My Exes Are Everywhere

Chapter 20: Soul array


Qiao Xuan's whole body was stiff, the hairs on his face stood up, and he was about to kneel. He took a deep breath, and said with a sneer: "No, didn't you say I'm still useful? If I die like this, Hua Lan will definitely I will trouble you... Of course, I am not saying that you are afraid of him, but that I am dead now, and it will not do you any good... And this devil is so rampant, he dares to play tricks in front of you, he deserves his death !"

Bai Cang looked at the young man in front of him indifferently. The young man seemed uneasy and very afraid of himself, but there was a sly look in his eyes, and the truth in his mouth was the same...

To be honest, Bai Cang was a little surprised by Qiao Xuan's behavior just now.

Zhengxin is not a good old devil, he is sinister, cunning and evil, but his appearance is quite deceptive. It stands to reason that these gods who cultivate the way of heaven are the most compassionate. They should not be indifferent to Zhengxin's pleadings, and be indifferent to their own murderous behavior...

Don't these sanctimonious gods always pay attention to the equality of all beings, that every plant and every tree is alive

Bai Cang thinks that Qiao Xuan will stop him, the worst thing is, it shouldn't be like what he just did...

He clearly expected Zhengxin's behavior, so he deliberately hid behind himself at the moment Zhengxin made a move, and used his own hands to get rid of Zhengxin. He was very indifferent and rational from the beginning to the end, without any superior mercy and The extra sympathy, but under the cunning and harmless appearance, there is a ruthless ruthlessness that must be revenged, as if he is a person living in the Western Wilderness.

For the people in the Western Wilderness, not trusting anyone is the basic instinct for survival.

But to the people of heaven, it seems out of place.

Very inconsistent.

Qiao Xuan explained for a long time, but Bai Cang didn't respond, he just looked at himself carefully, and couldn't help but become more panicked, with cold sweat streaming down his forehead...

Don't you, didn't I just hide behind you for a while

Can't you be a little more generous, a dignified demon? !

Bai Cang stared down at the young man, the corners of his lips curled up, seeing the young man's dissatisfaction hidden under the disguise of obedience... It's a bit interesting.

Bai Cang narrowed his eyes, ignored Qiao Xuan, turned around and told Ji Xiao lightly, "You stay here to deal with the aftermath."

Ji Xiao cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

Qiao Xuan was startled, at this moment, Bai Cang suddenly grabbed his wrist, looked down at him playfully, and led him to the flying boat in an instant!

Qiao Xuan was so stiff that he didn't dare to move.

I don't know what Bai Cang means.

Is this a pass or not

Bai Cang looked at him jokingly with downcast eyes, let go of his hands and turned around to stand in front of the flying boat, and the flying boat rose into the air and flew towards the return journey.

Qiao Xuan waited for a long time, seeing that Bai Cang did not pay attention to his intentions, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off his sweat, it seemed that he did not intend to deal with him anymore!

Ji Xiao was instructing his subordinates to clean the battlefield, when he saw Kui Yuan staring at Qiao Xuan's back, opening his mouth and giggling, as if he wanted to follow, he appeared in front of Kui Yuan in the blink of an eye, blocking his way.

Ji Xiao said lightly: "You just stay and help me."

Seeing Bai Cang and Qiao Xuan flying farther and farther, Kui Yuan was very anxious, what was he doing here? Nothing to eat and nothing to play, so boring! He wants to go back with cutie!

But no matter how he ran, Ji Xiao was not in a hurry and just stood in front of him.

Follows like a shadow, can't get rid of it no matter what!

Kui Yuan was so impatient that he wished he could punch the dying sick man in front of him! But after panting for a long time, he finally gave up helplessly. Don't look at this guy who looks sick and half-dead, but in fact he is so difficult to get rid of, like a dog's skin plaster... But if I am like this Admitting defeat, wouldn't this kid think that he was afraid of him

He, Kui Yuan, has never been afraid of anyone other than Zun Shang!

Kui Yuan widened his bell-like eyes and shouted: "Get out of the way, I was planning to stay and do things for Your Majesty, and I want His Majesty to know that I am much more useful than you!"

The corners of Ji Xiao's lips raised slightly, and he smiled: "Okay, I just found out that Zhengxin hid the Yinming stone that was mined before in the ground, and you went to dig it out. I believe you will be able to handle this matter well. I admire you."

Kui Yuan immediately held his head high: "Of course!"

After speaking, he ran to the back rumblingly, and began to bury his head in the ground, shaking the mountains for a while.

Just digging, Kuiyuan looked at the demon cultivators who were digging together on the left and right, and fell into confusion. Does this kind of thing really need to be done by himself? Can you really show your difference? Will His Majesty really look at him with admiration

... ... ...

Because Kui Yuan, Ji Xiao and other demon cultivators stayed behind, Bai Cang and Qiao Xuan were the only ones on the return journey, and they returned to the Demon Palace in less than an hour. slowed down.

As soon as it came to a complete stop, Qiao Xuan jumped off the flying boat, and immediately moved away from Bai Cang, keeping a distance of ninety-nine meters, not more than one meter, not less than one meter.

After Bai Cang returned to the Demon Palace, he became very busy. He didn't even look at him, as if Qiao Xuan didn't exist at all... Qiao Xuan was a little apprehensive at first, but then he gradually relaxed. At least he was safe for the time being. .

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Qiao Xuan yawned feebly, with drooping eyelids, tired and sleepy, he didn't eat, drink or rest for several days, and didn't dare to lose his mind for a moment, if he didn't notice that Bai Cang walked away, wouldn't he be killed Want to explain here

After finishing his work that night, Bai Cang came out of the main hall and walked back, Qiao Xuan immediately followed with bitterness.

They came to a palace behind the magic palace. The palace was empty all around. It didn't look like Hualan's Heavenly Palace at all. There were pavilions and gardens everywhere. There was only one building standing there alone, surrounded by a dark and solemn atmosphere. , at first glance, it is the place where the boss Bai Cang lives.

Qiao Xuan had no choice but to follow in. The palace was also very empty, without a single green plant or grass, and the air seemed to be icy cold.

Qiao Xuan complained in his heart, the aesthetics of people in the Western Wilderness is poor, this kind of underworld style is everywhere, and normal people are also suffering from depression...

But is Bai Cang going to rest? He rested, can he also rest

With anticipation, Qiao Xuan saw—someone started to serve food.

Bai Cang sat in the house, and the water-like servants brought up all kinds of delicacies, and set a table full in front of him!

Qiao Xuan's eyes widened little by little: ...don't torture me like this!

Qiao Xuan is not very surprised that Bai Cang can eat. Although at Bai Cang's level of cultivation, eating is no longer necessary... But the gods in the sky are not all bigu. There are not a few who should eat and drink. As a demon cultivator, Bai Cang doesn't pay much attention to being pure-hearted and ascetic, otherwise why not enjoy it so much

It's not surprising that Bai Cang can eat, but as the master, why do you only eat by yourself? Do you understand the way of hospitality? !

Qiao Xuan hadn't eaten or drank these days and was always uplifting. He was really tired. Looking at the table full of delicious food, he really felt itchy, but Bai Cang sat there and ate on his own, and didn't invite him at all. It means eating together...

It really is this bastard's style!

Qiao Xuan tilted his head angrily, and refused to eat if he didn't eat. After all, I was a divine bird who survived the catastrophe. How could he not even be able to withstand such a little temptation

But the eyes didn't look at it, but the fragrance was disobedient, rushing to get into the nose.

Quiet, calm, calm!

Qiao Xuan moved his steps slowly, swallowed his saliva, and wanted to move away, but just as he took a step, the gold ring around his neck tightened, crap, it was more than a hundred meters away!

Not only that, there is a steady stream of demon servants outside, who are still delivering all kinds of food and wine here, passing by Qiao Xuan without turning their eyes...

Woohoo, don't even think about his mood!

I can't stand it anymore!

Qiao Xuan walked back angrily, and when he looked at Bai Cang, he was so angry that it was a waste, what a waste, are you a pig? Can you eat that much? It's just a nouveau riche!

How precious is the food in the Western Wilderness!

Is it just for you to abuse and spoil like this

Qiao Xuan couldn't help recalling how difficult it was to eat in one bite when he was still Qingxun. Due to environmental reasons, the land in the Western Wilderness was hard and dry, making it difficult to grow crops. Even if some plants grew, most of them were poisonous and inedible... There are no chickens here Ducks, pigs and sheep are easy-to-raise poultry. Weak animals can't adapt to the dark spiritual power of the Western Wilderness. They will soon be exhausted and die. Therefore, all the people living here are vicious monsters. Ordinary mortals don't know who they are when they encounter them. who to eat.

At the beginning, Qingxun lived by the Zhuohe River, and the fish in the Zhuohe River were full of sharp teeth and could eat people... So they couldn't make a living by fishing. The men in the village would flock in groups for food. Went out to hunt, but often suffered heavy casualties...

And weaker women, the elderly, and children have no dignity for food.

Here, people are exhausted from birth, living is the biggest problem, and there is no time to think too much about other things...

For a weak person like Qing Xun, the world of the Western Wilderness is hopeless and gloomy, but for a strong person like Bai Cang, this is a paradise where he can do whatever he wants.

There are no rules, no restrictions, no morals and ethics in the Western Wilderness.

A small number of strong people occupy the vast majority of resources, killing and taking away the weak, wantonly extravagant and depraved.

Polarization is very serious!

Just like the table of delicious food like now, but most people can't see it in their dreams...

But Bai Cang couldn't eat it and threw it away,

Will not give alms to mortals.

It's too much, whether it is tolerable or unbearable!

He can't bear to waste food!

Qiao Xuan's heart was finally overwhelmed, why should he be so afraid? I am still useful now, Bai Cang will not kill himself just for one bite, and it is already miserable enough that he was arrested here, even if he is not given food, this is abuse, right


Qiao Xuan slipped over without a sound, carefully sat cross-legged on the other side of the table farthest from Bai Cang, and tentatively picked up a roasted animal leg.

very good! Bai Cang didn't respond.

Qiao Xuan lowered his head and started to eat quietly. As long as he doesn't look at Bai Cang, Bai Cang doesn't exist, and he is safe. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I didn't eat it when I was making Qingxun, and this, this, and this are all delicious...

Holding the wine glass, Bai Cang leaned on the couch, his eyes turned slightly to the side, and fell on the young man in the corner.

In fact, he had noticed the boy a long time ago.

The boy obviously wanted to eat, but he didn't want to get close to him. He was sulking by himself, but Bai Cang didn't care... The reason why he kept him temporarily was because he didn't want Hua Lan to disturb him. With Qiao Xuan around, Hua Lan dared not act rashly because he was cautious.

As for what will happen to Qiao Xuan, it has never been within the scope of Bai Cang's consideration.

Eat it, or don't eat it, it doesn't matter.

It's just that at this moment, Bai Cang is rarely in a daze seeing the boy's eyes bright and dazzling, and his appearance of eating happily.

He thought of Qing Xun.

Qing Xun used to be like this, as long as he saw food, his eyes would light up. For him, as long as he could eat and drink enough, it seemed to be the happiest thing in the world, and he was really easy to be satisfied.

He treats a little thing that I donate casually as a treasure, and if I give him a casual smile, he will be happy for a long time...

And it's probably because I'm used to it, so even when I don't have to worry about food and clothing, I'm always reluctant to waste a little bit. When I eat, I can even lick my fingers clean... I used to despise him the most, but now I think about it, but I am even more disgusted. people pity.

It's a pity that at that time, I didn't know what to care about.

Bai Cang looked at Qiao Xuan.

The young man has a handsome appearance, and his dark eyes are shining. He was not born in the Western Wilderness, and he has never seen the darkness of the world... But anyone who can overcome calamity and become a fairy is the darling of heaven. And it's not worth mentioning that they don't understand everything here...

But what is paradoxical is that being born with such a person made him think of Qing Xun again and again.

Even the habit of sucking his fingers while eating is exactly the same as Qing Xun's...

Bai Cang's eyes dimmed.

Qiao Xuan was cautious at first, but when he saw that Bai Cang didn't respond, he gradually let go, he didn't want to wrong himself! I ate to my heart's content, I burped, and even sucked the juice off my fingers, woo woo woo, it's really delicious... I'm so happy after eating and drinking...

In fact, the Western Wilderness also has delicious food, and many special monsters can only be found here.

It's a pity that most people can't eat it.

If it weren't for this place being so dangerous and not a place for people to stay, I wouldn't be so avoiding it...

After eating, Qiao Xuan was about to slip away quietly, but before he got up, he was suddenly held by a cold hand, and the coldness penetrated into the bone marrow, making Qiao Xuan shiver involuntarily. The next second, he He was dragged into Bai Cang's arms.


When did Bai Cang come over, why didn't he notice it!

The man's chest was as hard as iron, and he almost burst into tears when he hit it. Qiao Xuan raised his eyes in a panic, met those cold purple pupils, and almost died in shock!

Are you a ghost? Nothing at all!

The pinched wrist hurt slightly, Qiao Xuan took a deep breath, and said with a blank and innocent smile: "Your Majesty? What's the matter with you?"

Bai Cang's pupils were deep, and the corners of his lips rose slightly: "Are you still used to the food in the Western Wilderness?"

Bai Cang's words were very calm, as if he was asking with a smile, but Qiao Xuan's face turned red with embarrassment, so...he could hear the hidden meaning in these words, Bai Cang was asking him, his own As a majestic immortal in the heavenly realm, but he is greedy for the delicacies of the Western Wilderness, and even wants to lose his bones for a little appetite...

This is mocking him!

But Qiao Xuan has an advantage, his heart is wide enough, as long as he is not embarrassed, then others will be embarrassed.

And is it his fault that his bones are soft? How hard it is not full.

Qiao Xuan said with a serious face: "You are used to eating, you don't have to worry about it."


The expression in Bai Cang's eyes became more and more playful, but he never expected that this little guy in the heavens is really thick-skinned, but it's beyond imagination, interesting...

Bai Cang raised his hand to pinch Qiao Xuan's chin, approached him slightly, and smiled mockingly: "Since you have eaten the deity's food, what are you going to pay for it? In our Western Wilderness, there is no reason to eat for free."

Qiao Xuan: "..."

The truth is this, but aren't you a hostage? Isn't it a basic operation to give food to hostages? Is it possible to buy hostages with money? ?

You are too stingy as a Demon Lord!

Seeing Qiao Xuan in a daze, Bai Cang looked dazed, the smile on his lips deepened, and he said lightly: "I just need a stove to warm the bed. I don't know how people in the heaven taste like, but this makes me a little curious."

Qiao Xuan shuddered subconsciously when he saw Bai Cang's gloomy gaze. The chill spread from his wrist to his heart. He was very familiar with this scene...

He slammed Bai Cang's hand away, and rushed out like lightning!

But before reaching 100 meters, the golden ring around his neck suddenly tightened, and Qiao Xuan knelt down on the ground with a puff, clutching his throat and coughing desperately...

A pair of black boots appeared before his eyes.

Qiao Xuan raised his head, and saw Bai Cang approaching him slowly, fumbling for the black ring on his hand, with a mocking arc on his lips, looking at him as if he was looking at a desperate prey.

Then he heard Bai Cang say: "I said, if you dare to escape again, I will give your body to Hua Lan, do you remember?"

Qiao Xuan almost cried.

If he knew that this meal cost so much, he would have to hold back no matter how hard it is!

It's hard to start over, who wants to make a cauldron for Bai Cang!

Bai Cang lifted the hem of his clothes, bent his knees, and lightly brushed the corners of Qiao Xuan's eyes with his fingertips. Looking into his frightened eyes, his expression became even worse: "If you don't want to serve the deity, then the deity will reward you to the deity." My subordinates, let them have fun before disposing of you, and then send your body back to the heavens, this is not a waste..."

Qiao Xuan's face was pale.

Bai Cang paused, thoughtful, seemed to think of something again, and said with a smile: "By the way, I see that Kuiyuan likes you very much, or it would be good to just give you to him, so that he doesn't always want to find me for you." people."

Qiao Xuan was just afraid before, but this time he almost fainted from fright!

He had no doubt that Bai Cang would do this, this man could do such a thing! Not surprising at all!

If this fell into Kui Yuan's hands, would he still have a corpse? It was digested the next day, woo woo woo If he really died like this, he would have a psychological shadow if he was a ghost!

Qiao Xuan jumped forward, hugged Bai Cang's feet, and said tearfully:

"I, I have no intention of running away! My lord, you misunderstood..."

Seeing that Bai Cang was unmoved, he stammered again: "You, if you really gave me to Kuiyuan, there would be no corpse to give to Hualan..."

Bai Cang raised his eyebrows, as if he thought it made sense, he chuckled lightly.

Seeing Bai Cang, Qiao Xuan laughed, even though he was sneering and sneering, he continued his efforts, choked up with tears: "I don't want to serve you, but I'm very stupid, I don't know how to serve others, I'm afraid I will offend you accidentally With respect to you..."

Bai Cang said coldly: "It's not really important."

Qiao Xuan: "..."

Bai Cang stretched out his hand, brushing his fingertips lightly against his throat, the young man's skin was very delicate, his neck was so slender that it would break if he folded it, trembling slightly in his palm...

But no more struggles.

Bai Cang stared at the young man's face. He was really scared, but he stopped resisting and closed his eyes as if accepting his fate. It seemed that he was really frightened by himself...

For some reason, Bai Cang thought of Qing Xun again. When he saw Qing Xun for the first time, Qing Xun was like this too. The thin young man crawled in front of him, trembling with fear, as if he was a carnivore The devil, but resigned to his fate and closed his eyes, even if he was afraid, so what? Because there is no room for resistance at all...

No matter what he gave him, he could only accept it.

Even if he doesn't want him anymore, he still accepts his fate.

Bai Cang's eyes dimmed a bit, and he suddenly lost interest.

He didn't intend to do anything to Qiao Xuan, but it was interesting to see him act so freely and recklessly, so he couldn't help but want to tease him.

In fact, when I was in the Burial Abyss, the reason why I let the young man hide behind me was because he was obviously afraid, but he was trying to survive and try to please himself. At that moment, he was really similar to Qing Xun...

But he is not Qing Xun after all.

Bai Cang let go of his hands and stood up, uttering a word coldly: "Get lost."

Qiao Xuan had resigned himself to his fate, Xin Dao said that he was not inexperienced in this matter, it wasn't that scary, he just endured it and passed it, but he didn't expect Bai Cang to let him go suddenly and leave!

This guy is really moody!

But no matter what, it's a good thing that Bai Cang didn't move him. Qiao Xuan escaped unharmed and was drenched in sweat.

Bai Cang entered the house, and the door slammed shut before his eyes.

Qiao Xuan hesitated for a moment, and sat cross-legged under the eaves within a distance of no more than a hundred meters.

The night in the Demon Palace was quite cold, chilling to the bone, but after what happened just now, even if Qiao Xuan was killed, he would not dare to go to the white sky again. The cold wind blew all night. Frozen to death, thinking about all the things he encountered here, Qiao Xuan couldn't help feeling sad, so he really didn't want to come to the Western Wilderness!

The outside world is too dangerous!

So, why did I sneak out in the first place

He just wanted to come out to get some air and relax, why did God treat him like this...

Qiao Xuan hugged himself aggrievedly, he has been in the Western Wilderness for several days, should he ask Master for help? But Bai Cang is very powerful now, he even dared to go to Tiangong to seize the treasure openly, and I don't know if Master is Bai Cang's opponent... and this is Bai Cang's lair, Bai Cang has home court advantage, in case Master can't beat Bai Cang, didn't he entrap Master

No, no, no, it was wrong for me to run away disobediently, how dare I bother Master about it again.

Forget it, let's find a chance to escape first.

... ... ...

Qiao Xuanyan clucked like a cabbage beaten by Shuang, he didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore, he followed Bai Cang obediently, and became the soul behind Bai Cang for a few days...

Soon, Ji Xiao and Kui Yuan also came back, bringing back several carts of Yinming Stones.

Ji Xiao respectfully reported to Bai Cang: "The subordinates have made arrangements, and the criminal slaves are rushing to work day and night, and it will be completed by the 19th of this month."

Bai Cang heard the words and said with satisfaction: "Very good."

Ji Xiao: "This subordinate resigns."

Qiao Xuan stayed in the corner of the room, trying to make himself non-existent. Although what Ji Xiao said was simple, but thinking of the altar he saw at the beginning, and the Yinming stone they went to bury Moyuan, it is not difficult to guess that Bai Cang is doing a big thing, this devil is really determined to do things, and the human design is determined not to collapse. Let me tell you, a villain like you will never survive to the end!

Back then, if you hadn't been so ambitious to kill them all, the dozen or so sects wouldn't have joined forces to deal with you.

Be as calm as I am, be salty and enjoy life, wouldn't it

Qiao Xuan was speechless to Bai Cang.

However, in Ji Xiao's words just now, there was one sentence that caught Qiao Xuan's attention.

Nineteenth of this month.

It means that Bai Cang's plan is about to be completed. No matter whether he intends to attack the heavens or dominate the world, his own value will no longer exist at that time, and Bai Cang may choose to tear up his ticket.

So for Qiao Xuan, the 19th of this month is his deadline!

At this moment, Bai Cang got up again.

Qiao Xuan could only follow.

He came to the location of the altar again. When he first saw it, there were still a few places that were not completed. After a while, it became more and more perfect.

With mixed thoughts, Qiao Xuan followed Bai Cang forward.

Bai Cang stood in the center of the altar.

He saw Bai Cang's eyes showing an almost fanatical light, as if something he had been expecting for a long time was about to succeed...

Qiao Xuan couldn't understand, is it so interesting to dominate the world? Does fighting and killing excite you so much? Is the Western Wilderness not enough for you

At this moment, he saw Bai Cang wave his hand, and in the center of the altar, a black coffin slowly floated up.

Qiao Xuan: ...? ?

Could it be that Bai Cang wants to revive a certain dead monster, and then use monsters to dominate the world? Don't blame Qiao Xuan for having too much brain, he really sees too many weird things...

But immediately after, he saw Bai Cang gently caressing the coffin, his usually cold and gloomy eyes showed a rare trace of tenderness, his voice was hoarse and persistent, and he murmured, "Sorry, I kept you waiting for too long... "

If it was expected before, Qiao Xuan was completely shocked by this scene!

This expansion is wrong!

You don't want to destroy the world, but you want to resurrect the person you like

Qiao Xuan just thought it was ridiculous, and was frightened, and didn't know where he was for a while... Would a person like Bai Cang fall in love with someone? And still so persistent and infatuated? Who is so unlucky? And Bai Cang, your character has collapsed! This is not what you should do!

Qiao Xuan felt that he really saw a ghost.

But soon he discovered that something more terrifying was behind.

Qiao Xuan took a curious look into the coffin, but was almost sent away on the spot... Inside the coffin was a horrible-looking mummy! Horror movies aren't that scary, are they? Bai Cang, your taste is too strong, right? ?

The world is getting more and more crazy, Qiao Xuan feels that he needs to digest it.

He backed away quietly, preparing to stay away from Bai Cang, a dangerous and crazy guy. At this moment, he heard the most terrifying words that he had ever heard in his life, like a thunderbolt, which almost struck him. let go...

He heard Bai Cang say:

"Qing Xun, I'm going to resurrect you."

The author has something to say: Qiao Xuan: I was frightened too much today, worse than the mushrooms in the Hanging River Valley QAQ

Author Bacteria: Look, this is retribution, right

Qiao Xuan: ...

Bai Cang: Baby, don't be afraid.

Qiao Xuan: Please let me die in peace QAQ

Bai Cang: ...