My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 721: Miss Achu


Qin Ze sat on the side of the road, sitting on a small bench, looking at the dimly lit city, and burped comfortably.

Just treated the guards to a barbecue and a couple of cold beers. In fact, it's not too hard to stand outside the community and blow the cold wind, and spend most of the time arguing with the guards.

Teach them how to trade in stocks, manage money, and talk about private gossip and inside stories in the entertainment industry.

After a few days, the old guard, who had been deadpan at his post when he approached him, could now speak a few words and ask for advice on investment and financial management. Two of the guards just bought a fund invested by Baoze... ..

Maybe Wang Zijin is still angry, otherwise he wouldn't ignore me.

So, I may have been tricked by Zhao Tiezhu.

Opening a harem is like speculating in stocks, trying to get them locked up. Su Yu was the poorest, all the money was spent on the salted fish stocks, and the salted fish stocks skyrocketed into Haize Wang stocks, she was smiling, and the salted fish stocks fell into scumbag stocks, even though she was crying and making noises, she didn't have the courage and determination cut meat.

The elder sister is next. She bought her younger brother's shares with all her income of more than ten years. She is the most firmly trapped.

Sister Zijin is the wealthiest, and she also bought salted fish stocks with all her wealth, but she has a solid foundation and a wide range of ways, and she can make money again if she loses money.

Su Yu didn't know that the stocks he bought had plummeted, but his sister's words, he was at least stable.

If the three women collapsed at the same time, Qin Ze would still choose to stabilize his sister first.

The ancients said: When three people walk together, there must be a dampness. If you choose the big one, you will slap it, and if it is the small one, you will discard it.

Just hold on to my sister first.

"Ha, I think back to the time when I fought with sister Zijin. It's so cool. If you catch a thorn, you can fight. We ruled the elementary school and junior high school back then." When going out, Zhao Tiezhu Excitedly sighed: "If Zijin hadn't stopped me with your eyes just now, I would definitely beat him up."

Of course, it was impossible to continue eating. After swearing harshly, Wang Zijin took the boys and left.

Huang Wei was full of anger, but considering how few people he had, he would probably have to lie down in the hospital during the Chinese New Year if he really fought, and the family background he had always been proud of had no advantage in front of them... especially that woman, so he just Can watch them leave.

"It's better in the past. Don't beep if you can solve it with your fists. Now you have to rely on your brain, which is more tiring." Wang Zijin said: "Zhao Tiezhu, remember to use your brain more. If you are so reckless, you will be beaten by your father." of."

She didn't say thank you to the friends, the friendship from childhood to adulthood is unnecessary.

The reason why Mr. Wang likes Wang Zijin is that apart from her ability, the most important thing is that she has established her own team early and pulled the team together. These are contacts that can support each other in the future.

In order to ensure that Wang Zijin is always at the core of the team, he advocated marrying the Zhang family.

After making an appointment for the Lantern Festival to come out to play again, Wang Zijin parted ways with a group of friends, and instead of asking Zhao Tiezhu to send them off, he asked Zhang Mingcheng if he had time and if he could send him back.

She didn't drive when she came out, she took Zhao Tiezhu's car.

Zhang Mingcheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Okay."

Wang Zijin glanced at Zhang Ling again, Zhang Mingcheng hesitated for a while, and then said, "Linger, take a taxi back first."

Maybe it was because she knew that she had offended Wang Zijin and didn't ask to be together, so Zhang Ling said "Oh" obediently.

On the way back, Wang Zijin smiled and said, "Mingcheng still doesn't have a girlfriend?"

"No," Zhang Mingcheng smiled, "I plan to be single until I'm thirty."

Wang Zijin: "It's too late to have a girlfriend at the age of 30. When you are 30 and Tie Zhu's children are in elementary school, you start talking about a girlfriend."

Zhang Mingcheng smiled and said, "Let's see fate."

Wang Zijin sighed: "Why bother, you make me feel bad. Mingcheng, there are so many good girls, prettier and better than me, I can't count them with both hands and feet. Why do you have to waste time on me ?does it worth?"

Zhang Mingcheng was silent for a moment, "What about you, is it worth it for you to do so much for him? If you beat Huang Wei, of course the Huang family and the Wang family will not turn against each other, but the two families must have a quarrel, make enemies for no reason, and be taboo in the officialdom. Just for him?"

A person with no background can go smoothly in the entertainment industry. Although it is inseparable from his own talent, there is no one behind him, no one will believe it.

The private equity companies in the Shanghai stock market are constantly probing wildly on the edge of crossing the line, and no one is covering it. Is it possible

Qin Ze and Qin Baobao may not know many things that Wang Zijin did behind his back, but Zhang Mingcheng can find out.

Wang Zijin shook his head: "Our business has nothing to do with him. I have always regarded you as an older brother, or a brother, a friend who can make lifelong friends, but I never thought of having feelings other than friendship. It's not your fault, It has nothing to do with him, even if he never appeared in my life, I would not choose you. Sorry Mingcheng, I still like him like that."

Zhang Mingcheng tightened his grip on the steering wheel, "Who you like is your business, and I like you is my business. You don't need to have a psychological burden for this."

Wang Zijin rubbed his forehead, tired and helpless.

Compared with a stalking man, a man who watches silently is more difficult for a woman to resist, provided that the woman has a conscience.

If it were any other woman, there would be a handsome guy like Zhang Mingcheng waiting silently, willing to spend time being a single dog for you. I would probably feel guilty and soft-hearted, and then regress, try to be a blue face, and then improve step by step... ..

Forget it, forget it, when he gets old, even if he doesn't want to get married, the elders in the family will force him to marry a wife.

When the car passed the gate of the community, Wang Zijin looked out the window, but couldn't find Qin Ze.

It's nine o'clock in the evening, and Wang Zijin looked dismissive of Qin Ze on the surface, but in fact he secretly paid attention to it. In the past two days, he stayed until ten o'clock in the evening before going back.

Wang Zijin was a little disappointed when he didn't see Qin Ze looking at his wife like a rock.


Wang’s house was brightly lit. The second uncle, two uncles and sisters-in-law were playing mahjong in the hall, while Wang’s mother and second aunt, Yang Ping, watched from the sidelines. Wang’s father was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and the news was broadcasting on the TV. The atmosphere was very lively.

The taste of the new year in the capital is also not high, but the dignitaries and dignitaries take advantage of the new year to make connections, basically starting from the first day of the new year and continuing through the holiday. Therefore, in the high-level life circle, the taste of the new year is more important than ordinary people.

Wang Zijin couldn't help thinking of celebrating the Spring Festival in Shanghai last year. It should have been boring without visiting relatives or going out to play, but she just missed last year's Spring Festival.

"Dad, I have something to tell you." Wang Zijin said.

Wang Chengfu looked away from the TV with his glasses on, and got up: "It's just right, I have something to tell you."

The lobby of the main building of the Wang family is a full 100 square meters. It is divided into a large living room and a small living room. The large living room is for receiving guests, and the small living room is where the family usually talks and chats. The father and daughter came to the big living room, separated from the mahjong table by a bogu shelf.

Wang Zijin made a cup of tea for her father, and told her father about the meal. She said, "Dad, if he still doesn't have eyes, I'm going to do it. Are you okay?"

Wang Chengfu shook his head: "It's okay, my Wang family's daughter must not be bullied." He smiled: "Or your grandpa will scold me to death."

Wang Zijin smiled.

"What does Dad think of Huang Wei?"

Wang Chengfu smiled, as if he didn't bother to comment, "I was just going to tell you about that kid..."

Wang Zijin immediately said: "I have nothing to do with him."

Wang Chengfu took a sip of hot tea and said helplessly, "You are so hypocritical and stubborn, you are exactly like your grandfather."

Wang Zijin didn't speak.

"Are you going to leave with him this time?" Wang Chengfu said, "Your grandfather told me yesterday that if you don't go back to the Shanghai stock market, he will arrange a blind date for you and Zhang Mingcheng."

Wang Zijin's eyes widened: "Grandpa said not to force it."

Wang Chengfu snorted, "Do you believe what politicians say? The prosperity of the Wang family is more important than anything else in the eyes of your grandfather."

"So what," Wang Zijin curled his lips: "As long as you don't force's useless to force it. At worst, I won't..."

She wanted to say "run away from home again", but when she remembered the time in the Shanghai stock market, she fell silent, her eyes full of loneliness.

Sensing his daughter's emotions, Wang Chengfu said with emotion: "It's rare to have a lover, so if you want to follow him, just go, don't worry about your family."

Wang Zijin said in surprise, "Dad, you seem to admire him very much."

Wang Chengfu nodded: "There are dragons and phoenixes among people, so naturally appreciate it."

Wang Zijin raised the bar: "But Mingcheng is more suitable to be the son-in-law of the Wang family. Everyone thinks so, even grandpa thinks so."

Knowing that his daughter was stubborn, Wang Chengfu didn't expose it. He pinched the tea lid with his fingertips and lightly tapped the tea cup: "To put it bluntly, your grandpa was good at fighting on horseback, but he was not good at governing the country. You won the world here, but you don’t know how to govern the country. In those years, you crossed the river by feeling the stones, made many mistakes, and took many detours. One generation is always better than the next. Your grandfather thinks that marriage is the best choice , but I don’t see it that way. A businessman with a certain scale can also use business to conquer politics. Qin Ze has such potential. He may be very immature now, but in another twenty or thirty years, guess he will reach To what extent? In Dad's opinion, the benefits he can bring to the Wang family are no worse than those of the Zhang family."

Wang Zijin said sullenly: "So Dad only chose Qin Ze from the perspective of a politician?"

"The hustle and bustle of the world is profit. If you don't change your mentality, you will suffer in the future." After making a point, Wang Chengfu said: "I hate marriage."

Wang Zijin's heart moved, he hesitated again and again, and finally couldn't help but said: "Dad, did you cheat on my mother back then?"

This is not an interrogative sentence, it should be an affirmative sentence, but if the tone is too affirmative, it may touch his father's rebellious scales. Wang Zijin thought to himself that he is not young, and it would be too embarrassing if his father chased and beat him all over the room.

Maybe it was Cheng Chennian's past decades ago, Wang Chengfu was no longer as taboo as before, his eyes flickered, and finally nodded.

"Then if grandpa didn't object back then, would dad have divorced my mother?" Wang Zijin shook his eyes at his mother at the mahjong table.

"Your mother and I were ordered by our parents. Although free love was popular at that time, we were destined to have no freedom of love. Before we got married, your mother and I only met three times. Of course, it is impossible to have a relationship foundation." But everyone around me is like this, and there is nothing we can do. One year after you were born, I was transferred to the south for training. I met a girl there, and I found the woman I really wanted to marry."

Wang Zijin knew about this a long time ago, and the whole family knew it. This is a taboo in the Wang family. Whoever dares to mention it will make grandpa furious.

"That must be a very beautiful aunt." Wang Zijin said sadly.

"No," Wang Chengfu shook his head: "True love has nothing to do with beauty. She is not as beautiful as your mother, and she didn't even graduate from elementary school. The burden of life made her extremely tired. But she has a pair of clear eyes, very bright, Very sincere, the first time I saw her, I was attracted by her eyes. In the process of getting along, slowly, I finally know what attracts me, it is unyielding, it is brave, it is strong, it is humble But resolutely rebelled against fate. That was what I longed for. Compared with her, even though I came from a wealthy family and held a high position, spiritually I am an out-and-out villain and a dwarf.”

"I was deeply attracted by her, fell in love with her, and decided to divorce your mother after returning to the capital. That is the woman I want to marry."

"But grandpa doesn't agree?" Wang Zijin asked cautiously.

"I had a big fight with him. It was the first time in my life that I quarreled with him and slapped the table." Wang Chengfu said bitterly: "I was practicing in the south at the time, and I could be promoted after I came back. Will agree to my divorce, cheating in marriage, and having an illegitimate child. In that simple age, it was enough to ruin my official career and my life. After all, I don’t have the courage to resist fate, I am a coward.”

"Your mother was angry with me in the early years, and it was because of this that you were tired of living with grandpa for so many years."

Wang Zijin looked resentful.

"Marriage is not a matter of two people, but a matter of two families. There are too many interests intertwined. It's okay for the two to be happy. If there is no emotion, it will only be pain in the future, because you even have to do divorce. No. Dad supports you and Qin Ze, not to say that he is better than Zhang Mingcheng. If he is so good, you will not go home in a fit of anger. But if you choose him, you will have a way out. Take a step back and say that in the future, if he I'm sorry, Dad didn't have any scruples about cleaning him up."

"Also, there is an illegitimate child!!" Wang Zijin was so shocked.

She only knew that her father was fooling around with women outside in the early years, but she didn't know that the woman gave him a baby.

Only after living for twenty-six years did I realize that I have a brother or sister

"It turns out that Dad is also a scumbag." Wang Zijin thought of his mother's green head for more than 20 years, and when he thought about himself, he felt sympathetic.

After saying this, she regretted it, and carefully looked at her father's face.

But my father didn't care, and smiled.

Wang Zijin tentatively asked: "Then, what about the aunt? And the child, Dad hasn't contacted him for so many years?"

With just such a sentence, Wang Chengfu, who was still looking normal just now, suddenly collapsed.

The father and daughter fell silent, Wang Zijin didn't dare to speak, her father's silence explained everything, she thought that she might have touched his father's real taboo.

Just at this time, in the small living room, Wang Zining turned off the annoying current affairs news, switched to the Internet mode, and chose a song as the background music for playing mahjong.

It was a song that Qin Baobao sang on the stage of "Singer" last year. Among her series of high-quality songs, it was not outstanding, and so far not many listened to it.

The title of the song is "Girl Achu"!

far from the city

In my hometown of fero picnic smoke

There is a village called Beacon Tower

I once dated a girl named Ah Chu...

Wang Zining imitated the voice of a mature man in order to write new words, howling: "Miss Achu, the wind in the country is filled with your fragrance, and the lipstick kissed by the wind is about to cover it up."

When Wang Zijin looked at his father again, his scalp felt numb.

The old events suddenly burst like a flood, this man's eyes turned red and his lips trembled slightly.

Miss Achu

The tears of time tear away my disguise

Do you remember when I was young

Miss Achu

where are you at this moment

Do you remember when I was young

... ... .

Do you remember when I was young

All the past, all the past.