My Exes Are Everywhere

Chapter 18: golden ring


Qiao Xuan finished recalling, and sighed faintly.

The Demon Realm is the Demon Realm. If you want to give a miserable ranking to the Love Tribulation of Seven Worlds, Qing Xun should be able to rank first in this life.

Although Jiang Weiqing killed his wife to prove the truth, and Hua Lan devoted himself to his career, no matter what the result was, at least he and the object of love robbery were in love in the two lives. They were very good to him, and there is no need to worry about it when they are alive Not enough to eat and not warm.

As for Bai Cang, he has never loved Qing Xun.

In Bai Cang's eyes, Qing Xun is just a stupid useless bastard. If it weren't for the usefulness of the pure Yin furnace, he would have died long ago.

Qing Xun doesn't understand that he is born as a human being, that he can have pursuits, ideals and ambitions. In his life, the only thing is to live.

As for how to live, it was never in his consideration.

He drifted with the crowd without his own opinion, and his life was like duckweed.

He made only one choice in his life, and that was to choose how to die.

Having said that, Qing Xun's life was miserable, and Bai Cang was indeed ruthless, but as far as the matter is concerned, Qiao Xuan didn't have much dissatisfaction with Bai Cang, because the magic cultivator in the Western Wilderness is like this, you have to pick out a one-of-a-kind infatuation , the difficulty is as high as picking bones from eggs...

And Bai Cang never gave him any promises, and he implemented the design of the cruel devil from the beginning to the end... Although he also doted on Qing Xun for a while, it was just an exchange of equal value, and Qing Xun would have feelings for Bai Cang. As for feelings, Qiao Xuan thinks the most important thing is because he is stupid.

Or, because life is too hard and hopeless, longing for someone to pin their hopes on, they choose Bai Cang desperately.

Although Qiao Xuan was a little emotional, it was not incomprehensible...

Qing Xun has never read or read, no one taught him the principles of life, and no one gave him the care he should have. Even the mother who chose to sacrifice her life for him in the end cannot be regarded as a competent mother.

This world is full of cruel predators of the jungle and intrigues. Living in such a place, Qing Xun doesn't have the three views of a normal person at all.

He is weak and not smart.

The most frightening thing is that there is no self-knowledge.

It's a miracle that he survived that long.

Qiao Xuan used to be romantic too. Among the people who are willing to be friends with him, there are many small stars in the entertainment circle. As long as he gives some money and resources, he can easily get good-looking ones... But these people are very If you have self-knowledge, and you don't care about each other, you will naturally get along happily.

Bai Cang is equivalent to Qingxun's gold master, giving him a good life so that he doesn't have to suffer from cold and starvation, but the price is to make a qualified plaything for the other party to use in cultivation, but he regards this goodness as Bai Cang's opposite his feelings.

In fact, it is not, even if it is another person, it is the same.

He just happened to have a superb physique, and it just happened to fall into Bai Cang's hands.

It's a pity that Qing Xun doesn't have such self-knowledge.

He was confused by Bai Cang's kindness to him, forgot his identity, and lost his mind when he shouldn't.

Unequal feelings are destined to have no results.

As long as I have a little memory, it is impossible to do such a stupid thing. The correct way is to use my own advantages to obtain enough resources in a limited time, and then find a way to get out of this situation and prevent others from controlling my own destiny. In the Western Wilderness, only one's own strength is reliable.

But what about Qing Xun... He is such a beautiful idiot who has no pursuit!

Not strong enough or ambitious enough.

His greatest hope is to maintain the status quo, thinking that Bai Cang's temporary favor can be relied on, and humblely hopes that Bai Cang will not despise him.

This is the most stupid and ridiculous thing.

Because when a person pins all his hopes on another person, he has already lost his independent personality and is destined to live as a vassal without dignity.

Even if it is abandoned, it can only be accepted.

There is no room for resistance.

So, to be a human being, you still need to be self-reliant and self-improving. If you can’t be self-reliant and self-improving, you should at least have a little self-knowledge, so that when you are abandoned, you won’t have such a big gap.

Unfortunately, Qing Xun has neither of these two points.

But having said that, Qiao Xuan can't blame Qing Xun's choice, after all, he lives in such an environment... If he lived in an environment with love, he wouldn't be so humble and cowardly. You can sell yourself without hesitation, without any hope, just like a drowning person desperately grabbing duckweed...

For the vast majority of people, only when they have enough to eat and drink can they be qualified to talk about dignity.

Thinking of this, Qiao Xuan sighed.

If this wasn't a calamity, he would never believe that this idiot is himself!

Experiencing all kinds of life is probably the meaning of going through calamities...

Taking another person as hope, as the sustenance of everything, and then being ruthlessly snatched away, crushed into dust... is more cruel than having no hope in the first place.

Qing Xun experienced this kind of despair, and he finally chose to give up his life.

Because living is too hard.

Death is a relief.

As for why Bai Cang was saved, it was probably because of the back that stood in front of Qing Xun under the fire.

Wanting to live is probably the only thing Qing Xun and Qiao Xuan have in common.

You can't rely on anyone to go your own way.

Having experienced this kind of helpless despair, Qiao Xuan was able to concentrate on his cultivation after returning from the calamity, and finally survived the catastrophe in one fell swoop.

As for why he escaped again now, it was because Qiao Xuan was born with a dislike of cultivation and could not bear the loneliness. It was not easy to cultivate to the point of crossing the catastrophe and becoming an adult. The goal has been achieved, so naturally he has no motivation to continue...

Let's take a simple example.

You have to tell him that he will die if he gets less than 60 points in the test. He will definitely try his best to get 60 points in the test, but he will never swear that he must get 100 points in the test. If he fails the test, there is no need for that...

And he felt that he was pretty good now, he was a fairy anyway, and he didn't have any ambition to be number one in the world.

As a layman, he doesn't want to fight for world hegemony, so eating, drinking and having fun is more attractive to him.

Let's talk about white...

Qiao Xuan touched his chin.

Although Bai Cang was very powerful at the time, and the Wuya Sect was considered a big sect, but it was only relatively strong, otherwise Bai Cang would not have been forced to this point by the joint efforts of several sects, reduced to the point where Qing Xun sacrificed his life To the extent of saving, although he didn't know what happened afterwards, he reckoned that Bai Cang might have died a long time ago, the situation at that time was too difficult to turn around...

Now I see that Bai Cang not only did not die, but instead dominated the demon cultivators of the Western Wilderness, divided and ruled from the monsters, and even got the name of the Demon Lord.

Qiao Xuan was really surprised!

To impress him...

The Western Wilderness is a land of exile. The monsters here do not practice the way of heaven or the way of demons, and are not recognized by the way of heaven. Therefore, they cannot go to the heavens through the catastrophe, but it does not mean that they are not strong. On the contrary, there are all kinds of monsters mixed here. It is the Three Realms The most dangerous place, if there is no ancient seal, this group of monsters would have caused troubles in the mortal world long ago.

As for Bai Cang, now he is so strong that even Hua Lan is afraid...

This is really bad news for Qiao Xuan.

Back then, Bai Cang was someone who liked to kill everything, and those who fell into his hands were close to death. He didn't kill himself now, but because he was still useful for the time being, he could threaten Hua Lan so that he would not dare to act rashly. But what if it's useless

If I don't escape, I will live past the first day of the new year but not the fifteenth day.

White Pale Danger Index: ★★★★★

Absolutely not to stay here!

Qiao Xuan walked around in the cell, and when the night was dark, he dug in his sleeve and pulled out a red leaf, which he brought out from the Hanging River Valley. It was not very useful, but it was ground into powder It can absorb spiritual power and invalidate the magic circle, which just comes in handy at this moment.

Because it is a magic palace, the prisoners in this prison are demons and the like, and naturally they don't use ordinary locks, but suppression magic circles. If Qiao Xuan can't use his spiritual power here, naturally he can't break the formations, but with This one is different.

Qiao Xuan narrowed his eyes, pinched the leaves with his thumb and forefinger, and rubbed them a few times. The red leaves turned into light red powder, and lightly sprinkled in front of the stone door. After a while, the door automatically opened a small crack with a click.

Qiao Xuan's eyes showed joy, and he cautiously opened the door, seeing that there was no one guarding outside, he slipped out on tiptoe.

When he got out of the prison, he felt that his spiritual power had returned. Before Qiao Xuan was imprisoned, he had carefully observed the servants of the demon cultivators here, so he changed into a black costume with a random touch, which looked exactly like the demon cultivators here. They are generally the same.

Qiao Xuan made up his mind to go out.

Along the way, I met demon cultivators in twos and threes, and turned a blind eye when I saw Qiao Xuan. Qiao Xuan made a V in his heart, thank you for the indifferent interpersonal relationship here!

He walked on the black corridor, feeling as he walked, this magic palace is really luxurious!

Don't see the gloomy and dark place, the surroundings are bare and there is no decoration, it is not as magnificent as Yunhai Tiangong, but... this is low-key luxury!

The floor tiles and wall tiles are all made of the highest grade dark spirit stones. The dark spiritual power contained in the dark spirit stones is extremely pure. Demon cultivators cannot cultivate the power of heaven, but can only use various methods to temper their bodies and practice all kinds of dark spirits. Evil crooked methods, or relying on absorbing other people's spiritual power to advance... Although absorbing other people's spiritual power and mortals can quickly improve their cultivation base, but the spiritual power obtained in this way is mixed and not as pure as using dark spirit stones. Therefore, this dark spirit stone is the top cultivation resource in the Western Wilderness.

When he was still Qingxun, the Wuya Sect was considered the master of the Demon Sect at that time, but he didn't have such a luxury at all. Bai Cang often went out to kill for resources, and the dark spirit stones he obtained were either used by himself or distributed to his subordinates. How can you be willing to use it as building materials, let alone build such a magnificent magic palace!

The production of dark spirit stones is scarce, so I am afraid that a spirit stone mine was used!

But it can also be seen that Bai Cang is powerful. In the Western Wilderness, the more powerful people always have the more resources. He can build such a demon palace and secure the position of the Demon Lord. He can only be killed of.

Qiao Xuan swallowed his saliva and became more cautious. Gradually, there were more voices in front of him. He walked along the corridor to the end, and his sight suddenly opened up. There was a huge sinkhole in front of him!

Judging from the location of the tiankeng, it should be located in the center of the magic palace, or in other words, the magic palace is built around the tiankeng, and there is a huge altar in the center of the tiankeng.

The slaves in ragged clothes and chains were moving stones one by one. Qiao Xuan was stunned. Not even one of these slaves was a mortal, they were all demon cultivators from the Western Wilderness. It's different being a demon king, the servants are all a level higher than before.

Beside each team of hard laborers, there are a few demon guards waving whips to urge them. Once someone dies, they will be dragged out immediately, so as not to delay the progress of the project.

Qiao Xuan was curious, what the hell is Bai Cang doing? It's building an altar again, and it's a treasure hunt in the Heavenly Palace. Isn't this guy planning to make trouble

I have to run away quickly!

Those demon cultivators were busy watching, no one paid attention to Qiao Xuan, even if someone saw him, they would turn a blind eye and look indifferent. Everyone here has their own division of labor, just like the parts on a huge machine, they have no time to take care of it I don't necessarily know everyone around me, and no one thinks that outsiders will dare to sneak in here.

Qiao Xuan lowered his eyes and quickened his pace slightly, wanting to leave here as soon as possible.

Next to the other exit of the tiankeng, there is a tall man standing guard. The big man has bronze skin, wears a dark blue armor and carries an iron pestle on his back. When everyone else is busy, he squats there doing nothing, like A burly hill, from time to time, grabs a handful of dark spirit stones from his feet and throws them into his mouth, chewing...

At first glance, it looks like a little leader!

But he was just at the exit, Qiao Xuan couldn't get around him, and judging by his gnarled muscles, he must be a character not to be trifled with.

Qiao Xuan hesitated for a while, and at this moment, he saw a group of demons going out, so he quietly followed behind, pretending that he was with the group of people.

The big man didn't look at this side at all, he was chewing on the spirit stone absently, showing a lack of interest in everything.

Qiao Xuan held his breath, and slowly walked past him... Oye, success!

Seeing that the dawn was just ahead, Qiao Xuan was about to quicken his pace, wishing to leave here immediately... Suddenly a big hand grabbed him with a thunderous wind!

Qiao Xuan hurriedly swerved to avoid it, and saw the big man swept away his previous slump, his eyes were shining brightly, looking at him with radiance, he grinned and let out a hey laugh, and saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth...

Qiao Xuan: ... Sister, I don't know why I feel creepy, there seems to be something wrong.

Qiao Xuan stabilized his mind, and said in a panicked voice: "May I ask if this subordinate made a mistake?"

The big man was gearing up, his voice was as thick as thunder, and he grinned and said: "You are not from here, you have a bad taste."

Qiao Xuan: "..."

The big man's saliva couldn't stop drooling, his eyes widened, as if he saw something delicious: "It's very fragrant, very delicious, like the taste of those immortals..."

Holy crap, goosebumps all over Qiao Xuan's body, he turned around and ran away, as fast as a bolt of lightning!

The big man smiled and stretched out his hand to grab it. He was tall and looked clumsy, but his movements were surprisingly agile! The big hand was like a cattail fan, brushed Qiao Xuan's palm and fell to the ground, the hard ground was cracked open!

Qiao Xuan's scalp was numb and exploded. If this was photographed for real, he might turn into a puddle of flesh. He broke out in a cold sweat and dodged in embarrassment. Seeing that such a big movement attracted everyone's attention, he must be can't escape...

But now, it's not just a question of whether or not he can escape, but a question of whether he can survive!

Qiao Xuan spread his legs and ran away, throwing stones behind him from time to time. The stones were also brought out by Qiao Xuan from the Hanging River Valley. Despite their small size, they were as heavy as a thousand catties, and it hurt to beat someone!

The big man was hit by a few stones. He didn't expect this little thing to hit someone so painful. He got a few bumps on his head, and he became even more angry. Booming like a bull, he ran directly towards Qiao Xuan!

Qiao Xuan was also dumbfounded. This stone-like demon cultivator could be crushed to death. This big man suffered a few times, but he only picked up a small bag. Is he still a human? !

The road ahead was blocked by Moxiu, and the big man behind was chasing after him. Qiao Xuan had nowhere to escape. He tried his best to dodge to the side, but he was still a step too slow, and was pulled back by his right foot!

Qiao Xuan: ...

Only then did Qiao Xuan notice that the big man was more than three meters tall when he stood up, and his arms were thicker than his waist. He carried him like a small chicken, and even shook his hands twice, raising his arms high, He went to Qiao Xuan's side and smelled it, and let out a deafening laugh: "The taste of heaven! Hehehe, I haven't eaten a fairy for a long time. It's sweet and not greasy, fresh and delicious. It tastes much better than the Dirty Moxiu here. !"

Qiao Xuan: QAQ

The big man was very excited, like a hungry ghost who hadn't eaten meat for hundreds of years, he opened his mouth and moved closer. Qiao Xuan could almost smell the fishy smell in his mouth, and almost fainted. If he died like this today, he must It was one of the most miserable of all his death methods!

Qiao Xuan yelled: "I don't eat it, I don't eat it, I don't eat it—"

However, the big man was unmoved, he was about to take a bite, Qiao Xuan's heart was cold, at this time a black streamer passed by, and hit the big man's wrist directly, the big man felt pain, and he let go of Qiao as soon as he let go announced.

Immediately afterwards, the black silk turned around and tied Qiao Xuan tightly.

Qiao Xuan's face was ashen.

I saw a tall, thin, pale young man walking over.

The big man was very unhappy. After all, the delicious food flew out of his mouth. He said angrily, "Ji Xiao, what are you doing? He is mine!"

Ji Xiao said lightly: "Kui Yuan, he doesn't belong to you, he belongs to the Demon Lord."

The big man Kuiyuan was startled, not as angry as before, but he was still unwilling, and shouted angrily: "How do I know if you lied to me?"

Ji Xiao sneered: "I lied to you, stupid thing, what to do, if you don't believe me, follow me to have a look and you will know."

After finishing speaking, Ji Xiao glanced at Qiao Xuan: "This person is trying to escape, so naturally he will be handed over to the Demon Lord."

Qiao Xuan: "..."

Kuiyuan thought about it, although Ji Xiao was more reliable than himself, so he probably wasn’t lying to himself, but he couldn’t bear to give up such a delicacy. He didn’t cry when he saw the coffin, and he didn’t give up when he didn’t see the Yellow River, so he hesitated for a while, and followed the plan. Xiao went to the main hall together.

Qiao Xuan was tied up and thrown onto the hall.

He looked up at the stern and lazy man sitting on the stone seat on the high platform with his chin resting on one hand, and he almost shed tears.

How does Bai Cang usually deal with escaped prisoners

Of course it is - kill directly!

The joy of dying is a gift.

Ji Xiao cupped his hands and respectfully said: "Mozun, he tried to escape but was captured by his subordinates."

Bai Cang nodded: "You did a good job."

Ji Xiao knew about Bai Cang's affairs, and it was not his turn to intervene, so he said cleanly, "This subordinate resigns."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

When passing by Kuiyuan, he raised his eyebrows and laughed lowly: "Why, why don't you go and wait for the theater?"

Kuiyuan glanced at Qiao Xuan, then at Bai Cang, it turned out that he was really Mozun's man, he was unwilling and very disappointed, but he still followed Ji Xiao out...

While walking, he couldn't stop thinking in his heart, should he simply ask the Demon Lord to bring this person over next time? Bai Cang has always been quite generous, so he shouldn't be reluctant to give up some rations for himself...

Qiao Xuan looked at Bai Cang, feeling cold in his heart.

Bai Cang's fingers moved slightly, and the black silk on his body was loosened, but Qiao Xuan didn't dare to escape, and stood there stiffly.

The man on the high platform had teasing eyes, purple pupils glowing coldly, and let out a hoarse laugh: "I didn't expect to have some skills, but I underestimated you."

The hoarse voice was like a rusty knife rubbing against a stone, Qiao Xuan's whole body got goosebumps, what a crime he did, to be frightened twice in a short period of time! From the bottom of my heart, I hate this ghostly place, the Western Wilderness! ! !

Qiao Xuan endured the fear and stammered: "You, you can't kill me. If you kill me, Hua Lan will definitely not let you go!"

The corner of Bai Cang's lips twitched: "Oh, it seems that you are very important to Hua Lan."

Qiao Xuan started talking nonsense: "That must be, I am very important to him! You see, he even gave you the Tianxin Bead, and he will definitely not ignore me. I warn you, Hualan is a very powerful Shangshen, you don't want to It's too rampant—"

With a bang, Qiao Xuan was caught in front of Bai Cang by Ling Kong, and he was forced to kneel at Bai Cang's feet under a sudden pressure.

With slender and cold fingers, Bai Cang gently raised his chin, thoughtfully: "Then who are you from Hua Lan?"

He brushed Qiao Xuan's lips with his rough fingertips, lowered his eyes slightly, and muttered to himself: "Could it be Hua Lan's illegitimate child? No... You don't smell like a dragon..."

What the hell, are they all dog noses

And Nima's illegitimate son, Qiao Xuan was shocked by Bai Cang's brain hole.

"Could it be Hua Lan's little lover? But no matter who you are..." The corners of Bai Cang's lips raised slightly, seeming to be smiling, but there was no warmth in his pupils, "Do you think this deity is afraid of him? This deity is just I just don't want to be disturbed for the time being... When the purpose of this deity is achieved, sooner or later I will kill the heavens to show those sanctimonious gods some color."

Qiao Xuan was speechless for such a standard villain.

It's been more than 900 years, and it's not easy to be so ambitious. The devil is determined not to collapse... But why don't you learn your lesson? If you don't die, you won't die!

Wouldn't it be good to be your demon king? Fighting, killing, and making enemies everywhere, sooner or later, the car will overturn!

Bai Cang suddenly let go of his hand at this moment.

Qiao Xuan was startled.

The next moment, a golden ring flew out of Bai Cang's hand, and it was directly put on Qiao Xuan's neck!

Bai Cang looked at him condescendingly, and said calmly: "If you dare to run away again, I will send your body to Hua Lan."

The author has something to say: Tool Man · Bai Cang · Danger Index: ★★★★★

Qiao Xuan: Among the exes I least want to meet, Bai Cang can surpass Jiang Weiqing and rank first! TT

Bai Cang: ...

Author: If you don't die, you won't die, hehe.