My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 66: Let him be a bachelor


The next day, online news rushed to report.

Shock in the Rock World: Li Song

"I'm a Singer Releases a High-quality Song Again: Baby Qin, Are You Going Against the Heavens"

"Li Song Comes Out, May Become a Pioneering Work in the Rock Industry"

"Li Xuegang smashed his halberd into the sand, and was defeated by newcomers"

"Ghosts in the music industry, who is the author of Li Song"

"Hot Vocabulary of the Year: Brother Qin Baobao"

UC: "Li Xuegang shed tears when he heard it, but the audience was silent when he heard it"

At 8:30 in the morning, Qin Ze stood in front of the toilet, urinating, and talking to his sister on the phone.

"I expected that I was going to be popular, but I didn't expect it to be so popular. The news feed on the mobile phone was full of "I am a singer" and my name. It scared the baby to death."

Qin Baobao's voice was very low, sneaky.

"Where's mom?" Qin Ze asked.

"I was making breakfast. I hid in the bathroom and called you. Dad is reading the newspaper in the living room."

"They didn't find anything." Qin Ze lowered his voice unconsciously.

"No." Qin Baobao whispered: "I cut the network cable at home, and my parents guarantee that I won't be able to connect to the Internet."

Qin Baobao discussed with him and concluded that there are three channels for parents to know the truth: Internet, TV, relatives and friends.

There is no news app in the mobile phone of the second elder, and the mobile phone channels are excluded. The mother can't and doesn't like to surf the Internet, but the old man often reads financial news and stocks online. Although he himself has no interest in the entertainment industry, advertising placement is everywhere now, and will also have advertising news. So Qin Baobao went to cut the network cable to eliminate this hidden danger.

The biggest problem is "relatives and friends". Parents don't pay attention to the entertainment industry, but relatives and friends always pay attention. In the current information explosion, it is impossible for parents to know nothing about their daughter becoming a big star.

"I have already said hello to my relatives' peers. They won't talk about it. As for my parents' friends, I'm not sure." Qin Baobao said cautiously.

"You can hide it for a while, but you can't hide it forever. This is a matter of time, you have to be prepared." Qin Ze comforted, "The only hope is that you can become a talent. At that time, the whole thing is done. If the old man objects again, you can use the money Hit him hard in the face."

"Bah, do you think my life is too long?" Qin Baobao made up the picture in his head and giggled amusedly.

Qin Ze suddenly remembered something, and said with a sullen face, "Baby Qin, what does it mean to take over Panxia?"

"Ah?" Qin Baobao's tone was blank.

"Recall, did you say something you shouldn't have said to Miss Zijin?" Qin Ze speculated.

"I don't know what you're talking about at all." Qin Baobao pretended to be stupid, and quickly ended the topic: "Oh, my mother asked me to have breakfast, so stop talking, goodbye~"


Qin Ze said hello twice, a blind tone came from the phone, and she hung up.

Qin Baobao hung up the phone, let out a long breath, then gritted his silver teeth, and sent a message to Wang Zijin angrily: "Wang Zijin, you can, I said that Qin Ze is taking over Pan Xia, you also tell him Yes. What about our revolutionary friendship, our sisterhood, just wait for me, if I get beaten up by him tonight, don’t even think about it.”

Wang Zijin sent a "questionable" expression: "Baby, what are you talking about, I don't understand."

"Don't play dumb." Qin Baobao replied with an expression of "turning the table".

"You're a sister and you're still afraid of him?" Wang Zijin replied with a "surprised" expression.

Qin Baobao replied "hehe": "He would press me on the sofa and spank my butt. I haven't beaten him since high school."

Wang Zijin posted a cat emoji of "The little fish that I scared all fell off".

The siblings...

Qin Baobao replied with a "knock on the head" expression.

Wang Zijin: "Whoever asks you to speak ill of him, "Jianpanxia" is a derogatory term. Even a man will be angry."

She looked it up online.

"So I just want to tell you that I treat you as my best friend, but you betray me."

"The point of the question is, have you ever said that about your younger brother?" Wang Zijin said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I was wrong, I didn't know what it meant to be a panxia."

"If Qin Ze wants to beat me up, you have to stop him."

Qin Baobao was most afraid of being beaten.

"All right."

At the dining table, Qin Baobao chatted happily with her best friend. Qin's mother was sitting beside her, and the head of the family was sitting opposite her.

The old man tapped his finger on the table and reprimanded: "Don't play with your phone while eating."

Qin Baobao pouted, obediently put the phone aside.

Mom laughed and said, "Why didn't Aze come back?"

Qin Baobao took a sip of hot porridge, swallowed it, and responded to his mother's inquiry: "My high school classmate came to play with me, and Qin Ze stayed with her."

Mom came interested: "Male and female."

"Girl, my best friend looks pretty." Qin Baobao squinted and smiled, "Ah Ze couldn't even walk when he saw her."

Qin's mother let out an oh, and she was a little disappointed.

The old man frowned: "Don't keep thinking about toads eating swan meat. A woman who is too beautiful may not be suitable for a wife."

Qin Baobao coquettishly said: "Mom, look at Dad..."

The mother was dissatisfied: "What do you mean by that, oh, my daughter is not beautiful? Does she not get married?"

The old man was at a loss for words.

A woman who is too beautiful is afraid that his son will not be able to control him, so the old man doesn't like women who are too coquettish, but there is a coquettish and troublesome girl in the family.

"Baby, Mom told you that the person on the blind date tonight is very good. He is a distant relative of a good friend of Mom. He has a clean family background and a good character. Mom is satisfied. You can't just meet him symbolically like before. On the one hand, people say they don't like it. You are already twenty-five, and if you drag on, you will really become a thirty-year-old girl."

Qin Baobao thought to himself, I haven't graduated from college for two years, how can I be an old girl.

"Understood, Mom, stop nagging, your son doesn't have a girlfriend anyway."

"You child, you can't listen to the elders carefully. Arrange your life's major events well, so that mom can think about finding a wife for Qin Ze. Save you... The elders and children are in order, and my sister doesn't After getting married, my younger brother will start a family and start a business first?" Mother Qin tirelessly taught her daughter, and when it was over, she suddenly said: "By the way, how is that Wang Zijin, I will take her home to see some other day."

Qin Baobao looked blank.

"Didn't you say that Aze likes people?"

Qin Baobao frowned slightly, and hurriedly waved his hands: "Hey, I'll just say it casually, Zijin has high vision, and she doesn't like your son. Don't worry about it. Qin Ze will let him just mess around. .”

The old man who had been silent all this time suddenly said: "Baby, let me ask you. What has Ze been doing at home recently?"

"Stay at home all day." Qin Baobao was careless.

The old man slapped the table and said angrily: "Will you be able to speak well? You will say whatever you are asked. It is perfunctory. Where did you learn the attitude?"

Qin Baobao was taken aback, she was always afraid of the old man. With a sad face: "Dad, I go to work every day, how do I know what he is doing. At home at night, I watch him often go online to check stocks, and I don't know what to do."

"Stocks?" The old man frowned, "What did he say?"

Qin Baobao bit his chopsticks, looked up at the ceiling, and recalled: "Well...the stock market is going to soar...he wants to make a fortune in the stock market...he said he can't Just by looking at your daddy, he will make a lot of money and compare you... that's about it."

The corner of Mr. Qin's mouth twitched. The stock market is indeed going to soar, but ordinary people can't see it yet. Those who can see this are professionals or senior investors. Qin Ze saw it, and the old man was both relieved and pleasantly surprised.

Ask again: "Has he learned Russian?"

Qin Baobao chuckled: "His English is a mess, and he speaks Russian..." The old man gave him a hard look, and said obediently, "I haven't seen him learn it before."

The old man frowned and pondered, then asked: "Have you read any books on professional knowledge?"

"Probably, there are several thick books in the living room, but I haven't seen him flip through them."

On the other hand, Qin Ze proposed to go to the movies today, but this time he learned his lesson, and he would never buy movie tickets until Wang Zijin agreed.

Wang Zijin didn't have many close friends in Shanghai. She was free on weekends, so after thinking about it, she agreed to Qin Ze's invitation for a date.

Excitedly, Qin Ze took out his mobile phone to buy a movie ticket, showed Wang Zijin the movie that was released recently, and asked her opinion.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and there was a call from a stranger.


"Qin Ze?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was cool and sweet.

Qin Ze was taken aback for a moment, the voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

"It's me, who are you?"

"Pei Nanman."

The other party directly reported his name.

After a brief recollection, he immediately remembered the mature young woman who had an oolong by the Bund.

"Sister Pei, hello."

Pei Nanman said lightly: "How are you thinking?"

Qin Ze responded: "Sorry, I'm not going to join your security company."

Pei Nanman gave a "hmm", as if not surprised, and said, "Have you found a job?"


"To discuss something with you."

"you say."

"I have a child in my family who is quite disturbed and his academic performance is not satisfactory. It is useless to ask for tutoring. He has a wild temper and makes troubles at school all day long. After summer vacation, he mutters that he wants to learn taekwondo, boxing, fighting..."

"But I don't have any experience as a tutor." Qin Ze understood, "Besides, Sister Pei, you have... so many talents, it's not easy to teach a few tough moves."

After all, he runs a security company.

"A high-achieving student who graduated from the University of Finance and a science student is enough. I have an agreement with his father, and it is difficult for my people to come forward in this matter. It just so happens that you are not bad, you can teach him, and you can do what you want Good." Pei Nanman's voice was soft, with the softness and intellectuality unique to young women: "Ten hours of teaching time are guaranteed a week, and I will give you 100 yuan for an hour. A summer vacation."

Although Qin Ze didn't know the fee standard of the tutoring market, but he calculated in his head that it was about 4,000 a month. Such a tutoring fee is not uncommon, but it is definitely not the salary he should have as a college student.

"Come or not?"

Qin Ze has always been a child who can be moved by poverty and humble, and who can be subdued by might: "Okay."

300,000 yuan invested in the stock market, which will not be used in a short period of time, and my sister's basic salary cannot be counted on, and the family's finances have been exhausted for a long time, so it is not bad to have a part-time job.

"Give me the address, and I'll send someone to pick you up."

"No, you still give me the address, and I'll find it."

"I have something to do at noon and I don't have time to wait for you. I'll ask the driver to pick you up."

After the queen's young lady finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

This is a vigorous and resolute woman, but I don't know if she is headstrong or not. Qin Ze sighed, edited the text message, and sent the address.

"Whose phone number?" Wang Zijin asked curiously.