My Ex-Boyfriend Became My Current Teammate

Chapter 41


Along the way, Li Zhongchen and Qiao Yan coincidentally agreed that appeasing Yao Tong's emotions was the most important thing, and then began to think of countermeasures to stabilize the morale of the army.

Like Yao Tong, who has grown up in the greenhouse so far, has gone smoothly, and is a Buddhist youth with a gentle and kind nature.

He has a good temper, and he can't be cruel to people without touching the bottom line when things happen. He is soft-hearted and sympathetic. In addition, Ronaldinho next door also grasped what he cares about the most. Yao Tong probably won't let it go easily. Let go of the concern for others.

"In the past, his messy ex-girlfriends were all crying and saying they liked him, so he agreed to be together," Li Zhongchen said helplessly, "It may be difficult for him to reject others' favors."

Presumably this is the case.

Prescribing the right medicine, after returning to the SVG club, the small meeting of the three was held as scheduled.

"In short, I was bored at noon today and went through Luo Yuji's various videos," Yao Tong said calmly, "Isn't he very literary and artistic and loves to record some daily things? What about brushing your teeth, taking a hair dryer, and raising a glass to drink?" Water, the whole fucking left hand."

But those who greeted his words were Li Zhongchen and Qiao Yan who said in unison: "This is a conspiracy."

"..." Yao Tong was full of question marks, "Huh?"

Now, it's time for Qiao Yi's performance.

He gave full play to his standing and reliable personality: "Let me talk about my opinion first. I have also stayed in the European server for several years. Luo Yuji has never been dug out by anyone, or he is as clean as Zhang. Blank paper, or he is very smart."

Yao Tong frowned slightly: "You mean you think he's actually very scheming because he's different inside and out? But he doesn't look like a troublemaker either."

"No," Qiao Yan hesitated to speak, "maybe you can compare it with the current situation."

Li Zhongchen interrupted: "If you don't make trouble sooner, you won't make trouble later. It's just that the national competition is coming soon. You have to think about it for yourself."

"..." As the saying goes, when everyone gathers firewood, the flame goes high.

The two people on the left and right recognized this set of rhetoric, and Yao Tong inevitably became more and more convinced as he listened to it.

Qiao Yan's tone was slow: "Leaving aside the matter of buying black materials, at least Yu Wen did play a trick today, and his thoughts were not pure. How do you know the purpose of Luo Yuji's actions that day?"

Comrade Xiao Yao was silent, and he followed the MLM organization by mistake.

Then it was replaced by Li Zhongchen who was chasing after him: "Is it still far from the warm-up match? You still have a few days to count on your fingers. If you continue to struggle with these things, why don't you stop practicing? Let's have a friendship. Su did not play very well."

Yao Tong was so excited: "What the hell! The person who wants to write the letter is really him. I just woke up from my dream of being a boy. Don't I just want to recognize the reality earlier?"

"..." His tone was too aggressive, and the two singers who sang the double reed turned off their microphones knowingly.

It is estimated that I have been annoyed and impatient these days.

Yao Tong babbled on and on: "I don't care whether he is true or not, anyway, let's leave the word here. From now on, Tongluo CP must give me BE! Brother Zhong, just say that we are brothers?!"

Kissing is not really kissing, and there is no blood relationship.

Seeing Yao Tong's runaway state, Li Zhongchen replied immediately: "I must be."

Qiao Yan remained silent and switched to the role of a bystander.

"That's what you said. In short, my brother will accompany me in business," Yao Tong boasted, "Just drive away those little sisters who eat CP, I'm really fed up."

"..." Li Zhongchen just saw a ghost.

"You don't mind, Joe?"

Yao Tong's tone seemed to say: Anyway, you two are also in a state of breaking up.

You don't mind if you say you don't mind

Li Zhongchen thought to himself, I just kissed Qiao Yan until his knees went limp, you see if he minds.

As a result, Qiao Yan said very flatly: "Of course I don't mind."

Li Zhongchen: "???"

Yao Tong patted his knee: "Okay! That's it!"


This started a day where Li Zhongchen was in agony.

Yao Tong imitated what Luo Yuji said that day, adapted it, and posted a Weibo——

@SVG-Same: As a straight man of steel in the universe, taking this opportunity today, I would like to say that if everyone insists on forming a CP, it is not impossible, just change someone, my teammate Brother E is a good candidate.

What the hell, it doesn't count after he successfully sends it.

Then, under the pressure of soft grinding and hard work, he snatched Li Zhongchen's mobile phone, forwarded this Weibo, and wrote a chapter.

@SVG-Echo: The mutual support in the past seven years is so precious. You and I are no longer the ignorant teenagers at that time, but we still go forward side by side with our original intentions. We help each other along the way. Thank you for being by my side. Chinese medicine cp continues to be brilliant! What's up with Xiaotong!

Qiao Yan didn't think it was a big deal when he watched the excitement: "Your Zhong, his Yao, these names are quite good."

Li Zhongchen almost vomited: "What's the good thing? Why don't I know?"

The group training in the afternoon can't be delayed.

After solving this mess, Yao Tong felt refreshed. He wished he could match Luo Yuji in the game, and the two sides had a big battle. That would be a real relief.

"Come on, let's call it a day. I'll tell you that I'm a dog," Yao Tong said harshly, "Third row, hurry up."

"..." As for what Yao Tong is angry about.

As outsiders, Li Zhongchen and Qiao Yan said that they really couldn't understand his rebellious psychology of unknown origin.

After entering the state, everyone is a ruthless training machine.

Not only is it not easy to feel hungry, even Qiao Yi, who didn't sleep for a few hours last night, didn't even feel sleepy.

Until the day ends like this.

There is only one week left before the warm-up match.

Replenish your energy, adjust to the best training state, and continue to maintain it. In fact, this week will pass in the blink of an eye.

Li Zhongchen and Qiao Yan handed over their phones.

Lao Wang finally got Qiao Yan's SVG team uniform, and politely said, "Little Qiao, try to see if it fits first. .”

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Li Zhongchen always felt that the old Wang looked at Qiao Yan with kindness and kindness, full of the feelings of an old father.

"Go back and try, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Li Zhongchen directly grabbed Qiao Yan's shoulders and led him away.

"..." Old Wang was completely inexplicable. He felt that what the team bully said just now seemed to be slapping himself. He thought that it wasn't you who shouted everywhere before God Qiao joined the team. You should be nice to people and care more about the daily life of the new captain. Why are you still singing? !


who cares.

Lao Wang thinks he has a perfect score in both quotients, and he never cares about young people with low EQ like Li Zhongchen.

The wind at night was mixed with a biting chill.

But today is not what it used to be, and the image of the passionate kiss in the parking lot in the city in the afternoon lingers in my mind.

Once the two of them were alone again, this subtle feeling was quietly magnified again, and there was nowhere to hide.

"There's no rush to try the team uniform, or it's okay to wash it again for fear of allergies." Li Zhongchen stopped outside the dormitory door, "Will you come to sleep in my room tonight?"

"..." Qiao Yan's ice face was stained with a trace of blush, "No, I'm afraid you will touch your hands."

The training intensity is so great.

The current focus must be on career, not children's play, they both know each other very well.

But Li Zhongchen didn't want to let Qiao Yan go immediately.

With half of his body leaning against the wall, his powerful aura was extremely intimidating, and then he stretched out his fingers and moved them on Qiao Yan's face very gently, and smiled with the corners of his mouth pursed, his eyes were still obscene.

However, a deep voice sounded, and the words he spoke were full of respect: "How could I not know the importance, go to bed early tonight, put the newly bought shampoo in the bathroom for you, and pack those little toys , you can see it when you open the door."


Li Zhongchen lowered his head tentatively.

"Where's the reward?" He suppressed a smile, and deliberately raised his eyebrows in front of Qiao Yan.

The iceberg has already melted.

Entrusting all the words hidden in his heart, Qiao Yi exhausted all his courage just like back then.

On the one hand, they care about what the other person thinks, so they are afraid of being misunderstood.

On the other hand, when he saw Li Zhongchen's expression, Qiao Yan was indeed frightened and panicked. The grievances of these years flooded into his heart without exaggeration, and he couldn't control it.

"I thought it was a reward this afternoon." Qiao Yan's fluttering eyelashes seemed to sweep Li Zhongchen's heart lightly.

This is the end.

Li Zhongchen already tacitly agreed that Qiao Yan would be vague, so he couldn't help chuckling.

But Qiao Yan raised his eyes and moved his eyes away from Li Zhongchen's lips, and their eyes collided.

That look must be as seductive as possible.

Then Qiao Yan suddenly leaned forward again, and put his lips around Li Zhongchen's mouth.

Rubbing the back of the other party with the palm of his hand, the temperature was scorching, and the atmosphere was instantly ignited. Li Zhongchen also stuck out his tongue to respond, and the wet kiss lasted for nearly two minutes.

After the tacit agreement separated.

Qiao Yan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth: "I've overdrawn my future rewards, so let's do it today."

Then Li Zhongchen couldn't help but burst out laughing heartily.

It's not that he dislikes being upright, but that although Qiao Yan doesn't say anything, he clearly expresses what's on his mind.

It was the same before, I was annoyed by your cross-border behavior, but I couldn't stand that you really just ignored him.

"Baby is so cute." Li Zhongchen was in a great mood, and pouted again on Qiao Yan's lips.

It is said that a little farewell is better than a newlywed.

Originally, the two of them had never let go of each other, and they could readily accept intimacy.

But that's not the same as saying it all: let's get back together, start over, and this time we won't be apart from you.

It's not that easy.

Who can guarantee that the same mistakes will not be repeated, just look at the present? Qiao Yan, who was so dazed back then and insisted on signing to a club in the Chinese division alone despite the persuasion of his family, is an example.

There are too many things in this world that cannot be done just to enjoy the present and ignore the future.

Qiao Yi stumbled hard.

Therefore, Li Zhongchen fully understands the other party's anxiety.

"During this period, we have been training hard, and it will be my birthday after the national competition," Li Zhongchen said to Qiao Yan, his heart beating faster, "We will make up after winning the championship, Qiao Yan."

In the deep night, Li Zhongchen's eyes showed firmness.

He was desperate, he could be said to have gambled everything.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-07 00:02:18~2020-04-08 23:49:47~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 3 bottles of Parostine; 1 bottle of Dan Ruo You Ran and Liu Duyue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!