My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 56: Ruined Dantian


Lou Muyan has not been here for a long time. She has temporarily restrained the arrogance that she once had left behind in the world of immortality. At this time, her mood has suddenly changed. .

She lowered her eyes and concealed the brilliance in her eyes. Because of the change in her mood, her temperament also changed drastically.

Originally, the temperament of the wind was light and the clouds were like water, but at this time it exuded a kind of arrogance that looked down on the world, and there was a bit of evil spirit between the eyebrows, just like a mandala that suddenly bloomed. The light on the other side of the Yellow Spring is all occupied.

"Come on, Gu Yanran, let me see how far you can reach with the help of external force." Lou Muyan raised her eyes to look directly at Gu Yanran, her bright eyes with a sharp brilliance.

Gu Yanran naturally also felt the change in Lou Muyan, but she had the illusion that this kind of flamboyant temperament should be what Lou Muyan should have. She shook her head and put away the hallucinations that should not have appeared. Today, she must have been stimulated too deeply by this waste.

People with some strength and cultivation in the field also keenly noticed the change in Lou Muyan's temperament, which formed a sharp contrast with the soft and beautiful Gu Yanran. This arrogant and flamboyant temperament instantly opened the other party several levels, only making people feel I feel that the lavender figure is more and more dazzling.

"Fengjian, go." Gu Yanran injected the huge Yuan force in her body into the long sword in her hand, and a storm immediately gathered in the ground.

She waved her hand and slashed, and a whirlwind with strong killing intent and coercion rushed out of the long sword, heading straight towards Lou Muyan's face.

Gu Yanran's time to use external force was limited, and she didn't want to talk nonsense with Lou Muyan, she just wanted to defeat the other party and destroy her dantian.

Lou Muyan was already prepared. Her current strength is only a high-level great swordsman, not on the same level as Gu Yanran, who has suddenly risen a level, but she has a lot of means, and it is not difficult to win.

However, during this period of time, she has exposed a lot of strength, so she decided to use the fire attribute elemental strength and speed advantage she had shown before to fight, and also feel the combat power of the sword spirit level.

The Lightning Leopard Kong released by Gu Yanran had a whole body of cultivation, but because of the loss of wildness and combat experience, his strength could only be compared to the first-level Sword Spirit. Even apart from the advantages of speed and physical strength, there are not many outstanding places, so she will win so easily.

At this time, although Gu Yanran had used external force, the strength she showed was a real high-level sword spirit. This kind of battle was interesting.

A fiery fighting intent burst out in her eyes, her footsteps moved, and she disappeared on the battlefield after a few dodges, and the sword energy condensed with the powerful wind element also swung on a stone pillar on the battlefield.

"Boom!!" The stone pillar instantly turned into countless rubble and burst open, and the countless remaining sword energy energy spread and shot directly onto the protective cover arranged by the referee.

The protective cover shook a few times and returned to normal. The two referees had solemn expressions in their eyes, and they looked at each other and continued to input Yuan force to strengthen the protective cover's defense ability.

"Lou Muyan, don't dodge." Gu Yanran's eyes showed a layer of blood red, and her anger hit her brain.

Her wind attribute Yuan Li originally used speed as an advantage, but now Lou Muyan, a fire attribute Yuan Li cultivator, took the lead, and she hated it very much.

Lou Muyan didn't stop, sneered: "Speed is also a kind of strength, you can hit me if you have the ability."

"Go to hell." Gu Yanran was eroded by the powerful force from outside, her mind became hot, and she suddenly had the idea of killing Lou Muyan to death.

After she injected the Yuan force in her body into the long sword, she kept slashing towards the shadow that flashed by, and a storm of sword energy exploded on the battlefield.

The battle platform was also destroyed by the sword qi storm, but Lou Muyan's figure still appeared and disappeared from time to time.

"Ah!" Gu Yanran shouted a few times with red eyes before attacking Lou Muyan, and the sound waves with the wind and energy spread out towards the shadow that kept flashing.

Lou Muyan squinted her eyes, she really underestimated Gu Yanran, this woman does have some talent, the sword qi sword array she used before has already taken shape, and the sound wave attack at this time can be regarded as a powerful means, but it's a pity met her.

After a pause, she stopped in mid-air, stretched out her hand, and suddenly a blooming hot fire lotus jumped out of her hand.

Gu Yanran also became ruthless. She gathered all her energy and poured it into the long sword in a desperate attempt, "One move will determine the outcome, Lou Muyan, you will lose."

Underground cyclones revolved around the long sword, and the wind energy gathered little by little to form a violent cyan cyclone. After Gu Yanran swung hard, it instantly turned into a cyan light and flew out. Incredibly fast.

Lou Muyan also felt the strong force coming, she turned over her jade hand indifferently, and countless red and bewitching fire lotuses fell out, echoing the first one, forming a group consisting of fire lotuses. The scarlet giant shield stood in front of him.

"Bang Bang!!" The cyan cyclone instantly hit the fire lotus giant shield, and a loud noise exploded in the ears of everyone. People with weak cultivation only felt that their hearts and lungs were suffocated, and they had the urge to spurt blood.

The blue and red rays of light intersected in mid-air, and the dazzling light pierced the entire sky.

The referee on the stage saw that there was a crack in the protective cover, and hurriedly called the other two people to support Yuan Li together, try to stabilize the protective cover, otherwise the sword energy and the hot fire element on the stage will inevitably spread to the students in the viewing area. .

The cyclone, which was weakened by most, passed through the fire lotus shield and directly hit Lou Muyan. Because the speed was too fast, she did not dodge and let the sword qi fall.

Then she was slammed by the force and took a few steps back on the battlefield, the blood in her chest surged, and a red bloodshot spread out from the corner of her lips. Because the dense net condensed by Yuan Li had already protected the heart veins, the injury was not serious.

She suppressed the injuries caused by the cyclone without paying any attention, the corners of her lips curled into an arc, and her cherry lips parted lightly: "Bro!"

Part of the energy of the fire lotus shield in the air was also offset by the cyan cyclone. After Lou Muyan's voice fell, they instantly merged together and turned into a red light that shot directly at Gu Yanran.

Gu Yanran originally saw that Lou Muyan was injured by the cyclone and thought she was going to win. She couldn't help showing a proud smile on her face, but she was startled by the sudden red light.

She immediately threw the green jade pendant around her neck and injected a burst of Yuan force, and the jade pendant instantly became bigger and protected in front of her.

She glanced at Lou Muyan provocatively, this is a spiritual treasure, and the amount of fire energy that can't be broken can't be broken.

It's just that her face that was still provocative and smug just a moment ago turned pale when the red light penetrated the jade pendant and entered her body directly, and a piercing pain hit her brain.

She couldn't help being half-kneeling on the ground, holding her dantian with both hands, her eyes horrified. Her dantian was actually broken open by the red light, and the energy in her body was overflowing everywhere like a deflated ball.

She panicked and reluctantly absorbed the spiritual energy from the outside world, but when she arrived at the dantian, she found that it could not be condensed and transformed into yuan power, and the only remaining yuan power in the body was gradually losing.

"Pfft!!" Gu Yanran's dantian was destroyed and internal injuries, a few mouthfuls of blood could not help spurting out of her mouth.

She raised her head sharply and glared at Lou Muyan, her voice carrying endless hatred: "Lou Muyan, how dare you, how dare you destroy my dantian! Our Gu family will not let you go!"

Lou Muyan reached out and wiped the trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were calm, and he did not take Gu Yanran's threat in his eyes. This woman is really rusty in her brain, and at this time her dantian has been destroyed and she is still so arrogant.

"Why do you have to fight for your family background if your skills are not as good as others? Oh, will our Lou family be afraid?" She curled her lips into a sinister smile: "Gu Yanran, from now on, you should enjoy the fun of being a waste."