My Exes Are Everywhere

Chapter 36: old residence


The woman is so beautiful, she stands there floatingly, like a bright moon.

And I was just the humble dust under her feet.

She was completely different from any human being in the Western Wilderness he had ever seen, as if she didn't exist in this dirty world at all...

Why would such a person come here

He turned around in a daze, and found that the wolf demon seemed a little different from the past.

The wolf demon did not drive away this beautiful woman like he did before driving out those intruders, but turned into a human form facing the woman, and asked her why she came here with a look he had never seen before.

Only then did he know for the first time that the wolf demon had a human form.

But in the past ten years, he hadn't seen him once.

It was also at this moment that he realized that this woman must have a different meaning to the wolf demon.

What happened later also confirmed this point.

The wolf demon who has never been moved by anything, the wolf demon who has never left the territory for half a step, wants to leave here for that woman.

Accompany her to the Underworld Wangchuan.

He used to think that even if the wolf demon is indifferent, not talkative, and lazy to care about himself, in their world, there will be no other people, so that's enough... But when he saw the wolf demon being cautious and hardworking towards the woman... Gently, he finally understood that it was just his own delusion.

He was still the humble mortal being sacrificed as food.

But the woman is the forbidden place in the heart of the wolf demon that cannot be touched by others.

The place where yin and yang meet is full of dangers, and the end of the River of Forgetfulness is a territory that living people cannot set foot on. Even though they know that they are close to death along the way, the wolf demon still does not look back and wants to leave with the woman.

Leave him here alone.

He doesn't want to be left behind.

I don't want to stay in a snow mountain alone.

He rushed into the heavy snow, desperately chasing after the opponent's back, even though he knew that he was as humble as dust...

The wolf demon probably didn't expect that he would risk his life to chase it out. An ordinary human would only have a dead end in the ice wasteland. It would be very difficult for him to survive even in the snow-capped mountains, but he still came out. The wolf demon was very impatient, and probably thought he was a troublesome burden, so he asked him to go back.

But he doesn't want to go back.

He would rather die here than be left behind.

Seeing that he couldn't drive him away no matter what, the wolf demon finally took him with him.

He knows that he is a burden and can't help much, but he can do his best to serve the wolf demon and the woman.

If this is the person the wolf demon likes, then he hopes that the wolf demon can get what he wants, as long as he can stay by the wolf demon's side...

Even watching it with the person it likes, he can accept it.

This road is very difficult and dangerous.

The wolf demon's thoughts are all on the woman, and he has no time to take care of him, but he will keep up no matter how difficult it is to go.

Finally they came to the edge of Wangchuan.

This is the river for the dead to lead to the underworld, but they are not dead, so they cannot pass the Naihe bridge, they can only cross the river, but the river is full of resentful ghosts who do not want to be reborn. Crossing the river was very difficult.

The wolf demon does not want the woman to take risks, but the woman insists on going to the underworld.

The wolf demon finally compromised.

They set foot on a small boat.

The wolf demon said to him, you stay.

But he shook his head and said, "Take me with you."

The wolf demon looked at him contemptuously, as if he felt that he was beyond his control, but he was too lazy to control him and let him fend for himself.

He followed into the boat.

The resentful ghosts in the river are very ferocious, they keep trying to board the boat, trying to bite them, and the deeper they go, the stronger the resentful ghosts become...

The wolf demon and the woman began to struggle.

Three days later, they finally couldn't hold on, but it was too late to go back at this time. The grieving ghosts looked at them greedily and hungrily, biting their boat and dragging them all into this endless hell , let them also become part of the grieving ghosts...

He stood silently beside the wolf demon. As a human being without magic power, he really couldn't help him. He could only watch from the sidelines along the way, but from the moment he boarded the boat, he understood the meaning of his existence …

The wolf demon will not refuse the woman's request, even if it knows that it will go, it will almost die.

But it never looked back.

Just because of a word from the other party.

But I can't watch it die. It gave me the best ten years, the most peaceful and warm period of time, and it has become the most important part of his life.

If you say, you are willing to sacrifice your life for her.

I think, I am also willing to give my life for you.

I know dissuasion is useless.

You won't listen either.

But I still hope that you can go back alive.

He said to the wolf demon: "You will be fine."

The wolf demon was injured, his eyes were cold and impatient, and he didn't want to pay attention to him.

He smiled indifferently, turned around, and jumped into the river. The grieving ghosts found the fresh hot flesh and rushed towards him frantically, ignoring the wolf demon and the woman on the boat. They swarmed up and bit him, he stretched out his hand, and pushed the boat violently with the last of his strength. Seeing the boat floated to the shore, he smiled at the wolf demon.

Look, you're going to be all right.

I will be gone in the future, but you still have her.

I hope you get what you want, it's my last hope.

... ... ...

Qiao Xuan finished recalling, and sighed, in terms of living standards, this life with Xue Ming was the worst of the seven lives.

Although he and Qing Xun were both born in the Western Wilderness in that life, Bai Cang is a demon with a sect and knows how to enjoy life very well. During the two years of making the stove by himself, he was really rich in clothes and jade food, and it was very refreshing after a while However, Xueming is different... He is just a wild animal that drinks blood, lives in a cave and sleeps in a grass nest, if he hadn't taken care of it himself, he might not have even eaten cooked food...

Moreover, he has a withdrawn personality, is moody, does not form cliques, does not accept younger brothers, and does not pay attention to the quality of life. As a result, he also lives a poor life with him, worrying about food every day, because he is just a mortal. Unlike Xueming who can not eat or drink...

In order to have a hot meal, he has to gather firewood, light a fire, cook, and take care of a lazy dog. Is it easy for him

But having said that, compare yourself in that life, and look at the appearance of Goddess Ruohua, a fool knows who to like, Qiao Xuan is not surprised that Xueming likes Ruohua, he would definitely be more I like Ruohua.

The appearance of my life in that life is really disgusting.

Xue Ming doesn't dislike him, it is already commendable, and he really can't ask for more.

It's not wrong to control the appearance, it's my own wishful thinking that's wrong.

Even though he knew there was no hope, he was still hopeless, and regarded Xue Ming as the only light in his life.

Xueming is Ruohua's licking dog, but he is not Xueming's licking dog.

Although Xueming didn't treat him very well, he was very indifferent and moody...but if it wasn't for Xueming, even if he didn't feed the monster that night, he would have been frozen to death. His most peaceful ten years, gave him a chance to live, and even helped him take revenge. It was the only faint warmth he could grasp in this cold and ruthless world... So he gave his life back to him in the end. What complaints.

A life for a life couldn't be more fair.

It's a pity that feelings are not fair at all, Xueming is willing to die for Ruohua, but Ruohua still doesn't like it.

At that time, I didn't understand much, but now that I think about it, Ruohua never expressed anything to Xueming, and was even a bit indifferent to Xueming, it was Xueming's wishful thinking to help...

He chose to jump off the boat at that time, which was the last resort.

If it wasn't for Xue Ming's stupid dog, who insisted on accompanying Ruohua to cross Wangchuan, he would not have sacrificed his life to save others and lost his life, but who made it Xue Ming's choice? Probably to love someone is to do it when you know you can't do it, and you are willing to die for her.

But Qiao Xuan doesn't mind these things, it's just a tribulation anyway, but it's been hundreds of years, Xue Ming still hasn't caught up with Ruohua, Ruohua even showed his love to Jiang Weiqing in the heaven! Tell me, tell me, I used my life to fulfill all of you, is that how you are

Qiao Xuan was angry just thinking about it.

I feel like I'm dead for nothing.

With Xueming's temperament, she looks like a spare tire for thousands of years, if she doesn't take the initiative, how can she catch up with the goddess

Summarize the story of that life: it is the story of two fools, licking the dog until they have nothing at the end!

Qiao Xuan shook his head and sighed.

The carriage that transported their ugly slaves soon entered the snow mountain, and the temperature dropped a lot. Qiao Xuan thought it was fine, but the other slaves around him began to shiver.

Along the way, there were many camps and monsters in the once barren and empty place.

I don't know how much more lively and prosperous than before.

Could it be that this silly dog has finally learned to enjoy life like Bai Cang after becoming a demon lord? That is really a gratifying thing!

The only thing that surprised Qiao Xuan was, why did these monsters search for ugly slaves and offer them to Xue Ming

Although Xueming's EQ is not high, there is nothing wrong with her aesthetics, otherwise she wouldn't have liked Ruohua at the beginning, why would she like ugly ones now? Could it be because the pursuit of the goddess was not successful and he was hit, so the aesthetics have also been distorted...

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the demon master is not Xue Ming.

Hundreds of years have passed, maybe that silly dog is no longer here, or was killed by other monsters, it is also very possible.

Soon arrived at the snow mountain pass.

A monster drove them down and let them walk up the mountain.

Qiao Xuan was very calm and indifferent, anyway, just take a step and take a look.

They walked halfway up the mountain, and were stopped by a few monsters guarding it. The area above was where the demon master was, and no one else could enter casually.

Qiao Xuan stood with his head down among the group of people, unremarkable at all.

He was absent-mindedly thinking about how to run, as long as he crossed here, he would be in the ice wasteland, not far from where he was going.

The monsters in front looked at them, as if they were considering who to send in first.

"It's your honor to be able to serve the demon lord. If you serve well, Lord Xiao will definitely reward you a lot."

"Don't be afraid, this is your luck. Maybe you will be appreciated by the demon master. In the future, if you eat delicious food, which one of you wants to go first?"

But no one moved.

We are not fools.

It is said that the demon master was very cruel and had a weird personality, and none of the ugly slaves he sent came out alive.

Of course, Qiao Xuan didn't plan to stand out.

He was even about to take a step back... At this moment, there was a force behind him, he was pushed and staggered, and he stumbled to the front...

Qiao Xuan: ...

The monster looked at him, showed pity, patted his shoulder, and said, "That's right, your courage is commendable, it's up to you, go in."

Qiao Xuan had a serious face.

He had been away from the Western Wilderness for too long, and he didn't get used to it for a while, so he got his way in this kind of place, and still underestimated this group of humble humans.

At this time, it is unrealistic to retreat. Although I don't want to be the first bird, it will be his turn sooner or later, so I might as well explore the way first.

Qiao Xuan lowered his head and pretended to be scared, but was pushed in by the monster.

It's all covered with snow.

No trace of anyone.

He walked slowly up the mountain road.

As I walked, familiar memories came back to my mind.

Different from the huge changes outside, with the halfway up the mountain as the boundary, the top of the snow mountain is exactly the same as before. Qiao Xuan can recognize the way almost with his eyes closed. He stepped on the thick snow with one foot deep and the other shallow. , finally came to a cave entrance.

The entrance of the cave is under a steep rock wall, and the entrance of the cave is full of weeds. Qiao Xuan went in and looked around. In the bare cave, there was only a messy doghouse. The ground was thick with dust, as if no one had ever seen it. Cleaning managed.

Qiao Xuan was speechless, this silly dog is too lazy!

Could it be that it hasn't cleaned its own nest even after five hundred years of its own death

If he hadn't been convinced that he had been dead for five hundred years, Qiao Xuan would have felt that the place was exactly the same as before he left except for the thicker dust. Even the position of the stone at the door hadn't changed! During this period of time, he also encountered many people and things, most of them were different, and he had long been unrecognizable. Only here, as if he had hardly left...

Everything is as familiar as yesterday.

After all, he is also a demon master, and a group of subordinates are waiting to please him, and Qiao Xuan can't understand how poorly he lived...

After thinking about it, maybe because he is a human being, he can't understand the thoughts of animals

Maybe even if the golden house and the silver house are in front of him, this silly dog still prefers his own den... For cats and dogs, that's it...

It is clear that it can also cultivate human form, but it is not human after all, it is just a beast inside.

Still a beast that won't enjoy.

Especially when compared with Bai Cang, it is the sky and the ground, not seen for hundreds of years, Bai Cang not only has the name of a Demon Lord, but also is very unrestrained, even though this silly dog has the name of a Demon Lord , but the life is the same as it was five hundred years ago, and he is not even willing to move the kennel.

Qiao Xuan sighed.

He couldn't bear it anymore, found some branches and tied a broom, and started to clean. When he was still there, although his ability was limited and he couldn't get things back, at least he cleaned the kennel clean. I also regularly change the silly dog's nest with clean and soft leaves...

While doing it, I hate it. Others donated so many slaves, and they killed them all if they had nothing to do. Do you know that killing innocent people indiscriminately is a bad idea? You're lazy and clumsy, no wonder no one is waiting for you.

Qiao Xuan tidied up the place and removed the weeds at the entrance of the cave. Finally, he found it much more pleasing to the eye. As a mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, he has lived here for so many years, so he really can't see how dirty and messy this place is!

Looking around, feeling nothing, Qiao Xuan was about to leave, but as soon as he turned around, he met a pair of dark golden vertical pupils.

The gigantic wolf demon stood at the entrance of the cave, staring at him coldly, and he didn't know how long it had been here.

Qiao Xuan was hairy all over, and his mind was spinning rapidly. According to Xueming's vigilance, it might have discovered it as soon as he went up the mountain, but it didn't appear until now...

His hands hanging down his sleeves held tightly the drops of water given by Master.

Although I had lived with Xueming in harmony for ten years, I still knew about it, but after all, I haven't seen him for five hundred years, and I am not the same body as before. You, he also suffered a lot of injuries at the beginning, and in the end he finally let this silly dog go...

Facing such a beast, he must not show hostility.

Qiao Xuan lowered his eyes, not looking into Xue Ming's eyes, and stood there quietly.

One second two seconds three seconds.

The giant wolf walked up to him step by step, staring at him with cold eyes, suddenly it lowered its head, and its scorching breath fell on the side of his neck.

The author has something to say: Xueming: I am obviously a wolf, why do you say it is my dog? Fierce baring teeth.jgp

Author: There is no reproductive isolation between wolves and dogs. Wolves are not tamed, but dogs are tamed. Are you a wolf or a dog

Xueming: ...