, and said with a smile, "That's right."

It can be regarded as successfully fooling the past.

The two chatted one after another. When they had nothing to say, Qin Baobao lowered his head to play with his mobile phone, Qin Ze sat on the bed and built a model, and the rain fell outside the window. Indoors, the TV plays a costume romance movie.

At half past ten at night, Qin Baobao rubbed his eyes, feeling drowsy.

"Go to bed first, you have to go to work tomorrow, I'll sleep later."

Qin Baobao let out an "oh", wrapped in a quilt, and lay down on the sofa to sleep.

At 11:30 in the middle of the night, Qin Ze turned off the computer and vented his bladder before going to bed. When he came back, he found that Qin Baobao had occupied the magpie's nest and robbed his bed.

"What are you doing lying on my bed, sleep on your sofa."

"Hey, don't pretend to be dead, believe it or not, pick you up and walk out the window."

Qin Baobao pulled the quilt, covered his head, and said coquettishly: "The sofa is uncomfortable, and I can't sleep."

"I'm the sick one. If I don't rest well, it will affect the recovery of the wound."

Qin Baobao patted the empty seat beside him: "This bed can sleep two people."

Qin Ze's hospital bed is similar to a single bed in a hotel, and it's no problem for two people to squeeze together.

"Then you bring your quilt here." Qin Ze reluctantly compromised.

Qin Baobao protested: "That quilt smells bad, and it hasn't been washed for a long time, so I don't want it."

After all, my sister came to accompany me at night, and she has a slight obsession with cleanliness. Qin Ze thought about it, anyway, the bed is quite big, so he can make it through the night. Lifted the quilt and lay down.