My Ex-Boyfriend Became My Current Teammate

Chapter 15


After the rookie game, the training life returned to normal.

Recently, there have been a lot of rumors, Lao Wang and intelligence agents have been inquiring in the Jianghu for a few days, and when he returned, he wandered around the two training cabins, but he didn't see Li Zhongchen's tyrannosaurus rex——

It seems that only in that place.

Lao Wang pushed open the door of the special training warehouse of the first team, and was immediately choked by the smell of thick smoke.

The space of an Internet cafe box can accommodate up to six seats, and Li Zhongchen, Yao Tong, and the second team's nurse substitutes are sitting inside. This place is tailor-made for old smokers like them.

"I'm fucking a nanny, don't... Damn it, I can't figure out how to fight Kreber."

"Who can get two shield batteries?"

"Brother Zhong, come and get it from me, hurry up and make a circle."

Lao Wang took a closer look and saw several cigarette butts in the ashtray next to Li Zhongchen, with one still dangling from his mouth.

This is more than a relapse, it is simply returning to the nature and letting go of the self. A sentence popped up in Lao Wang's mind: the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change, but the dog can't change eating shit.

Until they end the game.

The takeaway ordered by Yao Tong and the second team's substitute came, and they passed Lao Wang, deliberately leaving a casual taste. And Li Zhongchen put out the cigarette, and honestly invited Old Wang to take a seat: "Brother Wang, how are you?"

what about.

Naturally, how is the deal with Qiao Yan going.

"It's no use. The first thing Renqiao God doesn't consider is the famous savage club SVG," Lao Wang sat down. "The outside world is saying that, so it's useful for me to be soft and hard?"

Li Zhongchen frowned: "Did you mention the signing fee?"

"I said it!" Lao Wang was also worried, "Five million a year, Jiangqiao New City can buy two houses! God Qiao didn't even bat an eyelid after hearing this, so can I continue to pester him?"

Three million of them were added by Li Zhongchen.

He knew that Qiao Yan was not short of money, but after leaving MW, there were only a few teams worth joining. He thought that Qiao Yan would at least think about it after hearing the high signing fee.

Li Zhongchen persistently asked: "He didn't say the reason? The style of play and tactics can be adjusted. With his ability, no one has any objections to the airborne captain. Could it be that he really plans to go to OPW to be Xu Hang's substitute? Xu Hang still sleeps at night when he knows Do you have to jump up and continue practicing?"

"Zhong Chen, why don't you tell others about it yourself, isn't it rumored that the two of you used to be good brothers? Although there were some conflicts and misunderstandings later, no matter what happens, you are better than an outsider like me."

"..." Li Zhongchen thought to himself, it's not that I didn't take the initiative to say it, it's that Qiao Yan didn't respond at all, so what else can I do.

At this point, Li Zhongchen lit the cigarette again, and the hand holding the cigarette trembled, as if he was very anxious.

Seeing all his movements, Old Wang stroked his dwindling hair, and said cautiously: "So what the gossip says is true?"

—About the reasons why the MW team and Qiao Di, the former Fulu mandarin ducks, ran separately.

Li Zhongchen took a puff of smoke as sparks gathered, and what he couldn't get rid of was Qiao Yan who was staring at him with red eyes that day.

He was a little sad, and lowered his eyes: "It should be true, MW signed a sniper and a nanny who came back from the European server, but there is no official announcement, and someone saw them return to China."

Old Wang's eyes lit up: "Wing and Lau? That's right, that's right. The Weibo post Qiao Shen sent really meant to say goodbye to MW. This is a complete parting of ways."

@Joe_: Don't come here without any problems, and there will be no future.

As soon as this Weibo was published, various interpretations emerged one after another.

Many passers-by and fans of the team complained about Qiao Yan's breakup with his old club, saying that he didn't miss the old relationship. After all, MW had also worked hard on the US lawsuit.

Of course, gloating Echo fans will inevitably come to sneer.

[E fan is coming to be mean again? ill? ? ? ]

[Expired washing powder has become fine, I see, master, come in and catch the demon@身脸别香师Online order]

Laundry powder is a black name for Echo powder, and the prefix specifically refers to the expiration of Li Zhongchen's fans, even fans.

And the only fans of the EJ family who are full of troubles in the city can go to war anywhere in the past because of trivial matters, not to mention, Qiao Yan is in the current situation and the opponent has come to the inner group. Muzzle bump.

"..." Li Zhongchen couldn't help but sigh.

His face was ugly, and he took a deep breath: "In the European server, Wing is known as the best target of the hundred, and the other is Lau, the lifeline god who has been tied up with Qiao Yan by fans for many years. MW can sign them together. It’s true, it’s really bloody, and the ambition of the sword to the global competition is really not small.”

"That's not it," Lao Wang sighed, "Poor God Qiao is still misunderstood by passers-by. He is obviously the one who was abandoned. He didn't want to go back to the United States. It's not because of the nationality and visa issues."

In short, Qiao Yan's contract is very troublesome. In order to enter a domestic club, Qiao Yan needs to have a certificate of being able to play professional games in order to successfully sign the contract. It was Boss Qin's idea to suggest him to enter the US youth training team first and then transfer to China. of.

A sixteen-year-old boy, who was not deeply involved in the world, was fooled after all.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but Li Zhongchen's eyes were astringent. When he saw those comments that were slightly dissatisfied with Qiao Yan, he couldn't hold back the anger that burst out in his heart. Coupled with the word 'abandoned' in Old Wang's mouth——

Without even thinking about it, he quickly typed a line and directly reposted Qiao Yan's Weibo.

@SVG-Echo: God Joe, come to our team.

He moves too fast.

When Pharaoh clearly watched him typing and then pressed the confirm send button, not only did he not respond, but the machine froze for a while.

"..." Old Wang fluttered in the wind, then jumped up and stood up, pointing at Li Zhongchen's cell phone with wide eyes, "You, you, you, you!"

"?" Li Zhongchen's expression remained the same.

Old Wang roared: "...My, my God, Brother E, what did you just post?! I may have been tapped by the sunflower acupuncturist just now, but I didn't stop you! I'll tell you if your account is gone!"

Li Zhongchen had no expression on his face: "You want to block my account?"

"Think about the consequences for yourself! I don't need to tell you what the status of those fans is?" Old Wang said, "Your account is still there but I am gone! Hear my old Wang's advice and delete it quickly." , I will send someone to send a microblog saying that it was stolen... "

Li Zhongchen didn't respond.

He kicked the ground and turned his seat to avoid Pharaoh, and left a message under the reposted Weibo: SVG welcomes you forever, be your safe haven, and deserves to be the lifeblood of the strongest healing soldier @Joe_.

Lao Wang really realized what it means to be called "every day should not be called" and "the earth is not working." He was about to cry.

But the two of them hadn't finished talking yet, and not long after, there was a rush of footsteps outside, and it was Yao Tong who hurried back: "You, surnamed Li, are you crazy?!"

Li Zhongchen ignored Lao Wang and replied, "No one will take it seriously, or do you not want Qiao Yan to sign in?"

"Damn... I definitely want to! I can wake up from my dreams and laugh when I can sign someone who is as stupid as Xu Hang. If Xiao Qiao comes, can I not want to?!" Yao Tong convinced him, "Why not? Are you serious? Are you going out, out..."

No matter what happened, Yao Tong couldn't say the word "coming out" in front of Lao Wang.

But no matter what, it's hard to get rid of the water. Li Zhongchen's Weibo has already been posted, and he has no regrets about deleting it.

Li Zhongchen stood up and said to them, "Don't worry about it, if you can sign Qiao Yi, you may be able to steal the fun, and besides, the signing fee will be drawn from me, so it's a sure profit."

After speaking, he went out alone, probably to change places to settle some private matters.

Yao Tong and Old Wang stared blankly at each other and looked at each other for a long time before Old Wang said, "I seem to..."

Yao Tong: "?"

"It seems to smell the smell of Haidilao."


Yao Tong looked down at the Haidilao takeaway in his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Let's eat together?"

Old Wang: "Forget it, let's eat something to reduce the fire tonight."

Yao Tong: "..."

Meanwhile, the corridor aisle.

Qiao Yan, who has no longer seen each other since the last meeting, sent a message on his own initiative——

Joe: We don't seem to know each other well now, is it interesting to post those misleading words

The sparks at the end of the smoke fell in a straight line and disappeared.

Li Zhongchen looked at these two lines of words, "the other party is typing..." was displayed on the top of the interface from time to time, probably the other party typed and deleted, and really didn't know what to say to himself.

He could completely imagine the frosty expression on the other side.

The angry words uttered from that pretty face are never aggressive, but every word is thorny, which always makes Li Zhongchen burst into emotional bursts, and has pushed the intimacy between the two of them farther countless times.

Fortunately, now through the screen, the atmosphere has not dropped to freezing point.

Li Zhongchen typed in a line and sent: Meet and chat? You and I were not in the right shape last time. As for the signing of the contract, I sincerely hope that you can consider joining SVG without any selfishness. If possible, can I go to find you now

Joe: Am I so pitiful that even my ex-boyfriend can't stand it

Can you not be pitiful? She is still a poor little girl who insists on being brave.

Qiao Yan also looked cold and unkind, but his ears were soft and his heart was soft, and he would not show his sadness. Li Zhongchen knew this very well.

In fact, regardless of his current status, Li Zhongchen hoped that the other party would consider joining SVG, not because of his temper. Instead, considering many aspects, signing Qiao Yan is a win-win situation for each other and maximizes the benefits.

What's more, he didn't want Qiao Yan to try to go to an unfamiliar environment and re-establish a relationship with others. No one would take care of him, and he could only handle everything by himself.

Joe: There is no need to see you again. I think I have made it very clear to you, Manager Wang, and I hope you will stop bothering him to contact me.

"..." Where did this stubborn temper come from

If it's a meeting, Qiao Yi's mouth is tough but his heart is soft. No matter how he refuses, his eyes are always wet.

Li Zhongchen thought to himself, Qiao Yan did the same thing even on the bed, he's really screwed up in his life, why did he only settle for this one.

But before he could figure out how to reply, Zheng Xiaokui's message popped up inappropriately, there was no need to click on it, it was completely displayed on the top of the phone—

Sunflower: Ah, master, I saw Weibo! You are so kind! With you, my star chasing journey is smooth and unimpeded!

Li Zhongchen: "..."

It seems that he has to buy two boxes of Melatonin Bubu for this girl.

Sunflower: Master, don't ignore me QAQ! Good apprentice, I am the number one supporter in the whole network to sign brother Xiao Qiao! Then why did I know Brother Xiao Qiao would go to Happy Valley on weekends! It was Xiao Suzi, the handyman who told me! Ah, master, do you want to go together? ! !

Li Zhongchen frowned.

He didn't care about his apprentice hooking up with the new star of the enemy team, so he hurried back to Zheng Xiaokui.

e. : Zheng Xiaokui, come to the second floor for me now.