My Elder Sister is a Superstar

Chapter 85: Piano piece


On the Internet, the scolding is still the same, the navy is endlessly provoking trouble, and the netizens happily watch the show, occasionally cursing a few words.

"Baby Qin get out of the entertainment industry."

"It's really bad. You lied to us about the song written by my brother."


"Singing skills are really mediocre, look at her exposed recording, Nima, what the hell is she singing?"

"Not a single singer on the show crushes you. If it weren't for someone supporting you, you would be nothing."

"Blind, I actually like you so much."

"If you don't love yourself, it's a waste of my liking you for so long."

Qin Ze's Weibo brought disaster to Chi Yu.

"It's obviously a trumpet, and the number of Weibo posts doesn't exceed ten. I'm really blind, and I will believe Qin Baobao."

"Get out of the entertainment industry."



Soon, someone discovered that Qin Ze had updated Weibo.

"Hey, the trumpet tweeted."

"Tsk tsk, she still has the face to post on Weibo?"

"We don't believe what you say, hehe, want to clean up?"

"Damn it...."

"This, this, this...."

"My God...."

It's quiet, the Weibo below Qin Ze is completely silent.

A few minutes later, Qin Baobao forwarded this Weibo.

Star Art Entertainment, Gym!

Xu Lu was wearing sportswear, sweating profusely, sitting on the rest seat drinking energy drinks, with a towel around her neck.

Thirty-year-old young woman, beautiful and charming, although a woman of this age is the most charming moment, but after all, she can't stop playing skateboards after thirty. The skin will gradually become rough, crow's feet appear at the corners of the eyes, the figure will become fat and out of shape, etc., all of which are the natural enemies of women after 30.

In order to keep the girl's skin and figure, in addition to meticulous care, diet control, regular exercise is also required.

Of course, mentality is also very important. Xu Lu feels that her mentality has been very good these days, and she feels refreshed. Qin Baobao is finished, and her reputation has been completely ruined. At this moment, she might be furious or crying at home. Among them, Xu Lu tried it, but it was too bitter.

She was very jealous, not to mention that Qin Baobao stole her spot, he was younger, more beautiful than her, and had more potential than her. And, both are singers,

Everything is controlled by her and Kang Shi'an behind the scenes. As a price, she was almost spoiled these days.

Thinking of the various tricks she experienced last night, Xu Lu shuddered, touched her butt, and cursed in a low voice: "Damn pervert."

She took out her mobile phone to check the time, planning to take a shower and end today's exercise.


Information reminder, Kang Shi'an: "Come to my office, remember to take a shower"

Thinking of the various tricks she experienced last night, Xu Lu shuddered, touched her butt, and cursed in a low voice: "Damn pervert."

Kang Shi'an recently fell in love with her...

Outside the gym, Xu Lu's assistant trotted in, looked around, immediately found her figure, and rushed over: "Sister Xu, it's not good, it's not good."

The old God Xu Lu was there, looked up at her, frowned and said, "I'm panicking, what's the matter."

"Baby Qin posted on Weibo." The assistant panted slightly.

Xu Lu sneered: "Let her post it, it won't make waves."

The assistant waved his hands again and again: "It's different this time, it's different."

Xu Lu turned serious, opened Weibo on her mobile phone, and searched for Qin Baobao, but she didn't follow that little hoof.

Qin Baobao posted a Weibo two hours ago, to be precise, retweeted a Weibo, and said in a simple sentence: My brother!

@Standing far away to see childhood:

"I read the news on the Internet, and I was confused. I was the one who accompanied Qin Baobao to the TV station to rehearse that day. There is no such thing as a rich second generation or a Lamborghini. Please, if you post a photo of a Lamborghini, I will become a rich second generation." Thank you for your unscrupulous media. If you post a photo of the "SH Center Building", then I will become the richest man in the country in minutes. I know that you also take money to do things. Although I am not from the entertainment industry, but similar means I’ve seen too much. Buying news and hiring sailors are just the means. Not much nonsense, please read.”

The accompanying picture is an electronic picture of the copyright of the five songs. After Qin Ze registered the copyright on the Internet, he mosaiced the signature and blurred the word "Ze".

Xu Lu clicked on the picture, her brows twitched. He sneered and said, "You go to contact the media, just say, Qin Baobao's photo is to cover up."

Netizens don't talk to you about evidence, and it's not a court. Three people become a tiger, and ten people can turn a rumor into a solid fact.

too young too simple.

The assistant's face was not very good-looking, and he said in a low voice: "Sister Xu, please read the next item."

Xu Lu swiped the screen and saw Qin Baobao's last Weibo. Startled, number of comments: 26588; likes: 12209

This statistic is a bit scary. Qin Baobao's reputation is less than third-tier, and after two hours of posting on Weibo, he has such a large amount of attention.

Still: my brother!

With a video.

Click on the video, the background is an ordinary living room, the furnishings are simple and tidy. A man is sitting on a sofa with a mosaic on his face.

The man in the video said: "I am Qin Baobao's younger brother, um, the author of all her original songs. In view of the recent incidents on the Internet, I will make an explanation here. The person who accompanied Qin Baobao to rehearse the show that day was Me, the man in the photo. Some people with sinister intentions secretly took photos, and created rumors, hired sailors, I know who that person is, and I won’t name them without evidence. Will take my word for it, well, let's speak with facts."

Xu Lu sneered, posting pictures is not safe, another video? So what about the video, you said you were Qin Baobao's younger brother, so that's it? Even if you are, I can hack you. Public opinion does not need evidence and authenticity at all. Whoever has the right to speak is the winner.

But at this moment, the camera zoomed in, and the man in the video tapped on two mobile phones, and a virtual piano jumped out of the screen.

What does he want to do? play the piano? Use this to play the piano

As if to verify Xu Lu's conjecture, the man in the video groaned slightly, and gently placed his hands on the virtual keys of the two mobile phones. The next moment, flowing notes sounded.

"Goddess of Light"

Xu Lu was taken aback for a moment. Of course she had heard this piece of music before. In her day, the school loudspeaker would play this piano every time of lunch.

The game is quite 6, and the two mobile phones can actually play the original feeling, which makes Xu Lu suddenly miss the middle school years.

She had met Qin Baobao's younger brother before, and heard that he was the author of those original songs. Xu Lu didn't believe it at first. He was young and handsome. It seemed that he had not graduated from university and could have such a high musical attainment.

Now she kind of believes it.

With this piano piece, his level determines the top.

"You go to contact the media and the Internet navy company and ask them to step up their efforts. I don't believe that Qin Baobao can turn the tables. It's nothing more than playing a piano piece." Xu Lu was a little calm and quickly thought of a countermeasure.

The assistant hesitated, and said in a low voice, "You watch the video first, and then consider whether it's useful to hire a sailor."

Xu Lu gave her a strange look, stopped talking, and continued to watch.

The piano piece ends.

She thought the video would end here, but she glanced at the progress bar, and the progress bar master was still a long way from being killed in battle.

"I don't just want to play a piece of music. I believe that there are many people who can play "Goddess of Light", but there are not many people who have written six high-quality songs. After listening to the piece I will play next, everyone will You will believe me. I am indeed the creator of the song, and Qin Baobao does not have the possibility of sugar daddy, because all the songs are written by me."

Seeing this, Xu Lu finally had an ominous premonition, she felt that something was going to happen.

As soon as this idea came up, a brisk note sounded. In the video, a pair of slender fingers were beating, which was kind and pleasing to the eye.

An unheard piano piece.

The sound of the piano floats in the gym, the rhythm is bright and pleasant. Has an intoxicating charm.

Someone turned off the treadmill and looked around.

Someone put down the dumbbell and couldn't help but leaned over, wanting to listen to the piano music carefully.

one, two...

Not long after, more than a dozen people gathered around Xu Lu, employees of Star Art Entertainment, starlets who did not receive notifications, fitness instructors and so on.

"This song is really nice."

"Yeah, I've never heard of it. Which foreign master's work?"

"It should be a new work. I have studied piano for several years, but I have never seen it before. The style seems to be Helza's."

"This young man is also good, the mobile phone software can play such beautiful piano music."

"Sister Xu, I'll go and listen to the video where I found it."

"Sister Xu, what's the name of this song?"

The people around were whispering to each other, Xu Lu suddenly didn't realize it, her mind was in a mess. She wanted to continue to smear Qin Baobao, but it seemed a bit difficult...

How to discredit

It's fine if people have pictures and the truth, it's not impossible to forcibly smear, but this video is too heaven-defying, and the piano music is so good.

She doesn't doubt the authenticity of the piano music. There are too many talented people on the Internet. If you steal the piano music of a certain master, you will be exposed in minutes.

How can it be!

How can it be! !

How old is he, and he has such accomplishments.

Even if Qin Ze writes ten more golden songs, Xu Lu will not be surprised. His own piano music is amazing. There are too many people in the world who can play the piano, how many of them have created piano music

It's completely different from popular songs.