My Exes Are Everywhere

Chapter 45: ancient times


Yesi Luo Dingding stood there, his pupils were still scarlet, but the madness and bloodthirsty in them seemed to be extinguished by a basin of cold water.

He looked at the pale boy, his lips moved, but he couldn't make any sound.

Things, after all, have come to this point.

hate me.

this is necessary…

But I will not regret my choice. I will kill Qiao Chao and his wife again. This is the meaning of my survival so far.

After a while.

The young man walked up to him slowly.

The young man looked very embarrassed, his clothes were messed up and covered with dust, his cheeks were bruised, his dark eyes were filled with the color of death and desolation, his hands were dripping with blood, he was usually the most sensitive and delicate young man At this moment, he seemed to feel no pain. He looked at him and raised the corner of his mouth, and made a soft voice: "Is it my turn? Cut the weeds and get rid of the roots."

Yesiluo understood what he meant, the young man's mood at the moment is the same as himself seventeen years ago...

Despair, pain, hatred...

Qiao Chao failed to kill himself back then, and ended up like this seventeen years later, so he should eradicate the weeds...

However, he has already taken revenge, and the price is his own life. He is going to die, so what is there to do? What's more, even if he wouldn't die, even if Qiao Chao didn't intercede, he wouldn't kill Qiao Jiayu...

If he kills the boy again, then he will really be no different from Qiao Chao.

Yesiluo said lightly, "I won't kill you."

The backlash of the forbidden technique made him feel miserable. He knew that he didn't have much time, so he tried his best to maintain his coolness, without showing the slightest nostalgia. He turned around and wanted to leave here. He wanted to die where Qiao Jiayu couldn't see it.

But the young man held the sword, stepped forward quickly, and stopped in front of him, with the tip of the sword pointing directly in his direction.

Yesiluo looked at the young man, if he died by your hands, it would be a good choice.

Qiao Chao and his wife killed my parents, I killed Qiao Chao and his wife, made your brother's life worse than death, and then you killed me, it's a beginning and an end.

Yesiluo thought so, but showed a sneering look: "Why, do you want revenge now? Don't overestimate your abilities... um..."

Juvenile—The sword stabbed in his chest.

But the heart was deviated, Yesiluo didn't move, and sneered: "It's crooked, I can't die like this."

Unexpectedly, the young man just said lightly: "When did I say that I'm going to kill you."

In the next second, Yesiluo felt his whole body's energy and blood flow towards the tip of the sword, and the forbidden art backlash felt a pulling force, leaving him along the blade, and bright red blood slowly covered the boy's body Wrists, arms, neck, face...

Yesiluo looked at the boy in disbelief, and wanted to shake him off, but he was at the end of his strength, and could only watch helplessly as the boy turned back the forbidden spell and transferred it to him.

Yesilo knew how painful it was...

But the young man faced him, showing a smile, that smile was like a flower blooming in the flames, bright, beautiful and desperate, it was ruthlessly burned in the blink of an eye, his eyes were full of indistinct Nostalgia, tenderness, and—the indomitable hatred that goes forward...

The last words the boy said to him were: "It was my misfortune to meet you... But, I will not love you in the future."

Then he was like a withered flower, decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye, and slowly fell to the ground.

After a long time, Yesiluo finally regained his strength.

He slowly crawled to the boy's side, gently hugged the boy, and usually would smile at him, holding his coquettish boy, at this moment the cold body had lost the slightest breath.


never meet.

This is the ending you chose for us.


Why do you still want to sacrifice your life for me to have a chance to survive knowing that I have deceived you and betrayed you

If you have revenge for revenge, if you have resentment for revenge, you should kill me.

This is how the hatred ends.

Qiao Chao paid the price for his actions seventeen years ago, and he himself has to pay the price for his own actions. In fact, he had no intention of leaving alive for a long time...

So he chose to die together.

In the past seventeen years, he has lived as a walking dead dominated by hatred, as a despicable and vicious demon cultivator, in order to become stronger and take revenge by any means, with blood and innocent lives on his hands, he doesn't care about hurting others, he doesn't care about taking advantage of Others, as long as they can achieve their goals, he can do anything he once despised.

When I choose to take revenge in this way, I know that I am not qualified to be redeemed. When I choose to do the same thing as Qiao Chao, I know that I am not qualified to be loved again...

Only my death can put an end to this hatred.

I want you to forget me, let go of me, and live on.

Because even if I die, I don’t have to blame myself and suffer so much. I can tell myself that you are fine... you will meet someone who really loves you...

But this is destined to be my despicable and selfish, self-deceiving extravagant hope.

How can you forget all this and live a good life? How can I expect you to do what I couldn't do at the beginning...

The betrayal of a loved one, the death of a loved one.

You should kill me.

However, you still saved me...

Save - the last person you should save.

Yesiluo hugged the boy's body, tears of blood flowed from his empty eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that everything was meaningless.

Being alive has become a ridiculous thing.

Now that he has killed his enemy with his hands, the seventeen years of hatred is finally over, but he feels empty in his heart, except for the unbearable life, he has nothing in the end...

No, he still had it.

He once had someone who truly loved him, but this person also died for him.

Yesiluo suddenly understood a little bit, he looked at the boy sadly, this is your revenge on me, isn't it? Because you know that people like me are not worthy of being loved, so you choose to leave.

Give me the chance to live.

This is your last tenderness.

Pour all your love and hate towards me.

Yesiluo knelt there, hugging the boy's corpse, motionless like a stone statue.

—A year ago, when he chose to return to Ningshan Mansion, he held the determination that he would never look back, and he didn't think anyone could shake him, because his heart was already cold, and the inside was full of ugliness, filth, and The obsession with hatred... In his life, there is only endless darkness.

He never thought that such a self would be loved by others.

Someone will give him the warmth he has never experienced before, and someone will put a heart in front of his eyes without hesitation...

But I didn't cherish this sincerity, but took it as a stepping stone for revenge.

If I wait-wait, be more patient, or choose other ways to take revenge, will everything be different...

When he chose to use the boy, he never thought that he would fall in love with him eventually.

Probably, this is God's punishment for him.

Yesiluo held the sword in the young man's hand, and pierced his chest bit by bit, this time it was just right, without missing a bit.

... ... ...

Yesiluo was walking on Huangquan Road, surrounded by people. He walked among the crowd, looking for the boy, but no matter how he searched, there was no boy.

Soon he came to the bridge of Naihe.

The dead souls are queuing up to cross the bridge. As long as you drink the bowl of Mengpo soup, you can be reincarnated and forget all your troubles... But Yesilo didn't move on. direction.

He harbored tiny hopes in his heart, he hoped that the young man would not be lost, and that he still had the chance to be reincarnated.

He knew that there was no possibility between them, but he just wanted to see the young man one more time, just one more time, one more time...

Let me watch you, walk across this bridge.

Yesilo stood there waiting for a long, long time...

But he couldn't wait after all.

He can no longer deceive himself and others, the young man has lost his soul, and even the chance of reincarnation is gone...

Because, he left the chance of reincarnation to himself.

I just need to turn my head, drink that bowl of soup, and walk across this bridge to forget my past...

No more painful self-blame.

But if this is the case, he will forget about the boy, and forget that there is such a person in this world who loved him so much at all costs.

Yesiluo couldn't bear to forget.

The hatred has dissipated with Qiao Chao's death, and the last thing left in his heart is the only warmth in that cold and long night, he is not willing to forget the warmth brought to him by the boy.

That was the only good memory left in his heart.

When he was injured and lying on the bed, the young man was gentle and careful, helping him change the medicine, feeding him, and when he was tired and sleepy, the young man would snuggle up to him and hug his waist quietly. When he was unhappy, it was the boy who tried every means to make him laugh. When he came back late at night, even if the boy was sleepy, he would light a candle and wait for him...

The young man loves himself wholeheartedly. When he is loved by the young man, it seems that he is his whole world. He wants to bring you all the happiness...

Let you know that there is not only darkness in this world, but also beauty worth remembering.

During those days of pretending, he enjoyed everything with peace of mind, enjoying the love and warmth that the young man gave him...

At that time, hatred supported him, allowing him to ruthlessly trample on this wish at will.

Now there is no fig leaf of hatred, no high-sounding reasons... He has to face up to how despicable and cruel his behavior is.

He can choose other ways of revenge, but he can't wait, he can't wait to come back, he just wants to get revenge sooner, he can do anything for revenge, hatred makes him hideous...

Take revenge in Qiao Chao's way, do the same thing as Qiao Chao...

Qiao Chao got his retribution.

And falling in love with the boy is his retribution.

Yesi Luo stood dumbly by the bridgehead, letting the ghosts around him come and go, reliving that period of the past over and over again in his heart, removing the dirty cancer in that memory, leaving only the boy and boy together. The happy time, carefully treasured in the bottom of my heart.

There shouldn't be only hatred in this world.

Time passed relentlessly.

Yesiluo stood there day after day, looking at the calm river of Wangchuan. There was not a single wave on the river, but there seemed to be countless voices calling him...

Gradually, the voice became louder and louder. What kind of voice was it? It seemed to be Jiayu's voice...

are you in that river

are you calling me

Yesiluo stretched out his hand in a daze, just as he touched the river, he was dragged down by the sudden waves, and the river quickly returned to calm, except for the absence of an unremarkable dead soul by the bridge, nothing changed.

He doesn't know.

Po Meng on the bridge looked back faintly.

Every once in a while, there are always souls who are reluctant to forget the past. They stand by the bridge of Naihe, unwilling to be reincarnated, but after a long time, they will be dragged in by the ghosts of Wangchuan and assimilated into the ghosts in the river— Some, forever and ever, will sink here... They will still forget in the end, memories they don't want to forget.

Yesiluo was sucked into the river.

Countless grudges came to bite him, and he was quickly crushed. The pain that tore his soul made his memory confused. His voice was shrill, but his voice could not penetrate the river. Down the river are the wailing wailings of countless ghosts. They bite each other, repeating death and rebirth over and over again.

His memory gradually became blurred, and every time he was torn apart, he would forget some things, but he didn't want to forget, that was the only good memory he had left, and he desperately bit those grudges and devoured other grudges Just because I don't want to forget...

He just kept fighting with the grieving ghost...

However, one day suddenly, he couldn't remember what his name was.

He forgot his parents.

He forgot his enemy.

I also forgot my lover.

The only thing he—remembered—was that he didn't want to forget.

But he couldn't remember what he didn't want to forget.

How to get my memory back

He drifted forward along the river of forgetfulness, the deeper he went, the more and more grieving ghosts became stronger, and he killed all the grieving ghosts along the way, straight-straight-straight forward...

Is it possible to remember what you have forgotten when you come to the end

He walked like this - straight and walked, I don't know how long he walked, finally, he saw a light at the end of the River of Forgetfulness, and walked a little further, it turned out that the light was emitted by a mirror, he walked forward - Step, the body submerged in the mirror.

He walked out from the end of the River of Forgetfulness.

He looked around blankly.

I don't know who I am, I don't know where I am.

He still couldn't remember what he had forgotten.

He looked at the mirror in a daze, but nothing could be reflected in the mirror, so he stayed in the empty hall like this, guarding the mirror that could not reflect anyone.

After a long time, he started to paint.

He couldn't remember why he drew the man.

But when he put down the pen, he drew a boy naturally. The boy could cry, laugh, and make trouble. He looked back at him with stars in his eyes, so beautiful.

Is this the person I forgot

Who is the boy, why did I draw him

He doesn't know where he came from and why he exists.

He was just blankly—painting again and again, as if this was the only—represented his existence...

What did he forget...

—Thousands of years have passed.

Finally one day, a young man broke into the underground palace.

He didn't like people to disturb him, all the people who came here would be brutally killed by him, just when he was about to kill the intruder again.

The boy said to him, I know who you painted.

... ... ...

Qiao Xuan opened his eyes wide, watching himself appear, looking at the man with red hair and red eyes, and seeing them being caught in the mirror.

It turns out that the evil spirit is really Yesiluo.

He finally understood what was going on, it turned out that this mirror could travel through time and space!

When Yesiluo fell into the Forgotten River, the light he saw when he came to the end of the Forgotten River was from the mirror. The mirror brought him - ten thousand years ago, and he stayed here - ten thousand years, until he came here again …

This can explain why he is here—he has never left for ten thousand years, but he is the object of his love disaster four hundred years ago.

That—thousand years of time, I watched the flowers quickly, but Qiao Xuan was still in a complicated mood and remained silent for a long time.

He didn't expect that after his death, Yesiluo would still die for love.


Although from Yesiluo's point of view, except for the despicable means of revenge, Yesiluo did nothing wrong, but he himself cannot accept such a result, cannot accept that the person he loves kills his parents, cannot accept that he continues to love For this person... so he would rather die by himself and give Yesilo the chance to live.

End this grievance.

He wanted Yesiluo to blame himself for the pain, but he also wanted Yesiluo to live well.

This is a very contradictory and complex emotion.

Love and hate entanglement, but that's all.

But - if you have to talk about it... The so-called letting the other party live to accept punishment is nothing more than a completely desperate love brain, leaving the last - a fig leaf for your own sad and ridiculous love.

In the final analysis, there was no possibility of them being together in that life. No matter who they looked at, it would be a deep blood feud, which cannot be solved. Tragedy is the inevitable result, a tragic lose-lose.

No under the hate — the individual is the winner.

When is the time for retribution.

Thankfully it's over.

But the dead are dead, why don't you want to leave? Why not reincarnate

Reduced to a grieving ghost in the River of Forgetfulness, and finally forgot—everything...why bother

If I had known such a result, I might as well just drink Mengpo soup and reincarnate. It was a waste of my chance to exchange my life for you.

Qiao Xuan sighed.

I have already let go of the past.

Since you still forgot in the end.

Then stop thinking about it.

so best.

Time has come to the present, the picture in the mirror stopped, Qiao Xuan suddenly felt dizzy, and a vortex appeared again, and he was thrown out of the vortex!

Qiao Xuan shook his head.

He subconsciously looked around, but Qiao Xuan heaved a sigh of relief when he didn't see Yesiluo.

Fortunately, Yesiluo wasn't here!

In desperation at the time, he told Yesilo that he knew who he was painting, but it was just an expedient measure to save his life. Now that he knew that the evil spirit was Yesiluo, and what happened after his death, he was absolutely It was impossible to tell Yesiluo the truth. If Yesiluo wasn't around, I didn't have to think of ways to make up excuses to lie to him.

After relaxing, Qiao Xuan began to observe where he was.

The green grass is under the feet, the boundless blue sky is above the head, and the surroundings are filled with the spirit of fairy spirits. It is peaceful and peaceful. Where is the gloomy place in the underworld? This is clearly the heaven!

Qiao Xuan showed a look of disbelief. He just went to the mirror and returned to the heaven inexplicably

What he wants to see is the matter between himself and his master. He doesn't want to relive the tragedy of He and Yesilo at all, okay? As a result, I saw a lot of things I didn't want to see, but I didn't see anything I wanted to see...

He worked so hard to cross the Three Realms, but in the end he was busy in vain.

Qiao Xuan sighed sadly, since he has already returned, why not go back to the Hanging Valley, the outside world is too bad, this time he goes back to himself - he will practice with peace of mind, cultivate his body and mind, and never run around again...

But the heaven is really too big, where is he now

I really miss the navigation of the earth...

Qiao Xuan didn't know the way, so he could only find a random direction and fly forward. Fortunately, he didn't fly for a long time before he met a casual cultivator in green clothes. The casual cultivator stepped on a folding fan and flew forward slowly. —While Fei is still there—while reading a book…

Qiao Xuan learned from the experience of going out of the valley for the first time, and instead of going hastily, he greeted from a distance: "These friends, wait-wait!"

The monk in Tsing Yi stopped when he heard the sound. The young man looked upright and clear. He put away the book, looked at Qiao Xuan curiously, and said, "What's the matter, Fellow Daoist?"

Qiao Xuanyujian stepped forward and said embarrassedly: "I want to go to the Zebai Mountain Range, but I don't know the way, so I want to ask this fellow Taoist, which way to go to the Zebai Mountain Range?"

The monk in Tsing Yi thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I've never heard of the Zebai Mountain Range."

Qiao Xuan: "..."

Not really, it’s normal to say that others don’t know about the Hanging River Valley, but the Zebai Mountains are famous for their stretches of land, how could the immortals of the heavens have heard of them...

Could it be a casual cultivator who has just ascended

Qiao Xuan asked again: "Have you heard of Yunhai Tiangong..." Even if you are a casual cultivator who has just ascended, it is impossible that you don't even know about Yunhai Tiangong! You can also go to Yunhai Tiangong first, and then go back by detour...

The monk in blue shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

Qiao Xuan took a deep breath and said, "Fellow Daoist, have you just ascended?"

The monk in Tsing Yi shook his head: "I have ascended for five hundred years."

Qiao Xuan: "..."

Qiao Xuan made up his mind, and asked Emperor Hualan, Mi Yun Palace Master, Ruohua Goddess, Guiyuan Patriarch, Beichen Xingjun... all the famous people and sects he could think of, but all the monks in Tsing Yi shook their heads and said they hadn't heard of it. , and looked at him more and more strangely, as if he was a hysterical fool...

Qiao Xuan broke out in a cold sweat, his back felt chilly, what's going on

No one he knew existed here.

Isn't this heaven

The cultivator in Tsing Yi looked at the boy in front of him with pity. Didn't this boy come from somewhere? It is said that in the cultivation world of the world, some people just like to take some fancy names, which sound very grand, but I have never heard of these names mentioned by the young man, so it can be seen that they are completely unknown, but this is not right Ah... Since the young man can ascend to the heaven, ask himself what are those people in the world doing

He looks very handsome, could it be possible that he flew up and was stunned by thunder

He has also seen the monk who was struck stupid by lightning. He was crazy and pitiful. Thinking of this, the monk in Tsing Yi said to Qiao sympathetically, "Do you know anyone in the heaven?"

Qiao Xuan shook his head stiffly.

The monk in Tsing Yi felt even more pitiful for him, and said: "Hey, I am going to pay homage to the holy mountain on this trip. The ancient gods in the beginning of time would only give lectures once every thousand years. -Mian... Since you have nowhere to go, why not follow me, if you can get the teaching of the gods, it is also your chance... "Maybe you can cure the madness...

Qiao Xuan was stunned suddenly: "The ancient god of the beginning?"

Cultivator in Tsing Yi - looked at him and didn't know anything, and immediately explained reverently: "The ancient god of the early days in the heaven, the Donggan saint in the human world, and the Fuyi emperor in the underworld are the three saints of the three realms, and they are the supreme existence."

Qiao Xuan: "..."

He, he, he must have traveled to the past hundreds of thousands of years ago!