My Ex-Boyfriend Became My Current Teammate

Chapter 59


[God Qiao is in high spirits today, and he's starting to take care of his sisters! ]

[What sister? ? ? Sister Hound? ? ]

[Why is Echo only talking on the lips, I won’t leave if the nanny doesn’t leave, I’ll follow after the nanny leaves? The above point is not right]

[Echo, don't show your affection, hurry up and fly in the game, is it because your old manager Wang set a target to ask fans to pay gifts? old scheming]

The fans who watched the game in the live broadcast room were in high spirits. After all, this was the first two-player live broadcast after the warm-up match. Everyone agreed that the Echo live broadcast would definitely bring Qiao Shen, and many younger sisters who did not pay attention to the game also came to watch. .

When I saw Echo's handsome face and Qiao Yan's side face in the same frame, the result really did not disappoint them——

[Gan, ah, it’s such a good match QAQ, no wonder I always saw it in hot searches before, I’m fine, I’m really fine]

[How did Baby Qiao Qiao zip up his jacket so much! Is there any little secret mom wants to know too! ]

[Damn it, sister, what kind of eyes are you! ! ]

[Don't expose the fact that Brother E loves to gnaw! Sharks are on their way! See you on the next ID! ]

There are all kinds of voices, but the two big bosses who were forced to reduce interaction with fans only care about flirting. The big airdrop called by Lifeline is given priority to Brother Gou, and all the good supplies that Brother Gou kills and licks boxes are reserved for Lifeline. Passers-by are like a walking light bulb, with only two lines of tears.

Of course it's more than that, the two of them are still flirting with each other in full view—

Qiao Yan: "Oh, can you run faster?"

Li Zhongchen: "I don't want to run away."

Qiao Yan: "Little genius, move your fingers, isn't the shovel delicious, and the rabbit jump is delicious."

Li Zhongchen: "But I just want to cling to you."

The live broadcast room went crazy again—

[Ah, what is a little genius? ! I rolled on the bed with my mobile phone in my arms! My mom came into the house and asked me if I was crazy! ! ! ! ! ]

[Little genius phone watch has a cool running game, who else doesn't know! So spoiled and sweet! ]

[Hey, God Qiao, you actually pay attention to these? It’s so stalking, this E fan is so cute]

[Hey, brother Xiao Qiao's ability to tell bad jokes has been discovered]

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was good. After Li Zhongchen and Qiao Yan finished playing a few routines, Yao Tong joined in the fun and formed a team. The three of them simply went to the hunter mode, and the fans also felt fresh.

The hunter mode is a new mode after the new season. Among the twenty teams, three players in one team will be randomly assigned by the system to be iron pilots with super god skills. As for the other nineteen teams, there will be three players. The same as mercenaries. The iron pilot's goal is to kill all the mercenary players and survive to the end to be considered a victory; and for any mercenary team, killing three iron pilots will directly win.

In easy-to-understand terms, that is the combat mode of 3V57.

They were lucky today, they were appointed as hunters by the system after matching the second one, the three iron pilots started with full-level shields, and when using any firearm, the stability, mirror opening speed, and projectile speed were adjusted to the highest , the lethality is unrivaled, it is the state of crushing level.

But after Li Zhongchen glanced at the team list, he only focused on one person: "Assassin?"

[Echo doesn't care about Same at all, he just went to see God Qiao's unit attributes at first sight! ]

[Echo was assigned a scout-type unit? ! Can he play with a less-than-stellar unit with such a jump? Hahahahahahaha]

[555 Hunter mode here I come! It's cool to see it once! ]

"I really want to be a scout." Qiao Yan pursed his lips in distress.

Pilots are divided into three attributes: Assaulter, Scout, and Assassin.

The allocation is random. Qiao Yi’s number is appointed as an assassin. The special skill is similar to teleporting forward. The gameplay is actually similar to that of an assaulter, and the scout has stealth skills. In this mode, Qiao Yi’s favorite is the scout unit. , he mentioned it in the live broadcast before, but the arrangements are all random and rarely match.

"Baby use my number." Li Zhongchen got up after finishing his sentence. His words were too decisive and straightforward, indicating that he wanted to change numbers and arms with Qiao Yan, and he didn't care a bit about the live broadcast.

At the same time, in a corner where the camera couldn't capture him, he took advantage of Qiao Yan's still not getting up, and made all kinds of teasing movements, pinching his face and putting his hands into his collar.

Qiao Yan's face was shy, and he could only cover Li Zhongchen's hand, telling him not to move his hands or feet.

[It's time to jump into the flight cabin, don't think you don't know you're flirting before the camera catches it! ]

[Crying with anger, husband, have you become a fan of your girlfriend? ? ? ]

[I almost don’t know the word baby anymore]

[Damn, when I was young and ignorant, I listened to false information, thought that Echo hated God Qiao and didn't want to say it, can I jump back and call me blind now]

Qiao Yan sat in front of Li Zhongchen's plane.

Before he had time to say anything to the camera, Li Zhongchen had already adjusted the camera thoughtfully beside him. From this angle, he should only be able to roughly see the curvature of his jaw, and it was more precisely aimed at Li Zhongchen's face.

In the earphones, Yao Tong started to urge: "What's going on? Are you still dancing or not?"

But Li Zhongchen ignored him: "It's me who wants to change numbers with God Qiao, you can see me from this angle, right, talk to me well."

"..." Qiao Yan's ears were burning from the protection, "Yao Tong just asked where you danced, the captain is on my number."

"You choose, I'll listen to you." Li Zhongchen's tone softened again.

At this time, everyone in the live broadcast room is Buddhist.

If you want to show your love, let's show it. Everyone thought it was impossible to jump out and block Echo's mouth, let alone make God Qiao look so good-looking. It turned out that in the interview about the ideal type back then, the phrase "I like beautiful ones" came from the heart and was absolutely true.

Qiao Yan unconsciously bit his lower lip.

He marked a point on the map and said, "Waterfall?"

"Okay." Li Zhongchen jumped straight away.

Landing on the ground to search for guns, the waterfall that is most likely to land in melee, this time miraculously did not see an enemy. what happened.

[Yaoyao Chek troubles y]: No. 1, are you always pestering No. 2? Don’t be annoying. Why do you interfere with the captain’s skydiving

The point is to change the number to play, the identities of number one and number two have been swapped.

[Joe_]: Yao, you are a jet fighter? Can you spray anything


[Yaoyao Chek troubles y]:? ? ?

[Yaoyao Cheke troubles y]: Why are you fat four?

The fans in the live broadcast room were all bursting with laughter. They can probably guess that this is the case in the daily life of these three, but the joy brought by the intuitive ID is even more prominent, and the bullet screen is full of hahahahahahahaha.

[Yaoyao Chek troubles]: ...

[Yaoyao Cheke troubles y]:==Damn, I watched the live broadcast, it turns out that you guys changed numbers to play, it scared me to death

[Echo]: hhh

[Joe_]: Old man, watch the circle, let’s go after searching ==

I thought it would stop.

Unexpectedly, from Qiao Yan's perspective, the No. 1 scout unit he controlled had just entered a cabin in a small village at the bottom of the valley, with the purpose of finding at least a basic rifle and a sniper, when he suddenly heard Yao Tong's voice in the headset: "Oh?! There's someone here, I picked up an order at the windmill on the mountainside."

Didn't hear the gunshot, Qiao Yan asked suspiciously: "What do you mean picking up a single person?"

Li Zhongchen's voice also rang out: "What the hell?"

"Wait, why does it feel like a big guy pretending to be a fish? I'll use the mic to brag to him." Yao Tong came back after a while, "Damn, it's a primary school student on his brother's number, and his voice is like a doll."

"..." Qiao Yan and Li Zhongchen were both confused.

Yao Tong: "Fortunately, I didn't shoot to expose it. The kid didn't recognize me as Tie Yu."

Qiao Yan: "Where are his teammates?"

Li Zhongchen didn't believe it: "Turn on the voice changer, be careful of being bombed back."

"Probably not. It's the first time I can't follow the flight. When all the teammates landed, he followed to the end of the route and hit us." Yao Tong was full of bad humor, "I asked him to search in your area. Ah, the kid is so innocent and innocent, and he even said that his brothers would lead him to fight the iron pilot together hahahahahaha."

[Elementary school students are also bullied, Same you are a weirdo]

[Unexpectedly you are like this Same]

[Squat online and turn around, it's always interesting, this group of people hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha]

Li Zhongchen and Qiao Yan explained with facial expressions: the old man is looking at his mobile phone in the subway.jpg.

The two of them had searched almost all the supplies, and they were waiting for that "primary school student" to come over here, but they just swiped over with a shovel. After waiting for nearly a minute, they finally saw the deity who didn't even have a gun. pitifully poor.

A primary school student's voice sounded: "Brother and sister, can you take me with you?"

"..." Could it be that she is really a newbie

Li Zhongchen pressed the whole wheat: "Where are your teammates?"

Elementary school student: "They are at the air force base. They think I am too good-for-nothing to let me go to them. I am afraid that I will be killed on the way."

Li Zhongchen: "That's fine, I'll give you a pistol, now you are our little brother."

Elementary school student: "Thank you brother!"

Qiao Yan's face didn't froze, he turned sideways and asked with a smile, "Isn't it embarrassing to be bombed?"

If this is a big guy with a voice changer pretending to be a fish, it will be interesting to wait until he is killed in the end. It is estimated that there will be a wave of hot posts tonight, and the whole network will mock their SVG for being a donkey.

Besides, they still have to shoot. How can the identity of the iron pilot be kept hidden.

"Oh, just for fun, are you afraid that he is an actor? How can a team resist if Titan hurts him?" Unexpectedly, Li Zhongchen didn't care at all.

"..." I'm afraid everyone has seen it in the live broadcast room. Qiao Di thought that Li Zhongchen was really courageous, but before he could say anything, his thoughts were taken away by the elementary school students.

"Miss, why don't you speak?" the primary school student's soft voice sounded.

Qiao Yan's face was a little weird, and he wondered where did the young lady come from, how could this kid preconceived that Li Zhongchen and himself must be a man and a woman

The primary school students were talking endlessly: "My brother just said that there is a brother here who is taking care of his sister. Now you don't talk, are you unhappy taking me? My brother doesn't like me watching him play games with his beautiful sister. It's always because of this. Beat me, sister, if you are angry, at least tell me!"

"..." Qiao Yan seemed to have his mouth sealed. He pursed his thin lips and cast a look of help to Li Zhongchen.

But Li Zhongchen didn't need to pay attention, and immediately turned on the mic and said, "I'm that girl, and there's a pretty brother taking me by the side, can you stop talking so much nonsense?"

[puff! God Qiao doesn't like being feminized! Zhong Shen worked hard! ]

[God Qiao took his sister to the real hammer, and the deity started hammering hahahahahahahaha]

[Echo is so gentle hahahahahahaha fierce girl I am dying of laughter hahahahahaha]

But the primary school student chased after him: "I don't believe it, the one who doesn't speak must be a sister, brother, you are taking her."

Qiao Yan rested his face in one hand, it was already so hot that he could go to heaven.

He was molested several times by Li Zhongchen in public, he thought about it, and finally turned on the mic to go back, and a clear and pleasant voice sounded: "I am not a sister, the brother who is talking to you is very powerful, he has always only taken me, not his sister. "