My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 8: like singing suddenly


Qin Ze took out his mobile phone and sent a message in the "303 dormitory group": "Anyone who doesn't skip class will be rewarded with a popsicle."

Soon someone replied: "Professor Qin is too insidious to skip class."

"Can I exchange the reward for a girlfriend."

"Men never lick popsicles, please buy me a cone."

Qin Ze smiled and pointed quickly: "Is an inflatable girlfriend okay? Let's be uniform, and everyone eats cones. I just passed by the canteen, bought the cones and went to the classroom. I will wait for you at the door."

After speaking, he put his phone back in his pocket and walked into a small supermarket on campus.

One cone per person. After buying, they walked leisurely to the teaching building with plastic bags.

Outside the classroom door, Qin Ze leaned against the railing, faced the classroom, took out a cone and ate it. Fifteen minutes before the start of class, students in twos and threes walked into the spacious lecture hall with books in their hands.

An open class held by five classes together, the classroom can accommodate 500 people.

"Qin Ze!"

Someone not far away called him.

Qin Ze turned his head, a smile appeared on his face, and three foolish guys came together. In the middle was a burly and honest man of 1.9 meters, Zhao Guoshan, a man from the northeast, nicknamed Baliang. Big shoulders, round waist, strong muscles, usually speaking, one "I" in one mouthful. Zhao Guoshan's name is too rustic, Qin Ze and others like to call him Zhao Baliang.

On Zhao Baliang's left is a handsome guy, Li Liang, a native of Shanghai, whose family is richer than Qin Ze's. His father has opened a large-scale foreign trade company, and Li Liang has three houses under his name. A proper rich second generation, but he is kind and easy to get along with, but he likes to go to nightclubs and calls himself an old driver.

The last one was a young man with an ordinary appearance, Liu Ziqiang, a native of Suzhou, with an ordinary family background, ordinary talents, and ordinary looks, and Qin Ze was both a "passerby" attribute. The motto that I usually like to say most is "A man should be self-improvement."

These three are Qin Ze's roommates. Although Qin Ze doesn't live in the school, the beds in the dormitory are reserved, and he only needs to pay the school for the dormitory fee. At the end of each semester, he will live in the school for a month, with his head hanging from the beam and his buttocks piercing.

Qin Ze distributed the cones to his roommates, and Zhao Ba took half of one in one bite, and said in a low voice, "Qin Ze, are you going to sleep in the dormitory today?"

"What?" Qin Ze glanced at him.

Li Liang licked the cone, winked and winked: "Last time you were tired of watching the 16G that you downloaded for Baliang, and the flirtatious man is eager to move, but there is no fresh blood to replenish, and playing with the five-finger girl at night is boring."

"Go, go!" Zhao Baliang patted Li Liang, his small body against the wall.

Liu Ziqiang watched the two roommates fight with a smile, and nodded towards Qin Ze.

Qin Ze smiled and said, "I'll give you the Xunlei account, and you can download it yourself."

Li Liang was taken aback: "Hey, are you willing to hand over the key to the treasure house? Are you hiding in the golden house outside?"

"Get out, it's not like you don't know that I live with my sister." Qin Ze made a gesture to kick, Li Liang hurriedly jumped away, "From now on, I will guard against arrogance, impetuosity, and masturbation."

"Let's have a meal together after class, and then sit in an Internet cafe." Qin Ze suggested.

The roommates agreed.

"Speaking of which, didn't you say that your sister looks very iconic! If she doesn't have a boyfriend yet, you can introduce her to us. I'll forget it. After all, the old driver doesn't want to find a girlfriend to take care of her. , but Ba Liang is honest and strong, with a good weapon and a good job, and Lao Liu, although he is a bit coquettish, but I feel worried for them every day when I see them fighting each other with left and right hands at night." Li Liang put his arms around Qin Ze's. neck.

"go away!"

The three yelled at him together.

The four leaned against the guardrail to eat the cones, giggling and laughing. As the class approached, another group of people came from the other side of the corridor. The leader is a handsome guy with a very trendy hairstyle, his temples are shaved, his top hair is styled, and he wears silver stud earrings in both ears. He is wearing a tight black T-shirt and white jeans. Walking around surrounded by a group of people.

Since there are passers-by like Qin Ze in this society, of course there is a protagonist who is sought after by others. Qin Ze knows this handsome guy with sword eyebrows and starry eyes. Who doesn't know the school grass? This guy is called Zhang Mingyu, from ZJ, a veritable rich man In the second generation, it is said that the family has three listed companies with assets worth billions of dollars. In comparison, Li Liang is like a turtle in front of him. University is no different than junior high school and high school. Middle school seeks to be a top student. A top student is welcomed by teachers and admired by female students. A top student is someone from the upper echelons of the school. When you get to university, being a top student is worthless, fighting for your father is the kingly way. But it is different if the family has money and is a top student. Zhang Mingyu is such a person.

He's rich, he's a top student, and he's handsome, so he doesn't want to leave a way for passers-by like Qin Ze to survive. Zhang Mingyu became popular on the first day of school, because he drove a Porsche sports car to report to school, and someone took a photo and posted it on the campus forum. The girls all shouted to give him monkeys.

As soon as Zhang Mingyu entered the classroom, Qin Ze and the others heard a lot of noise coming from inside, mixed with the exclamation of the girls.

Li Liang said sourly: "It's really arrogant, it's great to have money at home."

Zhao Baliang went on to say: "You are so handsome."

Liu Ziqiang said quietly: "Student masters are amazing."

Qin Ze finally concluded: "I really want to kill him."

Class was about to start, Qin Ze and his group quickly ate up the cones and approached the classroom. In the spacious auditorium, more than 200 people could be seated in a dark space. This large classroom can accommodate 500 people, so it is not crowded. Qin Ze and the others chose a few seats and sat down. Zhang Mingyu was sitting near the aisle on their left, talking to his companions in a low voice. The seats around Zhang Mingyu were occupied by female students who coveted his beauty and money.

This kind of person is the focus of everyone wherever he goes.

There were a few girls beside Qin Ze, chatting excitedly: "Zhang Mingyu, Zhang Mingyu is here too."

"So handsome, if only I could be his girlfriend."

"Go, I'm his right girl, it's just that people haven't noticed me yet."

"Young and rich, with such good academic performance, he is simply a national male god. If I can fall in love with him once, it will not be a waste of my four years of school."

"Dream, my girlfriend is a flower, okay?"

"Hmph, we must firmly believe that flowers and other things are the scenery in Mingyu Ouba's life, and we are Ouba's destination."

Qin Zexin said: Damn mentally retarded.

At this moment, a girl poked Qin Ze's arm with the tip of a pen, and said impatiently, "Hey, classmate, you blocked me from taking pictures."

Qin Ze turned his head and saw those girls taking pictures with their mobile phones. No need to guess, they must be posting on campus forums to show off. I have seen many.

Li Liang said with a dark face: "I want to take pictures and go out to take pictures. It's time for class now."

The girl sneered: "Can you control it? It's not about shooting you. Who are you?"

"If you are jealous of the school girl, you can tell by the envy and hatred on his face. He has such a crooked appearance."

"You shoot for us, we don't shoot yet."

"Spicy shot, hot shot."


Li Liang was furious.

Qin Ze tugged at his sleeve and shook his head. There's no need to quarrel with women. It's embarrassing to lose, and it's not a glamorous thing to win.

When the class bell rang, a middle-aged man walked in at the door of the classroom. He was wearing a casual suit, his hair was combed meticulously, and he had a Chinese character face with a serious expression. He was middle-aged and had a restrained temperament. Probably the so-called forty-five-one flowers for men. As soon as he appeared, the classroom immediately fell silent.

Professor Qin is here!

Professor Qin glanced at the big classroom and nodded all over the floor. Turned on the slide projector, took out the teaching materials from the briefcase, and said loudly: "Today we won't roll the roll, and it will save you two or three times calling "here" for your classmates. Every time I see it, I am embarrassed to point out you."

There was a roar of laughter in the classroom.

"Today I will tell you about two key knowledge of international finance: foreign exchange theory and practice, financial engineering, open the book..."

Qin Ze shrank his head, trying not to let the old man pay attention, and browsed aimlessly through the points mall, full of interest. This class is not a professional class, and the final exam is also an open-book exam. He is not worried, anyway, at the end of the semester, the old man will put a stack of textbooks in front of him, and mark out the key points inside. He just needs to follow the old man's way of tutoring. Not to mention being excellent in all subjects, it is certain that you will not fail a course.

A class is gradually coming to an end.

"I will assign a task to everyone before get out of class ends." Professor Qin opened a slide on the computer and projected it on the big screen through the projector. It was densely packed in Russian.

What the hell

The students were dumbfounded.

"This paragraph is excerpted from the "Hundred Years of Currency History" by Russian economist Andrei Peter. Andrei has always been a well-criticized economist in Russia. There are a lot of interesting things in it, very chewy. This is one of the interesting passages I picked out. There is currently no Chinese translation version. You can download it from my network disk, translate it, and write a A post-reading essay of no less than 1,000 words. Just send the homework to my mailbox."

Professor Qin is showing off his Russian again.

All the students thought in unison.

Qin Ze covered his face silently. His father was proficient in Russian, English, and Japanese, and he would show it off in class from time to time.

"Professor Qin, no need." Zhang Mingyu suddenly stood up, with a "protagonist" calmness on his face: "Правыониилинет, ноязнаютолько, чтоянепомнюниодногоднявмоейжизни, кодабыянепринадлежалейинеувс твовалнадсобойеёвласти.Онанепокидаетменяденьиночь;ятоженевыказываюпоползновения удратьотнеё, —связ, сталобыть, крепкая, роженевыказываюпоползновения удратьотнеё, ная... . . . "

He even recited the paragraphs of the article in a fairly fluent Russian, with some jerky pronunciation during the period, but except for Professor Qin, no one could hear the flaws, and the girls in the room were shocked and kept screaming.

The faces of Qin Ze's roommates all changed. Nima, handsome and rich, and more talented than you, the heavens are unfair!

Zhang Mingyu paused, and said with confidence: "This paragraph is about some social changes caused by the transition from the era of gold-based currency to the era of credit paper money. The author has high hopes for the future of credit paper money, as well as some speculation about future finance I have to say, this is a very far-sighted economist."

"Papa papa!"

The applause sounded, and the girls blushed with excitement.

At this time, Qin Ze received a message: "There is a task reminder, please check the host!"

"My God, Zhang Mingyu still understands Russian."

"As expected of my male god, I like it very much."

"It's amazing, this man is too good."

"I heard that there is a listed company in his family that was invested and cooperated by Russian capital. It is not surprising that he can speak Russian."

"Who is saying that Mingyu of my family is the rich second generation of a dandy, who am I in a hurry with?"

"That's right, some boys are from poor families and refuse to work hard. They just know they are envious and jealous."

The girl who spoke last gave Li Liang and Qin Ze a hard look. They blocked her from taking a picture just now, and they had a quarrel.

"Who are you talking about when you point at Sang and scold Huai?" Li Liang was angry.

"Classmate, your ugly face now makes me very unhappy." Liu Ziqiang said.

Zhao Baliang didn't speak, but glared at the girl. But people don't fear him as a burly man at all.

"Yo, don't let people tell you."

"That's right, I'll be poor for a lifetime."

"It's right that you don't have a girlfriend. The blind are the ones who fall in love with you. You can't compare with my male god."

"Look at how self-aware this classmate is, without saying a word."

A girl yelled at Qin Ze angrily.

There was a snicker.

Qin Ze turned his head and glanced at her, then stood up suddenly: "Professor Qin, I have a different opinion."