My Ex-Boyfriend Became My Current Teammate

Chapter 32


"Brother, the popularity of these marketing accounts is not high right now, and it's probably because the people who bought the hot searches didn't buy enough," Xiao Xun said pacing, "it's early in the morning, but now I'm staying up late to cultivate immortality There are too many people, it should explode in less than half an hour."

As for that piece of news, to sum it up, it probably means that the engagement between Qiao Yan and Ni Naru is to deceive the public, and it has the same nature as a physical marriage.

And Qiao Yan is gay in nature, and he is having an affair with a middle-aged rich man.

"You idiot, if you lose the vote, you will be a shameless person at night, but you can really do such a thing," Li Zhongchen was furious, and the endless rage made him clenched his fists and trembled slightly, "Your sister-in-law has returned to the dormitory, the phone should be on You probably won’t be able to see these after handing them in.”

Xiao Xun's concern is confused: "This rich man didn't show his face, do you know him? I see that brother Xiao Qiao walked quite close to him in the picture, so I'm afraid it's real."

The so-called pictures taken by paparazzi.

I don't know when and what month the material was dug out.

Li Zhongchen explained: "It's the rich second generation who found out about your brother Xiao Qiao's biological family back then, what do you think?"

"...ah, I remembered, it's him," Xiao Xun had an impression, "I'm afraid Brother Xiao Qiao won't be with you, then I can't accept it."

"Can your sister-in-law like that type? Is she so unconfident in your brother?" Li Zhongchen is fine, and he still has some confidence, "Forget it, it's not too early now, I'll settle this matter myself, you go to bed quickly You have class tomorrow."

"Okay, I still have to catch up with my thesis homework." Xiao Xun was still very worried, "Brother, you can figure out a way yourself, I can't do it either."

"Okay, go to bed after finishing your homework."

After all, I ended the call with my brother.

And Li Zhongchen was confident in his heart, so he waited for Lao Wang to come to him.

It didn't take long before I hung up the phone.

Lao Wang arrived on time, in a hurry, obviously, he tried his best to keep the appointment just after receiving half of the mobile phone.

"Zhong Chen, what's going on?" Old Wang was like a frightened bird, "Hey, fortunately, I just took away Qiao Shen's cell phone. He looks very tired, and he might fall asleep."

Li Zhongchen frowned: "It's not surprising that MW released false information, saying that Qiao Yan and his fiancée planned to marry each other, that they were dating a rich man in private, playing tricks on teammates and fans, and more I can't say bad words."

"..." Old Wang couldn't help but couldn't bear it, "it's a bit explosive, let me sit down and take it easy."

Li Zhongchen didn't give him a chance to catch his breath: "I've met that rich man a few times, it's all fucking nonsense, Qiao Yan is really not that kind of person, let me post a few words on the official blog."

Lao Wang hurriedly said: "Don't worry, we must speak for our family, but why do you think this sounds a bit strange? If it is outrageously false, it will be easy to overthrow it? Then why buy it? It's embarrassing." Is it not?"

He literally hit the nail on the head.

The problem is that it's hard to clarify unless someone speaks up.

"What?" Seeing Li Zhongchen's sudden silence, Old Wang tentatively asked, "What is there to hide?"

"First... a cigarette."

After the words fell, Lao Wang really handed over the cigarettes, lit the fire, and the five-star service was in place.

But Li Zhongchen's eyes were blurred, he took a puff of cigarette, and he seemed to be galloping before the battlefield, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Wang, I'm telling you, but don't spread it out, I believe in your character."

Old Wang spat: "You still say this to me?! Give me back the cigarette."

"Don't, don't, don't," Li Zhongchen corrected, "You know Qiao Die's fiancée, a popular actor named Ni Naru, and this rich man is a couple."

"..." Old Wang was even more shocked, "Wait a minute, didn't it say that this rich man has a wife and children?"

"That's right, but each of us is playing outside." Li Zhongchen lowered his eyes and gritted his teeth, "It's Miss Ni's benefactor, he's the source of a lot of resources, but the rich man didn't play around so much later. , getting along with Miss Ni is very stable."

Old Wang's eyes were wide open: "Then Qiao God..."

"The matter between Qiao Yi and them was a bit complicated, so I've helped Qiao Yi, so I'm willing to help Miss Ni," Li Zhongchen said shortly, "In short, if Qiao Yi doesn't take the blame and Miss Ni gets exposed, then what happened to her The difficulties we face will be even more difficult, and the impact on the entertainment industry in the future will be immeasurable."

Lao Wang was terrified when he heard this: "Then I will ask the girls in the operation department to work overtime? Or Zhong Chen, what other countermeasures do you have? Although the e-sports circle is much more tolerant than the entertainment circle, God Qiao is miserable enough. It is really heartless to trip him up."

"Of course there are countermeasures," Li Zhongchen half-closed his eyes, "You first ask the operation department to post a Weibo warning the rumormongers, and if you don't want to be sued, delete the Weibo for spreading rumors quickly, and besides..."

Li Zhongchen finally said: "The rest I can do by myself."

that night.

Li Zhongchen sat in front of the plane until four o'clock in the morning.

He collected and packaged all the black materials he had back then, contacted people who could use his connections, edited the copy, and sent it to the marketing account.

I directly bought the airborne hot search, and downvoted those microblogs alluding to Qiao Yan.

What he did was too rough.

Of course, it’s more than that, he also posted a Weibo——

@SVG-Echo: Brother, the popularity trophy is so rare, how about I get it and give it to you? @MW-Wing

Because of Li Zhongchen's series of operations, the Weibo server was almost paralyzed that night.

When this microblog was posted, it was about to break dawn, and overseas parties and Xiuxian parties were still emerging one after another. They all speculated that MW bought the black blogs of Qiao Yan and Li Zhongchen in batches, which made Li Zhongchen so angry that he couldn't sleep.

——As for the fighting power of E fans, it’s not just bragging. The straight rise is no different from the peak period. Yu Wen’s Weibo has been bloodbathed, and Wing fans who have no resistance are unilaterally crushed.

[Sniper God, sorry to know you in this way, may there be no pain in heaven from now on]

[I'm mad at me, I'm mad at me, I'm sleeping with my ex-teammate's wife, I can't enjoy being a street mouse, and I'm going to continue being a rat when I return to the national server? ]

[You have done absolutely nothing, but your father was blown up and your mother is gone. Is it really worth being an orphan?]

[Here I am, come to knock the death knell on your bedside, if you are wronged, you have a debtor, if you buy innocent black material and post it on the hot search, it is your fault]

Are you relieved

Li Zhongchen couldn't tell, and he really didn't want to do this, but there was nothing he could do.

At least after he asked clearly that Qiao Yan's black material was really bought from MW, he felt chills in his bones, and couldn't understand that after so many years of helping each other in the same boat, in the end, Qiao Yan was reduced to being killed by the people of his former employer.

Anyway it's over.

He dragged his exhausted body back to his room to sleep, asked Lao Wang for leave, and planned to sleep until noon before getting up.

—It’s just that when you are unlucky, all kinds of bad luck will come to you.

Li Zhongchen is rough and rough, but he loves to be clean, and he falls asleep when he can't stand being dirty and smelly all over. Of course, this was also a respect for Qiao Yan in the past.

Unexpectedly, halfway through the shower, only cold water came out, which made him sober.

Endure the quick fight.

After taking a shower with great difficulty, he put on clean clothes indiscriminately, and hid under the blanket to sleep with the air conditioner and heating turned on.

I didn't sleep for long in a daze.

He felt hot all over his body again, and his head was dizzy. He touched the remote control of the air conditioner in a daze, thinking that the temperature had been raised, so he simply turned off the air conditioner.

I slept like this until noon the next day.

Li Zhongchen was awakened by a sudden knock on the door, his head seemed to be torn apart, he got up with difficulty, and stepped on cotton slippers to open the door.

"Li Zhongchen, you last night..." Qiao Yan outside the door changed his face suddenly when he saw him, "Why do you look so bad?"

"Huh?" Li Zhongchen was confused, "No, I stayed up all night."

He finished speaking.

Qiao Yan moved his palm to his forehead and touched it for a while.

"Are you sick?!" Qiao Yan frowned, his tone worried.

"How is it possible..." Li Zhongchen spoke softly, raised his hand, and found that his body really seemed to have a vague soreness, "How come I feel the same as usual."

Qiao Yan almost convinced him.

Throw him into the house, let Li Zhongchen lie back on the bed, and cover him with a quilt.

"I've never had a few colds in my life. How could I have a fever?" Li Zhongchen lay on the bed, feeling unwell but with a hard mouth, "Why did you call me in the morning? Not training?"

Qiao Yan, who had just fetched warm water for him, walked to the bed holding the glass.

He half-supported Li Zhongchen, stared at him as he drank the water obediently, and sighed, "It's already noon now, and you haven't eaten anything this morning. Manager Wang said you asked for leave, otherwise I would have come to you in the morning."

Li Zhongchen is still stubborn: "Then you can't say that I have a fever and belittle me."

"What are you belittling, why are you belittling you when you are sick?" Qiao Yan wanted to bite him. "I will keep the door closed for now. I will get you a temperature gun to check the temperature later. If you are sick, you can eat some porridge? Want to eat?" What?"

"Anything is fine." Li Zhongchen replied weakly, his eyes almost closed.

Later he became unconscious.

I remember that Qiao Yan took his temperature and knew that he had a low-grade fever, so he fed him porridge and some antipyretic medicine.

Until he fell asleep again and woke up.

It was found that Qiao Yan was still in the room, sitting on the felt rug by the head of the bed, fiddled with his mobile phone.

"Are you awake?" Probably because Li Zhongchen moved slightly, Qiao Yan immediately noticed it and cast his gaze.

"," Li Zhongchen found himself hoarse as soon as he spoke, "What time is it?"

And Joey realized this.

Quickly got up again, fetched some warm water for Li Zhongchen again, let him drink it by himself.

"It's past three o'clock in the afternoon," Qiao Yan said condescendingly, with a hint of worry in his tone, "You stayed up all night worrying about my business? Am I worthy?"

What is this called.

What do you mean you are not worthy.

Li Zhongchen has strong physical fitness, so it can be said that he has recovered at the moment.

But after sleeping for a long time, it is inevitable that he will feel unwell. He half sat up, leaning on the bedside cushion and looking at Qiao Yan eagerly: "Then am I worth it? Take care of me, a disabled young man, and there is no sofa in the room for you to sit on."

"..." Qiao Yan was speechless, and it took a long time to compromise, "Forget it, I won't talk nonsense with you if you are sick, we will talk later."

As soon as the words fell, Qiao Yan obviously wanted to move away.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhongchen grabbed his hand suddenly, with a strong force.

Qiao Yan paused and turned around in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"Don't go, okay?" Li Zhongchen didn't mean to be miserable, maybe he hasn't been sick a few times in his life, and he really feels vulnerable right now, "Stay with me."

"..." Qiao Yan wanted to say, are you serious, and you are not a child, "Brother, I have been with you for a long time, can you let me go to work and clock in?"

"No, I'm very uncomfortable right now, can you..." Li Zhongchen pointed to his own lips, "Kiss it?"

Qiao Yan: "????"

The author has something to say: Thank you little angel who cast thunder: [Zhou Zhou Fu Nian] x1

Thank you to the little angel who fed the nutrient solution: [Zhou Zhou Fu Nian Nian] x3; [Palostin] x2 bottles;

Thank you for your subscription and comments~ love everyone~

Hey, I'm going to sleep TAT