My Ex-Boyfriend Became My Current Teammate

Chapter 47


Qiao Yan struggled to get up, but was suppressed by Li Zhongchen's weight.

Unless there was too much movement and they pushed each other away with all their strength and hit the edge of the table, otherwise they could only stare at each other, unable to stand still.

"Can you stay away from me?" Qiao Yan said with a splitting headache.

But Li Zhongchen didn't move or make a sound.

Qiao Yan could feel Li Zhongchen's hand touching his cheek trembling slightly, which meant that he was very nervous.

Qiao Yan has also personally experienced this feeling of being carefully pinched and afraid of breaking.

In Berlin, which was hit by a tornado that year, countless houses in the suburbs were damaged.

German news reports asked citizens not to go out when it was not necessary, and all members of the MW team whose flight was canceled were squatting in the hotel every day and night.

Some people deliver meals, and the network is not limited.

Everyone stayed in the hotel with nothing to do, practiced hand speed until two or three o'clock in the morning, and then fell asleep, but Qiao Yan was different.

His sleep quality was not very good, especially after jet lag, it was difficult to fall asleep if there was some small movement.

During those few days, he was lying in bed and often suffered from insomnia. Most of the reasons were because he had a quarrel with Li Zhongchen before leaving for Germany. Although he reconciled later, he had long been accustomed to treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Qiao Yi finally fell asleep soon.

However, he was sober when he was sent an anonymous message. He couldn't forget how he felt when he saw the picture directly.

In the blurry nightclub box, body movements are extremely obvious, is there someone who wants to help Li Zhongchen

Qiao Yan really couldn't think of a man lying on another man's waist and pulling a zipper with his hands, what else could he do.

The important point is that in the photo, Li Zhongchen's hand was pressed on the back of the opponent's head impartially.

At that time, Qiao Di was also in Li Zhongchen's mood at the moment.

Afraid of losing, terrified, and even humbly remorseful about those scenes of arguing with Li Zhongchen before departure.

"Can you listen to my explanation? It's really all a misunderstanding."

But at this moment, Li Zhongchen said the same words again, exactly the same as what he said on the phone back then.

The mood of the day was just too bad.

Qiao Yan leaned loosely on the gaming chair, and even held the attitude of breaking the jar: "Yes, anyway, there are reasons for what you said, and they were all misunderstandings. Let everyone in the live broadcast room listen to it too. .”

Li Zhongchen raised his eyes in surprise, and looked at Qiao Yan.

He felt a pain in his heart: "Mute the sound in the live broadcast room first, let's have a good chat."

"No, don't you think it's getting in the way? If you make it clear, I can give them an explanation. I don't deserve fans if I can make it like this." Qiao Yan said calmly.

He was always like this. When he was angry, he said angry words, and every cell in his body set up a defense mechanism.

In the past, Li Zhongchen was too lazy to accept the other party's tricks and pushed the relationship to a deeper abyss, but now he wants to explain it well, but it is difficult to persuade the other party to resolve the misunderstanding calmly and thoroughly.

The sound of weak breathing came into each other's ears very clearly.

Qiao Yan sank into the gaming chair without moving, allowing Li Zhongchen to lie on top of him, neither pushing away nor pandering to him.

Until Li Zhongchen compromised.

He sighed, got up and turned off the live broadcast, and explained to the fans before the broadcast—

"I'm Echo, and I would like to explain to everyone that since Qiao Shen joined SVG, I have put too much pressure on him as a teammate and have not taken care of his emotions. I hope everyone can continue to believe in SVG. The next game will not Let everyone down, let's stop here for today, sorry."

Li Zhongchen seemed to have memorized an official manuscript, and after finishing speaking, he ignored the voices in the comment area and directly downloaded the broadcast.

When he turned his head again, he saw Qiao Yan biting his lower lip, his eyes were red: "Say what you want to say, I'll listen carefully."

"Don't be like this," Li Zhongchen wanted to calm his emotions first, "Can I hug you?"

Qiao Yan neither accepted nor refused.

And Li Zhongchen took him as a tacit consent, and stepped forward to give him a heavy, silent hug.

He put his palm on the back of Qiao Yan's head, maintaining this posture: "Did you see the message I sent with Yao Tong? At that time, I didn't finish my sentence, but Zheng Xiaokui interrupted me and sent it accidentally. How could I?" Do you believe me, Qiao Yan, don't... have no confidence in me just because of that incident, okay?"

Li Zhongchen's words were light and light.

It wasn't that he lacked confidence, but he was afraid that his tone would hurt Qiao Yan's heart.

Only now did he belatedly realize that what happened in Busan that year had such immeasurable aftershocks.

Qiao Yan's breathing was disordered, and cold sweat even splashed out from his body.

"I..." But just as he was about to say something, the phone vibrated at the right time, breaking the intimate relationship between the two of them alone.

Without saying a word, Li Zhongchen turned around and helped him pick up the mobile phone on the table.

But when it turned out that the caller was Ni Naru, Li Zhongchen's heart was like a boulder falling into an ice cave, the restlessness broke through him, it was not just an unhappy mood.

He didn't understand why this woman was so busy with her own career that she was so busy looking for Qiao Yan.

It's fine to look for it in normal times, but is it so difficult to take care of yourself in the special period of playing games

And Qiao Yan also saw the phone screen and knew who it was.

To Li Zhongchen's surprise, Qiao Yan suddenly pushed himself away, and said indifferently: "I'll answer the phone first, let's talk about your personal affairs with me later, and we will practice together in ten minutes."

His attitude reminded Li Zhongchen that he had had too much trouble with Qiao Yan on the eve of breaking up, and at that time Ni Naru also called several times a day.

On the surface, as the younger sister of a deceased friend, she is critical to the relationship between friends and relatives, and comforts Qiao Yan.

But Li Zhongchen overheard what Miss Ni had said.

Putting on a layer of skin is more than degrading him to nothing. Probably, Ni Naru always has her own set of principles in her rhetoric. If someone else has experienced it personally, if she is not complete, she will call her a green tea bitch.

Li Zhongchen even felt that when he and Qiao Yan were on the verge of being broken, Ni Naru really pushed him away. Without her, perhaps the situation would not have fermented so quickly.

But this is just his personal thought. Later, I heard others talk about it, and when girls comfort others, they will always be indiscriminate.

Maybe the other party's purpose is just to make Qiao Yan feel better, and not to target himself everywhere. Whenever he thinks this way, Li Zhongchen is unwilling to look at Ni Naru with too inferior and narrow eyes.

But now it seems.

How could it be a coincidence that Ni Naru made a phone call at this time, as if stuck in time.

The phone is still vibrating.

Qiao Yan noticed that Li Zhongchen was unwilling to leave, so he simply said: "Ten minutes, you and Yao Tong practice a round first, and then I will team up with you? Let me adjust my mood first."

He said so, what else can Li Zhongchen do.

Then he stuck it on Qiao Yan's face very jerky: "I'll wait for you to find me later."

Qiao Yan gave a "hmm" if there was nothing.

His thick eyelashes fluttered slightly, and his eyes drooped. This state was obviously seeing off guests.

Li Zhongchen retreated helplessly, and started to go out.

Just before closing the door, he vaguely heard Ni Naru saying: "Joe, I have good news for you, I won the previous role..."

Li Zhongchen has never hated this female voice more than he does now.

It was different from usual, the tone of his voice was pinched, and the coquettish feeling made Li Zhongchen feel uncomfortable, but he still didn't make a statement, and consciously closed the door of the special training warehouse.

Later, what Qiao Yan said to Ni Naru, Li Zhongchen could understand without thinking.

It's nothing more than: I hope I can deliver my good things to you, and be happier. If my brother is still alive, I definitely don't want to see you worry about these things.

brother, brother.

Does Qiao Di deserve to be tied up by your brother for the rest of his life

With a gloomy expression on his face, Li Zhongchen returned to the empty seat next to Yao Tong and boarded.

"Didn't talk well?" Yao Tong looked sideways.

Li Zhongchen said depressedly: "He is in a bad condition now, maybe I saw what the fans said in the live broadcast room just now... Forget it, I will talk to him later."

Yao Tong sighed: "How could this be? I didn't expect that pulling out Quan Haoyu would cause Xiao Qiao to be in chaos. Fortunately, the situation is not irreversible, otherwise something big will happen."

Both Li Zhongchen and Yao Tong knew the subtext of this sentence very well.

Tomorrow is the final of the warm-up match. According to the group play method, each group that successfully advances after the breakout match will have a chance to play against each other. This means that Qiao Yan will definitely fight with his old team.

At that time, it will still be in this state.

It is estimated that the poor cooperation will not be able to hold the pot. Everyone can see that Qiao Yan has a problem with his attitude. At that time, internal and external opinions on Qiao Yan will be great.

It is not advisable to act emotionally, as it may affect how many scolding the game will attract, even if it is just an insignificant warm-up match.

Tomorrow's final is bound to be very tragic.

Judging from this momentum, if SVG can't make any splashes, Boss Qian probably has to go back to the base and settle accounts with them.

But Li Zhongchen still believed in Qiao Yan: "No, I must have a good chat with him tonight, and he also knows the priorities will not go on like this."

While talking, they had already formed a team, and they were going to start a game against the second team in the distance.

But since Shuangshuang didn't turn on the mic, others couldn't hear what the two of them were talking about here. Thanks to the sound system of the Apex game, there would be no problems with typing or communicating with the built-in voice.

Picking up the gun on the ground, Li Zhongchen searched the room, talking non-stop.

"That autumn, the LA club on the US server wanted to send a lawyer's letter to poach people, which already disturbed Qiao Yan enough... But I think you also know that at that time, as long as Qiao Yan renewed his contract with someone other than the specific MW in the lawyer's letter, he could change it. Other local Chinese clubs can take loopholes and only pay for breach of contract, without having to make a special trip back to the United States.”

Speaking of these, Li Zhongchen felt extremely headache.

"But no matter what I said at the time, he was unwilling to enter SVG. One was that there were too many problems between me and him at that time, inside and out. I only wanted to solve the problems for him from my perspective, but at all I didn't take his thoughts into account. If I jumped to the team of my old rival, the fans of the previous team might scold him, and if I had such an argument with his fans, those little sisters would feel chilled."

What happened back then, Yao Tong, as a buddy who accompanied Li Zhongchen all the way, naturally knew it all too well.

He also had to admit that the facts at that time were too sad, but Li Zhongchen was a man with a strong ability to take care of the team, and his personal affairs did not affect the team's performance, so it was very smooth to go to Busan to participate in the sub-regional competition.

But before the sub-regional competition that year, the relationship between Li Zhongchen and Qiao Yan had reached an unspeakable level.

Yao Tong couldn't help asking: "Well, at that time, we went to the wine shop for a drink, and you deliberately kept it from Xiao Qiao... Brother Zhong, let me ask, you really didn't hold on to find another one outside at that time." idea?"

bang bang bang—

Following the words just dropped, Li Zhongchen shot Yao Tong directly in the game.

Yao Tong quickly changed his words: "Damn it, listen to me first, isn't that because Quan Haoyu really looks in line with your aesthetics? Although you are innocent, I can definitely testify to this!"

It was hard for Yao Tong to talk about playing together at that time.

But Quan Haoyu's appearance also belongs to the kind of soft and beautiful, not to mention, when he covers the lower half of his face, he still looks half like Qiao Yan.

"Damn it, you can't tell what's natural and what's been done?!" Li Zhongchen was annoyed.

Having said that, the opportunity to get to know each other at the beginning was when Quan Haoyu and a few teammates from the backstage of the game came to get close.

At first glance, Li Zhongchen also had this illusion.

Li Zhongchen said annoyedly: "At first I really thought he just admired our team, and didn't he take the initiative to talk to you at that time?!"

This is true.

Yao Tong hurriedly apologized: "It's true, it's true, I was farting just now, so don't take it to heart."

At this time, an enemy appeared around the corner.

Li Zhongchen quickly killed and cleared the battlefield box.

This didn't affect him in the slightest to continue talking to Yao Tong: "I played with them in Busan for a few days, and on the night of the accident, the box was dark and dark, and there were some friends brought by other people besides the gamers. Sixty people, if you really have a crooked mind, do I have to mess around with him in front of so many people when I am sick?"

Besides, no matter how unpleasant the quarrel with Qiao Yan was.

He never really thought about separating from Qiao Yan, let alone trying to do something that would destroy the bottom line.

Yao Tong was short of some medicine, so he also came to lick the box.

"Thinking about it now, it's really scary to think about it. Not only can't find out who the person who took the photo is, but also can't figure out the purpose," said Yao Tong. After hearing the bombing news, is it possible that breaking up and ruining your reputation can be equated with each other?"

"You also think that the point is that that person didn't expose the matter between me and Qiao Yan, right?" Li Zhongchen speculated, "There are not many people who know that Qiao Yan and I are together, so it should be easy to find someone, but really I have no clue."

Yao Tongxin said bluntly: "That's because you never considered that the other party is someone close to you."

This sentence is absolutely dead.

Li Zhongchen clenched the hand of the mouse for a moment.

The sudden silence made Li Zhongchen and Yao Tong a little embarrassed for each other.

Yao Tong paused for a few seconds before he came to his senses. He ran away and collapsed: "The people around me are not talking about me! If you don't even believe me, you really have no friends! Let me tell you! Are you willing to admit that you have such a failure?" ?!"

"..." Li Zhongchen was helpless, "I didn't say anything, okay?"

But the reason why it happened back then was not thoroughly investigated.

One is that it is not easy to investigate in a foreign country, and the other is that SVG quickly clarified that black material is placed on Li Zhongchen, just like many fake materials back then.

—But when that incident came out, at first many people believed it was true that he was a fan of Li Zhongchen.


At first, everyone didn't recognize Quan Haoyu, and they all thought that Li Zhongchen was on the road, and after the game, a game of 50 or 60 people was formed to fuck the fans.

The Internet is full of watching movies and eating melons: Echo is really a man of Langge, congratulations to SVG for winning the honorary title of Fuck Team.

As for that picture.

Quan Haoyu squatted on the ground, the posture of wanting to give Li Zhongchen a mouth is indeed true.

But in the bar box at that time, everyone drank some wine, some were high, and there were also many people who took drugs.

It's just that they were talking about other topics a second ago, and Li Zhongchen was surprised by Quan Haoyu's sudden overstepping the boundaries.

He remembered that his consciousness was floating in the outer space, and when he realized it, he reached out and grabbed Quan Haoyu's hair, pulling him away a little, and by this time his trouser chain had already been pulled halfway.

The box was full of boos and boos.

Yao Tong became unconscious because of drinking with others, and Li Zhongchen was not much better at first, but Quan Haoyu's move made him completely sober.

At that time, Li Zhongchen subconsciously kicked him away.

But before that, he did treat Quan Haoyu as a brother, chatted speculatively, and promised that he would bring him along for fun when he came to China in the future.

Li Zhongchen's eyes are full of fear: "The general wind direction before the matter is resolved is very good, the picture is blurry, but my face is clear, this wave of fan operation has blown up all the fans, not to mention, Qiao Yan is approaching The release period, when he was already irritated, made him even more irritated."

Yao Tong: "That's not true."

After returning to China, too many accidents happened one after another.

Li Zhongchen was avoiding suspicion and recuperating at the base, and the old captain's family had a sudden change. He obviously won the biennial sub-regional championship trophy, but the atmosphere in the team was very strange.

Yao Tong sighed and said, "In just three months, Brother Zhong, if you insisted on recuperating until the end of the year and didn't play in the national competition, the wound would not worsen later on. It's hard to say that you have injured your own bones."

The palm of the hand was shattered by the steel bars.

It was what happened later that night in the box.

Li Zhongchen's eyes dimmed: "That was the captain's last game before he retired."

After hearing this, Yao Tong was speechless for a while.

After a long time, he hesitated and said: "Even the captain can't persuade you, forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything, but you and Xiao Qiao..."

Li Zhongchen understood: "I know, let's have a good chat with Qiao Yan tonight. If what happened back then made him feel uncomfortable, maybe I should give him more sense of security."

Why didn't he know that Qiao Yan was soft-hearted and hard-spoken, and in the final analysis he couldn't do without him at all.

Otherwise, how can I choose to come back again.

But what does the so-called sense of security refer to? Yao Tong didn't ask too much, and Li Zhongchen didn't plan to expand.

Together for so many years.

The various postures, sexual habits, and the connection between the soul and the body between Li Zhongchen and Qiao Yan have long been familiar with each other, but Li Zhongchen has never helped Qiao Yan.

At first, it was the first time as an adult, Qiao Yan was influenced by his family environment, and the foreign environment was also open, so he could accept everything, but he was afraid that Li Zhongchen was not a natural and he was not used to it.

… Therefore, this sexual fetish almost never appeared in their bed affairs.

Perhaps it was because of this that what happened back then had such a big impact on Qiao Yan.

Later Li Zhongchen and Yao Tong focused on games.

After shrinking the circle, they were going to cross the cliff and go to the next safe zone. At this time, they heard gunshots, and there were two teams fighting in the west. Li Zhongchen's face remained unchanged, and he matched with Yao Tongda to prepare for an assault from a distance.

But at this critical moment, Zheng Xiaokui came to them again.

The two of them were so busy that they couldn't take their eyes off it, but from the corner of their eyes they couldn't ignore Zheng Xiaokui, who had a chicken-eating third-level head on his forehead. That thing was so damn realistic, it was probably a prop for cosplay.

The little girl came in a hurry, stood by the plane, hesitated to speak, and even peeked at her, but she didn't say a word, which would be annoying to death.

"..." Li Zhongchen was speechless, "What are you doing here?"

Zheng Xiaokui faltered: "I, I'm here to apologize, and by the way, I want to tell Master that something is wrong with you!"

This familiar opening sentence made Yao Tong explode in an instant: "Zheng Xiaokui! Don't open your mouth every time you have something to do. It's just that the big thing is not good, okay? Can you ask others first so that it's not convenient to talk? And you are holding the lid of the pot I want to go upstairs to the PUBG team to hang out, right, so hurry up and stop being annoying all day long."

Zheng Xiaokui was startled by his loud voice.

Many people around turned their eyes away, which made the little girl feel even more embarrassed.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was the one who made brother Yao, you and little Luo embarrassed yesterday, I didn't think about it that much."

Li Zhongchen and the others just fired.

Yao Tong was obviously distracted, causing him to resist the artillery, and half of his blood was blown off in an instant.

"You surnamed Yao, give me a good fight!" Li Zhongchen suppressed the fire, "And you Zheng Xiaokui, who did you learn the habit of doing things like an old man? I really owed you in my previous life, and I deserve to be tricked by you in this life."

"..." Zheng Xiaokui took off the third-level head in aggrieved way.

Although, she didn't know what she had cheated on her master in the past two days, but from the tone of her voice, she was indeed guilty in every way.

The little girl didn't dare to ask, she stood aside and rubbed the tip of her nose.

It took a long time before I couldn't help but say: "I just want to tell Master and Uncle what I know. Brother Xiao Qiao is in a bad state today. I'm afraid it has something to do with this matter."

Li Zhongchen's eyebrows twitched: "...then you say it."

Zheng Xiaokui: "But will I disturb you by talking like this? Sigh, but I don't think it will be affected if the master and uncle are so powerful, so I will just say it, and I will make a long story short..."

Yao Tong almost collapsed: "Sister, why don't you hurry up and say yes, I'm really afraid of you!"

Zheng Xiaokui was suddenly whipped a few times.

She immediately said: "Recently, there was a very popular entertainment novel on the Internet. It was posted and said that it was written according to the prototype, and the prototype in it included you, Master, and Brother Xiao Qiao! I guess Brother Xiao Qiao must know about it." This matter, that's why he is in such a bad state today, it's fine if others don't know, but we all know it clearly... "

"What a mess." Li Zhongchen frowned.

What does entertainment novels have to do with him? Although he has a good figure, fans always brag about his super-A figure, top-notch hand speed, and heavy equipment output. Adding a tag to these words is always used for purification...

It seems that it is really the same as the surfing mode of those star chasing little sisters.

But he is a professional player after all, part of his younger sister fans are fans of serious e-sports players. If he loses a game a little bit on the field, he will only chase him and scold him, and he will not get involved in the good things in the entertainment industry, but he will enjoy the blessing of being scolded more thoroughly.

Li Zhongchen's gun aimed at the distance.

The enemies on the chains were thrust by him with a light machine gun, and they fell to the ground in one fell swoop.

But he still took the time to reply: "What does it mean to write according to the prototype? What does the novel have to do with Qiao Yan?"

Zheng Xiaokui lowered her voice: "The meaning of writing according to the prototype is... the background of the characters in it is actually exactly the same as your master, and the focus is on this novel. He wrote cheating literature. Do you know cheating literature? It seems that the recent comparison What is popular is Xiaoma literature, but cheating literature is also becoming popular!"

Li Zhongchen and Yao Tong: "Damn, let's focus!"

"..." Zheng Xiaokui shuddered three times, "Ah, because it's an entertainment novel, it's probably about a rapper who worked his way up and down in China and became the ACE of a celestial group, and his boyfriend is the face of another celestial group in China. Rapper went to Korea to participate in an audition competition, cheated on her boyfriend of seven years, and fell in love with a Korean local twice-cooked pork trainee!"

"This novel is simply selling dog meat in sheep's clothing. The backgrounds of various characters in it are written according to Master, you and Brother Xiao Qiao, and the names are also homophonic. As for the other protagonist, I don't know much about it. There is also this text that no one has discovered, but it has become popular inexplicably in the past few days."

Zheng Xiaokui's face turned red with anger.

She didn't finish talking at all, and continued to babble, her tone seemed to double the speed.

"Because I'm not in Brother Xiao Qiao's fan chat, so um... I saw a lot of people saying that black fans organized this article to Brother Xiao Qiao's work mailbox, as well as private messages on Weibo I went, I don’t know if he saw it or not, but I always feel that if he saw it, he would definitely not be in a good state today.”

Hearing this, Li Zhongchen secretly scolded the idiot in his heart.

Yao Tong was listening, and couldn't help cursing: "Damn, someone shared Luo Yuji and my meat-articles in the fan group before! Did you fucking think I was blind?!"

"Yes, yes, it's too much. How do you think it's your own business! It's too disrespectful to post it in front of the deity!" Zheng Xiaokui also echoed.

They both sang together.

Immediately, Li Zhongchen was even more annoyed, and he slammed down the mouse with a slightly louder voice: "What kind of mess is written in it?"

What happened back then had such a serious aftershock effect.

Last night, I had a cold war with Qiao Yan because of the issue of mutual trust. Today, AC's nurse changed Quan Haoyu's style of play. If Qiao Yan sees again... what kind of heartbreaking novel is this.

That would be really fucking wicked.

"I... It might not be good to say it, so what master, although I usually read this type of novel, but whoever dismantles my CP will die!" Zheng Xiaokui also raised three fingers to show his loyalty, "It's a bit pornographic, I probably just glanced at it and didn't look carefully, why don't I send a WeChat message to Master and you can take a look after you finish this game?"

Li Zhongchen: "OK."

In this way, he also concluded that what was written in the novel must not be a good thing.

And after Zheng Xiaokui sent the documents by his side, she repeatedly asked Li Zhongchen to watch the game after the game, and she also talked about going to pick up the takeaway, which was sweets for her brother Xiao Qiao.

"You're looking for Qiao Yan, right?" Li Zhongchen's face was full of vicissitudes, "you bumped into me yesterday, you explain it by the way, if you dare not mention you, it's over."

"Got it! If I dare to forget, blow my third-level head off!" Zheng Xiaokui shrank her neck.

Finish this sentence.

She came in a hurry, and left in the blink of an eye.

But this matter is not over yet, Zheng Xiaokui is gone, and the rest are all alive.

Li Zhongchen became more and more angry: "Yao Tong, why the hell are you blackmailing Zheng Xiaokui? If you didn't blackmail her, or leave her your phone number, I could still send the wrong message yesterday?"

Yao Tong knew that he was in a bad mood, but he also thought that he couldn't blame himself for everything.

Young Master Yao said: "Twenty circles of friends a day are not enough for you as an apprentice. You can stand it, but I can't stand it anyway. I didn't instigate her to bump into you. Don't rely on me for everything?"

Li Zhongchen insisted on confronting him: "I don't blame you on anyone, do I have to blame myself?"

When Yao Tong heard this, he said yes, Li Zhongchen, since you said so, don't blame me for being unkind.

He clicked his tongue: "Do you still remember what we talked about when we chose the rookie contest that day? I said that if you don't choose well, don't scold me later. You also said how long you haven't scolded anyone, just say you are now Are you scolding me?"

"..." This theory of the origin of the universe is really good.

Li Zhongchen had no choice but to convince him, and said with a sneer, "Okay, you Yao Tong can really fucking speak."

In short, after a few back and forth with each other, the game is over.

Yao Tong got up to get a bottle of water to drink, and Li Zhongchen took advantage of this short few minutes to read the document Zheng Xiaokui sent him.

Unexpectedly, what Zheng Xiaokui sent was not a document, but a Weibo share.

The following is a thoughtful message from the little girl: Master, then I am afraid that you will spit it out if you read the document directly, so let me share with you Weibo where others analyzed this novel.

Li Zhongchen opened with a complicated mood—

After arguing with 20,000 comments and reposts, the number of likes has exceeded 50,000.

There are quite a few people wearing their SVG team logo as their avatar in the comment area. It is obvious that fans of the team are persuading: Don’t mess with our team’s handsome professional players. Isn’t it enough to be on the top searches this month? I've been busy playing games recently, so don't cue, can you please write whoever you like to write novels, don't just call our family name and beg!

But other than that, EJ's CP girl was the one who got the most serious blows.

Some tend to speak for themselves.

[Great, give Echo a scumbag and pretend your mother is gone]

[Speechless son, Gongma and Echo are really miserable]

[Silence, actually wrote my son as a scumbag in troubled times]

The latter all use Qiao Yi's cartoon avatar.

[Woooooo what did my treasure do wrong, isn't it beautiful and strong enough in reality? ]

[Fuck your cheating literature, why are you torturing me?]

[NMD My pillow is wet from crying, who can wash it for me]

To be honest, Li Zhongchen is not very able to understand some words.

Probably each circle has its own rules, and outsiders cannot blend in. In addition, he also saw in the comments that it was too much to rewrite the novel according to the prototype and insult the real deity. At that time, he also prepared psychologically for this.

But it's time to read the main text carefully.

Li Zhongchen couldn't calm down no matter what.

Dirty words, a plot that breaks through the three views of ethics.

Although the names all use homonyms, from all perspectives, it is really written about him, Qiao Yan and Quan Haoyu.

An indescribable scene rushed towards his face, Li Zhongchen threw away the phone reflexively, clutched his heart and almost vomited, his head spinning with nausea.

And Yao Tong came back at this time, bringing him a bottle of normal temperature mineral water.

"..." Yao Tong realized that something was wrong with him, "Damn it, are you so powerful?"

"I'm about to fucking throw up, what do you think." Li Zhongchen boiled water.

In endless silence.

It was Qiao Yan who took the initiative to send the application for team formation, which made Li Zhongchen want to calm down.

"Forget it, let's practice first. The matter between me and him must be resolved tonight." Li Zhongchen held his forehead, helpless.

Choose a hero and load the cache. This night's group training was no different from usual training, and everyone was in good shape.

It seemed that the bad game during the day was like a dream.

twelve o'clock in the morning.

The brightly lit base gradually turned off the lights, and Yao Tong stretched himself and got up.

Before leaving the plane to go back to the dormitory, Yao Tong passed by Li Zhongchen and patted him on the shoulder: "You guys have a good chat, don't make trouble tomorrow, I'm half an old man, and my heart really can't bear it."

"He played pretty well in the last few rounds just now." Li Zhongchen was upset.

"Oh, don't be so sensitive," Yao Tong propped his head back with his hands, "Forget it, I'll go to bed after washing up, and I can't help much."

After Yao Tong finished speaking, he left in disgrace. Those who didn't know thought he had been scolded by Li Zhongchen.

And Li Zhongchen sat in his seat and sent a message to Qiao Yan.

The general content is: I'll go back and take a shower first, I can't bear the smell of cigarettes, the door is unlocked, you can come to me anytime.

He didn't know what he was thinking either.

My heart is too chaotic, every time I take a hot shower, in the bathroom surrounded by warm mist, all bad emotions can be washed away.

After sending the message to Qiao Yan, he handed in his mobile phone, went back to the room, found out the clothes he wanted to change, and rushed into the bathroom. The sound of closing the door accidentally made too loud, which shocked himself .

... Probably a little nervous, and I don't know what the outcome of the conversation will be tonight.

The shower was turned on, and water droplets poured down.

Through the mirror, he can clearly feel that the abdominal muscles are tighter. It is probably because he has been busy recently, and he has eaten less late-night snacks, but he still exercises as usual.

Due to the light, there was a faint luster flowing on his skin. The hot water soaked his hair, and then flowed through his eyes. Li Zhongchen squeezed the shampoo pump indiscriminately, closed his eyes and began to comb his hair.

After dawdling in the shower, it took nearly fifteen minutes.

Until he pushed open the door of the bathroom, he didn't realize the passage of time, let alone that Qiao Yan was sitting on the bed waiting for him—

"I've washed it." Qiao Yan obviously didn't dare to look at him.

He did wash it.

The unique scent of the shower gel on the body is a touch of jasmine.

In the air, the scents from the two shower gels alternated harmoniously, creating an indescribably wonderful fragrance.

" hair is only half-dried." Li Zhongchen started talking indiscriminately.

Standing, he observed Qiao Yan from top to bottom.

Through the loose neckline, you can see Qiao Yan's thin jaw and collarbone, and his fair complexion is rosy from the hot bath that just took, which makes Li Zhongchen's heart thump.

"Zheng Xiaokui told me, and Yao Tong also specially sent me a text message to explain," Qiao Yan said in a low voice, "... I'm sorry, maybe I misunderstood, and what I said last night was all angry words."


Only then did Qiao Yan lightly lift his chin, and looked at Li Zhongchen.

But Li Zhongchen noticed that Qiao Yan seemed very nervous.

His right index finger was picking at the quilt cover, and he was sitting close to the edge of the bed. When the two sides met, he dodged hesitantly.

"..." Li Zhongchen approached him without saying anything.

The two bodies approached gradually, but stopped just right.

Li Zhongchen had deep brows and eyes, standing less than a foot away from the opponent, he stretched out his hand and brushed Qiao Yan's hair to one side, leaned his face and said in a low voice, "Your expression makes me want to cum on your face."

"..." Qiao Yan looked at him nervously.

"Why did you break up like this today? In the final analysis, I am also responsible," Li Zhongchen said again, "But your condition is really bad. I have never seen you like this."

Qiao Yan was so wronged that his lips trembled uncontrollably.

He clearly knew that Li Zhongchen's attitude towards professional games was like this, and he couldn't tolerate the sand in his eyes, but he still couldn't help feeling sour because of this sentence, and flinched back uncontrollably.

But Li Zhongchen followed his movements and leaned closer: "If I were like this, you probably said something worse than what I said now. You can understand what I think."

Qiao Yan nodded: "Business and personal affairs must be separated."

This sentence is said coldly.

The words are full of delicacy and pitifulness.

"Be good," Li Zhongchen grabbed his right hand, stretched it out, licked his index finger, and put it in his mouth, "Let's do this first, we can only talk about private matters when we go to bed."

Qiao Yan held his breath when he heard that.

But his heart was in a mess, he didn't expect Li Zhongchen to change so fast, he was so impatient that he wanted to break free.

But Li Zhongchen had another argument: "It's fine if you don't want to talk about private matters, then continue to talk about business. If tomorrow's final is still like today, others will see it."

"..." Qiao Yan's words trembled weakly, "I know, tomorrow won't happen, today is because..."

"Because I accidentally opened a little pornography in the car before departure in the morning?" Li Zhongchen interrupted, "How about the plots written in the little pornography?"

Joey is going crazy.

He hastily pulled his hand away, but he didn't want to be trapped by Li Zhongchen.

"What's there to believe in those things, Qiao Yan? You can talk about everything else. What do you have to worry about when I'm in bed with you? How can I go to someone else if I've slept with you? Who can take care of you? Panting better than you?"

Li Zhongchen stuck out his tongue to lick Qiao Yan's ear.

He was clearly speaking vulgar words, but his tone was extremely pious, which provoked Qiao Yan to hide for a while.

"My heart and my body are yours."

The voice fell.

Li Zhongchen pushed Qiao Yan down on the bed.

The shirt was thrown aside, the abdominal muscles were well defined, and the muscles were tight but not exaggerated. He looked down at Qiao Yan from a height.

Everywhere I went was smooth skin, the nose smelled the fresh jasmine fragrance, and then the familiar panting sound came from my ears.

It was Li Zhongchen who had skillfully put his hand into Qiao Yan's pajamas.

"..." Qiao Yan was so overwhelmed by the strong sense of oppression that he couldn't speak.

Li Zhongchen then bent down, kissed Qiao Yan carelessly on the face, and sucked that piece of lips.

However, there was already a movement in the hand, all the way down, and then panted and asked: "Baby, let me help you out, try it?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Nemona 1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Nemona; 2 bottles of Parostin;

Love everyone! ! !