My Ex-Boyfriend Became My Current Teammate

Chapter 44


After all, it wasn't on a private occasion, so the two of them accepted it as soon as they saw each other.

It only took a few minutes for the lights in the meeting room to turn on again, and the panting eased.

Li Zhongchen did exactly what he said, it was just a kiss, and he didn't do anything excessive.

Come out of the conference room.

The two of them acted nonchalantly on the surface and pretended to be first-class, but in fact, no one secretly looked in this direction at all.

The pretense is good, but Li Zhongchen is very obviously nourished by love, which is really contrary to the usual image of the Spitfire team.

But Qiao Yan had a thin skin, and his ears and the back of his neck were flushed.

In order to wash away his sins and cheer up, he insisted on avoiding Li Zhongchen, and planned to run to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water.

Li Zhongchen began to forcefully stop him: "It's full of ice water in this winter, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to directly paste it on your face?"

Qiao Yan's face was hot: "Leave me alone."

Say it.

Qiao Yan didn't give him a chance, so he covered his ears and ran away.

Li Zhongchen was overjoyed behind him.

He smiled like a spring breeze, turned around and went to the hall to find an empty seat, planning to practice.

When Qiao Yan came back, when he passed by him, the ends of his hair were stained with water.

Seeing that the blush had faded a lot, Li Zhongchen sat on the gaming chair and couldn't help mopping up his hands. He stretched out his arms and pinched Qiao Yan's face with two fingers.

"..." Qiao Yan stopped, and there was no one around.

But other colleagues who train together on weekdays have long since seen the strangeness.

It is estimated that everyone agrees with Li Zhongchen's deep soul like a straight man of steel. In the past, everyone thought that his elder brother Zhong was a career-oriented madman. Really tired.

But today is not what it used to be.

After Joe's team arrived, it was rumored that they had signed a new conductor, and it was clearly a team flower.

Therefore, it is completely understandable for an old otaku like Li Zhongchen to have a spring heart, and to do some things to amuse Qiao God in an open and honest manner.

But Qiao Yan said that this is really incomprehensible.

He felt that other people must have seen it from the corner of their eyes, but their reactions were very calm, as if they could only focus on the game world, and they would be severely beaten if they dared to peek over.

"Come here, I have to tell you about this."

Qiao Yan walked to the outside corner, Li Zhongchen didn't delay, and walked over with a suppressed smile.

But it was clear that the two of them had just changed from being alone to being separated, and it wasn't long before they returned to a world of two.

Qiao Yan opened his mouth very explosively: "It seems that I have to make three chapters with you. Do you know what an office romance means? Let alone mutual influence, it will be embarrassing for others to see."

Li Zhongchen couldn't help laughing until his shoulders shook.

"You're still laughing," Qiao Yan bit his lower lip, "and what's the relationship between us? Are you like this? At most, it can only be regarded as..."

Qiao Yi hesitated to speak.

In fact, I can't think of any words to describe it.

Seeing this, Li Zhongchen said in a playful tone, "I'm quite looking forward to it, what do you think it is?"

"Half a sex buddy?" Qiao Yan counted with his fingers, "Attempt to make a date?"

"???" Li Zhongchen had question marks all over his face.

After joking, Qiao Yan didn't talk nonsense with him: "Before winning the national championship, you have to make three chapters? If you have an atmosphere in private, you can't avoid it, but you can't joke in front of others. It's okay to do too much." Well, are you right?"

Sounds like a double standard.

Li Zhongchen asked thoughtfully: "To what extent is it an excessive move?"

"Suddenly reached out to touch my face like just now." Qiao Yan said.

After finishing speaking, perhaps because he was a little embarrassed by this description, he couldn't hold back and stretched out his hand, covering the position where the other party had just mobbed.

But Li Zhongchen was very wronged: "It's too much to touch your face, so before touching your face, the two of us still..."

The words were stopped just right.

Not only was Li Zhongchen belatedly aware of something wrong, even Qiao Yan's sweeping eyes were full of warning.

Li Zhongchen compromised: "Okay, then I will restrain myself."

But Qiao Yan went on and on: "The first chapter of the three chapters of the contract is the above-mentioned public places. Behavior should be maintained at a normal distance between colleagues, and the boundaries cannot be crossed."

Li Zhongchen almost collapsed: "There are two more chapters?! Then tell me everything, there is nothing I can't do."

What he said was really very different from what he used to be.

In the past, Li Zhongchen may not be able to do this even if he is smooth. Everything is negotiable, but it goes in one ear and out the other.

Qiao Yan couldn't help laughing and said, "No, don't make it look like you've been squeezed by me, I'm here to work for you."

But they both knew it.

Like what I said to the bald captain in the morning, other people may not take it seriously after hearing it, and no one can really believe it when they talk about it.

Qiao Yan thought for a while, and then asked: "Is it very pretentious to always make demands on you like me?"

"It's all small things. I should pay attention to it a little bit. How can we respect each other?"

Li Zhongchen cast his gaze from above.

What you can see is that Qiao Yan's gentleness is hidden under the coldness. When the other party smiles a little, his facial features suddenly soften.

"Tonight in the dormitory before going to bed, touch it as you like..." Qiao Yan also deliberately said, "My face."

Qiao Yan said these words lightly, and after finishing speaking, he turned his head and left.

The rest of Li Zhongchen didn't know how far his imagination had gone, his face was burning badly, and he thought that he couldn't do some practical exercise in this special period, but at least his ambiguous behavior was quite quenching his thirst.

The team bully's heart is really nourished.

Later, Qiao Yan deliberately sat apart from him.

After all, there is no double row, each has its own plan, and they can stick together all the time.

Li Zhongchen unscrupulously joined a certain trumpet, and ran to Xu Hang's live broadcast room to find the other party to play.

The live broadcast little prince Xu Hang is indeed live broadcasting.

Li Zhongchen saw through the live broadcast room that the opponent had reached the final round, and when Xu Hang finished the round and was about to start the next round of matching, he sent a team invitation.

But Xu Hang didn't accept it immediately.

He found an excuse to broadcast live.

Then quickly switched to another trumpet, and then took the initiative to form Li Zhongchen.

Xu Hang just said, "Brother Zhong, this warm-up match hasn't finished yet, so you came to seek revenge on me so soon? You have a wrong and a debt, so you can go to the variety show group next door to find Head Niu. "

Li Zhongchen twitched into a smile: "You are quite self-aware."

Xu Hang yelled wronged: "Then what... Liu Bei said it well, a wife is like clothes and a brother is like a brother. My brother also knows that with you, his wife must be more precious and precious, but why do I feel that I can't even compare with clothes? Brother Zhong, you have no heart."

Li Zhongchen twitched the corner of his mouth.

Just because Xu Hang was one year younger than them, he used to sell miserably day and night, and Bo cared for him. Now that everyone has separated, Xu Hang is still like this, so it is not too embarrassing.

Li Zhongchen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

Instead, he directly started matching passers-by, entered the game and started playing, planning to deal with Xu Hang later.

The OPW gold medal nanny is still playing lifeline.

Li Zhongchen also chose the lifeline hero, a double-boob combination, which frightened the passers-by teammates who were matched.

"It's ok, brother Meng, you two together? Double lifelines, double happiness?" The other party probably didn't recognize them, or they didn't pay attention to professional competitions at all.

Li Zhongchen said in a deep voice, "Double lifeline and double insurance are right."

Xu Hang probably didn't know what he meant at that time.

Wuli Xiaohang didn't realize what despair is until he actually entered the game, but he thought it was too late.

—Because Li Zhongchen didn't come here to kill the enemy at all, but just wanted to take Xu Hang's head.

In this game, except for some heroes' detonating big moves, teammates will be damaged and blood volume will be reduced.

But there is another way, that is, just like Li Zhongchen's passer-by female fan who cheated Li Zhongchen last time, just throw the thunder away, of course, this requires skill.

As for skills, there is really no need for others to worry about Echo.

In this round, Li Zhongchen was caught off guard at the critical juncture when he was just shooting with the enemy, and directly blew up the two teammates together.

However, before the passer-by teammate had time to turn on the mic, he broke down and cursed, Li Zhongchen had already activated the nurse's shield mode, helped the innocent passer-by teammate up, but ignored Xu Hang.

Li Zhongchen also thought he was reasonable: "It's too cold, my hands are slippery."

"???" Passers-by teammate, "I don't believe it."

Xu Hang wanted to cry but had no tears: "Whether you believe it or not, I have to believe it anyway."

Other teams are three-on-three.

Their team lacked Xu Hang, and the strength of the passers-by in the matchup was not very good, and the two-on-three obviously had the upper hand. The passer-by was also quite ignorant, he couldn't keep up with Li Zhongchen's rhythm, and even cursed and said that he couldn't fight.

"On the 1st, you are too foolish to blow up your teammates with your hands, how can you play so slippery, are you a jerk?!"

Xu Hang yelled at me from the bottom of his heart: How dare you say such nonsense? !

Not long after, Li Zhongchen didn't say much, and directly blew up his passer-by teammate to death.

The other party was obviously furious and threatened to report until No. 1 was officially banned to see if he dared to use it, and it was accompanied by a lot of dirty words.

The nanny operated by Li Zhongchen is climbing on the mountain.

I had to take the time to turn off this person's microphone, but fortunately he didn't have any psychological fluctuations, and Xu Hang scolded him twice: "Practice your own operations when you have time, don't doubt whether others are okay if you are free, little brother .”

Xu Hang probably was afraid that Li Zhongchen would be in a bad mood and that he would suffer disaster.

Later, passers-by did the same, quit the game and thought they were unlucky.

It's no fun for Li Zhongchen to fight alone, so he searches around for things and chats with Xu Hang when he has nothing to say.

"I already knew that it was your Niu's little trick. On the day of the grand ceremony, you pretended to run to our table. Who are you, Hangzi, who has no heart?"

Xu Hang said wearily: "I really didn't know at first, but I only heard about it later, Brother Zhong, you can't trust others, can't you trust me?"

Li Zhongchen sneered: "I can't believe it."

The final circle is shrunk to the southernmost water purification plant.

Li Zhongchen went around from the dispersal station, colliding with the enemy along the way, and killed the enemy directly with the R99 double mirror at a long distance. He was hiding and fighting, and playing alone was so fun.

The subconscious muscle reaction cultivated by years of training, commonly known as muscle memory, will never affect the dialogue between him and Xu Hang no matter how chaotic the fighting scene is.

Xu Hang tentatively said, "Brother Zhong, if we don't wait a while, we'll be in a double row with other passers-by, so we can chat."

Li Zhongchen: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Xu Hang laughed: "Don't be so defensive, okay? I didn't direct what Boss Niu did, and I must be of the same mind with you and my sister-in-law, but now there is no way to live with others. "

Li Zhongchen said flatly: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you. In fact, I want to ask you something about the Korean players that AC bought."

"You mean Cui Hanbin? By the way, SVG is hitting the AC loft tomorrow," Xu Hang added, rather superstitiously, "Why is the order of the lottery this time so similar to that of the rookie competition? Could it be the result? Our team is down to third."

"Then he will be able to win the first place in MW? Can you please stop embarrassing our common enemy." Li Zhongchen mocked.

Xu Hang's tone was excited: "That's not the case. Now who doesn't say that my old club of Hangzai has bought an awesome team jersey, and this year's Champions Cup is considered stable."

team flower

Li Zhongchen raised a handsome eyebrow, thinking that this title is quite interesting.

In the past, Qiao Yan was known as a severe madman in MW.

The commanders all have some commonalities, are clear and unsmiling, but the team flower seems too soft and easy to overthrow.

But it is true that Qiao Di's appearance is well-deserved... the team flower.

Li Zhongchen himself had a wild fantasy.

Still thinking that he is the local leader in the team anyway, wouldn't it be justifiable to overthrow the team flower? A natural couple, the more you think about it, the more comfortable you become.

But Xu Hang didn't think too much about it, and was worried that his elder brother Zhong would end up womanizing Qiao Yan's statement in the accident world.

"Isn't that because it's been rumored on the Internet that Qiao Shen and our Zhong brother are old friends who fell in love and killed each other, okay? It is said that SVG has a pair of model husband and wife, and they join forces to win the trophy?"

Li Zhongchen secretly laughed in his heart: "You can shout slogans on Weibo, really."

In fact, they can talk about it in private.

Qiao Yan probably didn't like to listen to it very much. His appearance was indeed soft and he was very clingy to himself, but if he heard the feminized rhetoric, he probably wouldn't be able to accept it.

... Li Zhongchen remembered that there were some other activities in the past.

Qiao Yan was forcibly cueed by the host to call him to wear women's clothing, but he instinctively rejected it. It should be a rare time for Qiao Yan to "play big names" and not give a good face.

The two of them went astray as they talked.

Li Zhongchen easily ate the chicken in this round and quit the game.

Then he and Xu Hang chose the combination of Assaulter and Nanny, loaded the cache again, did not match passers-by, and started a new round.

Xu Hang returned to the topic: "The Hanbok has been in a downturn for the past two years, especially Cui Hanbin's original team, which used to be able to rank in the top three in the Hanbok and now where is the water skiing. Others can't do it, but he has been on the level. I guess The prices offered by other local clubs were not to his liking, so he agreed to sign with AC."

When he said this.

Li Zhongchen couldn't help but shift his gaze to the palm of his right hand.

No scars can be seen for a long time, it seems that this hand, leading him all the way up, and the famous general who has won him endless honors, has never had any mistakes.

Not really.

That year's sub-regional competition was postponed to the autumn and held in Busan, South Korea.

Then Li Zhongchen hid almost everyone, and returned to China a few days after the end of the sub-regional competition.

At that time, he was wounded on his hand, whether it was serious or not, only he knew in his heart that success and defeat were really just a difference of thought.

I still remember what happened at that time, which indirectly caused too many regrets and misunderstandings, even breaking up with Qiao Yan. To be honest, Li Zhongchen actually doesn't want to think about it.

But no one can easily erase the old things deeply stored in the mind.

His thoughts were disturbed by this memory, but he was brought back to reality by Xu Hang's shout.

"I rely on me, the airdrop is nearby, 187, let's go!"

Li Zhongchen let out a long sigh.

He reacted quickly, moved towards the target Xu Hang said, and couldn't help asking: "Cui Hanbin and his team were really famous at the time, once they lost, they probably wouldn't be reconciled to changing anyone."

Xu Hang's tone was as usual: "Is there any way? He is an assaulter who is above the line, but his two teammates are not good. One was arrested for taking drugs, and the other was suspended for fighting. Later, a substitute came on top. All of the matches were so badly beaten that I couldn't bear to watch."

That year's Asian competition was rescheduled to coincide with the European competition.

The MW team went to participate in the European competition and gave up the place in the sub-regional competition.

At the end of the sub-regional competition, the SVG team was unstoppable and won the championship trophy.

At that time, the old captain was still there, so Li Zhongchen didn't feel too much pressure.

He met some friends in Hanbok, and after the game, he was happy with the old money and let them play for two more days. Li Zhongchen made drinking appointments with people everywhere, but he did everything within measure, and never did anything he shouldn't.

Xu Hang kept recalling: "Brother Zhong, you were not on Cui Hanbin's team at that time... how many people had a good time? I remember you and Yao Tong went to their drinking game. Damn, you just didn't take me to play."

Li Zhongchen was obviously absent-minded: "The group of Koreans played too wildly. I want to take you there, and you will be taken away."

Xu Hang thought he was joking: "It doesn't count if you don't touch the bottom line of the law? I remember that one of the guys who played well with you is also in the first team. He can speak Chinese very fluently. What's his name?" with?"

Li Zhongchen's breathing was stagnant, and too many images flashed in his mind.

His throat is hoarse: "Quan Haoyu."

"That's right, that's right, Quan Haoyu. Wasn't he suspended for a whole year?" Xu Hang said to himself, "The whole person changed... I heard that he even did illegal things, not to mention his profession. Career plummeted, even life was ruined."

"I've been in prison for two years, and I don't know... Ah no, he should be released by the end of this year, right?"

Li Zhongchen's eyes dimmed.

Then he had to change the topic, and talked about the AC Loft team's purchase of Hanbok players in detail.

But in fact, they have already figured out Kim Hanbin's background in general.

It's just that Xu Hang's team is more jumpy because of the boss, and there are many gossips.

Afterwards, Xu Hang probably got tired too.

Completely in a state of lying dead, plus he loves to be aggressive, he talked to Li Zhongchen about something else: "Brother Zhong, are you and God Qiao reunited?"

"No." Li Zhongchen carried one on two.

"That's not getting back together... I think you're in a pretty good mood recently, I'm afraid it's almost time," Xu Hang said nonsense, "But I heard that Qiao Shen still has contact with his old boss, Boss Qin. After applying for Ruixing's membership card, it seems that God Qiao also has one? Why don't you pay attention."

Li Zhongchen smiled bluntly: "You are the only one who still wants to trick me? I have already done this trick once."

"..." Xu Hang smiled foolishly, "I'm still playing tricks on you at my level, you think too much of me, I don't care about you, I'm afraid that my buddies will be hurt."

Li Zhongchen didn't even bother to talk to him anymore.

At the end of this round, Xu Hang plans to change to another game to practice, otherwise he will continue to immerse himself in the same game for a long time. Not to mention the professional players trained by the devil, even ordinary netizens will get tired of it.

As soon as he left, Li Zhongchen realized that Yao Tong hadn't come back yet.

He was bored to search for the bald captain's live broadcast, watching his partner's beautiful performance in other people's territory, and earning gifts for others, so why didn't he take the initiative to come to my live broadcast room

Then he sent a message to Yao Tong: Who said that for twenty minutes, you plan to live in Ronaldinho's dormitory tonight

It took a few minutes to come back.

Watching the live broadcast, Li Zhongchen almost forgot what he had planned to eliminate Yao Tong just now.

Same: I was shopping for some food with him. I vomited everything I ate before and there was nothing in my stomach. How can I not fill my stomach? As a result, who the hell knows that the night snack bars on their base side line up for half an hour per person to start, so our happy hometown is better.

Li Zhongchen was too idle to be moldy.

He watched the live broadcast enthusiastically, and he didn't forget to reply to the other party: Then you two will return after eating, anyway, it's already here, if people want to keep you, you can live in, remember to change the prefix on Weibo tomorrow.

Same: Pooh.

Who knows that Yao Tong is quite well informed.

Asked again after a while.

Same: Did you play with Hangzai all night? He poured bitter water on me, saying that you bullied him, and you threw mines at him at the beginning = = I was speechless.

Li Zhongchen typed: Listen to him fart.

Now it is clear that OPW has nothing to do with personnel, and previously deliberately caused them to have disputes with MW.

If everyone's civic quality is relatively low, let alone professionalism, anyway, if there is a real fight and both of them are suspended, then there will be something to play.

Li Zhongchen said to himself: "I got into a fight with Yu Wen, but he is innocent? That's what he asked for."

Came back from the European server and took Qiao Yan's place.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with it from the perspective of interests, most people themselves are interest supremacists.

But if the house was on the eaves of his own house, then he would have to stand up and speak out.

Qiao Yan is so Buddhist, and he is used to resisting everything by himself. If he, Li Zhongchen, doesn't fight for his own people, then it's nothing.

The last online scolding battle was considered a good excuse. Li Zhongchen didn't feel regretful, on the contrary, he was very happy.

Li Zhongchen's mind suddenly recalled Xu Hang's nagging just now.

It is said that someone like Qiao Yan who is too attached to old love will definitely be dragged down. Even if he has a bad relationship with Boss Qin now, as long as there is old kindness, then Boss Qin will just wave and Qiao Di will walk back in a hurry.

Xu Hang also said without thinking: I am afraid that Qiao Shen will focus on two things in the game, especially when there are old teammates on the opposite side, and two sworn enemies who later occupied his position. When the time comes, the state will directly lead to poor performance. This mentality Work should also be done well.

Li Zhongchen felt that this was some fucking nonsense.

That guy Xu Hang is really stupid.

He almost said the words "Brother Zhong, I want to drive a wedge between you and your partner" in person.

At that time, he scolded Xu Hang so much that he couldn't find Bei.

But Xu Hangfei croaked: Damn, then you have to keep an eye on Boss Qin and get in touch with God Qiao. I don't dare to think about such a dangerous situation. It's not like we haven't seen someone surnamed Qin who is too scheming.

In short.

Li Zhongchen, who was first sued by the villain, couldn't help but fight back.

He typed a line: That dog Xu Hang also told me to be careful, don't let Qiao Yan have any contact with Boss Qin, he really dared to say it.

Same: Oops, the porridge I bought is finally served to me. What kind of delicacies need such a long queue.

Same: Hangzi really has hard wings, and he can still say such things, but... like Xiao Qiao's contact with his old club and the other side, it's really not good, but it's a private matter in the final analysis. Proper will do.

His last sentence contained too much.

Li Zhongchen and Yao Tong had also talked in private before. Since joining SVG, Qiao Di's style of play was at odds with theirs at first, but he has high demands on himself and is very responsible to the team, and has never slack off in any training.

Qiao Yan is the one who practices the most among the three. He gets up the earliest and leaves the last, and also watches various videos during his break time.

Because he was busy with rookie contests and lawsuits in the early stage, Li Zhongchen actually knew that Qiao Yan was very busy.

Qiao Yan was not soft and sweet, and he was bullied by others. He stayed at home when he had a bad fight with Boss Qin. He was simply a typical rough home nerd, and he had no chance to meet and interact with Boss Qin at all.

As for the last time off.

That was Qiao Yi's vacation that was shortened as much as possible without affecting the team as much as possible.

He would rather sleep less, and save time to meet Mr. Qin, whether it's returning the old team uniform, or accepting the other party's apology willingly.

But in fact, Li Zhongchen knows that Qiao Yan's behavior is by no means narrow and open.

The strange thing is that the atmosphere in which they usually chat is cheap.

It's the norm among straight men.

e. : Then according to what you said, Xu Hang is quite reasonable.

Same: I didn't say that, it depends on who you want to believe, whether you believe in Xiao Qiao, or Xu Hang's idiot.

"I believe that Xu Hang's bad mouth is not as good as trusting the fortune teller at the bottom of the bridge." Li Zhongchen was typing while talking.

Who knows just typed the first four words.

The chair under his buttocks behind him was hit by someone, and he couldn't help shaking. Then he slid his fingertips and sent the message directly.

"..." Li Zhongchen became angry and turned his head back.

"Master, Master! Important information!" It was indeed Zheng Xiaokui who was desperate, "I don't have Brother Yao's phone number after all! He even blocked me on WeChat. I have something very important to tell him right away!"

"Can you slow down?" Li Zhongchen was speechless.

Zheng Xiaokui cried and said, "No, no, I was wrong. Master, I ran too fast just now and almost slipped. I really have something very important. Can I borrow your mobile phone to call Brother Yao, woo woo woo woo."

"..." Li Zhongchen rolled his eyes and handed over the phone.

"Thank you Master!!!"

Say it.

Zheng Xiaokui quickly dialed Yao Tong's cell phone.

"Do you still believe Xu Hang or Xiao Qiao? If this chat record is seen, you will die." Yao Tong came fiercely.

But he never thought of it.

It turned out to be the girl's slender voice.

"Uncle Master! Uncle Tong Master Yao! Something is wrong!" Zheng Xiaokui covered her mouth, but her voice was not the same loudly, "Because I feel ashamed for eating your bullfrog, I hereby send an order to you. It turns out that Brother Luo is Left-handed! Left-handed! Don’t be surprised how I know this, anyway, Brother Luo from MW is left-handed! We were all cheated that day!”

Li Zhongchen: "..."

Yao Tong: "..."

Zheng Xiaokui: "Uncle, did you hear that? Don't be scared, this matter can continue to be investigated. In fact, I am also very curious whether the love letter was written by Luo Shen to you or not!"


Yao Tong growled in a low voice and came from the mobile phone: "Zheng-Xiao-Kui, I beat you!!! I'm fucking hands-free!"

The little girl was stunned immediately, and then the other party hung up the phone mercilessly.

She looked innocently at Li Zhongchen: "Master, master... what did I do wrong? I did it out of good intentions, so what's wrong with the speakerphone, brother Yao is so scary."

Li Zhongchen rarely showed his teeth and smiled at her: "Because the brother Luo you mentioned is sitting next to him."

Zheng Xiaokui gave a dumbfounded "Huh?" for a moment.

Then she mechanically returned the phone, forced a smile on Li Zhongchen, and said to herself, "Ah, what happened just now, why can't I remember."

Li Zhongchen watched her off: "Little apprentice, I wish you good luck."

It was almost twelve o'clock.

Li Zhongchen ordered two takeaway lean meat porridge.

When Qiao Yan came out of the special training cabin, he was obviously very excited, probably because of the aftereffects of the training game, but during the competition, Qiao Yan was always different from usual and full of energy.

The others had almost left, so he sat down beside Li Zhongchen.

"I bought some porridge to warm my stomach?" Li Zhongchen put down his phone, "The delivery guy should be downstairs by now."

Qiao Yan sank into the gaming chair: "Preserved egg and lean meat porridge?"

"There is also a beef porridge without chopped green onions. You can eat whatever you like."

Qiao Yan smiled at him: "Beef porridge."

Later, the delivery guy delivered it on time.

There was no one around, so they sat in front of the plane and opened the package, chatting and eating.

Qiao Yan took apart the chopsticks: "Tomorrow you can't just play casually when playing AC. To be honest, Cui Hanbin's current Chinese level scares me. I remember when you played with their Korean team before, not like now."

It must have been a lot of effort.

Li Zhongchen said casually: "And I got along well with the AC people, and there was no acclimatization. However, I will have to inspect the goods tomorrow to find out whether there is any water in this rumor."

You come and I have a few words.

A small portion of porridge will bottom out.

Li Zhongchen suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, so he had to go to the bathroom.

He moved so fast that he didn't take his mobile phone away. Later, Qiao Yan was halfway clearing away the takeaway dishes, when Pharaoh came to put away his mobile phone.

Xunzai: Brother, I may go to Shanghai for an internship during the winter vacation, and I have received several offers.

Li Zhongchen's cell phone was placed on the table.

As soon as the news came, it was good news for my younger brother, which appeared directly in the center of the screen, and Qiao Yan saw it at a glance.

Xunzai: I just sent a message to Brother Xiao Qiao, but he didn’t reply to my message. There are several companies here, can you help me find out which company is closest to you? At that time, it will be convenient to find you to play.

Only then did Qiao Yi realize it belatedly.

His phone should be off.

I don't know when Li Zhongchen will come back. It's late now, and I'm afraid that my brother will stay up late waiting for news.

Qiao Yan naturally took the phone and asked for a message.

— Li Zhongchen's cell phone lock screen password is Qiao Yan's birthday.

As soon as Qiao Yi entered it, it was unlocked.

He was in a good mood at first, with a smile on his face, but because he didn't have time to quit before, the first thing he saw when he opened the WeChat interface was the chat interface with Yao Tong.

"That bitch Xu Hang also said to be more careful, don't let Qiao Yan get in touch with Boss Qin, how dare you say that."

"Hangzi really has hard wings, and he can still say such things, but... It's really not good for Xiao Qiao to contact his old club and there, but it's a private matter in the final analysis. Just measure."

"Then according to what you said, Xu Hang is quite reasonable."

"I didn't say that. It depends on who you want to believe. Do you believe in Xiao Qiao, or that stupid Xu Hang?"

Qiao Yan saw this.

Further down are the last four words Li Zhongchen uttered.

"I believe in Xu Hang."

His fingertips felt cold.

As if being immersed in cold water, his whole body was extremely stiff and chilling to the bone.

After more than ten minutes.

When Li Zhongchen returned to the hall, the takeaway boxes were packed away, and there was nothing on the table except for the monitor, keyboard and mouse.

The mobile phone should have been confiscated by Lao Wang.

But Li Zhongchen felt very strange.

He didn't know where Qiao Yan had gone, and if he didn't say hello no matter what, he disappeared.

At this time, Lao Wang appeared in time: "Brother E, it's time to go to sleep, I wish you a good night and a sweet dream."

"..." Li Zhongchen frowned, "Where's Qiao Yan?"

The old Wang was very worried: "Xiao Qiao must be in his dormitory. Could it be that he is still in my dormitory? After handing in both your mobile phone and his mobile phone, go back to take a shower and rest."

Li Zhongchen was not in the mood to joke with him: "Then why did he leave without waiting for me?"

"How do I know?" Old Wang glanced at him a little strangely.

But Lao Wang didn't think much about it, and urged the team bully to rest early and recharge his batteries, and continue to be superb in tomorrow's warm-up match.

And Li Zhongchen didn't waste his words with him.

There was a bad premonition in my heart, Qiao Yan would never leave early if nothing happened, there must be some other reason.

When he returned to his room, he found that the lights were off and it was empty.

Qiao Yan's absence made him even more convinced that something must have happened. After all, the two of them slept together every day recently. Of course, they were just sleeping together and not playing hooligans—

Therefore, he was full of apprehension.

There was a light knock on the door next door.


no response.

Li Zhongchen tapped again: "Qiao Yan?"

Still no one answered him.

"..." Li Zhongchen was fidgeting now, he only needed to go to the bathroom, how could he still lose his partner? He didn't believe it.

He persevered and stood outside the door.

One person muttered: "Why did you come back without waiting for me, sleepy and want to sleep first? It's okay, open the door and let's say good night, and I'll let you sleep."

There was still no sound inside.

But Li Zhongchen knew that the other party would definitely be able to hear: "You don't know how bad the sound insulation effect of this broken door is... Besides, it's not good to disturb other people, baby, open the door for me?"

It is estimated that the phrase "poor sound insulation effect" has played a role.

After a while, the door was really opened by Qiao Yan from the inside.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Yan looked lazily, and there was a cold light in the corner of his eyes.

Li Zhongchen was stunned: "You... just took a shower."

Qiao Di was as dark as the pupils of a deep pool, and when he was speechless, there was an absolute chill and coldness.

Being stared directly at by these eyes, Li Zhongchen panicked inside. He felt that the Qiao Yan in front of him was like the Qiao Yan who just came back from the United States more than a month ago, who ignored him and resisted him in every possible way.

"No," Qiao Di's thin lips moved slightly, "Is there anything else?"

"What happened to become so angry?" Li Zhongchen couldn't help asking.

This scene is in front of me.

It can be said that Li Zhongchen asked the question knowingly, but he was unwilling to admit it.

"Why am I angry, go to bed early, Zhong Shen." Qiao Yan pursed his lips and sneered, but he was extremely stiff.

Say it.

He pushed hard on the door to close it.

But Li Zhongchen was one step ahead of him.

He stretched out his hand to hold the edge of the frame, exerting all his strength to fight against him.

"If you don't say it clearly, you have to close the door. Qiao Di, who did you learn this skill from?"

The smell of gunpowder is everywhere.

The anger of the person involved was choking, but they were all well disguised.

"Let go." Qiao Yan obviously lacked strength.

But he didn't want to back away, and kept pressing against the door, preventing Li Zhongchen from coming in.

Li Zhongchen's voice was muffled: "Don't be like this, just talk about something, I really don't know what I did wrong when I suddenly turned my back."

Qiao Yan was lifeless: "You did nothing wrong, it was me who was wrong."

They were so deadlocked.

It seems that the efforts of the past half month have come to naught, and the two sides were suddenly pushed back to the once tense position.

Especially when they were fine a few hours ago.

In the dim and hazy conference hall, the sound of panting came and went, and the kiss between you and me swept through like a storm. The silhouettes were layered, and it was so quiet that you could hear each other's heartbeat.

It was clearly what happened just now.

Why are you so far away from me now

"Isn't it enough for you to play with me these days?" Qiao Yan said angrily, "I don't think it's interesting now, why are you so serious."

The latter sentence was indeed his mantra.

Don't be so serious, what are you doing so seriously, I'll just tease you on a whim.

"Are you serious?" Li Zhongchen seemed to have been slapped.

"Yeah." Qiao Yan's eyes were cold.

It seems that what he said is true and completely out of his mind, and what you think has nothing to do with me.

Li Zhongchen just thought it was ridiculous: "Don't play this kind of game with me right now, how can I not know if it's true or not? You must be hiding something from me."

However, Qiao Yan no longer wanted to answer him.

The eyes of both of them burst into flames, and it seemed that they wanted to fight each other. Qiao Yan tried his best to close the door, but Li Zhongchen refused.

"Can you get out?" Qiao Yan was furious, and his anger was not normal.

"Qiao Di, do you owe it to me?!" Li Zhongchen gritted his teeth, "Do you believe me..."

His eyes were terribly red.

These words were indeed blatant and exaggerated, but it was too late to regret.

"Fuck me? That's all you can do, right?" Qiao Yan said coldly.

He had thought about it.

Li Zhongchen said on the surface that he believed in himself, but behind the scenes he had another set of rhetoric with others.

At the beginning, he was hiding the truth from the other party, but his original intention was innocent, and if he planned to sign into SVG, he could only have one heart with them.

But in the end, Li Zhongchen would rather trust Xu Hang, but still had concerns about himself. It turned out that everything was superficial, just to make him happy.

Qiao Yan was in front of Li Zhongchen.

Unbuttoning the buttons one by one, he said to Li Zhongchen: "Anyway, I just treat you as a friend with sex, so you can fuck if you want."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-10 23:03:57~2020-04-12 18:55:43~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Xiao Yuer from Brother Chao;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!