My Ex-Boyfriend Became My Current Teammate

Chapter 18


"Mom, my legs are so sore, how long will I have to wait? I really want to squeeze to the front."

"We'll be there soon, Xiaobao, we can't jump in line. You see, these two uncles are so tall and obey the order, right? We have to learn from the two uncles."

"Hmm! I want to grow taller too!"

"Our little treasure is awesome!"

Hearing the conversation between the child and the mother behind him, Qiao Yan was a little embarrassed.

After all, he was not included in the queue for nearly fifteen minutes, and he was about to receive a stamp card. To prove that the two formed a team, Li Zhongchen let him come over, otherwise he would still be sitting in the rest area.

This is Li Zhongchen's original words: "Except for the children who are not watching, all the children are well led. Who is not waiting in line with the other in the rest area, standing for fun? Or do you want to be my child? Besides, this activity is also I said I would participate, so I would be ashamed to ask you to wait in line for me to rest."

"..." Qiao Yan was speechless at the routine.

The memories came to an abrupt end, and the people in front of him took their cards and left one after another.

Li Zhongchen and Qiao Yan took a step forward, and the little girl from the staff handed over the badge card, with a bright professional smile, repeating the sentence that had been said countless times.

"Hello tourists, this is the stamp collection card needed for today's event. After collecting five stamps, you can return to the service station to receive the mysterious gift before the park closes today. The collection card is only valid for the day, and the item needs to be moved to the automatic card outside the door. Draw the card at the card machine, please enjoy the happy time in Happy Valley."

Li Zhongchen and Qiao Yan said in unison: "Thank you."

He stared at the chapter card and pondered for a while.

The two of them walked outside the door. At this time, there was no one around the card dispenser. It was very convenient to just draw the card.

Li Zhongchen said boldly: "My old hand is not lucky, you can smoke it, otherwise it will be a difficult task at the beginning, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

He pursed his lips and smiled slightly, handsome and handsome, and added something.

"Priority is given to people whose birthdays have just passed."

"..." Qiao Yan was very confused, and wanted to say that he was not that weak, but changed the subject, "I said I don't really want to play, you don't have to take my thoughts into account, what is it like to make up my birthday with me? That's it. It’s nice not to waste each other’s time.”

That's the case, but what is hidden under the iceberg's face is Qiao Yi's hope that he can't deceive himself no matter what.

Reasonably persuaded him not to continue. After all, it has been more than a year since they broke up. Li Zhongchen didn't say a word of redemption back then, and now he is probably only obsessed with signing himself for the benefit of both parties.

Or he was ashamed of the past and wanted to make amends in exchange for peace of mind. In other words, it was nothing more than pity for him.

"It's a waste of time, it's rare to come here, you and I have nothing else to do today," Li Zhongchen said involuntarily, "I seldom had the opportunity to come to the amusement park before, besides, today's event should be to give away some small candies or something , Birthday candy is so festive, it comes with a good luck bonus."

His eyes were burning and his tone was sincere, making people imperceptibly perfunctory, Qiao Yan couldn't bear to refuse at all.

Qiao Yan couldn't help but think of the past, when he and Li Zhongchen were in love, he went to amusement parks several times, but whenever he encountered an event that interested him, Li Zhongchen's attitude was always—

"What about you, do you want to play?"

Qiao Yan knew his temper well.

Anyone who asks their own opinions in advance is nothing more than: I am free, if you want to play, I will accompany you, if you don't want to play, we will not play.

It cannot be said that Li Zhongchen is perfunctory.

But besides fighting in games, Li Zhongchen is rarely interested in other things. He is willing to accompany you because he likes you, but it is not rare for him himself. When you realize this, you will feel very boring.

"Then I'll smoke it." Qiao Yan was absent-minded, turned his back to Li Zhongchen and bit his lower lip, not knowing how to deal with the next situation, so he just swipe the interface with one finger, press confirm, and see what items will be drawn first.

The machine spits out paper cards—

Li Zhongchen had already reached out to catch it, and after tearing it off, he leaned closer to watch it with Qiao Yan.

"Go to the big pendulum clock to end a round of play, and then return to the balloon shooting range at the foot of the mountain to complete at least five successful explosions," Li Zhongchen read aloud, noticing the small words at the bottom line, "Congratulations on winning..."

His speaking speed was getting slower, and Qiao Yan couldn't help but pick up the words: "The most difficult project in the whole event."

Li Zhongchen: "..."

Qiao Di: "It's better for you to draw this card."

"What's so difficult! What's so difficult about shooting a gun! What a joke, we two are still afraid of shooting?!"


But the facts are often not always satisfactory.

The difficulty is really not shooting a gun, but the thrilling big pendulum clock.

The machine works, twisting at high speeds over 20 feet high.

Qiao Yi, who was in the sky, heard screams and cheers all around him, and was thrown into the sky, and then returned to the critical ground, repeating in turn, and finally ended.

Unbuttoning the seat belt, the sound of everyone's relaxation came from behind.

Subconsciously, Qiao Yan turned his head to look at Li Zhongchen, but seeing that the other person's complexion was not very good, his lips were turning white, and his heart tightened: "Are you okay?"

Li Zhongchen frowned slightly, and waved at him: "I guess I felt a little nauseous just after lunch."

See him sweating on his forehead, unbuckle his seat belt, and walk to the shooting range when he lands.

Qiao Yan couldn't tell what was going on in his heart immediately, he was anxious and irritable, he quickly caught up with him and snatched the stamp card: "You can play with whoever you want to play with you, I have no interest in it at all."

They stand close to the exit.

Not only did he block the tourists behind him, but he also got a lot of strange looks from others who heard that sentence, wondering why these two handsome guys still look like a couple who are having a fight.

In the past, Li Zhongchen would definitely have followed suit, but now he snatched the card back with one hand, grabbed Qiao Yan's shoulder with a shameless face, and led him away.

It doesn't matter if you do anything, he even blows into Qiao Yan's ear: "Baby, you're still so worried about me after we broke up."

"..." Immediately, Qiao Yan's pretty face turned red from embarrassment or something, and he ran away in a panic, "Li Zhongchen!"

Li Zhongchen gave a hearty smile.

But with a smile, the overwhelming feeling in his stomach came back again: "I'm not kidding you, I just sent Zheng Xiaokui and your good boy away, let's continue playing, it's not a big deal, just can you bring me a bottle of water?" ? It's so uncomfortable."

Having been with each other for several years, Li Zhongchen is still very prescient after all.

He knew that Qiao Yan was soft but not hard. Although the relationship between the two was extremely complicated and embarrassing, once the physical discomfort was exaggerated, Qiao Yan would never let him go.

Qiao Yan really sighed: "You wait for me here."

Say it.

Qiao Yan really went to buy water for him, but his face was cold, and he left sideways.

Li Zhongchen's mood was like riding a roller coaster, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

When he walked to the shooting range, he closed his eyes and hit ten out of ten shots. A group of elementary school students let out admiration and admiration.

At this moment, his stomach was feeling better, and as an emotionless killer, he put on his sunglasses again, passed by the elementary school students ruthlessly, and returned to the place where the seal was stamped.

When Qiao Yan came back, he was holding a glass of warm water in his hand.

Li Zhongchen, who had just finished stamping, was quite surprised. He originally wanted Qiao Yan to just bring a bottle of mineral water, but he didn't expect the other party to run back to the restaurant area. No wonder it took so long to come back.

"The shops around here only sell ice water," Qiao Yan said abruptly, "I don't want to hurt you, and I will be responsible in the end."

Li Zhongchen almost shed tears.

He remembered that he once read an article, which seemed to be a poisonous chicken soup written by a divorced man, saying that you only know about your wife's goodness after you divorce. Li Zhongchen felt very sad: "Thank you baby, I knew you would not care I."

Qiao Yan didn't bother to correct him: "Are you feeling better?"

This was said flatly.

And Li Zhongchen's heart tightened, for fear that the other party would make plans not to continue playing: "Okay, you can continue to collect cards, this time you draw, I won't believe in evil..."

Qiao Yan was worried about him in his heart, but he could only endure it: "Why on earth do you have to do this? What's the point of buying me a game with a conflicting style? Why force yourself to do these things? It's unnecessary, and I don't care interest… "

"Don't draw anything, one size counts for one size, now collecting cards has nothing to do with wanting you to join my team."

Li Zhongchen interrupted him.

After all, Qiao Yi was pushed into a blind corner, and the lively atmosphere of the amusement park was cut off instead: "Besides, don't you really want to play? After all these years, I still don't know whether you are pretending or are you really interested in these things?" It's not interesting."

"..." Because of his sudden approach, Qiao Yan lost his senses and forgot to push the person away.

Li Zhongchen moved his face closer: "This face is so pretty, and many people chased you afterward, why are you still single for so long?"

Qiao Yan glared at him shamefully and angrily.

It took me a long time to remember to fight back: "I heard that there are men and women who want to be slept with by you, I can't compare, which one is it?"

Unexpectedly, Li Zhongchen pulled up the corner of his mouth and smiled: "I'm thinking about the most attractive one, I really don't like the others."

The two of them were suffocated with each other, and there was nowhere to explode.

Later, Li Zhongchen didn't continue any more, trying to persuade Qiao Yan not to let him suffer in vain just now based on the principle of not wasting the first stamp.

People with a soft heart always have a common problem, that is, it is difficult to refuse others, Qiao Dieshang hesitated, and Li Zhongchen took him to another nearby card drawer.

The code reader draws the card.

The second project: Join Happy Shopping.

It's very simple, you can buy a small gift from any store in the amusement park and give each other a stamp.

Li Zhongchen gave Qiao Di a doll hand warmer that can be used in winter, in the style of a kitten.

Qiao Yan had no choice but to give back to Li Zhongchen a mouse pad with two Tyrannosaurus rex printed on it.

The third project: BALABALA, a hands-on little expert at the dessert station, has a bunch of instructions on how to play.

… In fact, it’s nothing more than spending money to make a dessert. Li Zhongchen fried the kitchen, but it was Qiao Yan who took the initiative to make a cup of hot cocoa.


The fourth project: the bumblebee rotates at high altitude, turning into a flying superman!

Qiao Yan: "..."

Li Zhongchen reflexively gagged: "..."

Qiao Yan hurriedly said, "I'll find someone to change it."

Fortunately, they exchanged a card with a couple to go to the Magic Pavilion to watch the show, which can be regarded as avoiding a lot of torture.

Collected four chapters.

For the last time, the card reader spit out the paper again.

Li Zhongchen prayed: "Don't be a high-risk project, the elderly can't afford it."

Xu Shi was tossed and turned for a long time, but Qiao Yan also relaxed, his brows softened.

When the card was issued, it was impressively printed on the paper—

Congratulations for winning the only three SSR cards in this event! Please move to the Star Hall to get the exclusive sweet stamp~

Qiao Yan was a little nervous.

It was only because the people around exclaimed: "Huh?! Isn't this a limited couple card, and two little brothers got it, it's too wasteful."

In fact, he is a soft-hearted person who can be coaxed, but the words that smack of ice on his mouth are not from the heart. For Li Zhongchen, his unexplained emotions are too complicated, and his stubborn side and fragile other side have all been digested by himself. .

Qiao Yan glanced at Li Zhongchen from the corner of his eye, and the other party smiled wantonly, with handsome facial features, unrestrained temperament, and even put his arms on his shoulders indifferently, just like when we were together.

His heart was beating uncontrollably, panacidity pervaded his whole body, and his reason was about to be overwhelmed—

Everywhere is my beloved, even if it's just a casual look.

At four o'clock in the morning in San Francisco, it usually doesn't rain, the wet tears become rainwater all over the sky, and the mess where the tornado goes is his normal state, and in front of him is the person he will think of countless times when he has insomnia.

Your soul is saying that you still love him, this feeling never gets old, no matter what you do it will be futile in the end.

Qiao Di resigned himself to his fate and thought, how could he fail like this.