My Ex-Boyfriend Became My Current Teammate

Chapter 40


There are not many parking lots nearby.

Li Zhongchen lied that his friend was drunk until noon, and asked him to drive for him. After showing the car keys and reporting the license plate number, the security guard really had no doubts and told him the specific parking area.

As for Qiao Di's promise to return to the base at noon, it means that he will definitely not chat with Qin for a long time.

"I'm not going to engage in random encounters," Li Zhongchen slammed the car door, laughing at himself, "It's not good to embarrass you."

He parked Yao Tong's car in the same area, next to Qiao Yan's.

Qiao Yan and Mr. Qin had just met, so thinking of this, Li Zhongchen was not in a hurry, but also took the nearest passenger elevator passage, planning to go to the first floor of the shopping mall to buy a cup of black tea latte before returning.

Block people should be blocked smartly, whoever tosses who, he probably has this kind of mentality.

Shopping malls in busy areas are always full of people.

Li Zhongchen was wearing sunglasses. After placing an order, he sat down casually and waited for the clerk to call him.

Before his butt was warmed up, a fussy kid ran out from the ice cream shop next door, his mouth was pouted as if he was angry, his mother followed behind him cursing, and the two tugged back and forth.

Immediately the child was crying and screaming, screaming sharply, probably his mother was also annoyed, so she pushed him hard—

That's not the point.

The point is that the ice cream in the child's hand was not crooked, and it was buckled on Li Zhongchen's back.

"..." Li Zhongchen turned his head sideways and found that everyone was looking at him sympathetically.

"Mom, you have to buy it in the cold weather! If you don't buy it, you will make trouble!" The child was slapped on the head by his mother, "After taking a bite, I want to throw it away. I will let you eat!"

The child howled and cried, seeing the situation was scary, no one around dared to step forward to stop it.

The first victim in the national service felt as if he had stepped on shit. The mother and son ignored it, and only the Starbucks clerk offered to hand him a tissue, telling him not to get angry with people who have no quality.

Li Zhongchen only felt that everything was not going well, and he probably looked away: "It's all right."

He thought it was over

After returning to the parking lot and inserting a straw, Li Zhongchen discovered that his drink had been made into a matcha latte.

—People who have never eaten any matcha series of foods said that there is no one left for today's unlucky luck.

Too lazy to bother, Li Zhongchen threw away the drink he had only taken a sip of and stood next to the Mustang when he came back. He didn't do anything, just counted the time and waited to see when Qiao Yan would reply to his message.

Until the first cigarette was about to burn out, the message reminder came. [Qiao Yan: Just now I forgot to switch back to the Do Not Disturb mode on my mobile phone, and now I am having lunch outside, and she will return to the company later.]

Dark and cold underground car park.

Li Zhongchen's unexplained sneer sounded very ethereal.

He replied with a half-smile: Where is the baby eating, don't be hungry.

I thought Qiao Yan would ignore this message again.

Unexpectedly, the other party replied in seconds: Xuhui, I will go back soon, I brought you something.

"..." Li Zhongchen's eyes were particularly sharp, and he said to himself, this position is true, how dare you tell me.

Anyway, what can he do, just wait.

It lasted less than half an hour, and there were many passers-by, but when Li Zhongchen heard it, he identified it as Qiao Yan's footsteps.

"Are you and Yao Tong going to have additional training today?" Qiao Yan recorded a voice message as he walked, "I'll be back right away, about 20 minutes."

The message was successfully sent, and the crisp sound was amplified infinitely.

Xu Shi never expected that someone would tell Li Zhongchen about his meeting with Mr. Qin. Qiao Yan's footsteps were not in a hurry until he looked away from the phone interface——

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw that Li Zhongchen was only wearing a loose dark shirt, and the down jacket was being carried by the other party's hands. He didn't know why.

It was frighteningly cold here, and Qiao Yan immediately stopped in place in a daze.

"You were replying to my message just now?" Li Zhongchen's voice was hoarse.

It was the first time Qiao Yan saw Li Zhongchen like this.

That face was terribly gloomy, like a real reproduction of a thunderstorm, and the tone was unclear: "Let's talk."

Qiao Yi was completely frozen.

An unprecedented tension swept over his body silently.

"I'm not angry, there must be your reasons for what you decided to do," Li Zhongchen walked towards him, "I just don't understand, what can't you tell me?"

Because it's not a big deal, I was afraid that you would care about it, so I kept it from you.

Joey thought so.

But he couldn't say anything, until the distance between Li Zhongchen and himself was getting closer and closer.

So close that each other's faces will be pasted.

So close that lips met lips.

At first, it was like two wings collided lightly, and they were separated at the touch.

But right after, Li Zhongchen maintained his fierce eyes, lowered his head slightly, opened his mouth and bit Qiao Yan's wet lips, and then held it, and the sound of the other's short breathing came from his ears.

Qiao Yan did not refuse this time, but passively accepted Li Zhongchen's invitation, entered the state, closed his eyes, and let his tongue invade wantonly.

The sound of smacking lips is endless, as if the rain from the beginning to the torrential rain is such a process.

I don't know how long it lasted.

Until they parted, Qiao Yan's thin lips even became a little red and swollen, one can imagine how presumptuous Li Zhongchen is.

But in a blink of an eye, Li Zhongchen still had that expression, fierce and fierce.

"Because I knew that you met someone surnamed Qin, did you become obedient? Are you afraid that I will misunderstand or be angry? You know that I will be very concerned."

Then Qiao Yan began to cry. At first, his shoulders were only heaving and falling, and he couldn't hear any sound.

He seemed to have been greatly wronged, pools of clear water swirled in his eye sockets, he blinked a few times, his eyelashes were covered with dew, hot tears fell silently, and his whole face was soaked instantly.

Li Zhongchen didn't speak, and wiped away his tears with his thumb, his movements were very gentle.

It was precisely because of his action that Qiao Yan suddenly choked up.

But Li Zhongchen's internal organs were about to be soaked with bitter tears. He was silent, just bowed his head, wanting to kiss Qiao Yan's tears.

— Qiao Yan still didn't dodge, so Li Zhongchen immediately felt the taste of tears, very salty and sour, like the smell of his sea salt shower gel.

"Qiao Yan, I miss you so much, you pushed me away when I kissed you before."

But things changed later, Li Zhongchen repeated this sentence.

"What about you, do you miss me?"

For others, it may be just a year and a half without pain or itching.

But for you and me, it is long and deep. I lied to everyone and myself, but I really miss you.

Qiao Yan cried so much that he couldn't finish a sentence.

He was almost intermittent, with a strong nasal voice: "You... you were so fierce just now."

"I'm sorry," Li Zhongchen held Qiao Yan's face in both hands, and said softly, "I shouldn't kill you."

It is impossible to stop for a while.

Li Zhongchen hugged Qiao Yan into his arms, and stroked his back lightly. Hearing the sound of Qiao Yan's sobbing in his arms, he felt uncomfortable at all.

Maybe there are various reasons. Qiao Di was already very fragile after seeing his deceased friend, so it is not surprising that he cried like this.

The other party doesn't have a heart of steel, Li Zhongchen thought guiltily.

Even though he couldn't figure out the reason for the meeting with Mr. Qin, the one and a half day's vacation was Qiao Di's personal time saved by trying his best not to affect the team training.

Qiao Yan has always been thinking about SVG.

Li Zhongchen didn't doubt that Qiao Die and Mr. Qin had some hidden purpose in meeting.

He just thought that if Qiao Yan decided to join SVG, he should entrust these things as the bottom line to him no matter what.

Otherwise, how could Yu Wen take advantage of this loophole and make him lose his mind when he first received the information and learned about it.

Fortunately, it has calmed down a lot now.

At this moment, Qiao Yan's tears soaked the corner of Li Zhongchen's shirt.

His tears were warm.

"Didn't you always want to hear what I said?" Qiao Yan seemed to give up on himself, "I miss you every day after we separated. When I miss you, I really want to see you. I can't let you go. Are you satisfied?"

The tears in my eyes were endless and endless.

Qiao Yan also said something cruel.

But in the final analysis, he is just an ordinary person with flesh and blood, and his heart hurts when he said this.

Li Zhongchen didn't say anything until later.

He just hugged each other silently, and was taken aback by passers-by who passed by, and he was not afraid of any strange eyes.

Qiao Di's mood eased a little.

The sense of security that Li Zhongchen gives is waiting for you unconditionally, but not urging you.

Qiao Yan felt at ease in the embarrassment: "... There is no special purpose in meeting Brother Qin, and what I said just now is all the truth. I... didn't expect to meet under such circumstances."

"I know." Li Zhongchen's eyes were sour, and he kissed Qiao Yan's forehead heavily.

The sentence I said at the beginning: You and I can't love each other well, so it's better to let each other go.

But in the end, neither of them can let the other go.

Access from the parking lot.

Then to the slightly wider rear seat in the car.

The hot breath in the ear, the chest heaving violently, the bodies of two adult men are entangled with each other, and they are kissing passionately.

Qiao Yan was crushed under him, with his slender arms hooking the back of Li Zhongchen's neck.

And the feeling of numbness stretched wantonly, Qiao Yan panted, and explained: "Brother Qin wanted to explain that it wasn't Yu Wen who was working in private before, so don't misunderstand me..."

"Even though I owed me the contract renewal, MW never thought of harming me. I also said that SVG and MW have made such a mess online, and only OPW is the one who benefits the most."

Li Zhongchen listened to this.

He skillfully licked Qiao Yan's earlobe, and snorted: "Yes."

"He gave me a lot of presents, you know, he used to be very nice to me, he asked me to buy the tea..."

Qiao Yan was always afraid of Li Zhongchen's misunderstanding: "It just so happens that today I am going to invite me to dinner to apologize for the previous misunderstanding, and I want to return the MW team uniform. I put it in his car when we first met."

After saying this, Qiao Yan broke Li Zhongchen's head.

The eyes of the two were piercing, and when they looked at each other, Qiao Yan took the initiative to kiss Li Zhongchen: "Do you believe me?"

"Of course I believe you." Li Zhongchen touched his with the tip of his nose.

Unexpectedly, the catalyst for their reunion was Mr. Qin.

It stands to reason that the kiss was also kissed, and Li Zhongchen's hand was still inserted into Qiao Yan's clothes. The other party hummed softly from time to time, enjoying himself very much, but he didn't have the confidence to pierce the window paper.

Besides, Qiao Yan didn't seem to dare to mention it.

The two of them dared to do what these couples would do. After all, they had just had a fight, and it was too impertinent to say it now.

"Brother Qin's purpose is indeed not pure. I probably never expected that I would choose to join SVG, trying to talk to me one last time," Qiao Yan said, "But in fact, there is nothing to talk about at all."

As for what to talk about.

Probably Mr. Qin felt sorry for what he did before, and wanted to save some face in Qiao Di's eyes.

"But those are not important anymore." Qiao Yan said decisively.

"That's good." Li Zhongchen had already figured it out.

He was busy with the rookie competition before, and then the lawsuit also made the other party burnt out. After solving all the trivial matters, Qiao Yan was finally able to calmly say goodbye to Mr. Qin and his past in the national server a few years ago.

"Forget it, let's go back first." Qiao Yan felt that it was not appropriate to talk about it when they were kissing each other upstairs, "How can the group training in the afternoon only be the same as Yao?"

These words suddenly woke up Li Zhongchen.

The latter had a headache: "Yao Tong's car was driven by me, I guess I have to find a replacement driver to get it back."

"You drive his car." Qiao Yan let go of his hand, leaning on the car mat and wanted to get up, "Rang Rang, I almost thought we would do it directly in the car."

"I didn't prepare anything." Li Zhongchen was reluctant to kiss him again.

As a result, there was a couple of quarrels, and we kissed again.

Fortunately, there was a call from Yao Tong, and this behavior was stopped in time. Qiao Yan urged Li Zhongchen to answer the phone quickly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the call was connected, Yao Tong's voice rang through the cramped and ambiguous car.

He said straight to the face: "Fuck, have you come back with the surname Li?! Luo Yuji is actually left-handed, we were almost cheated by him!"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: [Parostin] x2~

Thanks for subscribing and commenting, this chapter is too stuck, I wrote it now